MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 18275: Das Goodwill-Modell des Wettbewerbsmarktes: Vertrauen ermöglichen und Arbeitsplätze schaffen (The Goodwill Modell of the Competitive Market: Allowing for trust and creating jobs)

- Ingo Rapold
- 18274: Trade Collapse, Trade Relapse and Global Production Networks: Supply Chains in the Great Recession

- Hubert Escaith
- 18273: Determinants of Foreign Direct Ivestment inflow in South East European Countries - Panel Estimation

- Bardhyl Dauti
- 18272: Measuring productivity increase by long-run prices: The early analyses of G.R. Porter and R. Giffen

- Arrigo Opocher
- 18261: Social Correlates of Health choices: A study in Rural Tamil Nadu

- Srinivasan Kannan
- 18260: Trade Openness and the Cost of Sudden Stops: The Role of Financial Friction

- Xuan Liu
- 18258: Barter and Business Cycles: A Comment and Further Empirical Evidence

- Akbar Marvasti and David Smyth
- 18257: Úttekt á efnahagsspám Þjóðhagsstofnunar fyrir árin 1981-2002 (The accuracy of the National Economic Institute‘s forecasts 1981-2002)

- Katrin Olafsdottir
- 18256: The Knowledge Economy

- Mihaela Muntean, Costel Nistor and Ludmila Daniela Manea
- 18254: Foreign Direct Investment and the Natural Resource Curse; what is the relationship to Economic Development, Income Inequality and Poverty? Do institutions and Good Governance matter?

- Efua Bannerman
- 18252: The impact of teacher wages on the performance of students: evidence from PISA

- Amjad Ali
- 18249: Female Labor Force Participation in Urbanization Process: The Case of Turkey

- Bicerli Mustafa Kemal and Gundogan Naci
- 18248: "Google it!" Forecasting the US unemployment rate with a Google job search index

- D'Amuri, Francesco/FD and Juri Marcucci
- 18247: Urbanization and Labor Market Informality in Developing Countries

- Naci Gundogan and Mustafa Kemal Bicerli
- 18246: Political Uncertainty and the Peso Problem

- Javier García-Fronti and Lei Zhang
- 18245: Interaction between market and credit risk: Focus on the endogeneity of aggregate risk

- Yuri Sokolov
- 18244: A Bayesian analysis of government expenditure in Nigeria

- Olaolu Olayeni
- 18243: Decizii economice in conditii certe

- Nicoleta Belu, Albici Mihaela, Cristina Tenovici and Denisa Elena Parpandel
- 18242: Economic Growth and Cancer Incidence

- Fabrizio Ferretti
- 18241: The impact of banning export of cereals in response to soaring food prices: Evidences from Ethiopia using the new GTAP African database

- Getachew Woldie and Khalid Siddig
- 18240: Political Influence in Multi-Choice Institutions: Cyclicity, Anonymity and Transitivity

- Roland Pongou, Bertrand Tchantcho and Lawrence Diffo Lambo
- 18238: Performance Pay as an Incentive for Lower Absence Rates in Britain

- Konstantinos Pouliakas and Nikolaos Theodoropoulos
- 18235: Turkish economic policy under AKP government: an assessment for 2002-2007

- Mehmet Ugur
- 18234: A Comparative Study on Regional Finance in Japan and Korea: Evidence from Three Questionnaires

- Nobuyoshi Yamori and Hitoshi Hirakawa
- 18231: Kharaj and land proprietary right in the sixteenth century: An example of law and economics

- Abdul Azim Islahi
- 18229: Will growth and technology destroy social interaction? The inverted U-shape hypothesis

- Angelo Antoci, Fabio Sabatini and Mauro Sodini
- 18225: On financial derivatives and differential equations used in their assessment

- Delia Teselios and Albici Mihaela
- 18223: Interest rates, distribution and capital accumulation – A Post-Kaleckian perspective on the US and Germany

- Eckhard Hein and Christian Schoder
- 18221: Strategic interactions and heterogeneity in a overlapping generations model with negative environmental externalities

- Angelo Antoci, Ahmad Naimzada and Mauro Sodini
- 18218: China and the Reserve Currency Question

- John Ryan
- 18215: Indirect Lobbying and Media Bias

- Francesco Sobbrio
- 18214: Tax systems and tax reforms in south and East Asia: Overview of the tax systems and main policy tax issues

