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44603: Tournaments in religious organizations with investment in religious human capital: choosing the pope Downloads
Livio Oliveira and Giácomo Balbinotto Netto
44598: Agricultural Credit Discount Fund – Agribusiness support credit line - Macedonian experience Downloads
Goran Kovachev
44594: Of Jane Austen and the secret life of econometric quantities, or as otherwise entitled on Okun's Law and the 'multiplicative inverse surprise' Downloads
Scott Albers
44592: Are large innovative firms more efficient? Downloads
Sánchez, Rosario/R and M. Angeles Diaz
44585: Utilizarea componentelor Social Media in mediul de afaceri – perspectiva IMM-urilor (Using Social Media components in business world – SMEs perspective) Downloads
Maximilian Robu
44581: Optimal price adjustment: tests of a price equation in U.S. manufacturing Downloads
Peter von zur Muehlen
44580: Are different forms of innovation complements or substitutes? Downloads
Justin Doran
44579: Effects of R&D spending on Innovation by Irish and Foreign-owned Businesses Downloads
Justin Doran, Declan Jordan and Eoin O'Leary
44578: Regulation and Firm Perception, Eco-Innovation and Firm Performance Downloads
Justin Doran and Geraldine Ryan
44575: Цінова політика готельних підприємств України під час проведення «ЄВРО-2012» (Pricing policy of hotel enterprises in Ukraine during the "Euro-2012") Downloads
Kateryna Galasiuk
44567: O istorie socială a spaţiului românesc. De la începuturile statalităţii dacice până la întrezărirea modernităţii (A Social History of Romanian Space. From the Beginning of Dacian state until the rise of Modernity) Downloads
Mircea Brie
44566: Relaţiile internaţionale de la echilibru la sfârşitul concertului european (secolul XVII – începutul secolului XX) (International Relations from the Balance of Powers to the end of the European Concert) Downloads
Mircea Brie and Ioan Horga
44565: European Instruments of Cross-border cooperation. Case study: the Romanian-Ukrainian border Downloads
Mircea Brie
44564: The European Ecumenism. Case Study: Oradea Downloads
Mircea Brie
44559: Monetary systems, sustainable growth and inclusive economic development Downloads
Edo Omerčević
44557: A Simple Theory of Offshoring and Reshoring Downloads
Angus Chu, Guido Cozzi and Yuichi Furukawa
44552: Fertility and Female Labor Force Participation: Causal Evidence from Urban China Downloads
Xiaobo He and Rong Zhu
44551: Assessing Chinese currency regime (2012) Downloads
Mohsin Alvi and Usman Kamal
44547: Walras’s law of markets as special case of the general Triangle Theorem: a laconic proof Downloads
Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
44546: Terrorism and the macroeconomy: Evidence from Pakistan Downloads
Sultan Mehmood
44544: The Role of Source- and Host-Country Characteristics in Female Immigrant Labor Supply Downloads
Julia Bredtmann and Sebastian Otten
44540: How Immigration Reduced Social Capital in the US: 2005-2011 Downloads
Tiago Freire and Xiaoye Li
44539: Dynamic relationship between energy consumption and income in Tunisia: A SVECM approach Downloads
Talel Boufateh, Ahdi Noomen Ajmi, Ghassen El Montasser and Fakhri Issaoui
44537: Wages and Access to International Markets: Evidence from Urban China Downloads
Xiaobo He
44536: Territorial Strategic Planning as a support instrument for Regional and Local Development: a comparative analysis between Lisbon and Barcelona metropolitan areas - a first approach Downloads
Bruno Pereira Marques
44534: The political economics of social health insurance: the tricky case of individuals’ preferences Downloads
Christian Pfarr and Andreas Schmid
44533: Job Search, Networks, and Labor Market Performance of Immigrants Downloads
Eva Arceo-Gomez
44532: Teenage Pregnancy in Mexico: Evolution and Consequences Downloads
Eva Arceo-Gomez and Raymundo Campos-Vazquez
