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82287: Restructuring of the steel industry in Northeast Asia Downloads
Hiro Lee, Eric Ramstetter and Oleksandr Movshuk
82286: Deep integration and its impacts on non-members: EU enlargement and East Asia Downloads
Hiro Lee and Dominique van der Mensbrugghe
82283: Regional integration, sectoral adjustments and natural groupings in East Asia Downloads
Hiro Lee and Dominique van der Mensbrugghe
82276: US and China Aid to Africa: Impact on the Donor-Recipient Trade Relations Downloads
Ailan Liu and Bo Tang
82275: Regional patterns of employability in the Greek Labour market Downloads
Maria Tsampra, Nancy Bouranta and Reveka Gkerats
82271: Assessing the impacts of deeper trade reform in Vietnam in a general equilibrium framework Downloads
Minh Thu To and Hiro Lee
82269: Partial Privatization under Multimarket Price Competition Downloads
Taku Masuda and Susumu Sato
82268: Why International Trade Cause Inequality in Developing Countries Downloads
Dawood Mamoon
82267: Strategy-proof Rules on Partially Single-peaked Domains Downloads
Gopakumar Achuthankutty and Souvik Roy
82264: Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic of Afghanistan Downloads
Noor Rahman Tahiri
82262: The Effects of Mandatory and Free College Admission Testing on College Enrollment and Completion Downloads
Mary Vansuch
82261: Testing for Bubbles in Stock Markets with Irregular Dividend Distribution Downloads
Itamar Caspi and Meital Graham Rozen
82260: A New Nonlinear Unit Root Test with Fourier Function Downloads
Burak Güriş
82258: Living on the Margins of Development: Domestic Women Workers Downloads
Nidhi Tewathia
82252: How Economic Growth, Renewable Electricity and Natural Resources Contribute to CO2 Emissions? Downloads
Daniel Balsalobre-Lorente, Muhammad Shahbaz, David Roubaud and Sahbi Farhani
82251: Financial Inclusion and Economic Growth in WAEMU: A Multiscale Heterogeneity Panel Causality Approach Downloads
Grakolet Arnold Zamereith Gourène and Pierre Mendy
82249: The Substitution Effect and the Profit Function in Consumption: expressions from the Marshallian, Hicksian, and Frischian demand functions Downloads
Jose Ignacio Gimenez-Nadal and José Alberto Molina
82248: Travel time variability and rational inattention Downloads
Mogens Fosgerau and Gege Jiang
82246: Fairness in international trade policy: equality and differential treatment in theory and practice (working paper) Downloads
Johann Jakob Häußermann
82227: An Examination of the Neutrality of US Money Supply on the Nigerian Economy Downloads
Nkem Nwanne
82225: Considering the Effects of Mobile Phones on Financial Inclusion in Cambodia Downloads
Kimty Seng
82221: Current Issues in Time-Series Analysis for the Energy-Growth Nexus; Asymmetries and Nonlinearities Case Study: Pakistan Downloads
Muhammad Shahbaz
82219: Paradigmele istoriei. Datoria publică a României în ultimii 100 de ani (History paradigms: the public debt of Romania in the last 100 years) Downloads
George Georgescu
82218: Dynamics of islamic stock market returns and exchange rate movements in the ASEAN Countries in a regime-switching environment: Implications for the islamic investors and risk hedgers Downloads
Ishaq Muhammad Mustapha and Abul Masih
82217: Diamonds and “the Golden Flute”: from the Golden Age of prodigies and geniuses to the Knowledge Based Digital Economy Downloads
Marianne Ojo
82212: Institutional Quality and Economic Performance in West Africa Downloads
Chimere Iheonu, Godfrey Ihedimma and Chigozie Onwuanaku
82195: Inovac¸ão em servic¸os: estado da arte e perspectivas futuras (Innovation in services: state of the art and future perspectives) Downloads
Ricardo Machado Léo and Tello‐Gamarra, Jorge
82188: Impact of Global Uncertainty on the Global Economy and Large Developed and Developing Economies Downloads
Kang Wensheng, Ronald Ratti and Joaquin Vespignani
82186: Real and Financial Shocks, Exchange Rate Regimes and the Probability of a Currency Crisis Downloads
Ryota Nakatani
82185: Planificarea financiarǎ pentru decizii asupra antreprenoriatului - Partea a treia (Financial planning for decisions on entrepreneurship, Part III) Downloads
Răzvan Stefanescu and Ramona Dumitriu
82181: Decentralization, fiscal transfers and income inequality in Central and Eastern European countries Downloads
Suzana Makreshanska and Goran Petrevski
82179: 'Wer hat Angst vorm Schwarzen Mann' ? Afrikanische Flüchtlinge in Europa - Spielball der Politiker (,Who is afraid of the black man'? African refugees in Europe – pawns in the game of politicians) Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
82178: Inequality, imperfect competition, and fiscal policy Downloads
