MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 90239: Saving Wedge, Productivity Growth and International Capital Flows

- Ly Hung
- 90238: Global Imbalances with Safe Assets in Eurozone

- Hung Ly-Dai
- 90237: Public Safe Assets Determination

- Hung Ly-Dai
- 90236: Non-Linear Pattern of International Capital Flows

- Hung Ly-Dai
- 90232: International Capital Flows in Club of Convergence

- Hung Ly-Dai
- 90231: Efek Ekonomis dari Mekanisasi Pertanian di Wilayah Gedebage aliran sungai Cinambo (Economic Effect of Agricultural Mechanization Mechanization in Gedebage Water Management area of Bali)

- Ahmad Humam, Asri Mutia Sani, Eriena Reziati, Fikri Hurul Islami, Fitri Laelastuti, Indri Heryani and Lisnawati -
- 90229: Choice Theoretical Foundations of Union Utility Functions Involving Discontinuities

- Stavros Drakopoulos
- 90221: Microfinance Models: Lessons Learned

- Peterson Ozili
- 90215: Nilai Ekonomi Tanaman Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guinensis jack) Untuk Rakyat Indonesia (Economic Value of Palm Oil (Elaeis guinensis) for Indonesian People)

- Kiki Ulfiah Ulfah, Lukman Al Hakim Al Hakim, Moch Dimas Ilham Dimas Ilham, Muhammad Muliyanto Muliyanto, Neng Sri Julianti Sri Julianti, Nina Ariyanti Arianti, Novita Ramadhanti Ramadhani, Rahayu Puji Astuti Puji Astuti, Raicitra Nurfaizah Nurfaizah, Ramdana Giwangkara Giwangkara, Ririn Suryani Suryani and Shodik -
- 90213: Companies’ Characteristics and the Choice of Hedge Accounting for Derivatives Reporting: Evidence from Malaysian Listed Companies

- Azrul Abdullah and Ku Nor Izah Ku Ismail
- 90211: Pengaruh Mesin Pengolahan Greding Kopi Terhadap Kesejahteraan Ekonomi Petani Kopi Di Kelompok Tani Mukti Cipanjalu Jawa Barat (The Effect of Processing Machine for Grading of Coffea on the Economic Welfare of Farmer Group of Cipanjalu West Java)

- Pitri Pebriani, Solehudin, Santi Nurbaeti, Risna Deyanti, Sri Ekawati, Wida Amalia, Viny Fitriansyah and Risti Yulia Lestari
- 90210: Spleen: the failures of the cliometric school

- Stefano Fenoaltea
- 90205: Forecasting Tourist Arrivals: Google Trends Meets Mixed Frequency Data

- Tomas Havranek and Ayaz Zeynalov
- 90204: Agricultural Productivity and Food Supply Stability in Sub-Saharan Africa: LSDV and SYS-GMM Approach

- Ayodeji Ogunlesi, Koye Bokana, Dozie Okoye and Jens-Peter Loy
- 90202: Agricultural Productivity, Fiscal and Trade Policies Nexus in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Panel Structural Vector Error Correction Model Analysis

- Ayodeji Ogunlesi
- 90198: Эво-дево: парадигмальный вызов для институционально-эволюционного анализа (Evo-Devo: Paradigmal Challenge for Institutional-Evolutionary Analysis)

- Daniil Frolov
- 90195: Impact Evaluation of Remittance for Pakistan: Propensity Score Matching Approach

- Rizwana Siddiqui
- 90194: Welfare and Poverty Implications of Global Rice and Agricultural Trade Liberalisation for Pakistan

- Rizwana Siddiqui
- 90192: Exploring the Linkage between Corruption and Economic Development in Case of Selected Developing and Developed Nations

- Marc Audi and Amjad Ali
- 90191: Gender Gap and Trade Liberalization: An Analysis of some selected SAARC countries

- Marc Audi and Amjad Ali
- 90190: Les déterminants du taux de participation aux dernières élections locales en 2015: essai d’explication et de modélisation (Determinants of participation rate in the last local elections in 2015: explanation and modeling test)

- Khalifa Ahsina
- 90187: Does the size of the informal economy impede the impact of remittances on economic growth? Evidence from Sub-Saharan African countries

- Henri Njangang
- 90183: Does Working Capital Management Affect Profitability of Ghanaian Manufacturing Firms?