44531: Managing the Uncertainty in the Hodrick Prescott Filter Downloads
Jorge Leon
44530: ¿Quiénes son los NiNis en México? (Who are the idle youth in Mexico?) Downloads
Eva Arceo-Gomez and Raymundo Campos-Vazquez
44529: Drug-Related Violence and Forced Migration from Mexico to the United States Downloads
Eva Arceo-Gomez
44527: Pass Through del Tipo de Cambio en los Precios de Bienes Transables y No Transables en Costa Rica (Exchange Rate Pass Through into the Prices of Tradable and Non Tradable Goods in Costa Rica) Downloads
Jorge Leon, Bernal Laverde and Rodolfo Duran
44525: Un Enfoque Monetario de los Efectos Sobre Precios y Tasas de Interés del Tipo de Cambio Fijo (A Monetary Approach about the Effects of a Fixed Exchange Rate Regime on Prices and Interest Rates) Downloads
Jorge Leon, Evelyn Muñoz and Róger Madrigal
44522: Equity in social policy, a human rights and results based approach A welfare state comparison: the case of disability Downloads
Judit van Geystelen and Etienne Pascal Poi Rot
44515: Business cycles and crime. the case of Argentina Downloads
Ana Cerro and Andrés Michel Rivero
44512: Capital Inflows in a Small Open Economy: Costa Rica Downloads
Jorge Leon
44509: El Tipo de Cambio Real de Costa Rica (Real Exchange Rate of Costa Rica) Downloads
Jorge Leon, Eduardo Mendez and Eduardo Prado
44508: El Pass Through del Tipo de Cambio: Un Análisis para la Economía Costarricense de 1991 al 2001 (Exchange Rate Pass Throught: an Analysis for the Costarican Economy from 1991 to 2001) Downloads
Jorge Leon, Ana Patricia Morera and Welmer Ramos
44507: Determinantes de la Cuenta Corriente en Costa Rica (Determinants of the Costarican Current Account) Downloads
Jorge Leon and Manrique Saenz
44498: Una propuesta metodológica para la definición de mercados geográficos relevantes (A proposed methodology for defining relevant geographic markets) Downloads
Dennis Sánchez Navarro
44497: Inflación Internacional Relevante para Costa Rica (Relevant International Inflation for Costa Rica) Downloads
Jorge Leon, Carlos Segura and Jose Vasquez
44496: Land degradation and trade liberalization: an Indian perspective Downloads
Sanjib Pohit
44495: A Note on Discounting and Funding Value Adjustments for Derivatives Downloads
Meng Han, Yeqi He and Hu Zhang
44493: Natural disasters and social capital formation: The impact of the Great Hanshin-Awaji earthquake Downloads
Eiji Yamamura
44492: The Gun-Slave Cycle in the 18th century British slave trade in Africa Downloads
Warren Whatley
44487: An Endogenously Derived AK-model of Economic Growth Downloads
Christian Jensen
44486: Riesgo moral asociado al uso de endeudamiento externo de corto plazo por parte del sector financiero (Moral Hazard associated with the use of short-term foreign borrowing by the financial intermediaries in Costa Rica) Downloads
Jorge Leon and Carlos Monge
44484: A Disaggregate Model and Second Round Effects for the CPI Inflation in Costa Rica Downloads
Jorge Leon
44483: The average treatment effect and average partial effect in nonlinear models Downloads
Cuong Nguyen Viet
44482: Sources of Regional Crime Persistence Argentina 1980-2008 Downloads
Ana Cerro and Carolina Ortega
44479: Settling the theory of saving Downloads
Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
44477: The multilevel governance (MLG) and the respect of the subsidiarity principle Downloads
Ioan Horga
44475: Relationship between Corporate Governance Score and Stock Prices: Evidence from KSE- 30 Index Companies Downloads
Saif Ullah
44470: Cross Sectoral Differences in Drivers of Innovation Downloads
Justin Doran and Declan Jordan
44468: Impact of the Euro 2012 on the Pomeranian Region and Its Small and Medium Enterprises in Terms of Competitiveness Downloads
Krystian Zawadzki and Julita Wasilczuk
44467: The impact of mega sports events on the stock markets Downloads
Krystian Zawadzki
