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98636: Impact of Regional Operational Programme on cultural heritage. The Romanian Case Downloads
Daniela Antonescu
98635: Corruption as Collateral Downloads
Min Ouyang and Shengxing Zhang
98633: Before the Lunch Line: Effectiveness of Behavioral Economic Interventions for Pre-Commitment on Elementary School Children’s Food Choices Downloads
Orgul Ozturk, Edward Frongillo, Christine Blake and Gabrielle Turner-McGrievy
98631: Zero-Debt Policy under Asymmetric Information, Flexibility and Free Cash Flow Considerations Downloads
Anton Miglo
98630: STO vs ICO: A Theory of Token Issues Under Moral Hazard and Demand Uncertainty Downloads
Anton Miglo
98629: Applying balanced scorecard methodology in public sector: The case of a vocational school in Greece Downloads
Marianthi I. Mylona, Stefanos Α. Charachousos, Alexandros I. Mylonas, Aggeliki D. Vourderi and Panagiotis K. Theodorou
98628: Effective strategies for human resource management in educational organizations. Conflict management case studies Downloads
Paraskevi Nikolaou
98627: Leaders’ Foreign Travel and Foreign Debt Downloads
Oasis Kodila-Tedika and Sherif Khalifa
98626: Leaders’ Foreign Travel and Democracy Downloads
Oasis Kodila-Tedika and Sherif Khalifa
98625: Leaders’ Foreign Travel and Foreign Investment Inflows Downloads
Oasis Kodila-Tedika and Sherif Khalifa
98623: Exploring the views on total quality human resources management between public and private educational units Downloads
Soultana Kapiki and Georgia Tsakiridou
98622: Marketing in the Hellenic private secondary education during the recession Downloads
Georgios Apostolou, Achilleas Papatsimpas and Athanasios S. Gounas
98609: Gender Equality Discussion within the G20 Downloads
Claude Lopez and Oscar Contreras
98608: Global Recessions Downloads
Ayhan Kose, Naotaka Sugawara and Marco Terrones
98607: Carry trade and capital market returns in South Africa Downloads
Motena Sefora Rangoanana and Lumengo Bonga-Bonga
98606: Gazprom und der russische Gassektor − Zwischen Integration und Entflechtung (Gazprom and the Russian gas sector − Between Integration and Separation) Downloads
Aristidis Tsatsos
98605: Basel norms compliance in India: Issues and concerns Downloads
Madhu Swami
98604: Demographic dividend: Challenges and opportunities for India Downloads
Madhubala Swami
98598: Deriving utility: consumers’ diligence under externalities and technical progress Downloads
Sergey Malakhov
98591: Cambodian place in the International trade of Textile and Clothing: Threat and Opportunity Downloads
Kosal Nith
98587: Strategic Issues in College Admissions with Early Decision Downloads
Ayşe Mumcu and Ismail Saglam
98583: European industrial eco-efficiency under different pollutants' scenarios and heterogeneity structures. Is there a definite direction? Downloads
Kostantinos Kounetas and Eirini Stergiou
98572: أثر التضخم على النمو الاقتصادي بالقطاع الزراعي المصري (The impact of inflation on the economic growth of the Egyptian agricultural sector) Downloads
الرسول, أد/ أحمد أبواليزيد, صابرين صبره عبدالراضي, عون, أد/ عون خيرالله and د ياسمين صلاح عبدالرازق
98571: Governance and banking system morphology in China: the evolution over the last two decades (1995-2015) Downloads
Carlo Bellavite Pellegrini, Laura Pellegrini and Bruno Sergi
98570: The economic enhancement of military sites and landscapes: what are the lessons of international practice? Downloads
Rinaldo Brau and Vania Statzu
98569: The Marginalization of Absolute and Relative Income Hypotheses of Consumption and the Role of Fiscal Policy Downloads