- Kwadwo Prempeh and Peprah – Amankona, Godfred
- 90181: Kartele i patenty a nakłady badawczo-rozwojowe przedsiębiorstw (Cartels and patents, and R&D expenditures of companies)

- Adam Karbowski and Jacek Prokop
- 90180: Потенциал организационно-деятельностных игр в модернизации экономики: методы анализа и решения проблем внутренней и внешней среды в социально-экономической и производственной сфере, профессиональное формирование кадров высшей школы (Potential of organizational and activity games in economic modernization: methods of analysis and solution of problems of internal and external environment in the socio-economic and industrial sphere, professional formation of higher school personnel)

- Victor Stukach, Oksana Shumakova, Ekaterina Astashova, Zinich(Klimenko), Alla, Lubov Zinichi and Natalya Kusnetsova
- 90178: Modelling interest rate pass-through in Rwanda: is the interest rate dynamics symmetric or asymmetric ?

- Musoni J. Rutayisire
- 90172: Enabling sustainable and inclusive irrigation development in Cambodia

- K V Raju and Avinandan Taron
- 90170: The impact of oil prices on CO2 emissions in China: A Wavelet coherence approach

- Faik Bilgili, Erhan Mugaloglu and Emrah Koçak
- 90168: The impact of biomass, geothermal and hydroelectric energy consumption on industrial production: A threshold cointegration model with regime shifts

- Faik Bilgili, İbrahim Doğan, Nadide H. Tülüce and Sevda Kuşkaya
- 90166: The Financial and Macroeconomic Effects of SMP, LTRO and OMT Announcements

- Luigi Gifuni
- 90165: Inclusion financière, frictions financières et croissance économique (Financial inclusion, financial frictions and economic growth)

- Elhadj Ezzahid and Zakaria Elouaourti
- 90161: Conversion Theory: the key to understanding economic developments before and after the 2008 financial crisis

- Kees De Koning
- 90153: The Funding Gap and the Financing of Small and Medium Businesses: An Integrated Literature Review and an Agenda

- Ebes Esho and Grietjie Verhoef
- 90152: Pakistan: Migration, Remittances, and Development

- Rizwana Siddiqui
- 90151: Some higher education issues in Muslim countries with Islamic economics as an illustrative case

- Zubair Hasan
- 90149: An Assessment of Inclusiveness in the Urban Agglomeration of Kochi City: The need for a change in approach of urban planning

- Justine George
- 90148: A Sectorial Performance Analysis of Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE, Bursa Malaysia)

- Leong Choong Chin, Siok Kun Sek and Yee Theng Tan
- 90145: Quantity-of-money fluctuations and economic instability: empirical evidence for the USA (1958–2006)

- Panayotis Michaelides, John Milios, Konstantinos Konstantakis and Panayiotis Tarnaras
- 90143: Sosyal Medyada Restoran İmajı: Tripadvisor Örneği (Restaurant Image in Social Media: The Case of Tripadvisor)

- Bülent Aydın
- 90138: Pengaruh Alat Mesin Pertanian Secara Economis Untuk Meningkatkan Efisiensi Pengolahan Tanah Di Djati Gede Sumedang (The Economic Effect of Agricaltural Mechanization on Effeciency of Tillage in Djati Gede Sumedang)

- Qori Fadilla, Sigatullah Sidiqhi, Suci Rahmadani, Tina Riskawati, Wiwin Listianingrum and Zamzam Badruzzaman
- 90136: Relevance of governance quality on the effect of foreign direct investment on economic growth: new evidence from African countries

- Henri Njangang and Larissa Nawo
- 90135: Baloch Insurgency and its impact on CPEC

- Sabahat Jaleel and Nazia Bibi
- 90134: An Advantage of Emission Intensity Regulation for Emission Cap Regulation in a Near-Zero Emission Industry

- Kosuke Hirose and Toshihiro Matsumura
- 90133: Why is the relative preference for government jobs on the rise in Bangladesh? Evidence from labour force surveys

- Mustafizur Rahman and Md. Al-Hasan
- 90132: Returns to schooling in Bangladesh revisited: An instrumental variable quantile regression approach

- Mustafizur Rahman and Md. Al-Hasan
- 90131: Male-Female wage gap and informal employment in Bangladesh: A quantile regression approach

