MPRA Paper
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- 37098: A coopetitive approach to financial markets stabilization and risk management

- David Carfì and Francesco Musolino
- 37095: Asymmetric R&D alliances and coopetitive games

- David Carfì, Daniela Bagileri and Gianbattista Dagnino
- 37094: A Generalization of Sen’s Unification Theorem: Avoiding the Necessity of Pairs and Triplets

- Junnan He
- 37093: Asymmetric Cournot duopoly: game complete analysis

- David Carfì and Emanuele Perrone
- 37091: Estimating the Impact of Currency Unions on Trade Using a Dynamic Gravity Framework

- Douglas Campbell
- 37086: نحو رؤية جديدة لتمويل منشآت الأعمال الصغيرة والمتوسطة (Financing Small and Medium Scale Enterprises:A New Approach)

- Ibrahim Onour
- 37083: Does Distance Affect the Performance of Foreign Banks? Evidence from Multinational Banking in Developing Countries

- Ji Wu, Bang Jeon and Alina C. Luca
- 37080: Economy and power to tax

- Fernando Estrada
- 37076: Capacity of local communities in pre and post disasters situation in coastal area of Pakistan

- Khan Abdul Razzaq, Pathan Dr. Pervez Ahmed, Taherani Dr. Abdida and Khan Sadia Razzaq
- 37075: The nature, sources and the socio-economic effects of terrorism in Balochistan

- Nadeem Uz Zaman, Gul Ghutai and Kaneez Raza Khan
- 37073: A growing pain: an experimental approach to discover the most acceptable strategy for lifting fuel subsidy scheme in Indonesia

- Rimawan Pradiptyo and Gumilang Aryo Sahadewo
- 37072: Das Halteproblem bei Strukturbrüchen in Finanzmarktzeitreihen (The Halting Problem applied to Structural Breaks in Financial Time Series)

- Thomas Czinkota
- 37071: Testing for weak form market efficiency in Indian foreign exchange market

- Anoop Sasikumar
- 37067: The changing impact of macroeconomic environment on remittance inflows in sub-Saharan Africa

- Deodat Adenutsi, Meshach Aziakpono and Matthew Ocran
- 37066: On the theoretical derivation of a functional form for the hedonic price function

- Gaetano Lisi
- 37065: Home seekers in the housing market

- Gaetano Lisi
- 37061: The design and use of macroeconomics simulation using maple software: A pilot study

- Hal W. Snarr and Steven C. Gold
- 37060: Accounting for peak shifting in traditional cost-benefit analysis

- Hal W. Snarr and Dan Axelsen
- 37059: Institutional structures of financial sector supervision, their drivers and emerging benchmark models

- Martin Melecký and Anca Pruteanu-Podpiera
- 37052: Opportunities and restrictions for the local-endogenous development in metropolitan areas of high industrial concentration: the case of Thriasio Pedio in Attica

- Manolis Christofakis and Maria Tsampra
- 37049: The significance of HRM for small enterprises of Pakistan

- Jibran Bashir and Sara Afzal
- 37048: From the lab to the field: envelopes, dictators and manners

- Jan Stoop
- 37046: Property rights and investment in agriculture: Evidence for Ghana

- Awudu Abdulai, Victor Owusu and Renan Goetz
- 37045: Microdata imputations and macrodata implications: evidence from the Ifo Business Survey

- Christian Seiler and Christian Heumann
- 37043: Towards a new model for early warning signals for systemic financial fragility and near crises: an application to OECD countries

- Barbara Casu, Andrew Clare and Nashwa Saleh
- 37039: Creating the missing link: applying collective marks to create clusters

- Roya Ghafele
- 37035: Productivité du travail, capital humain et écart technologique dans les industries manufacturières marocaines (Labor productivity, human capital and technology gap in manufacturing Moroccan)

- Jamal Bouoiyour
- 37033: In the shadow of giants

- Jing-Yuan Chiou
- 37031: Los efectos macroeconómicos del lavado de dinero (Macroeonomic Effects of Money Laundering)

- Sadri Slim
- 37030: The Determining factors of foreign firect investment in Morocco

- Jamal Bouoiyour
- 37027: Robust mechanism design and dominant strategy voting rules

- Tilman Börgers and Doug Smith
- 37025: Subsidy and export: Malaysian case

- Shazali Abu Mansor and Bakri Abdul Karim
- 37023: An automatic procedure for the estimation of the tail index

- Ricardo Gimeno and Clara Gonzalez
- 37018: Global green economy and environmental sustainability: a coopetitive model

- David Carfì and Daniele Schiliro'
- 37017: Interest Rate Control Rules and Macroeconomic Stability in a Heterogeneous Two-Country Model

