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86423: How to calibrate fiscal rules: a primer Downloads
Anja Baum, Luc Eyraud, Andrew Hodge, Mariusz Jarmuzek, Young Kim, Samba Mbaye and Elif Ture
86422: Is there a safety premium in the design of corporate bond contracts? Downloads
Sumiko Takaoka
86418: Convenience yield on government bonds and unconventional monetary policy in Japanese corporate bond spreads Downloads
Sumiko Takaoka
86417: Analysis of dependencies between state tax behavior and macroeconomic indicators Downloads
Dmytro Sokolovskyi
86415: Game-theoretic model of tax evasion: analysis of agents’ interaction and optimization of tax burden Downloads
Dmytro Sokolovskyi
86412: A közös ős nyomában: modern nyugati közgazdasági gondolkodás és az iszlám hagyomány (In the Quest for the Common Ancestor: Modern Western Economic Thought and the Islamic Tradition) Downloads
Daniel Olah
86409: Banks' Disclosure of Information and Financial Stability Regulations Downloads
Naoto Okahara
86407: Time-inconsistent environmental policies with a consumer-friendly firm: tradable permits versus emission tax Downloads
Arturo Garcia, Mariel Leal and Sang-Ho Lee
86406: Big Business and Management: Too Many Bosses and Too Much Pay? Downloads
Thomas Lambert
86401: Exchange Rate Volatility and Trade: External Exchange Rate Volatility Matters Downloads
Cengiz Tunc, Mehmet Nihat Solakoglu, Adalet Hazar and Senol Babuscu
86400: Changes in the Attitudes of Y Generation Members towards Participation in the Activities Municipalities in the Years 2008-2017 Downloads
Dorota Bednarska-Olejniczak and Jaroslaw Olejniczak
86399: On the Effect of Government Spending on Money Demand in the United States: An ARDL Cointegration Approach Downloads
Esmaeil Ebadi
86398: Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Taxation with Endogenous Entry Downloads
Lili Xu and Sang-Ho Lee
86396: Globalización visiones equivocadas (Globalization misguided views) Downloads
Carlos Obregón Díaz
86395: Репутацията във финансовите отчети на българските мобилни оператори - проблеми и поуки (Goоdwill in the Financial Statements of Bulgarian Mobile Operators - Problems and Lessons) Downloads
Atanas Atanasov
86394: The role of local currency pricing in international transmission effects of corporate tax reduction in an economy with vertical production linkage and foreign direct investment Downloads
Kohjiro Dohwa
86391: Discerning causal relationship between operational cost and bank profit for commercial banks: Turkish evidence with ARDL approach Downloads
Huseyin Unal and Abul Masih
86387: Is interest rate still the right tool for stimulating economic growth ? evidence from Japan Downloads
Mohammed Abdullah Al-Dailami and Abul Masih
86385: The Effects of Process R&D in an Asymmetric Duopoly under Cournot and Supply Function Competitions Downloads
Ismail Saglam
86384: The relationship between energy consumption and economic growth: evidence from Thailand based on NARDL and causality approaches Downloads
Nadia Mohd Noh and Abul Masih
86379: I Learn, You Learn, We Gain. Experience in Crop Insurance Markets Downloads
Fabio Gaetano Santeramo
86378: Does Public Debt Matter For Economic Growth? Evidence from southern Mediterranean countries Downloads
Saoussen Ouhibi and Sami Hammami
86377: Вербалната комуникация като част от ключовите компетенции на счетоводителите в България (Verbal communication as a key skill in accounting profession in Bulgaria) Downloads
Daniela Georgieva
86376: The Determinants of Bank Interest Rate Margins in the Colombian Housing Credit Market Downloads
Juan David Durán-Vanegas
86374: The relationship between energy consumption, financial development and economic growth: an evidence from Malaysia based on ARDL Downloads
Meheroon Nisa Abdul Malik and Abul Masih
86373: Does shariah stock index lead or lag the exchange rate and macroeconomic variables? evidence from Japan based on ARDL Downloads
Essa Yousafzai and Abul Masih
86371: A Time-Space Dynamic Panel Data Model with Spatial Moving Average Errors Downloads
Badi Baltagi, Bernard Fingleton and Alain Pirotte
86370: The ‘soda tax’ is unlikely to make Mexicans lighter or healthier: New evidence on biases in elasticities of demand for soda Downloads
Mabel Andalón and John Gibson
86369: Does Democracy Increase Bilateral Trade in MENA Region? Downloads
Duddy Roesmara Donna, Tri Widodo and Sri Adiningsih
86368: Test der neoklassischen Produktionsfunktion (Testing the neoclassical production function) Downloads
Georg Quaas
86367: Women's Empowerment, Gendered Institutions and Economic Opportunity: An Investigative Study for Pakistan Downloads
Anton Parlow