- Mustafizur Rahman and Md. Al-Hasan
- 90130: Threshold Modeling for Inflation and GDP Growth

- Dr. Gulnaz Hameed, Sidra Nazir, Atta Muhammad and Saira Saeed
- 90120: CGE Microsimulation Analysis of Electricity Tariff Increases: The Case of South Africa

- Vandudzai Mbanda and Lumengo Bonga-Bonga
- 90113: Does Guilt Affect Performance? Evidence from Penalty Kicks in Soccer

- Itamar Caspi, Yuval Mazar, Noam Michelson and Shay Tsur
- 90111: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches in Managing Human Resource Development in Enterprises

- Iryna Buzko, Yuriy Dyachenko, Ievgen Ovcharenko and Yuliia Klius
- 90110: Model Averaging and its Use in Economics

- Mark Steel
- 90108: Economic Impact of Remittances: Does it matter how they are sent?

- Rashid Amjad and Rizwana Siddiqui
- 90102: Study on The Impact of Socio-Economic Crisis on Greek Wellness Tourists’ Spending Behavior

- Evangelia Tavlikou and Costas Assimakopoulos
- 90101: Revisiting Employee - Guest Interactions in Hotels: An Analysis of Critical Incidents

- Özgür Devrim Yilmaz
- 90100: Associating Facebook Measurable Activities with Personality Traits: A Fuzzy Sets Approach

- Nikolaos Misirlis, George Lekakos and Maro Vlachopoulou
- 90099: Sustainable Tourism Development and Climate Change: A Supply-Side Perspective

- Giacomo Del Chiappa, Stefano Usai, Antonio Cocco and Marcello Atzeni
- 90098: Efek Ekonomis Penggunaan Mesin Pertanian (Traktor Roda Dua) Sebagai Mesin Pengolah Tanah Di Areal Pesawahan Cimencrang Jawa Barat (Economic Effect of Agricultural Machinary Application (Two -Wheels Tractor ) for Tillage of Rice Field Areas of West Java)

- Ahmad Rizky, Anzellika Alia, Cut Nafisyah, Dina Maryani, Ikhsan H, Jusstella Sthevy, Muammar Michael and Masliah Dwi
- 90096: Determinants of Trademarking: Evidence from Arizona and New Mexico Startups

- Haoying Wang and Shuming Dou
- 90093: The return of religious Antisemitism? The evidence from World Values Survey data

- Arno Tausch
- 90090: Housing Decision with Divorce Risk

- Marcel Fischer and Natalia Khorunzhina
- 90089: Global Uncertainty, Macroeconomic Activity and Commodity Price

- Yifan Shen, Xunpeng Shi and Ting Zeng
- 90087: Determinants of Debt Rescheduling in Pakistan

- Rizwana Siddiqui and Rehana Siddiqui
- 90085: Taxation and Market Power in the Legal Marijuana Industry

- Brett Hollenbeck and Kosuke Uetake
- 90080: Compás Empresarial y de Competitividad No. 2 Somos lo que hacemos El valor agregado de las exportaciones de Colombia y el Valle del Cauca 2016* (Business and Competitiveness Compass No. 2 We are what we do The added value of exports of Colombia and the Valle del Cauca 2016 *)

- Carlos Andrés Pérez, Stephany Solano and Harold Londoño
- 90078: Whither the American West? Natural Amenities, Energy and Nonmetropolitan County Growth

- Dan Rickman and Hongbo Wang
- 90072: A review of more than one hundred Pareto-tail index estimators

- Igor Fedotenkov
- 90066: A kis- és középvállalati szektor Magyarországon (The small and medium enterprise sector in Hungary)

- László Vértesy
- 90065: Endogenous constraints, coefficients of economic distance, and economic performance of African countries – An exploratory essay

- Voxi Heinrich Amavilah
- 90060: Gender Differences within the Firm: Evidence from Two Million Travelers

- Javier Donna and Gregory Veramendi
- 90059: Measuring Long-Run Price Elasticities in Urban Travel Demand

- Javier Donna
- 90054: Difference in the Population Size between Rural and Urban Areas of Pakistan

- Mohsin Alvi
- 90052: Complements and Substitutes in Sequential Auctions: The Case of Water Auctions

- Javier Donna and Jose Espin-Sanchez
- 90045: Standard of Living and Disability in Cambodia

- Michael Palmer, Jenny Williams and Barbara McPake
- 90041: A new justification for full reserve banking?