- Seiya Fujisaki
- 37016: Experience of technological and natural disasters and their impact on the perceived risk of nuclear accidents after the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan 2011: A cross-country analysis

- Eiji Yamamura
- 37014: Migration, Diaspora et développement humain (Migration, Diaspora and Human Development)

- Jamal Bouoiyour
- 37012: Flexicurity in the European Union: flexibility for outsiders, security for insiders

- Olaf Vliet and Henk Nijboer
- 37009: On the historical and geographic origins of the Sicilian mafia

- Paolo Buonanno, Ruben Durante, Giovanni Prarolo and Paolo Vanin
- 37008: The economy of Spain in the eurozone before and after the crisis of 2008

- Larry Neal and Concepcion Garcia-Iglesias
- 37006: Estimación de matrices de insumo producto regionales mediante métodos indirectos. Una aplicación para la ciudad de Buenos Aires (A non-survey estimation for regional input-output tables. An application for Buenos Aires City)

- Leonardo Mastronardi and Carlos Romero
- 37005: Population-ageing, structural change and productivity growth

- Denis Stijepic and Helmut Wagner
- 37002: Deriving time discounting correction factors for TTO tariffs

- Arthur Attema and Werner Brouwer
- 37001: With strings attached: Grandparent-provided child care, fertility, and female labor market outcomes

- Eva García-Morán and Zoe Kuehn
- 36999: Labour legislations in India: tourism industry dimension

- Rajasekharan Pillai
- 36998: Anomali Overreaction di bursa efek Indonesia: Penelitian Saham LQ-45 (Overreaction Anomaly in Indonesia Stock Exchange: Case Study of LQ-45 Stocks)

- Rowland Bismark Fernando Pasaribu
- 36997: Análisis de coeficientes de localización. El caso de la provincia de Córdoba (Location quotient analysis. The case of Córdoba state)

- Carlos Romero, Leonardo Mastronardi and Magalí Julieta Faye
- 36996: Culture and diversity in knowledge creation

- Marcus Berliant and Masahisa Fujita
- 36995: Real wages and monetary policy: A DSGE approach

- Bryan Perry, Kerk L. Phillips and David E. Spencer
- 36994: Lyapunov stability in an evolutionary game theory model of the labor market

- Ricardo Araujo and Helmar Moreira
- 36993: Costs and efficiency of highway concessionaires: a survey of Italian operators

- Jérôme Massiani and Giorgio Ragazzi
- 36990: The choice of domestic policies in a globalized economy

- Justina A. V. Fischer
- 36989: Interest rates close to zero, post-crisis restructuring and natural interest rate

- Piotr Ciżkowicz and Andrzej Rzońca
- 36988: Influence of age of child on differences in life satisfaction of males and females: A comparative study among East Asian countries

- Eiji Yamamura
- 36987: Death tolls from natural disasters: Influence of interactions between fiscal decentralization, institution, and economic development

- Eiji Yamamura
- 36985: Mercati informali del credito agrario nella Palestina di fine Impero Ottomano: un'analisi dell'evoluzione dei contratti bay-wafa, salam e muzaraah nel distretto di Haifa (1890-1915) (Informal rural credit markets in late Ottoman Palestine: an analysis of bay-wafa, salam and muzaraah contracts in the District of Haifa (1890-1912))

- Stefania Ecchia
- 36984: Public Good Provision with Convex Costs

- L Senatore
- 36982: Kinerja Pasar dan Informasi Akuntansi sebagai Pembentuk Portfolio Saham (Market Performance and Accounting Information as the Reference of Stocks Portfolio Formation in Indonesia Stock Exchange)

- Rowland Bismark Fernando Pasaribu
- 36981: Koreksi Bias Koefisien Beta (Non-Synchronous Trading In Indonesia Stock Exchange)

- Rowland Bismark Fernando Pasaribu
- 36980: Penggunaan Binary Logit untuk Prediksi Financial Distress Perusahaan Yang Tercatat Di Bursa Efek Jakarta (Financial Distress Prediction In Indonesian Stock Exchange)

- Rowland Bismark Fernando Pasaribu
- 36979: Pengaruh Variabel Fundamental terhadap Harga Saham Perusahaan Go-public di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2003-2006 (The Influence of Corporate Fundamental to Stock Price in Indonesian Public Companies)

- Rowland Bismark Fernando Pasaribu
- 36978: Pemilihan Model Asset Pricing (Asset pricing model selection: Indonesian Stock Exchange)

- Rowland Bismark Fernando Pasaribu
- 36977: Trademark owners perspective on the Madrid system: practical experiences and theoretical underpinnings

- Roya Ghafele
- 36975: The law of one price and the role of market structure

- Mustafa Caglayan and Alpay Filiztekin
- 36973: Should unemployment insurance be asset-tested?

