MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 534: Czy integracja pionowa kopalń odkrywkowych węgla z elektrowniami jest korzystna i dla kogo?

- Leszek Jurdziak
- 533: Wpływ struktury organizacyjno-właścicielskiej na funkcjonowanie bilateralnego monopolu kopalni węgla brunatnego i elektrowni

- Leszek Jurdziak
- 531: Wpływ optymalizacji kopalń odkrywkowych na rozwiązanie modelu bilateralnego monopolu: kopalnia & elektrownia w długim okresie

- Leszek Jurdziak
- 530: Odkrywkowa kopalnia węgla brunatnego i elektrownia jako bilateralny monopol w ujęciu klasycznym

- Leszek Jurdziak
- 529: Analiza wrażliwości wielkości i parametrów wyrobiska docelowego kopalni węgla brunatnego na zmianę ceny bazowej węgla

- Leszek Jurdziak and Witold Kawalec
- 527: Exchange Rate Pass-Through:Evidence Based on Vector Autoregression with Sign Restrictions

- Lian An
- 525: Contagion effect in banking system - measures based on randomised loss scenarios

- Grzegorz Hałaj
- 523: Risk-based decisions on assets structure of a bank — partially observed economic conditions

- Grzegorz Hałaj
- 519: Income convergence? Evidence of non-linearity in the East Asian Economies: A comment

- Venus Liew and Yusuf Ahmad
- 518: A complementary test for ADF test with an application to the exchange rates returns

- Venus Liew, Sie-Hoe Lau and Siew-Eng Ling
- 517: Linearity and stationarity of South Asian real exchange rates

- Venus Liew, Hock-Ann Lee, Kian-Ping Lim and Huay-Huay Lee
- 516: Calendar anomalies in the Malaysian stock market

- Ricky Chia, Venus Liew and Syed Azizi Wafa Syed Khalid Wafa
- 515: Real interest rates equalization: The case of Malaysia and Singapore

- Tai-Hu Ling, Venus Liew and Syed Azizi Wafa Syed Khalid Wafa
- 511: Forecasting performance of Logistic STAR exchange rate model: The original and reparameterised versions

- Venus Liew, Ahmad Zubaidi Baharumshah and Sie-Hoe Lau
- 505: Immigration, Trade and Wages in Germany

- Mehmet Yaya
- 502: Comparing Expectations and Outcomes: Application to UK Data

- Ge Yu
- 501: Entrepreneurship and Economic Theory

- Elias Khalil
- 500: Crime and Punishment in the "American Dream"

- Rafael Di Tella and Juan Dubra
- 497: Microfinanzas: Un análisis de experiencias y alternativas de regulacion

- Miguel Delfiner, Cristina Pailhé and Silvana Perón
- 495: Im Lissabon-Prozess. Die USA und Europa im Vergleich

- Arno Tausch
- 494: Europa: Stolpert Europa auf dem Weg zur Spitze? (Ueberarbeiteter Vortrag an der Universitaet Trier, 24. Maerz 2000)

- Arno Tausch
- 493: Afterword: Europe and the political geography of global confrontation. A world system perspective on Behind the War on Terror (N. Mosaddeq Ahmed)

- Arno Tausch
- 492: Die endlose Tuerkei-Debatte

- Arno Tausch
- 488: Open Innovation Clusters: The Case of Cova da Beira Region (Portugal)

- João Leitão
- 487: Interconnection of Cable Networks: A Regulation Proposal for Broadband Internet Services

- João Leitão
- 486: The role of Entrepreneurial Universities in interfacing Competitive Advantages: The Case of Beira Interior region (Portugal)

- Joao Ferreira, João Leitão and Mário Raposo
- 485: How sustainable are current account deficits in selected transition economies?

