MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 39806: A preliminary investigation of northern Ireland's housing market dynamics

- Derek Bond, Emer Gallagher and Elaine Ramsey
- 39805: The impact of ICT on educational performance and its efficiency in selected EU and OECD countries: a non-parametric analysis

- Aleksander Aristovnik
- 39802: Foreign banks in India: liabilities or assets?

- Saibal Ghosh
- 39799: Is Chad affected by Dutch or Nigerian disease?

- Akassi Kablan and Josef Loening
- 39798: The financial trilemma in China and a comparative analysis with India

- Joshua Aizenman and Rajeswari Sengupta
- 39796: Money creation and control from Islamic perspective

- Zubair Hasan
- 39794: Mismatch: land reallocations, recovery land rental and land rental market development in rural China

- Yi Che
- 39793: Learning to play by the disclosure rules: accuracy of insider reports in Canada, 1996-2010

- Lindsay Tedds, Ryan Compton, Caitlin Morrison, Christopher Nicholls and Daniel Sandler
- 39792: Special report: tax time -- a workshop on recent research in applied public finance

- Lindsay Tedds and M. Rehavi
- 39791: Insider reporting obligations and options backdating

- Ryan Compton, Daniel Sandler, Christopher NIcholls and Lindsay Tedds
- 39790: The feasibility of implementing a congestion charge on the Halifax Peninsula: filling the 'Missing Link' of implementation

- Catherine Althaus, Lindsay Tedds and Allen McAVoy
- 39789: Quantifying the Personal Income Tax Benefits of Backdating: A Canada - US Comparison

- Ryan Compton, Christopher C. Nicholls, Daniel Sandler and Lindsay Tedds
- 39788: Backdating, tax evasion, and the unintended consequences of Canadian tax reform

- Ryan Compton, Daniel Sandler and Lindsay Tedds
- 39787: Options backdating: a Canadian perspective

- Ryan Compton, Daniel Sandler and Lindsay Tedds
- 39786: The Canadian Underground and Measured Economies: Granger Causality Results

- David Giles, Lindsay Tedds and Gugsa Werkneh
- 39783: Sprzedaż zagraniczna prowadzona przez polskie sklepy internetowe – wyniki badań (International Trade in Polish E-shops - Results of Research)

- Grzegorz Chodak and Łukasz Latus
- 39782: Private-public sector employment choice and wage differential in Palestine:a gender perspective

- Yousef Daoud and Ruba Shanti
- 39778: R&D and economic growth in a cash-in-advance economy

- Angus Chu and Guido Cozzi
- 39773: La asimetria de la informacion en la crisis financiera, el racionamiento del credito y la garantia como mecanismo simbiotico del sistema (The information asymmetry in the financial crisis, credit rationing the guarantees and system simbiotic mechanism)

- Jesus Gallurt Povedano, Pablo Pombo, Jesus Ramirez and Horacio Molina
- 39769: Employee engagement practices in private hospitals: a cross sectional study in mayiladuthurai

- Swaminathan J and U Gowrishankar
- 39768: Impact of demographic factors on employee engagement:a study with reference to vasan publications private limited,chennai

- Swaminathan J and A. Ananth
- 39767: Customer satisfaction on e-banking;a study with special reference to mayiladuthurai

- Swaminathan J and A. Ananth
- 39766: Revisiting Health and Income Inequality Relationship:Evidence from Developing Countries

- Mohammad Habibullah Pulok
- 39763: Moneyless Economy

- Subhendu Das
- 39761: Vliv makroekonomických šoků na dynamiku vládního dluhu: jak robustní je fiskální pozice České republiky? (The Impact of Macroeconomic Shocks on the Government Debt Dynamics: How Robust is the Fiscal Stance of the Czech Republic?)

- Ales Melecky and Martin Melecký
- 39759: Algoritmi di flusso massimo al minimo costo (Maximum flow - minimum cost algorithms)

- Alessandro Parrini
- 39758: Kapitał społeczny ludzi starych na przykładzie mieszkańców miasta Białystok (Social Capital of Old People on the Example of Bialystok Residents)

- Andrzej Klimczuk
- 39756: Globalization and United States’ Intra-Industry Trade

- Nuno Leitão
- 39755: Architectures mondiales de la connaissance et de la créativité: Stratégies symétriques et dissonances cognitives (Global architectures of knowledge and creativity: Symmetrical strategies and cognitive dissonances)

- Morad Diani
- 39754: External audit and relation between internal auditors, supervisory body and external auditors of the banking sector in the Republic of Macedonia

- Dushko Josheski and Blagica Jovanova
- 39748: In the eye of the storm: challenging the reform of financial system

- Plamen Tchipev
- 39746: Literature review concerning the relationship between globalization and regionalization in the world economy (Literature review concerning the relationship between globalization and regionalization in the world economy)

- Andrei Balasan
- 39743: Health insurance as a productive factor

- Allan Dizioli and Roberto Pinheiro
- 39742: Game theory model for European government bonds market stabilization: a saving-State proposal

- David Carfì and Francesco Musolino
- 39739: Rethinking long cycles: are the 1990s the onset of a new phase of capital accumulation?