Stavros Drakopoulos
98568: Forum Theory & A National Assembly of Science and Learning Downloads
Thomas Colignatus
98559: Fettered Cross-Border Capital Flows, External Finance Dependence, and International Trade Downloads
Gideon Ndubuisi
98558: Trade Liberalization and Macroeconomic Performance in Cameroon: An Imperfect Competition Approach Downloads
Rodrigue Tchoffo, Ibrahim Ngouhouo and Guivis Nkemgha
98557: Creative Destruction? Local Business Conditions and the Earnings of Employees at Startups Downloads
Jeroen Mahieu
98556: The International Spillover of Fiscal and Technology Shocks before the Crisis: The case of the UK and Italy Downloads
Elham Saeidinezhad
98554: Ramsey Optimal Policy versus Multiple Equilibria with Fiscal and Monetary Interactions Downloads
Jean-Bernard Chatelain and Kirsten Ralf
98553: Socio-Economic Status of Urban Madurai Street Vendors-A Micro-Level Analysis Downloads
Albert Christopher Dhas R
98551: القواعد الاقتصادية لتقدير حصيلة الزكاة من خلال نظام الحسابات القومية وصلتها بالنمو الاقتصادي (Economic Rules for Estimating the Zakat Outcome Through the System of National Accounts and its link to Economic Growth) Downloads
Mogbil Al-Dhukair
98548: Regulators vs. markets: Do differences in their bank risk perceptions affect lending terms? Downloads
Manthos Delis, Suk-Joong Kim, Panagiotis Politsidis and Eliza Wu
98547: Corporate Debt: Where is the Danger? Downloads
Elham Saeidinezhad
98538: Liquidity preference in the Walrasian framework Downloads
William Icefield
98535: Pollution Regulations, Air Quality, and the Local Economy Downloads
Ying Chen
98534: Misleading Estimation of Backwardness through NITI Aayog SDG index: A study to find loopholes and construction of alternative index with the help of Artificial Intelligence Downloads
Sugata Sen and Soumya Sengupta
98533: The Dynamic Effect of Uncertainty on Corporate Investment through Internal and External Financing Downloads
Hitoshi Inoue, Masayo Kani and Kiyotaka Nakashima
98531: Les enjeux de la réforme de la comptabilité publique au Maroc (The challenges of public accounting reform in Morocco) Downloads
Youssef Ibouazzaouine
98526: Real exchange rate misalignment and economic growth in Nigeria Downloads
Abdulkadir I. Ali, Isaiah O. Ajibola, Babatunde Omotosho, Olutope O. Adetoba and Abiola O. Adeleke
98524: Interest-Only Mortgages and Consumption Growth: Evidence from a Mortgage Market Reform Downloads
Claes Bäckman and Natalia Khorunzhina
98520: Host Country Reforms and FDI Inflows: Some New Evidences from Turkey Downloads
Turgut Türsoy
98519: Structural Modelling for North Cyprus’ Economic Growth Downloads
Turgut Türsoy
98517: The College Admissions Contribution to the Labor Market Beauty Premium Downloads
David Ong, Man Xie and Junsen Zhang
98516: Pilar-pilar Kebijakan Fiskal (Pillars of Fiscal Policy) Downloads
Muhammad Nizar
98515: The Relationship between Crude Oil Prices and Exchange Rates Downloads
Andre Assis de Salles
98514: Bahrain and the Fourth Industrial Revolution Downloads
Claude Lopez, Joseph Bendix and Cesar Servin
98513: Global Opportunity Index 2020 Focus on the GCC Countries Downloads
Claude Lopez and Joseph Bendix
98512: التعريفة الجمركية وتأثيرها على سوق اللحوم الحمراء المجمدة في مصر (Customs Tariff and its Impact on the Frozen Red Meat Market in Egypt) Downloads
الرسول, أد/ أحمد أبواليزيد, متولي صلاح متولي, القاق, أ.د/ عبداللطيف عطيه, ناصر, أ.د/ محمد عماد عبدالوهاب and خروب, د/ محمد علي فتح الله
98511: التعليم الزراعي وتأثيره على نمو القطاع الزراعي في مصر (Agricultural education and its impacts on the agricultural economic growth in Egypt) Downloads