- Luigi Bernardi, Laura Fumagalli and Luca Gandullia
- 18213: A Citizens-Editors Model of News Media

- Francesco Sobbrio
- 18212: Risk, Leverage, and Regulation of Financial Intermediaries

- Tianxi Wang
- 18210: Emerging Multinationals from India and China: Origin, Impetus and Growth

- Jaya Prakash Pradhan
- 18209: Contract Enforcement and Family Control of Business: Evidence from China

- Yi Lu and Zhigang Tao
- 18208: UN’ANALISI DEI FLUSSI FINANZIARI DELLA REGIONE SICILIA (An Analysis of Sicilia's public financial flows)

- Maria Giuseppina Greco and Gianpiero Torrisi
- 18201: Health Care and Health Outcomes of Migrants: Evidence from Portugal

- Pedro Barros and Isabel Pereira
- 18199: Agent–Based Keynesian Macroeconomics - An Evolutionary Model Embedded in an Agent–Based Computer Simulation

- Marc Oeffner
- 18197: In Search of a Warning Strategy Against Exchange-rate Attacks: Forecasting Tactics Using Artificial Neural Networks

- Andreas S. Andreou, George Zombanakis, E. F. Georgopoulos and S. D. Likothanassis
- 18196: Nonlinear and chaotic patterns in Japanese video game console sales and consequences for management control

- Adrien Bonache and Karen Moris
- 18195: Main tax policy issues in the new members of Eu

- Luigi Bernardi and Chandler Mar
- 18192: The Influence of Foreign Direct Investment on Domestic Investment Processes in Latvia

- Deniss Titarenko
- 18191: Ibn Abd al-Wahhab and his economic ideas

- Abdul Azim Islahi
- 18189: Mozambique and natural disasters: human capital under threat

- Jorge Prado C. Alfaiate
- 18188: Optimal Unemployment Insurance with Monitoring

- Ofer Setty
- 18186: Professional reasoning in expressing the auditor's opinion

- Ovidiu Constantin Bunget, Iulia-Maria David Sobolevschi and Monica Petcu
- 18180: L’influence des evenements ulterieurs sur l’opinion de l’auditeur financier (The influence of subsequent events on the opinion of the financial auditor)

- Ovidiu Constantin Bunget
- 18176: Education and Economic Growth: Is There a Link?

- Daren Conrad
- 18174: The myth of Bryson and economic thought in Islam

- Abdul Azim Islahi
- 18171: A stochastic frontier approach to measuring regional technical efficiency in China

- Yihua Yu
- 18170: Evaluarea unei afaceri in franciza

- Denisa Elena Parpandel, Nicoleta Belu, Albici Mihaela, Cristina Tenovici and Ionela Carmen Rizea
- 18168: E-business Environment in the Global Information Society

- Dominik Vymetal and Petr Suchánek
- 18164: Interpreting the Early Stages of the Self-service Revolution in Europe: the Modernization of Food Retailing in Spain, 1947-1972

- J. Carles Maixé-Altés
- 18158: Tax polici in new EU members: Estonia and othr Baltic states

- Ahermaa Evelin and Luigi Bernardi
- 18156: West Germany - Expanding Where The Markets Are

- Bernard Gilroy and Udo Broll
- 18155: Comparative Advantage and Trade Patterns

- Udo Broll and Bernard Gilroy
- 18154: Entrepreneur’s Tax Records

- Alena Valicová
- 18153: Reform of Income Taxes as a Part of Public Budgets Stabilisation

- Ivana Barteczková
- 18149: Threshold of the Bottom Labour Price

- Jana Janoušková
- 18148: Modernizace studijních příležitostí a zkvalitňování vzdělávání na Slezské univerzitě v Opavě (Modernization of study occasions and raise of education quality at SU Opava)

- Eva Sikorová and Marie Paseková
- 18137: Romanian banking system evolution and Basel II requirements

- Mihaela Nicolau
- 18136: Franchise in Romanian tourism

- Cristina Bunea-Bontas and Mihaela Petre
- 18135: Issues on recognition, measurement and impairment of goodwill

- Cristina Bunea-Bontas and Mihaela Cosmina Petre
- 18134: Arguments for introducing accrual based accounting in the public sector

