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4662: Estimating a New Keynesian Phillips Curve with a Corrected Measure of Real Marginal Cost: Evidence in Japan Downloads
Ichiro Muto
4661: Relative remote rural areas (RRRA)in developed regions: an analysis of the Emilia-Romagna region to support policy decision making Downloads
Enza Zabbini, Silvia Grandi and Fiorella Dallari
4660: Il turismo crocieristico: sfide ed opportunità di sviluppo dei territori costieri. Il caso caraibico delle Piccole Antille (Cruise Tourism: challenges and opportunities for coastal regional development. The Carribean case of the West Indies) Downloads
Silvia Grandi and Anna Maria Sala
4655: Cash Dilution in Illiquid Funds Downloads
Martin Everts
4651: Spatial Pillage Game Downloads
Hanjoon Jung
4650: Preference-based Cooperation in a Prisoner's Dilemma Game: Whole Population Cooperation without Information Flow across Matches Downloads
Hanjoon Jung
4648: A Historical Evaluation of Financial Accelerator Effects in Japan's Economy Downloads
Hitoshi Fuchi, Ichiro Muto and Hiroshi Ugai
4645: Uncertainty, trade integration and the optimal level of protection in a Ricardian model with a continuum of goods Downloads
Michele Di Maio
4641: Rational bubbles in emerging stockmarkets Downloads
Mauricio Nunes and Sergio Da Silva
4634: Performance of Differential Evolution Method in Least Squares Fitting of Some Typical Nonlinear Curves Downloads
Sudhanshu Mishra
4626: Determinants of Academic Attainment in the US: a Quantile regression analysis of test scores Downloads
Getinet Haile and Anh Nguyen
4625: Book Review to Luigino Bruni -'Reciprocita'- Economic Thought and Reciprocity Theories Downloads
Tommaso Reggiani
4624: L'Accesso al Credito è un Diritto (The Credit is a Right) Downloads
Tommaso Reggiani
4623: The impact of firm-type dominance on regional manufacturing growth Downloads
Stanley Salvary
4617: Changes in the depreciation of buildings in an English building society, circa 1959: financial and governance implications Downloads
Bernardo Batiz-Lazo
4613: Network Externalities and Comparative Advantage Downloads
Toru Kikuchi
4609: Do the right thing: But only if others do so Downloads
Cristina Bicchieri and Erte Xiao
4606: Cycles of violence, and terrorist attacks index for the State of Arkansas Downloads
Gustavo Gomez-Sorzano
4605: Cycles of violence, and terrorist attacks index for the State of Ohio Downloads
Gustavo Gomez-Sorzano
4604: Cycles of violence, and terrorist attacks index for the State of Washington Downloads
Gustavo Gomez-Sorzano
4603: DARPA Urban Challenge, a C++ based platform for testing Path Planning Algorithms: An application of Game Theory and Neural Networks Downloads
Raphael Rubin
4602: Endogènisation des comportements migratoires des travailleurs qualifies induits par l’implantation des multinationales au Sud Downloads
Raphael Rubin
4600: Keynesianismo, Poskeynesianismo y Nuevokeynesianismo: ¿Tres doctrinas diferentes y una sóla teoría verdadera? (Keynesianism, PostKeynesianism and Newkeynesianism: ¿Three different doctrines just one real theory?) Downloads
John Jairo León Díaz
4596: India’s Involvement in Regional Trade Agreements: Is it a Second Best Strategy? Downloads
Biswajit Nag and Debashis Chakraborty
4595: Attitudes Towards Immigrants and Relative Deprivation: The Case of a Middle-Income Country Downloads
Mariya Aleksynska
4594: Civic Participation of Immigrants: Culture Transmission and Assimilation Downloads
Mariya Aleksynska
4593: An avenue for expansionary fiscal contractions Downloads
Antonio Afonso
4590: A Dynamic Analysis of Educational Attainment, Occupational Choices, and Job Search Downloads
Paul Sullivan
4585: Municipal Bonds for Financing Development of infrastructure: A way forward for KCC and Local Governments in Uganda Downloads
Abubaker Mayanja and Israel Mayengo
4584: Product Development 2.0 Downloads
Dion Hinchcliffe
4583: Web 2.0: Nothing Changes…but Everything is Different Downloads
Eric Barbry
4582: Folksonomy: the New Way to Serendipity Downloads
Nicolas Auray
4581: The Strength of Weak Cooperation:an Attempt to Understand the Meaning of Web 2.0 Downloads
Dominique Cardon and Christophe Cardon
4579: User Generated Content: Web 2.0 Taking the Video Sector by Storm Downloads
David Mabillot
4578: What Is Web 2.0: Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software Downloads
Tim O'Reilly
4575: Can Price Discrimination be Bad for Firms and Good for All Consumers? A Theoretical Analysis of Cross-Market Price Constraints with Entry and Product Differentiation Downloads