الرسول, أد/ أحمد أبواليزيد, عون, أد/ عون خيرالله and إيمان يوسف حافظ
98508: Military Expenditure and Economic Growth: The South American Case Downloads
John Riveros Gavilanes
98507: Интеграция в молочном скотоводстве Сибири: синергетический эффект, кластерное развитие, трансакционные издержки (Integration in Siberian dairy cattle breeding: synergistic effect, cluster development, transaction costs) Downloads
Виктор Стукач, Сергей Метелев and Виталий Епанчинцев
98506: Consumer Asset Pricing Model Based on Heterogeneous Consumers and the Mystery of Equity Premium Downloads
Yu Yan and Yiming Wang
98505: Territorial inequalities and convergence – techniques and analysis methods Downloads
Daniela Antonescu
98504: Stability in shortest path problems Downloads
Eric Bahel, María Gómez-Rúa and Juan Vidal-Puga
98503: Pola Diversifikasi Ekspor Produk Industri Manufaktur Indonesia (Diversification Patterns of Exports of Indonesian Manufacturing Industry Products) Downloads
Muhammad Nizar
98502: Postwar Financial Crises and Economic Recoveries in the United States Downloads
David Lopez-Salido and Edward Nelson
98499: Dynamic Asymmetry and Fiscal Policy Downloads
Emilio Zanetti Chini
98497: Experiential learning through industrial placement in hospitality education: The meat in the sandwich Downloads
Evangelos Christou and Chryssoula Chatzigeorgiou
98490: Key sources when formulating competitive advantages for hotel chains Downloads
Oleksandr Krupskyi, Oleksii Dzhusov, Natalia Meshko, Igor Britchenko and Artem Prytykin
98489: Estimating and testing high dimensional factor models with multiple structural changes Downloads
Badi Baltagi, Chihwa Kao and Fa Wang
98488: Postkeynesianismus Ein heterodoxer Ansatz auf der Suche nach einer Fundierung (Post Keynesianism - A heterodox Approach in Search of First Principles) Downloads
Arne Heise
98486: Teknologi Keuangan (Fintech): Konsep dan Implementasinya di Indonesia (Financial Technology (Fintech): It's Concept and Implementation in Indonesia) Downloads
Muhammad Nizar
98484: Terrorist Inter-Group Cooperation and Terror Activity Downloads
Aditya Bhan and Tarun Kabiraj
98482: The Transitional Dynamic of Finance Led Growth Downloads
Weshah Razzak and El Mostafa Bentour
98477: Firm Pay Dynamics Downloads
Niklas Engbom and Christian Moser
98476: Nexus between Energy Consumption, Economic Development, and CO2 Emissions: Empirical Evidence from Morocco Downloads
Tahar Harkat
98474: R&D incentives with uncertain probability of success Downloads
Rittwik Chatterjee, Srobonti Chattopadhyay and Tarun Kabiraj
98473: Organized crime and women in politics: Evidence from a quasi-experiment in southern Italy Downloads
Anna Laura Baraldi and Carla Ronza
98472: Overweighting of public information in financial markets: A lesson from the lab Downloads
Alba Ruiz-Buforn, Eva Camacho-Cuena, Andrea Morone and Simone Alfarano
98471: Kelas Menengah (Middle Class) dan Implikasinya bagi Perekonomian Indonesia (Middle Class and Its Implications for the Indonesian Economy) Downloads
Muhammad Nizar
98468: A Mechanism of Recession that Accompanies Persistent Pareto Inefficiency Downloads
Taiji Harashima
98460: Social Market Economy as an Alternative to the Washington Consensus in the Western Balkans Downloads
Ruzhdi Matoshi and Isa Mulaj
98451: Risk and Competition in the Indonesian Private Banking Market: An Asymmetric Rivalry Within and Between Strategic Groups Downloads
Hery Gunardi, Ina Primiana, Nury Effendi, Aldrin Herwany and Yayan Satyakti
98443: Cultural Heritage led Growth: Regional evidence from Greece (1998-2016) Downloads