- Aleksander Aristovnik
- 484: E-Governance of Universities: A Proposal of Benchmarking Methodology

- Mário Raposo, João Leitão and Arminda Paco
- 483: The Determinants & Excessiveness of Current Account Deficits in Eastern Europe & the Former Soviet Union

- Aleksander Aristovnik
- 482: The poverty of nations

- Alan Freeman
- 479: The adequacy of Hubbert’s curves for the forecasting of the rates of oil extraction

- Andrei Bazhanov and Alexei Vyscrebentsev
- 478: Negocjacje pomiędzy kopalnią węgla brunatnego a elektrownią jako kooperacyjna, dwuetapowa gra dwuosobowa o sumie niezerowej

- Leszek Jurdziak
- 475: Soziale und regionale Ungleichgewichte, politische Instabilitaet und die Notwendigkeit von Pensionsreformen im neuen Europa

- Arno Tausch
- 474: Sozial und gesundheitspolitische Aspekte der EU-Erweiterung

- Arno Tausch
- 473: Electricity prices and cross-border trade: volume and strategy effects

- Lucia Parisio and Bruno Bosco
- 470: Nash equilibria applied to Spot-financial equilibria in General equilibrium incomplete market models

- Guadalupe Fugarolas Álvarez-Ude
- 469: Decreasing of Oil Extraction: Consumption behavior along transition paths

- Andrei Bazhanov
- 467: A Principal-Agent Model for Evaluating the Economic Value of a Beef Traceability System: A Case Study with Injection-site Lesions Control in Fed Cattle

- Moises Resende-Filho and Brian Buhr
- 466: Least Squares Fitting of Chacón-Gielis Curves by the Particle Swarm Method of Optimization

- Sudhanshu Mishra
- 465: Some Experiments on Fitting of Gielis Curves by Simulated Annealing and Particle Swarm Methods of Global Optimization

- Sudhanshu Mishra
- 462: Taxes and labour supply under interdependent preferences

- Łukasz Woźny and Marek Garbicz
- 461: Determinants of Moral Hazard in Microfinance: Empirical Evidence from Joint Liability Lending Programs in Malawi

- Franklin Simtowe and Manfred Zeller
- 457: Is Price Flexibility De-Stabilizing? A Reconsideration

- Hamza Malik and William Scarth
- 456: Price Level vs. Nominal Income Targeting: Aggregate Demand Shocks and the Cost Channel of Monetary Policy Transmission

- Hamza Malik
- 455: Monetary-Exchange Rate Policy and Current Account Dynamics

- Hamza Malik
- 453: Using Option Theory and Fundamentals to Assessing Default Risk of Listed Firms

- George Papanastasopoulos
- 451: Econometric Evidence Regarding Education and Border Income Performance

- Christa Almada, Lorenzo Blanco-Gonzalez, Patricia Eason and Thomas Fullerton
- 450: Non-Gaussian dynamic Bayesian modelling for panel data

- Miguel Juárez and Mark Steel
- 449: Performance of Differential Evolution and Particle Swarm Methods on Some Relatively Harder Multi-modal Benchmark Functions

- Sudhanshu Mishra
- 446: Pasado, presente y futuro del fondo monetario internacional

- Alfonso Galindo Lucas
- 445: Innovation creation and diffusion in a social network: an agent based approach

- Marco Lamieri and Daniele Ietri
- 443: A simulation model of corporate finances: A study of the companies listed on Karachi stock exchange

- Muhammad Ayub Mehar
- 442: Stock market consequences of macro economic fundamentals

- Muhammad Ayub Mehar
- 440: Computability of simple games: A complete investigation of the sixty-four possibilities

- Masahiro Kumabe and H. Reiju Mihara
- 437: Computability of simple games: A characterization and application to the core

- Masahiro Kumabe and H. Reiju Mihara
- 434: Milkshake Prices, International Reserves, and the Mexican Peso

- Thomas Fullerton and David Torres
- 433: Canales de reciclaje internacional de los petrodólares

- Juan Ruiz and Josep Vilarrubia
- 432: Water transfers in El Paso County, Texas

- Thomas Fullerton
- 431: Causas y consecuencias de la evolución reciente del precio del petróleo

- Juan Ruiz
- 430: The financing of innovative activities by banking institutions: policy issues and regulatory options

- Elisa Ughetto
- 429: International recycling of petrodollars

- Juan Ruiz and Josep Vilarrubia
- 426: Mysterious Socio-Economic Disturbances and Cyclical Fluctuations

- Muhammad Ayub Mehar and Muhammad Ahsanuddin
- 419: Supply of Money

- William Barnett
- 418: Divisia Monetary Index

- William Barnett
- 417: Rotterdam vs Almost Ideal Models: Will the Best Demand Specification Please Stand Up?

- William Barnett and Ousmane Seck
- 416: Operational identification of the complete class of superlative index numbers: an application of Galois theory

- William Barnett and Ki-Hong Choi
- 415: Is Macroeconomics a Science?