- Cristina Bunea-Bontas and Mihaela Cosmina Petre
- 18133: New approaches regarding business combinations

- Cristina Bunea-Bontas and Mihaela Cosmina Petre
- 18132: Capital adequacy and risk management - premises for strengthening financial system stability

- Cristina Bunea-Bontas, Marinela Lazarica and Mihaela Cosmina Petre
- 18131: Issues on Hedge Effectiveness Testing

- Cristina Bunea-Bontas, Mihaela Cosmina Petre and Gica Culiţă
- 18130: The GLA’s interim metro area dataset

- Alan Freeman
- 18128: R&D and Innovation Empirical Analysis for Tunisian Firms

- Moez El Elj
- 18126: Monetary structures: evaluations and signification. A comparative study Romania - France

- Georgeta Dragomir and Mihaela Nicolau
- 18120: Factor Demand Linkages, Technology Shocks and the Business Cycle

- Sean Holly and Ivan Petrella
- 18117: Market Wide Liquidity Instability in Business Cycles

- Sidharta Chatterjee
- 18113: A Fairer London: The Living Wage in London

- Alan Freeman and Veruete-McKay Leticia
- 18112: Trust and the Distribution of Caution

- Janice Boucher Breuer and John McDermott
- 18111: Respect, responsibility, and production

- Janice Boucher Breuer and John McDermott
- 18104: Towards a common standard: comparing European and American cities

- Alan Freeman
- 18103: Measuring and Comparing World Cities

- Alan Freeman
- 18102: Thirty years of research in the history of Islamic economic thought:Assessment and future directions

- Abdul Azim Islahi
- 18101: The GLA’s London Workforce Employment Series

- Alan Freeman and Peter Urwin
- 18099: Foreign direct investment in the Indian telecommunications sector

- Keith Green
- 18098: The fragile panacea of debt relief for developing countries

- Keith Green
- 18097: Decentralization and good governance: The case of Indonesia

- Keith Green
- 18095: Is Productivity Linked To Wages? An Empirical Investigation in Malaysia

- Soo Khoon Goh
- 18094: Managing the Impossible Trinity: The Case of Malaysia

- Soo Khoon Goh
- 18090: Analysis of reaching the Lisbon Strategy targets at the national level: the EU-27 and Slovenia

- Aleksander Aristovnik and Pungartnik Andrej
- 18084: Rule Bending in International Organizations: Explaining Instability in the Stability and Growth Pact

- Nicole Baerg and Mark Hallerberg
- 18082: Reputation, social identity and social conflict

- John Smith
- 18081: Purchasing power parity in Mexico: a historical note

- Frederick Wallace
- 18080: How mindless is standard economics really?

- Burkhard C Schipper
- 18079: Cointegration tests of purchasing power parity

- Frederick Wallace
- 18078: Distribution of Demand for School Quality: Evidence from Quantile Regression

- Roy Wada and Zahirovic-Herbert Herbert
- 18077: Obstacles to innovation: evidence from Malaysian manufacturing firms

- Ee Shiang Lim and Nagaraj Shyamala
- 18076: Spatial implications of international trade under the new economic geography approach

- Mauricio Ramírez Grajeda and Adrián de León Arias
- 18075: Blind Admission? The ability of NSC maths to signal competence in university commerce courses as compared to the former SC Higher Grade maths

- Karin Hunt, Neil Rankin, Volker Schöer, Miracle Nthuli and Claire Sebastiao
- 18069: What determines IPO underpricing ? Evidence from a frontier market

- Abdelkader Boudriga, Sarra Ben Slama and Neila Boulila
- 18068: Does bank supervision impact nonperforming loans: cross-country determinants using agregate data ?

- Abdelkader Boudriga, Neila Boulila and Sana Jellouli
- 18065: Modelo Para El Mejoramiento De La Gestión De Inventarios Del Banco Central Del Ecuador (Model for the currency management´s improvement of the Central Bank of Ecuador)

- Juan Francisco Aguilar
- 18064: Merger Performance and Efficiencies in Horizontal Merger Policy in the US and the EU

- Sjoerd Kamerbeek
- 18060: 户籍管制、信贷约束与农村留守子女教育投资 (The Household Registration, Credit Constraint and Educational Investment on the Rural Left Children)

- Yanjiong Yu
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