Ioannis Kostakis, Sarantis Lolos and Charikleia Doulgeraki
98442: Exchange Rate Pass through to Stock Prices: A Multi GARCH Approach Downloads
Ahmad Ilu
98441: Case Analysis: Enron; Ethics, Social Responsibility, and Ethical Accounting as Inferior Goods? Downloads
Muhammad Mustafa Rashid
98436: The Cost of Climate Change in 19th Century Europe Downloads
Robert Mayo
98435: Hidden Risk: Detecting Fraud in Chinese Banks’ Non-performing Loan Data Downloads
Robert Mayo
98434: Gender and Economic Norms Downloads
Robert Mayo
98433: Does Bribery Grease the Wheels of Economic Growth? Downloads
Robert Mayo
98432: Do Corporate Name Changes Affect Share Price? An Event Studies Analysis of Corporate Rebranding on the NYSE Downloads
Robert Mayo
98431: Decomposing Altruism - An Experiment to Measure Motivations for Giving by Demographic Group Downloads
Robert Mayo
Eleni Letsou and Pantelis Pantelidis
98425: Positional Preferences and Efficiency in a Dynamic Economy Downloads
Thomas Aronsson, Sugata Ghosh and Ron Wendner
98420: Welfare-improving cooperation with a consumer-friendly multiproduct corporation Downloads
Arturo Garcia, Mariel Leal and Sang-Ho Lee
98419: Global Challenges and Survival Strategies of the SMEs in the Era of Economic Globalization: A Systematic Review Downloads
Sisira Kumara Naradda Gamage, Ems Ekanayake, Gaknj Abeyrathne, Rpir Prasanna, Jmsb Jayasundara and Psk Rajapakshe
98418: The Nature of Sustainability Challenge in Small and Medium Enterprises and its Management Downloads
Jmsb Jayasundara, Psk Rajapakshe, Rpir Prasanna, Sisira Kumara Naradda Gamage, Ems Ekanayake and Gaknj Abeyrathne
98417: Shilnikov Chaos, Low Interest Rates, and New Keynesian Macroeconomics Downloads
William Barnett, Giobanni Bella, Taniya Ghosh, Paolo Mattana and Beatrice Venturi
98416: Asymmetry and Symmetry of real exchange rate effect on the bilateral trade balance between Vietnam and the United States: aggregated and disaggregated levels of investigation Downloads
Sy-Hoa Ho, Trung-Thanh Nguyen and Nguyen To-The
98415: نموذج مقترح لقياس محددات الأداء المزرعي للممارسات الزراعية الجيدة لمزارعي محصول العنب بمنطقة النوبارية (A Proposed model for measuring the determinants of agricultural performance of Good Agricultural Practices for the farmers of the Grapes of the Nubaria region) Downloads
أ.د.أحمد أبواليزيد الرسول, أ.د.عون خيرالله عون, د.سامح محمد حسن شهاب and محمد عبدالكريم محمد حسين
98412: Rational Bubbles in Non-Linear Business Cycle Models: Closed and Open Economies Downloads
Robert Kollmann
98408: Методически въпроси на икономическото изучаване на услугите на агроекоситемите (Methodological issues of economic studies on agro-ecosystem services) Downloads
Hrabrin Bachev, Bojidar Ivanov, Dilyana Mitova, Ivan Boevski, Petar Marinov, Kristina Todorova and Anton Mitov
98407: 非自発的失業の存在について:世代重複完全競争モデルを用いて (On the existence of involuntary unemployment: Overlapping generations perfect competition model) Downloads
Yasuhito Tanaka
98406: Divisibility and indivisibility of labor supply, and involuntary unemployment: A monopolistic competition model with homothetic preferences Downloads
Yasuhito Tanaka
98405: Divisibility and indivisibility of labor supply, and involuntary unemployment: A perfect competition model Downloads
Yasuhito Tanaka
98393: Microfinance and Human Development in Kerala Downloads
Francis Kuriakose and Janssen Joseph
98391: Using Road Freight Movements Survey data to estimate road freight transport quotients and regional road freight flows in Australia Downloads
Cliff Naude
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