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2890: Stability analysis in a monetary model with a varying intertemporal elasticity of substitution Downloads
Orlando Gomes
2889: On the allocation of credit and aggregate fluctuations Downloads
Orlando Gomes
2888: Deterministic randomness in a model of finance and growth Downloads
Orlando Gomes
2887: Nonlinear dynamics in a model of financial development with a risk premium Downloads
Orlando Gomes
2886: Constraints on credit, consumer behaviour and the dynamics of wealth Downloads
Orlando Gomes
2885: How Much Influence Do Economics Professors Have on Rankings? The Case of Australia and New Zealand Downloads
Dipendra Sinha and Joseph Macri
2884: Knowledge creation as a square dance on the Hilbert cube Downloads
Marcus Berliant and Masahisa Fujita
2883: Consumer confidence, endogenous growth and endogenous cycles Downloads
Orlando Gomes
2882: Decentralized allocation of human capital and nonlinear growth Downloads
Orlando Gomes
2881: On the Robustness of Alternative Rankings Methodologies: Australian and New Zealand Economics Departments, 1988-2002 Downloads
Dipendra Sinha, Joseph Macri and Michael McAleer
2880: Book Review to Luigino Bruni -'RECIPROCITA': Dynamics of Cooperation, Economy and Civil Society Downloads
Tommaso Reggiani
2877: Vorausschätzungen für die Entwicklung der Gesamtbevölkerung und der Beschäftigung in Österreich bis 2035 (Projections of the Development of Population and Employment in Austria until 2035) Downloads
Kai Biehl and Thomas Fent
2874: Corruption and Socioeconomics Determinants:Empirical Evidence of Twenty Nine Countries Downloads
George Halkos and Nickolaos Tzeremes
2871: Does Openness Promote Competition? A Case Study of Indian Manufacturing Downloads
Manoj Pant and Manoranjan Pattanayak
2869: Giving the ageing of the population how can countries afford pay-as-you-go social insurance pensions? Downloads
Alexi Gugushvili
2862: What policies should be there for employment in urban areas of developing countries? Downloads
Alexi Gugushvili
2860: Determinantes macroeconómicos regionales de la migración mexicana (Regional macroeconomic determinants of Mexican migration) Downloads
Jorge Mendoza
2858: Efficiency Measures of the Greek Banking Sector: A Non-Parametric Approach for the Period 1997-1999 Downloads
George Halkos and Dimitrios Salamouris
2857: Internationalization Strategies and Productivity: Evidence from Foreign Owned Companies Operating in the Greek Manufacturing Sector Downloads
George Halkos and Nickolaos Tzeremes
2855: بررسي عوامل موثر بر قيمت طلا و ارايه مدل پيش بيني قيمت آن به كمك شبكه هاي عصبي فازي (A study on the factors affecting gold price and a neuro-fuzzy model of forcast) Downloads
Leyla Sarfaraz and Amir Afsar
2854: Efectos de la aglomeración y los encadenamientos industriales en el patrón de crecimiento manufacturero en México (Manufacturing specialization and urban aglommeration in the largest cities of Mexico) Downloads
Jorge Mendoza
2853: Intra- and Inter-Sectoral Knowledge Spillovers and TFP Growth Rates Downloads
Núria Quella
2850: Externalities in R&D: a route to endogenous fluctuations Downloads
Orlando Gomes
2849: Monetary policy and economic growth: combining short and long run macro analysis Downloads
Orlando Gomes
2848: Can social interaction contribute to explain business cycles? Downloads
Orlando Gomes
2847: The dynamics of television advertising with boundedly rational consumers Downloads
Orlando Gomes
2846: Space, growth and technology: an integrated dynamic approach Downloads
Orlando Gomes
2845: Too much of a good thing: endogenous business cycles generated by bounded technological progress Downloads
Orlando Gomes
2843: Entropy in the creation of knowledge: a candidate source of endogenous business cycles Downloads
Orlando Gomes
2842: Nonlinear inflation expectations and endogenous fluctuations Downloads
Orlando Gomes
2841: Collective Social Dynamics and Social Norms Downloads
Thomas Fent
2838: Wissen gewinnen und gewinnen durch Wissen (Gaining knowledge and winning with knowledge) Downloads
Thomas Fent