- Ralph Musgrave
- 90039: La convergence de la comptabilité de l’Etat avec les normes IPSAS. Le cas du Maroc (Convergence of state accounting with IPSAS standards. The case of Morocco)

- Ghoufrane Ayachi
- 90038: Oil Price Dynamics and Business Cycles in Nigeria:A Bayesian Time Varying Analysis

- Abraham Lartey
- 90037: Sector size, technical change and stability in the USA (1957-2006): a Schumpeterian approach

- Konstantinos Konstantakis, Panayotis Michaelides and Theofanis Papageorgiou
- 90036: A non-linear post-Keynesian Goodwin-type endogenous model of the cycle for the USA

- Konstantinos Konstantakis, Panayotis Michaelides and Theodore Mariolis
- 90035: An endogenous Goodwin-Keynes business cycle model: Evidence for Germany (1991-2007)

- Konstantinos Konstantakis, Panayotis Michaelides and Theodore Mariolis
- 90034: Property Rights and Intellectual Property Protection, GDP growth and Well-Being in Latin America

- Amina. A Lahsen and Alan Piper
- 90033: Reforming Undergraduate Economics Education in India: A Case for Inter-disciplinarity

- Justine George
- 90012: The Real Meaning of the Real Bills Doctrine (revised Nov., 2018)

- Michael Sproul
- 90002: The Relationship between Race-Congruent Students and Teachers: Does Racial Discrimination Exist?

- My Nguyen
- 90001: Generalising Conflict Networks

- Sebastián Cortes-Corrales and Paul Gorny
- 90000: Non-Performing Loans (ΝPLs) in a Crisis Economy: Long-Run Equilibrium Analysis with a Real-Time VEC Model for Greece (2001-2015)

- Konstantinos Konstantakis, Panayotis Michaelides and Angelos Vouldis
- 89998: Debt Crisis in Europe (2001-2015): A Network General Equilibrium GVAR approach

- Panayotis Michaelides, Mike Tsionas and Konstantinos Konstantakis
- 89984: Economic impacts of El Niño Southern Oscillation: evidence from the Colombian coffee market

- Andrea Bastianin, Alessandro Lanza and Matteo Manera
- 89982: Which Two Heads are Better than One? Uncovering the Positive Effects of Diversity in Creative Teams

- E. Dutcher and Cortney Rodet
- 89975: Re-examining the Foreign direct investment, Renewable energy consumption and Economic growth nexus: Evidence from a new Bootstrap ARDL test for Cointegration

- Tarek Ghazouani
- 89973: The Benefits of Reducing Hold-Out Risk: Evidence from the Euro CAC Experiment, 2013-2018

- Mattia Osvaldo Picarelli and Aitor Erce
- 89969: Microfinance in Cambodia: Development, Challenges, and Prospects

- Rido Thath
- 89968: Younger and Dissatisfied? Relative Age and Life-satisfaction in Adolescence

- Luca Fumarco and Stijn Baert
- 89966: Relative Age Effect on European Adolescents’ Social Network

- Luca Fumarco and Stijn Baert
- 89961: Trabajo infantil y adolescente en el Perú en el 2012 (Child and youth labor in Peru in 2012)

- Jose Rodriguez
- 89953: European Union Finances

- M van der Hoek
- 89952: Türkiye Ekonomisinde Sürükleyici Endüstri Analizi:2002-2012 Karşılaştırması (Key Sector Analysis in Turkish Economy: A Compare Between 2002-2012)

- Esra Alp Coşkun, Recep Kök and Murat Ozan Başkol
- 89950: A latent class analysis towards stability and changes in breadwinning patterns among coupled households

- Miki Nakai and Fulvia Pennoni
- 89949: Introduction to Michel Husson's 'Value and price: a critique of neo-Ricardian claims'

- Alan Freeman

- Abdul Aziz
- 89944: A bayesian estimation of the economic effects of the Common Fisheries Policy on the Galician Fleet: a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium approach

- Esteban Colla-De-Robertis, Jose-Maria Da-Rocha, Javier García-Cutrin, María-José Gutiérrez and Raul Prellezo
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