- Lefteris Tsoulfidis
- 39736: Estimation of discount factor (beta) and coefficient of relative risk aversion (gamma) in selected countries

- Waqas Ahmed, Adnan Haider and Javed Iqbal
- 39734: Is energy consumption effective to spur economic growth in Pakistan? new evidence from bounds test to level relationships and Granger causality tests

- Muhammad Shahbaz, Muhammad Zeshan and Talat Afza
- 39732: State funding for public higher education: explaining the great retreat

- Joe Stone
- 39731: Debt and nonlinear fiscal policy: evidence from the states

- Jo Anna Gray and Joe A. Stone
- 39727: Automation of e-health systems through mobile devices and semantic technology

- Besim Abdullai
- 39726: Maximum likelihood estimation of a stochastic frontier model with residual covariance

- Kisu Simwaka
- 39723: The role of family background in the heterogeneity of self-employment in some transition countries

- R Castellano and G Punzo
- 39722: Bounded Leviathan: or why North & Weingast are only right on the right half

- Alejandra Irigoin
- 39715: Does Outward FDI Matter in International Trade? Evidence from Malaysia

- Soo Khoon Goh, Koi Wong and Siew Yean Tham
- 39706: A Multivariate Cointegration Analysis Of The Role Of Exports To Main Trading Partners In The Malaysian Macroeconomics

- Nur Ubaidillah and Rossazana Ab. Rahim
- 39704: Stereotypes, segregation, and ethnic inequality

- Kazuhiro Yuki
- 39703: Ein bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen in Form der negativen Einkommensteuer: Eine soziologische und finanzwissenschaftliche Analyse (An unconditional basic income in the form of the negative income tax: A sociological an public finance analysis)

- Cornelia Sterner
- 39702: Unfavorable land endowment, cooperation, and reversal of fortune

- Anastasia Litina
- 39698: Testing for time-varying fractional cointegration using the bootstrap approach

- Kisu Simwaka
- 39696: Efectos macroeconómicos de la política fiscal: Evidencia empírica para Bolivia (Macroeconomic effects of fiscal policy: Empirical evidence from Bolivia)

- Luis Cernadas
- 39695: Immigration and Economic Growth: Do Origin and Destination Matter?

- Youngho Kang and Byung-Yeon Kim
- 39694: Crearea unui program de etică în afaceri (Creating a business ethics program)

- Doris Serban
- 39693: Decomposing Time-Frequency Relationship between Interest Rates and Share Prices in India through Wavelets

- Aviral Tiwari
- 39692: 2001 ekonomik krizinin Türk tarımında toplam faktör verimliliği üzerindeki etkilerinin analizi (Analysis of the effects of 2001 economic crisis on total factor productivity of Turkish agriculture)

- Tuna Alemdar
- 39691: On the Welfare Effects of Exclusive Distribution Arrangements

- Jürgen Eichberger and Frank Mueller-Langer
- 39690: Transitional Dynamics of Disinflation in a Small Open Economy with Heterogeneous Agents

- Enes Sunel
- 39689: Küresel değer zincirleri içerisinde Türk gıda sektörünün konumu (Status of Turkish food sector within global value chains)

- Tuna Alemdar
- 39685: Economic growth and welfare state: a debate of econometrics

- Hong Ding
- 39680: Environmental fiscal reform and willingness to pay for the environment: an empirical analysis on European micro data

- Salvatore Ercolano, Giuseppe Gaeta and Oriana Romano
- 39678: La delincuencia y su efecto sobre el crecimiento económico. El caso de México (Crime and Economic Growth. The case of Mexico)

- René Lozano-Cortés, Luis Cabrera-Castellanos and Maribel Lozano-Cortes
- 39676: The effect of publishing hospital charges on healthcare costs: Evidence from Singapore

- Rasyad Parinduri
- 39673: Immigrants and Earnings Inequality: Evidence from Hong Kong

- Dongshu Ou and Ayako Kondo
- 39672: Pension savings and economic growth

- Kees De Koning
- 39671: On social and economic spheres: an observation of the “gantangan” Indonesian tradition