86364: On Barriers to Technology Adoption, Appropriate Technology and Deep Integration (with implications for the European Union) Downloads
Jean Mercenier and Ebru Voyvoda
86362: Some Notes on the Concept of Social Capital: A Review of Perspectives, Definitions and Measurement Downloads
Venkatanarayana Motkuri
86361: Asymmetrical effects of macro variables on commercial bank deposits: evidence from Maldives based on NARDL Downloads
Udhula Abdul Latheef and Abul Masih
86360: Superstars in Team Sports: An Economic Model Downloads
Taiji Harashima
86353: Integrated vs. add-on: A multidimensional conceptualisation of technology obsolescence Downloads
Joseph Amankwah-Amoah
86351: The role of local currency pricing in international transmission effects of monetary and productivity shocks in an economy with vertical production linkage and firm entry Downloads
Kohjiro Dohwa
86350: The Determinants of Price Frequency in Turkey Downloads
Engin Yilmaz and Bora Süslü
86347: Strict duality and overlapping productivity distributions between formal and informal firms Downloads
Jeffrey Allen, Shanthi Nataraj and Tyler C. Schipper
86345: Ambiguous games: Evidence for strategic ambiguity aversion Downloads
Briony Pulford and Andrew M. Colman
86341: Models of Continuous Dynamics on the 2-Simplex and Applications in Economics Downloads
Denis Stijepic
86337: Analysing the Sources of Growth in an Emerging Market Economy: The Thailand Experience Downloads
Sin-Yu Ho
86335: Estimation du Beta Tempo-fréquentiel de la Droite de Marché-Une approche par les ondelettes continues- (Time-Frequency varying Beta Estimation -A continuous wavelets approach-) Downloads
Roman Mestre and Michel Terraza
86331: Women's Empowerment, Gendered Institutions and Economic Opportunity: An Investigative Study for Pakistan Downloads
Anton Parlow
86330: Analyse Multidimensionnelle Temps-Fréquence du MEDAF (MULTIDIMENSIONAL TIME-FREQUENCY ANALYSIS OF THE CAPM) Downloads
Roman Mestre and Michel Terraza
86329: The impact of revision for coinsurance rate for elderly on healthcare resource utilization: a pilot study using interrupted time series analysis of employee health insurance claims data Downloads
Takumi Nishi
86327: Знаците за екопродукти – източници на информация или съмнениe? (Ecolabels - sources of information or doubt?) Downloads
Elka Vasileva and Daniela Ivanova
86320: Colonial Origins and Comparative Development: Institutions Matter Downloads
Adrij Chakraborty
86318: United Nations Guiding Principles and the Business and Human Rights in India Downloads
Adrij Chakraborty and Anahita Mehra
86316: Consolidated democracy, constitutional stability, and the rule of law Downloads
Nadeem Naqvi, Bernhard Neumärker and Gerald Pech
86314: Heterogeneous human capital, inequality and growth: the role of patience and skills Downloads
Kirill Borissov, Stefano Bosi, Thai Ha-Huy and Leonor Modesto
86313: On the extension of a preorder under translation invariance Downloads
Mohamed Mabrouk
86309: A Reflection on Child and Infant Mortality in Selected South Asian Countries Downloads
Tanweer Islam and Asma Hyder
86306: Ethics and the public function: Evaluation of legislative effectiveness in Mexico Downloads
Carlos Medel-Ramírez
86300: Discovery and Equilibrium in Games with Unawareness Downloads
Burkhard C Schipper
86295: Stabilizing Cooperative Outcomes in Two-Person Games: Theory and Cases Downloads
Steven Brams and Mehmet S. Ismail
86294: Group Function of Income Distribution in Society Downloads
Sergey Fedosin
86293: Markets and States in Tropical Africa: The Political Basis of Agricultural Policies Downloads
Robert Bates
86292: Debt, equity, universal banking and Islamic finance: note Downloads
Zubair Hasan
86289: Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Effects of Nursery Care in the Medium Run under Unobserved Heterogeneity Downloads
David Contreras Gomez and Rafael Sanchez
86287: On the Category Adjustment Model: Another look at Huttenlocher, Hedges, and Vevea (2000) Downloads
Sean Duffy and John Smith
86284: Determinants of Agricultural Technology Adoption in Chókwè District, Mozambique Downloads
Sergio Ponguane and Nézia Mucavele
86283: An econometric model to assess the Saudi Arabia crude oil strategy Downloads
Athanasios Dagoumas, Theodosios Perifanis and Michael Polemis
86282: A Mixed Integer Linear Programming Model to Regulate the Electricity Sector Downloads
Michael Polemis
86281: Environmental Kuznets Curve for CO2 Emission: A Literature Survey Downloads
Muhammad Shahbaz and Avik Sinha
86280: Adding Tournament to Tournament: Combining Between-Team and Within-Team Incentives Downloads
Michael Majerczyk, Roman Sheremeta and Yu Tian
