MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 31365: Is regulatory quality related to industry performance? Evidence on telecommunications, gas and electricity in EU15

- Mehmet Ugur
- 31363: Regional deposits and demographic changes

- Jun Nagayasu
- 31362: Nanotechnology and business opportunities: scenarios as awareness instrument

- Erik Knol
- 31361: The Energy2B project: stimulating environmental entrepreneurship and building an energy infrastructure through institutional entrepreneurship

- Denise Fletcher, Erik Knol and Marcin Janicki
- 31360: Does financial instability increase environmental pollution in Pakistan?

- Muhammad Shahbaz
- 31358: Libéralisation commerciale et marché du travail: Cas de la Tunisie (Trade liberalization and labor market: Case of Tunisia)

- Jamal Bouoiyour
- 31357: Pertinence de la dévaluation du Franc CFA de janvier 1994: Une évaluation par le taux de change réel d’équilibre. Cas de l’économie camerounaise (Relevance of the CFA France devaluation in January 1994: An evaluation by the real exchange rate equilibrium. The case of Cameroon)

- Jamal Bouoiyour and Oscar Kuikeu
- 31355: Kondratiev, Marx and the long cycle

- Aris Papageorgiou and Lefteris Tsoulfidis
- 31354: Valuation of Latin-American stock prices with alternative versions of the Ohlson model: An investigation of cointegration relationships with time-series and panel-data

- Rocio Duran-Vazquez, Arturo Lorenzo-Valdes and Antonio Ruiz-Porras
- 31353: Grande distribuzione alimentare e criteri di selezione dei fornitori nella prospettiva dei piccoli e medi produttori (Suppliers selction criteria for large retailers: The small and medium manufacturers perspective)

- Fabio Musso, Mario Risso and Barbara Francioni
- 31348: Statistical analysis of accidents at work in the international context

- Antonio Frenda
- 31344: Detecting big structural breaks in large factor models

- Liang Chen, Juan Dolado and Jesus Gonzalo
- 31343: Intergenerational complementarities in education, endogenous public policy, and the relation between growth and volatility

- Theodore Palivos and Dimitrios Varvarigos
- 31341: The euro sovereign debt crisis, determinants of default probabilities and implied ratings in the CDS market: an econometric analysis

- Carlos Santos
- 31333: Fair competition: The engine of economic development

- Alex M Thomas and Lima Walling
- 31330: Experience of technological and natural disasters and their impact on the perceived risk of nuclear accidents after the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan 2011: A cross-country analysis

- Eiji Yamamura
- 31329: Banking Instability and Deposit Insurance: The Role of Moral Hazard

- Harold Ngalawa, Fulbert Tchana Tchana and Nicola Viegi
- 31328: Causality between FDI and Financial Market Development: Evidence from Emerging Markets

- Issouf Soumaré and Fulbert Tchana Tchana
- 31321: Second-degree price discrimination and universal access under (weighted average) price cap regulation

- Jorge Li Ning Chaman
- 31319: Financial stability, new macro prudential arrangements and shadow banking: regulatory arbitrage and stringent Basel III regulations

- Marianne Ojo
- 31316: Thinking by analogy, systematic risk, and option prices

- Hammad Siddiqi
- 31315: Regressions with Asymptotically Collinear Regressor

- Kairat Mynbaev
- 31312: The Underground Economy in a Matching Model of Endogenous Growth

- Gaetano Lisi and Maurizio Pugno
- 31309: Expanding Varieties in the Nontraded Goods Sector and the Real Exchange Rate Depreciation

- Qichun He
- 31307: Fibrations of financial events

- David Carfì
- 31306: Heuristic Schelling: economy of organized crime

- Fernando Estrada
- 31303: Financial Lie groups

- David Carfì
- 31302: Game complete analysis of Bertrand Duopoly

- David Carfì and Emanuele Perrone
- 31301: Consistencia de la evaluación de desempeño de inversiones financieras: Pruebas de dominación estocástica versus índices media-varianza (Consistency in the evaluation of financial investment performance: Mean-variance versus stochastic dominance tests)

- Cristian F. Pinto and Andrés Acuña-Duarte
- 31300: Dinamica integrarii pietelor europene de obligatiuni (The dynamic of European bond markets' integration)

- Andreea Avadanei
- 31299: Analiza efectelor Zonei Unice de Plati in Euro in contextul crizei financiare internationale (Analyzing Single Euro Payments Area effects under the international financial crisis)