- Hokky Situngkir and Yanu Endar Prasetyo
- 39669: Structural estimation of the New-Keynesian Model: a formal test of backward- and forward-looking expectations

- Tae-Seok Jang
- 39668: Foreign aid and political influence of the development assistance committee countries

- Jared Pincin
- 39666: An electricity transmission primer for energy economists

- Richard M Benjamin
- 39663: Long run exchange rate pass-through: Evidence from new panel data techniques

- Nidhaleddine Ben Cheikh
- 39659: Research for development a World Bank perspective on future directions for research

- Alan Gelb, Ann Harrison and Martin Ravallion
- 39658: Déterminants de la structure des exportations des économies africaines au sud du sahara: le rôle des infrastructures/technologie - cas de la zone franc - (Manufactures exports and infrastructures/technology: case of the cfa franc zone)

- Oscar Kuikeu
- 39656: Sustainability and human development: a proposal for a sustainability adjusted HDI (SHDI)

- Jose Pineda
- 39654: The influence of stress and satisfaction on productivity

- George Halkos
- 39650: Evaluating alternative frequentist inferential approaches for optimal order quantities in the newsvendor model under exponential demand

- George Halkos and Ilias Kevork
- 39649: Has Globalization Eroded Labor’s Share? Some Cross-Country Evidence

- Ann Harrison
- 39648: Financial intermediaries, credit Shocks and business cycles

- Yasin Mimir
- 39644: Poverty and household demographic behaviour in Pakistan - insights from PLM survey 1979

- Irfan Mohammad
- 39641: Perceived effectiveness of training and development: a case study in stc technologies pvt ltd., chennai

- Swaminathan J and Gowri Shankar U
- 39635: Asymmetric demographic pressure in South-Mediterranean versus North-Mediterranean economies and its impact on international gross capital flows

- Marga Peeters
- 39634: Does financial sector development cause investment and growth? empirical analysis of the case of Ghana

- Anokye Adam and Frimpong Siaw
- 39632: Micro credit and women's agency: a comparative perspective across socio-religious communities in West Bengal, India

- Amit Kundu
- 39631: Government quality determinants of stock market performance in African countries

- Simplice Asongu
- 39630: The 2011 Japanese earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis: evidence of contagion from international financial markets

- Simplice Asongu
- 39626: Future harm and current obligations: the case of global warming

- Clive Spash
- 39625: Estimating the real exchange rate misalignment: case of Gabon

- Oscar Kuikeu
- 39622: Assessing Gender Mainstreaming in Developmental Organizations of Abbottabad

- Sadia Razzaq, Tayyaba Sadiq and Imran Naseem
- 39619: Effective Trade Execution

- Riccardo Cesari, Massimiliano Marzo and Paolo Zagaglia
- 39616: Economic growth and the optimum size of government in 15 European countries: A threshold panel approach

- Mehdi Hajamini and Mohammad Ali Falahi
- 39615: From the Bochner integral to the superposition integral

- Francesco Strati
- 39614: Estimating the Real Exchange Rate Misalignment: case of the cfa franc zone

- Oscar Kuikeu
- 39613: Required reserves as a credit policy tool

- Yasin Mimir, Enes Sunel and Temel Taskin
- 39611: “Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow?” On the implications of deaccess policies on donations to museums

- Luigi Di Gaetano and Isidoro Mazza
- 39610: Approval consensus measures

- José Alcantud, Rocio de Andres Calle and José Manuel Cascon
- 39609: Socio-economic effects of international migration on the families left behind

- Nasreen Abbasi, Irfan Mohammad, Javed Akbar Gil, Zahid Ghulam Mustafa and Ghulam Arif
- 39606: Migration Patterns in Pakistan: Preliminary Results from the PLM Survey, 1979

- Irfan Mohammad, Lionel Demery, Ghulam Arif, Furqan Ahmad Farooqui, Javed Tariq, Rashida Haq and Ghani Khan
- 39604: State owned enterprises, privatization and the public interest: evidence of S.O.E. performance in the Greek manufacturing

- George Halkos
- 39603: Composition of Public Education Expenditures and Human Capital Accumulation

- Katsuyuki Naito and Keigo Nishida
- 39600: Maximum likelihood estimation of time series models: the Kalman filter and beyond

- Tommaso Proietti and Luati Alessandra
- 39596: Local politics and economic geography

- Marcus Berliant and Takatoshi Tabuchi
- 39594: Risk Management in Agri-food Chain

- Hrabrin Bachev
- 39592: Attitude Differentiates The Brand Selection (From the view of Generation Y people)

- Mohsin Alvi
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