Pavlos Balamatsias
82176: Afrikanische Flüchtlinge und Migranten:'Sturm auf die Wohlstandsfeste Europa'? (African refugees and migrants: 'rush on the prosperity-fortress Europe'?) Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
82175: The phase-out of second-hand clothing imports: what impact for Tanzania? Downloads
Linda Calabrese, Neil Balchin and Maximiliano Mendez-Parra
82171: Harte Zeiten für Afrikas Flüchtlinge (Hard times for African refugees) Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
82163: 'Wir sind alle abgewertet !' Zur Anpassungskrise von Währung, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft in der CFA-Zone ('We are all devalued!' On the adjustment crisis of currency, economy and society in the CFA zone) Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
82160: Voting For a Cartel as a Sign of Cooperativeness Downloads
Joris Gillet
82148: Sion's minimax theorem and Nash equilibrium of symmetric multi-person zero-sum game Downloads
Atsuhiro Satoh and Yasuhito Tanaka
82145: Ratios d’adéquation et fonction de demande des réserves de change dans les pays de l’UEMOA (Title: Foreign reserve adequacy ratios and reserve demand function in WAEMU countries) Downloads
Tchapo Gbandi
82143: Capital deepening and efficiency in Morocco Downloads
Elhadj Ezzahid and Abdelaziz Nihou
82141: The inflation-growth relationship in SSA inflation targeting countries Downloads
Nomahlubi Mavikela, Simbarashe Mhaka and Andrew Phiri
82139: Sunk Cost Fallacy in Driving the World's Costliest Cars Downloads
Teck Hua Ho, Ivan Png and Sadat Reza
82138: Consultative Democracy & Trust Downloads
Francesco Bogliacino, Gianluca Grimalda and Laura Jimenez
82136: Multiproduct Intermediaries and Optimal Product Range Downloads
Andrew Rhodes, Makoto Watanabe and Jidong Zhou
82134: Trends and Features of Research on Foreign Aid: A Literature Review Downloads
Jose Antonio Pedrosa-Garcia
82132: External private debt and economic growth: Is there a lead-lag Granger-casual relationship? evidence from Turkey Downloads
Mehmet Sami Poyraz and Abul Masih
82131: Financial development in Africa - a critical examination Downloads
Simplice Asongu
82130: Alignment of the Quarterly Financial Statistics to the Annual Financial Statistics data Downloads
Sagaren Pillay and Joe de Beer
82129: Policy Review: Is Inequality a Policy Choice? Downloads
Dawood Mamoon
82125: The Center and the Periphery: Two Hundred Years of International Borrowing Cycles Downloads
Graciela Kaminsky
82123: Regime switching behavior of volatilities of Islamic equities: evidence from Markov- Switching GARCH models for some selected broad based indices Downloads
Md. Ridwan Reza and Abul Masih
82120: Does Clower’s Dual-Decision Hypothesis lead to the change in saving conclusion in Keynes’s General Theory? Downloads
Cheng Wu
82119: L'Impact des Dépenses d'Infrastructures sur la Croissance en Algérie. Une Approche en Séries Temporelles Multivariées (VAR) (The Impact of Infrastructure Spending on Growth in Algeria. A Multivariate Time Series Approach (VAR)) Downloads
Ahmed Zakane
82117: Should the Malaysian islamic stock market investors invest in regional and international equity markets to gain portfolio diversification benefits? Downloads
Fatin Umairah and Abul Masih
82115: Leading the Diffusion of Intellectual Capital Management Practices in Science Parks Downloads
Ehsan Khavandkar, Nicholas Theodorakopoulos, Mark Hart and Jude Preston
82113: Export orientation vs import substitution: which strategy should the government adopt? Evidence from Malaysia Downloads
Puteri Nurhaliq and Abul Masih
82112: The Philip's Curve in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from Panel Data Analysis Downloads
Godwin Esu and Johnson Atan
82111: Nice to You, Nicer to Me: Does Self-Serving Generosity Diminish the Reciprocal Response? Downloads
Daniel Woods and Maroš Servátka
82109: Eine keynesianische Analyse der Beschäftigungswirkung einer Arbeitszeitverkürzung (A Keynesian analysis of the employment effects of a working time reduction) Downloads
Johannes Nägele
82108: Identification non paramétrique d’un processus non linéaire hétéroscédastique (Nonparametric identification of heteroscedastic nonlinear process) Downloads
Mohamed Chikhi
82105: Emerging trends in European food, diets and food industry Downloads
Fabio Gaetano Santeramo, Domenico Carlucci, Biagia De Devitiis, Antonio Seccia, Antonio Stasi, Rosaria Viscecchia and Gianluca Nardone
82104: Does Credit Composition Have Asymmetric Effects on Income Inequality? Downloads
Ünal Seven, Dilara Kilinc and Yener Coskun
82103: Does currency depreciation necessarily result in positive trade balance ? new evidence from Norway Downloads