Ofer Azar
4574: The Impact of Patenting on New Product Introductions in the Pharmaceutical Industry Downloads
Stuart Graham and Matthew Higgins
4570: Novel Methods for Multivariate Ordinal Data applied to Genetic Diplotypes, Genomic Pathways, Risk Profiles, and Pattern Similarity Downloads
Knut Wittkowski
4566: State of Corporate Governance in Arab Countries: An Overview Downloads
Najib Harabi
4559: On the Strategic Impact of an Event under Non-Common Priors Downloads
Daisuke Oyama and Olivier Tercieux
4554: Estimating aid-growth equations: the case of Pacific Island countries Downloads
B. Rao, Kanaiah Lal Sharma and Rup Singh
Chin-Hong Puah, Jerome Kueh and Evan Lau
4547: Cycles of violence, riots, and terrorist attacks index for the State of California Downloads
Gustavo Gomez-Sorzano
4543: Les relations investisseurs - Gérants dans l’industrie des fonds d’investissement (Investors and managers relationship in investment funds industry) Downloads
Jean-Marie Yao
4542: Attractivité des places financières et fragmentation de l’activité dans l’industrie des fonds d’investissement (International Financial Centers specialisation in investment funds activities) Downloads
Jean-Marie Yao
4541: Risk-based cash demand in a firm Downloads
Grzegorz Michalski
4540: Where Economics Has Been Headed? Multiple Identities And Diversity In Economic Literature Evidence From Top Journals Over The Period 2000-2006 A First Note Downloads
Luigi Campiglio and Raul Caruso
4534: Políticas financeiras nas estratégias de internacionalização: efeitos do IED sobre as exportações brasileiras (Politiques financières dans les stratégies d’internationalisation: effet de l’IDE sur les exportations brésiliennes) Downloads
Edward Rivera Rivera and Francisco Américo Cassano
Edward Rivera Rivera
4531: Benchmark nations at the conversion of foreign direct investments into international trade: A non-parametric analysis of the G7 and Bric nations Downloads
Edward Rivera Rivera
4527: Production sharing in Latin American trade: a research note Downloads
Vivianne Ventura Dias and José Durán Lima
4520: The biological basis of expected utility anomalies Downloads
Raul Matsushita, Dinorá Baldo, Bruna Martin and Sergio Da Silva
4508: Procedural Concerns Downloads
Alexander Sebald
4504: Banking, Inside Money and Outside Money Downloads
Hongfei Sun
4499: Doing Business in Mexico Downloads
Thomas Zimmermann
4498: Negotiating the review of the WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding Downloads
Thomas Zimmermann
4495: Der Beitrag von Profit- und Nonprofit-Organisationen zum technischen Fortschritt: Ergebnisse aus der Schweiz (Contribution of Profit- and Non-Profit Organizations to Technical Change. Empirical Results from Switzerland) Downloads
Najib Harabi
4493: ELECTRONIC COMMERCE IN DER SCHWEIZ: Ergebnisse aus Einzelfallstudien und statistischen Erhebungen (Electronic commerce in Switzerland: Results from case studies and statistical investigations) Downloads
Najib Harabi, Rolf Schoch and Frank Hespeler
4492: An inverted-U relationship between product market competition and Growth in an extended romerian model: A comment Downloads
Dominique Bianco
4491: Monetary policy responses amid credit and asset booms and busts Downloads
Robert Pavasuthipaisit
4485: Tipping, firm strategy, and industrial organization Downloads
Ofer Azar
4484: Behavioral industrial organization, firm strategy, and consumer economics Downloads
Ofer Azar
4483: Citing reprinted material Downloads
Ofer Azar
4482: Evolution of social norms with heterogeneous preferences: A general model and an application to the academic review process Downloads
Ofer Azar
4478: The slowdown in first-response times of economics journals: Can it be beneficial? Downloads
Ofer Azar
4477: Action bias among elite soccer goalkeepers: The case of penalty kicks Downloads
Michael Bar-Eli, Ofer Azar, Ilana Ritov, Yael Keidar-Levin and Galit Schein
4476: high level of international risk sharing when the productivity growth contains long run risk Downloads
Yanqin Chang
4473: The pronouncements of paranoid politicians Downloads
Guido Cataife
4472: Seigniorage, taxation and myopia in EMU Downloads
Thomas Krichel
4471: Exchange Options Downloads
Farshid Jamshidian
4469: Public-private Partnerships in Micro-finance: Should NGO Involvement be Restricted? Downloads
Prabal Roy Chowdhury and Jaideep Roy
4467: Consequences of price volatility in evaluating the benefits of liberalisation Downloads
Jean-Marc Boussard
4466: Malthus to Romer: On the Colonial Origins of the Industrial Revolution Downloads