2837: Using Genetics Based Machine Learning to find Strategies for Product Placement in a dynamic Market Downloads
Thomas Fent
2835: Adaptive agents in the House of Quality Downloads
Thomas Fent
2832: The Single-mindedness theory: empirical evidence from the U.K Downloads
Emanuele Canegrati
2826: Viscosity solutions approach to economic models governed by DDEs Downloads
Giorgio Fabbri
2825: On the Dynamic Programming approach to economic models governed by DDE's Downloads
Giorgio Fabbri, Silvia Faggian and Fausto Gozzi
2822: Determinants of FDI flows to developing economies: evidence from Malaysia Downloads
Zubair Hasan
2821: Islamic banking at the crossroads: theory versus practice Downloads
Zubair Hasan
2820: Profit Maximisation: Secular Versus Islamic Downloads
Zubair Hasan
2819: Competiveness and Human Resource Development Downloads
Anil Deolalikar, Rana Hasan, Haider Khan and M.G. Quibria
2811: Educación, experiencia y especialización manufacturera en la frontera norte de México (Schooling, experience and manufacturing specialization along the northern border of Mexico) Downloads
Jorge Mendoza
2810: Productividad del trabajo en la industria maquiladora del norte de México: un análisis de convergencia (Labor productivity in the export maquiladora industry of Mexico: a convergence analysis) Downloads
Jorge Mendoza
2807: Some Business Cycles Consequences of Signing Trade Agreements: The Case of NAFTA Downloads
Maria Bejan
2798: Modeling the evolution of Gini coefficient for personal incomes in the USA between 1947 and 2005 Downloads
Ivan Kitov
2794: Evidencia De Comportamiento Caótico En Indices Bursátiles Americanos (Evidence Of Chaotic Behavior In American Stock Markets) Downloads
Christian Espinosa Méndez
2793: Europe, Space of Freedom and Security. Migration and mobility: Assets and challenges for the enlargement of the European Union Downloads
Grigore Silasi and Ovidiu Laurian Simina
2792: Trade Credit as a Competitiveness Tool;Evidence from Developing Countries Downloads
Neeltje Van Horen
2785: Distributional equity in Islam Downloads
Zubair Hasan
2784: Sustainable development from an Islamic Perspective: meaning implications and policy concerns Downloads
Zubair Hasan
2781: Economic Recognition of Innovation Downloads
Balkrishna Rao
2780: Time use: the missing piece of economic development studies Downloads
Leyla Sarfaraz
2779: Source of output growth in small and medium scale enterprises in Malaysia Downloads
Idris Jajri and Rahmah Ismail
2776: Social rewards in science and economic growth Downloads
Maria Rosaria Carillo and Erasmo Papagni
2771: Liquidity preference as rational behaviour under uncertainty Downloads
Fernando Mierzejewski
2770: Urban growth and subcenter formation: A trolley ride from the Staples Center to Disneyland and the Rose Bowl Downloads
Marcus Berliant and Ping Wang
2768: Too Big to Fail: the Panic of 1927 Downloads
Kazuki Yokoyama
2764: حقوق الانسان الاقتصادية والحق فى التنمية فى الدول العربية (economic and social rights in the Arab countries) Downloads
Hussien Alasrag
2763: المشروعات الصغيرة فى الدول العربية (the developmental role of small projects in the Arab countries) Downloads
Hussien Alasrag
2762: Price Rigidity and Flexibility: New Empirical Evidence Downloads
Daniel Levy
2761: Price Rigidity and Flexibility: Recent Theoretical Developments Downloads
Daniel Levy
2760: The nearest correlation matrix problem: Solution by differential evolution method of global optimization Downloads
Sudhanshu Mishra
2759: Trade Openness and Output Volatility Downloads
Maria Bejan
2758: Is Mercosur an optimum currency area? Downloads
J. Anchieta Neves, Leandro Stocco and Sergio Da Silva
2756: Institutional Requirements for Market-led Development in Latin America Downloads
Mario Cimoli, Nelson Correa, Katz Jorge and Studart Rogério
Murat Kırdar, Meltem Dayioglu and Aysıt Tansel
2745: Biases in calculating dumping Margins: The case of cyclical products Downloads
James Rude and Jean-Philippe Gervais
2744: A Gravity approach to evaluate the significance of trade liberalization in vertically-related goods in the presence of non-tariff barriers Downloads
Pascal Ghazalian, Lota Tamini, Bruno Larue and Jean-Philippe Gervais