- William Barnett
- 414: Social Consequences of Commitment

- Alan Isaac
- 413: Environmental Sustainability and Regulation: To-Down Versus Bottom-Up Regulation

- Yohannes Mariam
- 412: The Implication of Incorporating Environmental Costs in Utility Rate Setting

- Yohannes Mariam
- 410: The Theoretical Regularity Properties of the Normalized Quadratic Consumer Demand Model

- William Barnett and Ikuyasu Usui
- 409: The Contribution of Non-Physical Resources and Strategic Household Decision-making to Environmental and Policy Risks

- Yohannes Mariam, John Galaty and Garth Coffin
- 408: Agricultural Information and Indigenous Knowledge in Peasant Economy

- Yohannes Mariam and John Galaty
- 407: Goals and Strategies of Peasants in the Central Highlands of Ethiopia

- Yohannes Mariam, John Galaty and Garth Coffin
- 406: Production efficiency in Peasant Agriculture: The Case of Mixed Farming System in the Ethiopian Highlands

- Yohannes Mariam, Garth Coffin and Thomas Eisemon
- 405: Crop and Milk Production Structure of Smallholders in Ethiopia

- Yohannes Mariam and Garth Coffin
- 404: Production Efficiency and Agricultural Technologies in the Ethiopian Agriculture

- Yohannes Mariam and Garth Coffin
- 403: Production Efficiency in Peasant Agriculture: An Application of LISREL Model

- Yohannes Mariam, Thomas Eisemon and Garth Coffin
- 402: Non-Robust Dynamic Inferences from Macroeconometric Models: Bifurcation Stratification of Confidence Regions

- William Barnett and Evgeniya Duzhak
- 400: Minimum wages and wage structure in Mexico

- David Fairris, Gurleen Popli and Eduardo Zepeda
- 399: The rising wage inequality in Mexico, 1984-2000: A distributional analysis

- Gurleen Popli
- 396: Romania: From the quantitative monetary aggregates to inflation targeting

- Ionut Cristian Voicu and Floricel Constantin
- 393: When Military Restrain the Rule: Philosophy and Indications

- Muhammad Ayub Mehar and Muhammad Ahsanuddin
- 391: Changing Pattern in World Textile Trade

- Muhammad Ayub Mehar
- 390: Study on Applications of Supply and Demand Theory of Microeconomics and Physics Field Theory to Central Place Theory

- Benjamin Nien
- 388: Concern for relative position, rank-order contests, and contributions to public goods

- Ünal Zenginobuz
- 387: Strategic Decision-Making: Adoption of Agricultural Technologies and Risk in a Peasant Economy

- Yohannes Mariam, John Galaty and Garth Coffin
- 386: Analysis of Trends in Emission of Criteria Air Pollutants and Human Health in an Era of Regulation

- Yohannes Mariam
- 384: Reversibility of Different Types of Capital Flows to Emerging Markets

- Ozan Sula and Thomas D. Willett
- 383: Surges and Sudden Stops of Capital Flows to Emerging Markets

- Ozan Sula
- 382: Turkey’s Customs Union with the European Union: A Framework for Evaluating the Impact of Economic Integration

- Refik Erzan, Alpay Filiztekin and Ünal Zenginobuz
- 381: Customs Union with EU and the Impact of Foreign Competition on the Structure and Performance of Turkish Manufacturing Industry

- Refik Erzan, Alpay Filiztekin and Ünal Zenginobuz
- 380: Independent regulatory agencies in emerging economies

- Gül Sosay and Ünal Zenginobuz
- 379: Prospects for a unified urban general equilibrium theory

- Marcus Berliant
- 378: Precios hedónicos para valoración de atributos de viviendas sociales en la Región Metropolitana de Santiago

- Bernardo Quiroga
- 376: Competition between regulated and non-regulated generators on electric power networks

- Ayşe Mumcu, Serhan Oğur and Ünal Zenginobuz
- 375: Political economy of citizens’ participation in environmental improvement: The case of Istanbul

- Fikret Adaman, Fatoş Gökşen and Ünal Zenginobuz
- 372: Slavery and other property rights

- Nils-Petter Lagerlof
- 369: Geography, population density, and per-capita income gaps across US states and Canadian provinces

- Nils-Petter Lagerlöf and Syed A. Basher
- 367: What if Hayek goes shopping in the bazaar?

- Marco Lamieri and Enrico Bertacchini
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