- Andreea Avadanei
- 31298: Open strategies and innovation performance

- Andrés Barge-Gil
- 31295: Analiza empirică a sincronizării ciclului de afaceri şi a similarităţii şocurilor între România şi zona euro (Empirical analysis of business cycle synchronization and shock similarity between Romania and the euro zone)

- Elena Bojeşteanu and Ana-Simona Manu
- 31292: Impact assessment of interregional government transfers in Brazil: an input-output approach

- Carlos A. Luque, Eduardo A. Haddad, Gilberto Lima, Sergio N. Sakurai and Silvio Costa
- 31289: An analysis of the poor performance of recent immigrants and observations on immigration policy

- Patrick Grady
- 31288: Structural changes and convergence in EU and in Adriatic-Balkans Region

- Lucian Albu
- 31286: The volatility trap: why do big savers invest relatively little?

- Reda Cherif and Fuad Hasanov
- 31281: Valuation of 3G spectrum license in India: A real option approach

- Pankaj Sinha and Hemant Mudgal
- 31280: Analysis of WIMAX/BWA Licensing in India: A real option approach

- Pankaj Sinha and Akshay Gupta
- 31279: The wondrous effortlessness of unifying circuit-, money-, price- and distribution theory

- Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
- 31278: Applying conditional DEA to measure football clubs’ performance: Evidence from the top 25 European clubs

- George Halkos and Nickolaos Tzeremes
- 31276: Le scelte tributarie del federalismo fiscale. Implicazioni per le Regioni del Mezzogiorno (The Implementation of Fiscal Federalism in Italy. Implications for the Southern Regions)

- Federico Pica and Salvatore Villani
- 31274: Factores Claves para la Sostenibilidad de las Alianzas Inter-organizativas: Un caso de Estrategias de Cooperación (Key Factors for Sustainability of Inter-organizational Alliances: A Case for Cooperation Strategies)

- D. Gomez-Selemeneva
- 31270: Inward foreign direct investment and aggregate imports: time series evidence from Pakistan

- Waheed Abdul and Syed Tehseen Jawaid
- 31267: Printing and Protestants: reforming the economics of the Reformation

- Jared Rubin
- 31255: Size and The City: Productivity, Match Quality and Wage Inequality

- Chi Man Yip
- 31253: Mergers and Acquisitions: A pre-post analysis for the Indian financial services sector

- Pankaj Sinha and Sushant Gupta
- 31251: The Great Depression in the eyes of Bulgaria's inter-war economists

- Stefan Kolev
- 31250: Inequality factor decompotition under uniform additions property with applications to Cameroonian rural data

- Célestin Nembua
- 31249: Linear efficient and symmetric values for TU-games: sharing the joint gain of cooperation

- Célestin Nembua
- 31247: Towards traceability in cocoa - chocolate supply chain

- Normansyah Syahruddin
- 31242: Measuring and explaining economic inequality: An extension of the Gini coefficient

- Célestin Nembua
- 31241: Economic Growth and Environmental Degradation in Nigeria: Beyond the Environmental Kuznets Curve

- Usenobong Akpan and Chuku Chuku
- 31240: Determinants of undergraduate GPAs in China: college entrance examination scores, high school achievement, and admission route

- Chong-En Bai and Wei Chi
- 31238: Schlock economics

- Hayat Azmat
- 31237: Validation of empirical measures of welfare change: comment

- Kevin Boyle, Michael P. Welsh and Richard C. Bishop
- 31236: Is hike in inflation responsible for rise in terrorism in Pakistan?

- Muhammad Shahbaz and Shahbaz Muhammad Shabbir
- 31230: Estimation of Zenga's new index of economic inequality in heavy tailed populations

- Francesca Greselin and Leo Pasquazzi
- 31229: Is There An Association Between Gasoline Prices & Physical Activity?Evidence from American Time Use Data

- Bisakha Sen
- 31226: Corruption and economic growth: A meta-analysis of the evidence on low-income countries and beyond

- Mehmet Ugur and Nandini Dasgupta
- 31225: Household expenditure components and the poverty and inequality relationship in Malawi

- Richard Mussa
- 31223: Conduite et efficacité de la politique économique: les leçons de la crise (Management and Efficiency of the Economic Policies: The Crisis' Lessons")

- Bernard Landais
- 31221: Loss aversion, social comparison and physical abilities at younge age