86279: Pricing of Complements in the U.S. freight railroads: Cournot versus Coase Downloads
Alexei Alexandrov, Russell Pittman and Olga Ukhaneva
86277: Formation of Tax Policy in the Aspect of the Optimal Tax Burden Downloads
George Abuselidze
86274: Is it the natural rate or hysteresis hypothesis for unemployment rates in Newly Industrialized Economies? Downloads
Dieu Nsenga, Mirada Nach, Hlalefang Khobai, Clement Moyo and Andrew Phiri
86272: Analyse Temps-fréquence du MEDAF –Application au CAC 40 – (Time-Frequency Analysis of CAPM- Application to the CAC 40-) Downloads
Roman Mestre and Michel Terraza
86268: Zero-coupon yields estimated by zero-degree splines Downloads
Mojmír Simerský
86267: Shock Diffusion in Regular Networks: The Role of Transitive Cycles Downloads
Noemí Navarro and Dan Tran
86265: Budget deficit-money demand nexus in Nigeria: A myth or reality? Downloads
Taofik Ibrahim
86263: Intertemporal Consumption with Risk: A Revealed Preference Analysis Downloads
Joshua Lanier, Bin Miao, John Quah and Songfa Zhong
86261: Reference Dependence and Choice Overload Downloads
Joyee Deb and Jidong Zhou
86260: Nonparametric Estimates of the Clean and Dirty Energy Substitutability Downloads
Emir Malikov, Kai Sun and Subal Kumbhakar
86252: Globalization, economic growth, and spillovers: A spatial analysis Downloads
Mahyudin Ahmad
86250: Propensity to search and income elasticity of demand: does the equilibrium really exist? Downloads
Sergey Malakhov
86248: Designing International Environmental Agreements under Participation Uncertainty Downloads
Liang Mao
86246: Property Rights, Predation, and Productivity Downloads
Fernando del Río
86245: Governance, social infrastructure and productivity Downloads
Fernando del Río
86239: Voting in the Goods and Service Tax Council of India Downloads
Sanjay Bhattacherjee and Palash Sarkar
86238: Gender differences in altruism on mechanical turk: Expectations and actual behaviour Downloads
Pablo Brañas-Garza, Valerio Capraro and Ericka Rascon-Ramirez
86235: What Place does Luxembourg hold in Global Value Chains? Downloads
Gabriele Di Filippo
86234: Behavioralizing the Black-Scholes Model Downloads
Hammad Siddiqi
86233: Labor income taxation in open economies: current trends and options for reforms Downloads
Olena Sokolovska
86228: Quantum entanglement and the emergence of collaboration in social media Downloads
Nazaria Solferino, Viviana Solferino and SerenaFiona Taurino
86225: Financement des hydrocarbures et libéralisation financière en Algérie. Quels liens ? (Financing of hydrocarbons and financial liberalization in Algeria. Which links?) Downloads
Khaled Menna and Nassima Hamidouche
86221: Cognitive stress and learning Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) inventory management: An experimental investigation Downloads
Jinrui Pan, Jason Shachat and Sijia Wei
86220: Government expenditure-revenue nexus reconsidered for Nigeria: Does structural break matter? Downloads
Taofik Ibrahim
86219: The impact of Taxation on Economic Growth in South Africa Downloads
Khumbuzile Dladla and Hlalefang Khobai
86216: Foresight in Strategic Planning and Technology Foresight in Kazakhstan: making Decisions about Long-term Investment in Science, International Experience Downloads
Yelena Shevchenko and Victor Stukach
86215: Aid effectiveness: research, policy and unresolved issues Downloads
M.G. Quibria
86205: Ability, Openness, and Managerial Decision Making Downloads
Lei Wen and Haiwen Zhou
86203: Pricing and Diffusion of Durables with Network Externalities Downloads
Keisuke Hattori and Yusuke Zennyo
86200: Вашингтонски консензус и деиндустријализација источне и југоисточне Европе (Washington’s Consensus and Disindustrialization of the Eastern and South-Eastern Europe) Downloads
Rajko Bukvić
86199: Bridge to Bigpush or Backwash? Market Integration, Reallocation, and Productivity Effects of Jamuna Bridge in Bangladesh Downloads
Brian Blankespoor, M. Shahe Emran, Forhad Shilpi and Lu Xu
86198: Revisitando los modelos de Birnbaum-Chávez y de Diamond-Dybvig sobre corridas bancarias ¿Las corridas dependen sólo de fundamentos económicos o también de factores psicológicos? (Revisiting Birnbaum-Chávez and Diamond-Dybvig models on bank runs: Do runs depend only on economic fundamentals or also on psychological factors?) Downloads
Erick Romero-Ramírez, Francisco Venegas-Martínez and José Carlos Trejo-García
86197: Is the Dutch stock market getting riskier? Downloads
Ronny Suarez
86194: Forecasting GDP: Do Revisions Matter? Downloads
Adam Check, Anna K. Nolan and Tyler C. Schipper
Page updated 2025-03-26
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