Juan Cordoba
4463: Remittances as insurance for idiosyncratic and covariate shocks in Malawi: The importance of distance and relationship Downloads
Simon Davies
4462: Simple Monetary Rules under Fiscal Dominance Downloads
Michael Kumhof, Ricardo Nunes and Yakadina Irina
4459: Justifiability of Bayesian Implementation in Oligopolistic Markets Downloads
Semih Koray and Ismail Saglam
4458: The Role of Accounting Conservatism in a well-functioning Corporate Governance System Downloads
Supreena Narayanan and Mike Burkart
4457: Incentives and Service Quality in the Restaurant Industry: The Tipping – Service Puzzle Downloads
Ofer Azar
4456: The Effect of External Incentives on Profits and Firm-Provided Incentives Strategy Downloads
Ofer Azar
4455: The effect of relative thinking on firm strategy and market outcomes: A location differentiation model with endogenous transportation costs Downloads
Ofer Azar
4454: Salient features of social accounting matrix of Pakistan for 1989-90: Disaggregation of the households sector Downloads
Rizwana Siddiqui and Zafar Iqbal
4444: Electronic Commerce in der Schweiz: Lehren aus Fallbeispielen (Electronic Commerce: Case Studies from Switzerland) Downloads
Najib Harabi and Frank Hespeler
4443: DIE DIFFUSION VON TELEARBEIT: Wo steht die Schweiz heute im internationalen Vergleich? Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung (Diffusion of Telework: What is Switzerland’s position in an international comparison? Results of an empirical study) Downloads
Najib Harabi, Rolf Schoch and Frank Hespeler
4442: Einführung und Verbreitung von Electronic Commerce – Wo steht die Schweiz heute im internationalen Vergleich? Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung (Introduction and Diffusion of Electronic Commerce – What is Switzerland’s position in an international comparison? Results of an empirical study) Downloads
Najib Harabi, Rolf Schoch and Frank Hespeler
4441: Introduction and Diffusion of Electronic Commerce – What is Switzerland’s position in an international comparison? Results of an empirical study Downloads
Najib Harabi
4440: Déterminants de la croissance des entreprises: Une analyse empirique du Maroc (Determinants of Firm Growth: An Empirical Analysis from Morocco) Downloads
Najib Harabi
4439: Performance économique de l’industrie du droit d’auteur dans certains pays arabes (Creative Industries in Arab Countries) Downloads
Najib Harabi
4438: Financial Market Regulation-Security Scams In India with historical evidence and the role of corporate governance Downloads
Supreena Narayanan
4436: L’evoluzione dei patti sociali in una prospettiva analitica (The evolution of social pacts: An analytical perspective) Downloads
Nicola Acocella, Giovanni Di Bartolomeo and Stefano Papa
4432: The Art of Gracefully Exiting a Peg Downloads
Ahmet Asici and Charles Wyplosz
4431: The Effect of Legal Systems and Accounting Conservatism on Corporate Governance: The U.S. versus the U.K.(A Comparative Analysis) Downloads
Supreena Narayanan
4425: Frauen-Power unter Der Lupe: Geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede zwischen Jungunternehmerinnen und Jungunternehmen. Ergebnisse einer empirische Untersuchung (Women-Power under the Microscope: Gender-specific differences among jung entrepreneurs. An empirical analysis) Downloads
Rolf Meyer and Najib Harabi
4424: Selbständigerwerbende und ihre jungen Unternehmen: 9 Fallbeispiele (Start-up Firms of the self-employed: 9 Case studies) Downloads
Najib Harabi, Rolf Meyer, Marion Alt and Kerstin Hüffmeyer
4423: An Empirical Work On Catch Up By The Diffusion Of Technology Downloads
Kahraman Kalyoncu and Huseyin Kalyoncu
4421: Integration of migrants in Italy: A simple general and objective measure Downloads
Anna Di Bartolomeo and Giovanni Di Bartolomeo
4420: Interlocking directorates as a thrust substitute: The case of the Italian non-life insurance industry Downloads
Davide Carbonai and Giovanni Di Bartolomeo
4419: Towards a new theory of economic policy: Continuity and innovation Downloads
Nicola Acocella and Giovanni Di Bartolomeo
4418: The Formation of New Firms – An Empirical Analysis from Switzerland Downloads
Najib Harabi
4417: Die neuen Selbständigen. Eine empirische Analyse für die Schweiz (The New Self-employed: An Empirical Analysis from Switzerland) Downloads
Najib Harabi and Rolf Meyer
4412: Labour Market Effects of Polytechnic Education Reform: The Finnish Experience Downloads
Petri Böckerman, Ulla Hämäläinen and Roope Uusitalo
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