2743: Domestic support and tariff reductions in the presence of non-tariff barriers: A gravity model for primary and processed agricultural products Downloads
Lota Tamini, Pascal Ghazalian, Jean-Philippe Gervais and Bruno Larue
2740: Modelling the transition from a socialist to capitalist economic system Downloads
Ivan Kitov
2739: Modelling real GDP per capita in the USA: cointegration test Downloads
Ivan Kitov, Oleg Kitov and Svetlana Dolinskaya
2738: Real GDP per capita in developed countries Downloads
Ivan Kitov
2737: The Japanese economy Downloads
Ivan Kitov
2736: Relationship between inflation, unemployment and labor force change rate in France: cointegration test Downloads
Ivan Kitov, Oleg Kitov and Svetlana Dolinskaya
2735: Exact prediction of inflation in the USA Downloads
Ivan Kitov
2734: Inflation as a function of labor force change rate: cointegration test for the USA Downloads
Ivan Kitov, Oleg Kitov and Svetlana Dolinskaya
2730: Is Fairness in the Eye of the Beholder? An Impartial Spectator Analysis of Justice Downloads
James Konow
2729: Double Standards: Social Preferences and Moral Biases Downloads
Rachel Croson and James Konow
2728: The Hedonistic Paradox: Is Homo Economicus Happier? Downloads
James Konow and Joseph Earley
2727: Mixed Feelings: Theories and Evidence of Warm Glow and Altruism Downloads
James Konow
2725: Testing the permanent income hypothesis in the developing and developed countries: A comparison between Fiji and Australia Downloads
B. Rao and Kanhaiya Lal Sharma
2723: Pertumbuhan dan Konvergensi pada Industri Tebu di Asia Tenggara (Growth and Convergence of Sugarcare Industries in Southeast Asia) Downloads
Erlangga Landiyanto and Wirya Wardaya
2722: Analysis of Public Expenditure on Education in Pakistan Downloads
Fazal Husain, Muhammad Ali Qasim and Khalid Hameed Sheikh
2721: The Stock Market and the Economy in Pakistan Downloads
Fazal Hsain and Tariq Mahmood
2720: Causality between Money and Prices:Evidence from Pakistan Downloads
Fazal Husain and Tariq Mahmood
2719: The monetary transmission mechanism in Pakistan: a sectoral analysis Downloads
Tasneem Alam and Muhammad Waheed
2718: Some new test functions for global optimization and performance of repulsive particle swarm method Downloads
Sudhanshu Mishra
2716: How May International Trade affect Poverty in a Developing Country Setup? The Inequality Channel Downloads
Dawood Mamoon
2714: Sigma Convergence versus Beta Convergence: Evidence from U.S. County-Level Data Downloads
Andrew Young, Matthew Higgins and Daniel Levy
2713: Microfoundations of macroeconomics. Post-Keynesian contributions on the theory of the firm Downloads
Rosaria Rita Canale
2711: Portfolio Value-at-Risk with Time-Varying Copula: Evidence from the Americas Downloads
Alper Ozun and Atilla Cifter
2708: Does monetary policy have differential state-level effects? an empirical evaluation Downloads
D M Nachane, P Ray and Saibal Ghosh
2707: Bank nominee directors and corporate performance: micro evidence for India Downloads
D M Nachane, Saibal Ghosh and Partha Ray
2706: The effcts of Rate And variability of Inflation on Output Growth Variability: Evidence from selected Countries Downloads
Kalbe Abbas
2703: La Curva de Laffer y la optimización del recaudo tributario en Cartagena de Indias (The Laffer Courve and government optimization of the tax revenues: The Cartagena de Indias case) Downloads
Daniel Toro González and Martha Doria
2702: Opium for the Masses: How Foreign Free Media Can Stabilize Authoritarian Regimes Downloads
Holger Kern and Jens Hainmueller
2700: Computational Inefficiency Of Nonparametric Tests For Consistency Of Data With Household Consumption Downloads
Rahul Deb
2699: Ambiguity in Fama's market equilibrium? Downloads
John Nuttall
2696: Education for all is central to Higher Education Reforms in Developing Countries Downloads
Dawood Mamoon
2693: Investment timing and optimal capacity choice for small hydropower projects Downloads
Thor Bøckman, Stein-Erik Fleten, Erik Juliussen, Håvard Langhammer and Ingemar Revdal
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