MPRA Paper
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- 2890: Stability analysis in a monetary model with a varying intertemporal elasticity of substitution

- Orlando Gomes
- 2889: On the allocation of credit and aggregate fluctuations

- Orlando Gomes
- 2888: Deterministic randomness in a model of finance and growth

- Orlando Gomes
- 2887: Nonlinear dynamics in a model of financial development with a risk premium

- Orlando Gomes
- 2886: Constraints on credit, consumer behaviour and the dynamics of wealth

- Orlando Gomes
- 2885: How Much Influence Do Economics Professors Have on Rankings? The Case of Australia and New Zealand

- Dipendra Sinha and Joseph Macri
- 2884: Knowledge creation as a square dance on the Hilbert cube

- Marcus Berliant and Masahisa Fujita
- 2883: Consumer confidence, endogenous growth and endogenous cycles

- Orlando Gomes
- 2882: Decentralized allocation of human capital and nonlinear growth

- Orlando Gomes
- 2881: On the Robustness of Alternative Rankings Methodologies: Australian and New Zealand Economics Departments, 1988-2002

- Dipendra Sinha, Joseph Macri and Michael McAleer
- 2880: Book Review to Luigino Bruni -'RECIPROCITA': Dynamics of Cooperation, Economy and Civil Society

- Tommaso Reggiani
- 2877: Vorausschätzungen für die Entwicklung der Gesamtbevölkerung und der Beschäftigung in Österreich bis 2035 (Projections of the Development of Population and Employment in Austria until 2035)

- Kai Biehl and Thomas Fent
- 2874: Corruption and Socioeconomics Determinants:Empirical Evidence of Twenty Nine Countries

- George Halkos and Nickolaos Tzeremes
- 2871: Does Openness Promote Competition? A Case Study of Indian Manufacturing

- Manoj Pant and Manoranjan Pattanayak
- 2869: Giving the ageing of the population how can countries afford pay-as-you-go social insurance pensions?

- Alexi Gugushvili
- 2862: What policies should be there for employment in urban areas of developing countries?

- Alexi Gugushvili
- 2860: Determinantes macroeconómicos regionales de la migración mexicana (Regional macroeconomic determinants of Mexican migration)

- Jorge Mendoza
- 2858: Efficiency Measures of the Greek Banking Sector: A Non-Parametric Approach for the Period 1997-1999

- George Halkos and Dimitrios Salamouris
- 2857: Internationalization Strategies and Productivity: Evidence from Foreign Owned Companies Operating in the Greek Manufacturing Sector

- George Halkos and Nickolaos Tzeremes
- 2855: بررسي عوامل موثر بر قيمت طلا و ارايه مدل پيش بيني قيمت آن به كمك شبكه هاي عصبي فازي (A study on the factors affecting gold price and a neuro-fuzzy model of forcast)

- Leyla Sarfaraz and Amir Afsar
- 2854: Efectos de la aglomeración y los encadenamientos industriales en el patrón de crecimiento manufacturero en México (Manufacturing specialization and urban aglommeration in the largest cities of Mexico)

- Jorge Mendoza
- 2853: Intra- and Inter-Sectoral Knowledge Spillovers and TFP Growth Rates

- Núria Quella
- 2850: Externalities in R&D: a route to endogenous fluctuations

- Orlando Gomes
- 2849: Monetary policy and economic growth: combining short and long run macro analysis

- Orlando Gomes
- 2848: Can social interaction contribute to explain business cycles?

- Orlando Gomes
- 2847: The dynamics of television advertising with boundedly rational consumers

- Orlando Gomes
- 2846: Space, growth and technology: an integrated dynamic approach

- Orlando Gomes
- 2845: Too much of a good thing: endogenous business cycles generated by bounded technological progress

- Orlando Gomes
- 2843: Entropy in the creation of knowledge: a candidate source of endogenous business cycles

- Orlando Gomes
- 2842: Nonlinear inflation expectations and endogenous fluctuations

- Orlando Gomes
- 2841: Collective Social Dynamics and Social Norms

- Thomas Fent
- 2838: Wissen gewinnen und gewinnen durch Wissen (Gaining knowledge and winning with knowledge)

- Thomas Fent
- 2837: Using Genetics Based Machine Learning to find Strategies for Product Placement in a dynamic Market