Haris Dzanan and Abul Masih
82101: The SKY Model of Limited BlockChain in an App Ecosystem Downloads
Kartik Hegadekatti, Yatish S G and Satish T J
82100: Banking Systems in an Economy Dominated by Cryptocurrencies Downloads
Kartik Hegadekatti and Yatish S G
82099: Региональные схемы рыночных механизмов регулирования выбросов парниковых газов: опыт и перспективы (Regional Schemes of Market Mechanisms of Greenhouse Gases Emission: Experiences and Perspectives) Downloads
Rajko Bukvić and Ivan Pajović
82098: Afghanistan and China Trade Relationship Downloads
Noor Rahman Tahiri
82095: Multiple-Quality Cournot Oligopoly and the Role of Market Size Downloads
Zhuang Miao and Ngo Long
82094: The response of monetary policy shocks on Islamic bank deposits: evidence from Malaysia based on ARDL approach Downloads
Nur Afiyah Nazib and Abul Masih
82092: Redistributive Tax Policy at the Zero Bound Downloads
Manuel Lancastre
82091: On the Determinants of output Co-movements in the CEMAC Zone:Examining the Role of Trade, Policy Channel, Economic Structure and Common Factors Downloads
Eric Martial Etoundi Atenga
82088: Does Corruption Ease the Burden of Regulation? National and Subnational Evidence Downloads
Michael Breen and Robert Gillanders
82086: Framing Effects in Intertemporal Choice: A Nudge Experiment Downloads
Valeria Faralla, Marco Novarese and Antonella Ardizzone
82085: Differential Approach and Capabilities: An Analysis for the Colombia's Population Displaced Downloads
Dorian Leon
82083: African Monetary Unions - Dominated by the North? On the Relevance of Rational Economic Reasoning Under African Conditions Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
82081: Fairness and the unselfish demand for redistribution by taxpayers and welfare recipients Downloads
Fabio Sabatini, Marco Ventura, Eiji Yamamura and Luca Zamparelli
82080: Do Border Effects Alter Regional Development: Evidence from China Downloads
Mark Partridge, Benjian Yang and Anping Chen
82074: Takeover incentives and defence with Cross Partial Ownerships Downloads
Jean-Philippe Serbera and John Fry
82073: Examining Taxation of Fiat Money and Bitcoins Vis-A-Vis Regulated Cryptocurrencies Downloads
Kartik Hegadekatti and Yatish S G
82072: Proof-of-Sovereignty (PoSv) as a Method to Achieve Distributed Consensus in Crypto-Currency Networks Downloads
Kartik Hegadekatti and Yatish S G
82070: Roadmap for a Controlled Block Chain architecture Downloads
Kartik Hegadekatti and Yatish S G
82069: When is Trade Good for the Poor? Evidence from Recent Literature Downloads
Dawood Mamoon
82067: The K-Y Protocol: The First Protocol for the Regulation of Crypto Currencies (E.g.-Bitcoin) Downloads
Kartik Hegadekatti and Yatish S G
82066: The Gift and Pay-What-You-Want Pricing Downloads
Henrik Egbert
82065: Progressing Pakistan should ensure Quality Education for All Downloads
Dawood Mamoon
82064: Inefficiencies in Search Models: The Case for Islamic Finance Downloads
Mabid Al-Jarhi
82061: Financial Firm Production of Inside Monetary and Credit Card Services: An Aggregation Theoretic Approach Downloads
William Barnett and Liting Su
82058: Swaziland’s Fiscal Policy: The Choices Ahead Downloads
Milton Ayoki
82054: CO2 emissions and financial development: evidence from the United Arab Emirates based on an ARDL approach Downloads
Abdoulaye Kindy Diallo and Abul Masih
82053: Perhitungan Ekonomik Budidaya Tanaman Jagung Sistem Pertanian Organik (Economic Calculation of Organic Cultivation of Corn Plantation) Downloads
Bambang Supriyatno
82051: Евразийский экономический союз (Eurasian Economic Union) Downloads
Evgeny Vinokurov, Dmitry Korshunov, Vladimir Pereboev and Taras Tsukarev
82050: How Does the Policy Rate Respond to Output and Prices in Thailand? Downloads
Komain Jiranyakul
82049: The household structure: recent international evolution Downloads
Lucia García and José Alberto Molina
82048: Convergence Clubs Beyond GDP: A Non-Parametric Density Approach Downloads
Carlos Mendez-Guerra
82045: Technology Case Study: Virtual Lifestyles and Sustainable Economic Development Downloads
Dawood Mamoon
82043: Economic sociodynamics: criticism Downloads
Arsen A. Movsesyan
82042: Tariffs and Privatization Policy in a Bilateral Trade Model with Corporate Social Responsibility Downloads
Sang-Ho Lee and Lili Xu
82040: Can Emerging Markets Tilt Global Product Design? Impacts of Chinese Colorism on Hollywood Castings Downloads
Manuel Hermosilla, Fernanda Gutierrez-Navratil and Juan Prieto-Rodriguez
82039: Product Churning, Reallocation, and Chinese Export Growth Downloads
Zhongzhong Hu, Joel Rodrigue, Yong Tan and Chunhai Yu
Page updated 2025-03-25
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