- Sebastian Koehne and Moritz Kuhn
- 36967: International Parities and Exchange Rate Determination

- Yan Zhao
- 36964: The effect of job displacement on couples' fertility decisions

- Kristiina Huttunen and Jenni Kellokumpu
- 36961: The Institutions-Growth Nexus: Stages of Development

- Saima Nawaz
- 36959: Service quality perception and customers’ satisfaction in internet banking service: a case study of public and private sector banks

- Vijay Kumbhar
- 36957: Explaining intention to use the Islamic credit card: an extension of the TRA model

- Hanudin Amin
- 36952: New research methods of business history

- Amedeo Lepore
- 36951: Ranking policy and political economic journals

- George Halkos and Nickolaos Tzeremes
- 36947: Экономико-демографическая роль миграции в глобальном мире и перспективы России (Migration in the global world: economical and demographical roles and prospects for Russia)

- Marina Lifshits
- 36946: Population and economic growth theme: Longitudinal data for a sample of Balkan countries

- Dushko Josheski, Dimitrov Nikola and Cane Koteski
- 36945: Migration in the global world: economical and demographical roles and prospects for Russia

- Marina Lifshits
- 36943: Impacts of China's log Import on the Ecological Sustainability of Forests in Source Countries

- Chun-Yi Ji, Hongqiang Yang and Ying Nie
- 36936: Regionalizarea comertului international (Regionalization of international trade)

- Andrei-Teofil Postolachi
- 36934: Le differenze regionali nella governance della spesa sanitaria. La sanità alla sfide del federalismo: il modello SaniRegio di CeRM (Regional differences in the governance of health care expenditure. Italian Health Care System (Ssn) in the transition toward Federalism: the SaniRegio Model by CeRM)

- Fabio Pammolli and Nicola Salerno
- 36932: Lyapunov stability in an evolutionary game theory model of the labor market

- Ricardo Araujo and Helmar Moreira
- 36929: International linkages of Japanese bond markets: an empirical analysis

- Bang Jeon, Philip Ji and Hongfang Zhang
- 36928: The Multipillar System for Health Care Financing: Thirteen Good Reasons for Open Capitalisation Funds, Covering both Pension and Health Care Provisions

- Fabio Pammolli and Nicola Salerno
- 36927: La Sostenibilità dei Sistemi Sanitari Regionali (The Financial Sustainability of Italian Regional Health Care Systems)

- Fabio Pammolli and Nicola Salerno
- 36923: Modelling water resource allocation: a case study on agriculture versus hydropower production

- Jorge Bielsa and Rosa Duarte
- 36919: Bilateral Export and Import Demand Functions of Bangladesh: A Cointegration Approach

- S. M. Woahid Murad
- 36918: New Development of Fiscal Decentralization in China

- Zhiguo Wang and Liang Ma
- 36914: Job design with conflicting tasks reconsidered

- Patrick W. Schmitz
- 36913: Geographic access and demand in the market for alcohol

- Mark Burkey
- 36911: Revenue decentralization and inflation: a re-evaluation

- Thushyanthan Baskaran
- 36907: Unemployment risk and wage differentials

- Roberto Pinheiro and Ludo Visschers
- 36905: Precautionary demand for money in a monetary business cycle model

- Irina Telyukova and Ludo Visschers
- 36903: Energy consumption and carbon dioxide environmental efficiency for former Soviet Union economies. evidence from DEA window analysis

- Annageldy Arazmuradov
- 36902: Borrowing constraints and the trade balance-output comovement

- Yan Zhao
- 36901: Fighting corruption when existing corruption-control levels count: what do wealth effects tell us?

- Simplice Asongu
- 36900: Fighting corruption in Africa: do existing corruption-control levels matter?

- Simplice Asongu
- 36899: Globalization, (fighting) corruption and development: how are these phenomena linearly and nonlinearly related in wealth effects?

- Simplice Asongu
- 36898: Statistical Digest of the 2010 Round of Population and Housing censuses in Africa

- Gildas Crépin Nzingoula
- 36897: Revisiting the empirical linkages between stock returns and trading volume

- Shiu-Sheng Chen
- 36894: Cointegration, causality and Wagner’s law with disaggregated data: evidence from Turkey, 1968-2004

- Yakup Kucukkale and Rahmi Yamak
- 36893: Fighting corruption with cultural dynamics: when legal-origins, religious-influences and existing corruption-control levels matter

- Simplice Asongu
- 36890: Forecasting ENSO with a smooth transition autoregressive model

- David Ubilava and C Gustav Helmers
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