- Thomas Fent
- 2835: Adaptive agents in the House of Quality

- Thomas Fent
- 2832: The Single-mindedness theory: empirical evidence from the U.K

- Emanuele Canegrati
- 2826: Viscosity solutions approach to economic models governed by DDEs

- Giorgio Fabbri
- 2825: On the Dynamic Programming approach to economic models governed by DDE's

- Giorgio Fabbri, Silvia Faggian and Fausto Gozzi
- 2822: Determinants of FDI flows to developing economies: evidence from Malaysia

- Zubair Hasan
- 2821: Islamic banking at the crossroads: theory versus practice

- Zubair Hasan
- 2820: Profit Maximisation: Secular Versus Islamic

- Zubair Hasan
- 2819: Competiveness and Human Resource Development

- Anil Deolalikar, Rana Hasan, Haider Khan and M.G. Quibria
- 2811: Educación, experiencia y especialización manufacturera en la frontera norte de México (Schooling, experience and manufacturing specialization along the northern border of Mexico)

- Jorge Mendoza
- 2810: Productividad del trabajo en la industria maquiladora del norte de México: un análisis de convergencia (Labor productivity in the export maquiladora industry of Mexico: a convergence analysis)

- Jorge Mendoza
- 2807: Some Business Cycles Consequences of Signing Trade Agreements: The Case of NAFTA

- Maria Bejan
- 2798: Modeling the evolution of Gini coefficient for personal incomes in the USA between 1947 and 2005

- Ivan Kitov
- 2794: Evidencia De Comportamiento Caótico En Indices Bursátiles Americanos (Evidence Of Chaotic Behavior In American Stock Markets)

- Christian Espinosa Méndez
- 2793: Europe, Space of Freedom and Security. Migration and mobility: Assets and challenges for the enlargement of the European Union

- Grigore Silasi and Ovidiu Laurian Simina
- 2792: Trade Credit as a Competitiveness Tool;Evidence from Developing Countries

- Neeltje Van Horen
- 2785: Distributional equity in Islam

- Zubair Hasan
- 2784: Sustainable development from an Islamic Perspective: meaning implications and policy concerns

- Zubair Hasan
- 2781: Economic Recognition of Innovation

- Balkrishna Rao
- 2780: Time use: the missing piece of economic development studies

- Leyla Sarfaraz
- 2779: Source of output growth in small and medium scale enterprises in Malaysia

- Idris Jajri and Rahmah Ismail
- 2776: Social rewards in science and economic growth

- Maria Rosaria Carillo and Erasmo Papagni
- 2771: Liquidity preference as rational behaviour under uncertainty

- Fernando Mierzejewski
- 2770: Urban growth and subcenter formation: A trolley ride from the Staples Center to Disneyland and the Rose Bowl

- Marcus Berliant and Ping Wang
- 2768: Too Big to Fail: the Panic of 1927

- Kazuki Yokoyama
- 2764: حقوق الانسان الاقتصادية والحق فى التنمية فى الدول العربية (economic and social rights in the Arab countries)

- Hussien Alasrag
- 2763: المشروعات الصغيرة فى الدول العربية (the developmental role of small projects in the Arab countries)

- Hussien Alasrag
- 2762: Price Rigidity and Flexibility: New Empirical Evidence

- Daniel Levy
- 2761: Price Rigidity and Flexibility: Recent Theoretical Developments

- Daniel Levy
- 2760: The nearest correlation matrix problem: Solution by differential evolution method of global optimization

- Sudhanshu Mishra
- 2759: Trade Openness and Output Volatility

- Maria Bejan
- 2758: Is Mercosur an optimum currency area?

- J. Anchieta Neves, Leandro Stocco and Sergio Da Silva
- 2756: Institutional Requirements for Market-led Development in Latin America

- Mario Cimoli, Nelson Correa, Katz Jorge and Studart Rogério

- Murat Kırdar, Meltem Dayioglu and Aysıt Tansel
- 2745: Biases in calculating dumping Margins: The case of cyclical products

- James Rude and Jean-Philippe Gervais
- 2744: A Gravity approach to evaluate the significance of trade liberalization in vertically-related goods in the presence of non-tariff barriers