- Yasuhiro Nakamoto and Masayuki Sato
- 31218: Perfect numbers - a lower bound for an odd perfect number

- Arian Berdellima
- 31217: The role of NAFTA and returns to scale in export duration

- Tibor Besedes
- 31214: Turkey's response to the global economic crisis

- Ibrahim Turhan and Zubeyir Kilinc
- 31213: 'Just one of us': Consumers playing oligopoly in mixed markets

- Marco Marini and Alberto Zevi
- 31209: Beyond the global financial crisis: central banking in a new global financial system

- Ibrahim Turhan
- 31204: Trends in agriculture-industry interlinkages in India: pre and post-reform scenario

- Dilip Saikia
- 31202: A rational road to effectiveness attainment

- Panagiotis Zervopoulos, Francisco Vargas and Gang Cheng
- 31198: Can't SBTC explain the U.S. wage inequality dynamics?

- Chi Man Yip
- 31195: A study of changing patterns of energy consumption and energy efficiency in the Indian manufacturing sector

- Pradyot Jena
- 31190: In quest for a sustainable motorization: the CNG opportunity

- Andrea Stocchetti and Giuseppe Volpato
- 31189: Déterminants de la participation au marché du travail et choix occupationnel: une analyse microéconométrique appliquée au cas de l'Algérie (Microeconometric analysis of determinants of occupational choice in Algeria)

- Moundir Lassassi and Nacer-Eddine Hammouda
- 31188: Impact of Monetary Policy on the Volatility of Stock Market in Pakistan

- Abdul Qayyum and Saba Anwar
- 31186: Industrialization and technological progress with many countries under a non-homothetic preference

- Kamei Keita
- 31184: Evaluating density forecasts: a comment

- Alexander Tsyplakov
- 31182: A Contribuição Singular de Simon e sua Repercussão Teórica Relevante (Simon's Unique Contribution and Its Relevant Theoretical Impact)

- André Lages
- 31180: Distribution, ‘Financialisation’ and the Financial and Economic Crisis – Implications for Post-crisis Economic Policies

- Eckhard Hein
- 31179: Keynes’s missing axioms

- Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
- 31178: 股票政策宣告對農產品價格與股票價格的動態影響 (The impact of stock market policy announcement on commodity prices and share prices)

- Vey Wang, Chung-Hui Lai, Shih-Wen Hu and Chia-Hui Cheng
- 31177: What is wrong with heterodox economics? Kalecki’s profit theory as an example

- Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
- 31176: Schumpeter and the essence of profit

- Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
- 31175: Beginning, crises, and end of the money economy in three consistent steps

- Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
- 31174: The 2011 Japanese earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis: evidence of contagion from international financial markets

- Simplice Asongu
- 31173: A non-parametric analysis of the efficiency of the top European football clubs

- George Halkos and Nickolaos Tzeremes
- 31168: Assessing trends in editorial preferences towards 'Industrial Organization' articles: 1991-2000

- Jean Mirucki
- 31167: Ten years of cultural development in Sibiu: The European cultural capital and beyond

- Greg Richards and Ilie Rotariu
- 31166: An OLG model of growth with longevity: when grandparents take care of grandchildren

- Luciano Fanti and Luca Gori
- 31165: Impact of technological changes and economic liberalization on agricultural labor employment and Productivity

- Ibrahim Soliman and Osama Ewaida
- 31161: Embodied human capital unemployment

- Klajdi Kumaraku, Nadeem Naqvi and Sara Rexhepi
- 31159: Role of management control in small and medium enterprises performance assurance

- Maria Criveanu and Constanta Iacob
- 31158: Why did it work this time: a comparative analysis of transformation of Turkish economy after 2002

- Ibrahim Turhan
- 31157: Information gathering, innovation and growth

- Carmelo Parello
- 31156: Modelling profitability of Indian banks

- Pankaj Sinha and Dipanwita Dutta
- 31153: From bounties on exportation to the natural and market price of labour: Smith versus Ricardo

- Ferdinando Meacci
- 31152: The returns to scale effect in labour productivity growth

- Hideyuki Mizobuchi
- 31151: New indices of labour productivity growth: Baumol’s disease revisited

- Hideyuki Mizobuchi
- 31150: The practice of the auction theory: The Colombian case

- Miguel Espinosa Farfan, German Forero and Felipe Villaneda
- 31139: Wealth, income, earnings and the statistical mechanics of flow systems

- Geoff Willis
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