- Pascal Ghazalian, Lota Tamini, Bruno Larue and Jean-Philippe Gervais
- 2743: Domestic support and tariff reductions in the presence of non-tariff barriers: A gravity model for primary and processed agricultural products

- Lota Tamini, Pascal Ghazalian, Jean-Philippe Gervais and Bruno Larue
- 2740: Modelling the transition from a socialist to capitalist economic system

- Ivan Kitov
- 2739: Modelling real GDP per capita in the USA: cointegration test

- Ivan Kitov, Oleg Kitov and Svetlana Dolinskaya
- 2738: Real GDP per capita in developed countries

- Ivan Kitov
- 2737: The Japanese economy

- Ivan Kitov
- 2736: Relationship between inflation, unemployment and labor force change rate in France: cointegration test

- Ivan Kitov, Oleg Kitov and Svetlana Dolinskaya
- 2735: Exact prediction of inflation in the USA

- Ivan Kitov
- 2734: Inflation as a function of labor force change rate: cointegration test for the USA

- Ivan Kitov, Oleg Kitov and Svetlana Dolinskaya
- 2730: Is Fairness in the Eye of the Beholder? An Impartial Spectator Analysis of Justice

- James Konow
- 2729: Double Standards: Social Preferences and Moral Biases

- Rachel Croson and James Konow
- 2728: The Hedonistic Paradox: Is Homo Economicus Happier?

- James Konow and Joseph Earley
- 2727: Mixed Feelings: Theories and Evidence of Warm Glow and Altruism

- James Konow
- 2725: Testing the permanent income hypothesis in the developing and developed countries: A comparison between Fiji and Australia

- B. Rao and Kanhaiya Lal Sharma
- 2723: Pertumbuhan dan Konvergensi pada Industri Tebu di Asia Tenggara (Growth and Convergence of Sugarcare Industries in Southeast Asia)

- Erlangga Landiyanto and Wirya Wardaya
- 2722: Analysis of Public Expenditure on Education in Pakistan

- Fazal Husain, Muhammad Ali Qasim and Khalid Hameed Sheikh
- 2721: The Stock Market and the Economy in Pakistan

- Fazal Hsain and Tariq Mahmood
- 2720: Causality between Money and Prices:Evidence from Pakistan

- Fazal Husain and Tariq Mahmood
- 2719: The monetary transmission mechanism in Pakistan: a sectoral analysis

- Tasneem Alam and Muhammad Waheed
- 2718: Some new test functions for global optimization and performance of repulsive particle swarm method

- Sudhanshu Mishra
- 2716: How May International Trade affect Poverty in a Developing Country Setup? The Inequality Channel

- Dawood Mamoon
- 2714: Sigma Convergence versus Beta Convergence: Evidence from U.S. County-Level Data

- Andrew Young, Matthew Higgins and Daniel Levy
- 2713: Microfoundations of macroeconomics. Post-Keynesian contributions on the theory of the firm

- Rosaria Rita Canale
- 2711: Portfolio Value-at-Risk with Time-Varying Copula: Evidence from the Americas

- Alper Ozun and Atilla Cifter
- 2708: Does monetary policy have differential state-level effects? an empirical evaluation

- D M Nachane, P Ray and Saibal Ghosh
- 2707: Bank nominee directors and corporate performance: micro evidence for India

- D M Nachane, Saibal Ghosh and Partha Ray
- 2706: The effcts of Rate And variability of Inflation on Output Growth Variability: Evidence from selected Countries

- Kalbe Abbas
- 2703: La Curva de Laffer y la optimización del recaudo tributario en Cartagena de Indias (The Laffer Courve and government optimization of the tax revenues: The Cartagena de Indias case)

- Daniel Toro González and Martha Doria
- 2702: Opium for the Masses: How Foreign Free Media Can Stabilize Authoritarian Regimes

- Holger Kern and Jens Hainmueller
- 2700: Computational Inefficiency Of Nonparametric Tests For Consistency Of Data With Household Consumption

- Rahul Deb
- 2699: Ambiguity in Fama's market equilibrium?

- John Nuttall
- 2696: Education for all is central to Higher Education Reforms in Developing Countries

- Dawood Mamoon
- 2693: Investment timing and optimal capacity choice for small hydropower projects

- Thor Bøckman, Stein-Erik Fleten, Erik Juliussen, Håvard Langhammer and Ingemar Revdal
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