44464: Una aproximación a indicadores diseñados para la medición de impacto en el bienestar del consumidor (An Approach To Indicators Designed To Measure The Impact On Consumer Welfare) Downloads
Juan Pablo Herrera Saavedra and Jenny Lis-Gutiérrez
44462: Who emerges from smoke-filled rooms? Political parties and candidate selection Downloads
Nicolas Motz
44460: Typologies of Crime in the Argentine Provinces. A Panel Study 2000-2008 Downloads
Ana Cerro and Antonio Rodríguez Andrés
44457: The Effect of Crime on the Job Market: An ARDL approach to Argentina Downloads
Ana Cerro and Antonio Andres
44452: Power – property core of economic development: the cases of Russia and South Korea Downloads
Sergey Pyastolov and E.V. Shitenkova
44451: Norms as indicators of human capital investments effectiveness Downloads
Sergey Pyastolov
44450: Bidding hydropower generation: Integrating short- and long-term scheduling Downloads
Stein-Erik Fleten, Daniel Haugstvedt, Jens Arne Steinsbø, Michael Belsnes and Franziska Fleischmann
44448: How the 1978 changes to the foreign domestic workers law in Singapore increased the female labour supply Downloads
Tiago Freire
44445: How Crime can Affect Economic Performance through the Application of an ECM-Model: the Case of Guatemala Downloads
Mario Ruiz Estrada
44434: Financial (in)stability in Romania: the implications of Basel III Downloads
Adrian Sima
44433: Czy dla każdego większa ilość pieniędzy oznacza lepszą sytuację finansową? Postawy wobec pieniędzy a spostrzeganie własnego dochodu (Is more money always equal to higher financial comfort? Money attitudes and income perception) Downloads
Agata Gąsiorowska
44431: Rules of origin and uncertain cost of compliance Downloads
Tomomichi Mizuno and Kazuhiro Takauchi
44428: On the interdependence of money supply and demand Downloads
Duccio Cavalieri
44421: On apparent irrational behaviors: interacting structures and the mind Downloads
Pierre Gosselin, Aïleen Lotz and Marc Wambst
44417: Foundations of the economic and social history of the United States: Metaphysical Downloads
Scott Albers
44416: Foundations of the economic and social history of the United States: Theoretical Downloads
Scott Albers
44415: Modelling economic structures from a Qualitative Input-Output Perspective: Greece in 2005 and 2010 Downloads
Fidel Aroche-Reyes and Ana Salomé García Muñiz
44414: Foundations of the economic and social history of the United States: Empirical Downloads
Scott Albers
44413: Foundations of the economic and social history of the United States: Apologia Downloads
Scott Albers
44411: Environmental tax reform in Vietnam: An ex ante general equilibrium assessment Downloads
Dirk Willenbockel
44410: How do financial reforms affect inequality through financial sector competition? Evidence from Africa Downloads
Simplice Asongu
44409: Internacionalizacion y Sistema Nacional de Innovacion argentino: una perspectiva de tramas productivas. Los casos automotriz y siderurgico (Internationlization and argentinean National System of Innovation: a production network perspective. The automotive and iron and steel cases) Downloads
Hernan Alejandro Morero
44407: Constraints in Organizational Learning, Cognitive Load and it’s Effect on Employee Behavior Downloads
Sidharta Chatterjee
44402: Distributions escaping to infinity and the limiting power of the Cliff-Ord test for autocorrelation Downloads
Kairat Mynbaev
44399: Thoughts on quantifying overconfidence in economic experiments Downloads
Julija Michailova and Joana K. Q. Katter
44395: Correlations and volatility spillovers across commodity and stock markets: Linking energies, food, and gold Downloads
Walid Mensi, Beljid Makram, Adel Boubaker and Shunsuke Managi
44390: Foreign direct investment and transnational corporations in Brazil: recent trends and impacts on economic development Downloads
Celio Hiratuka
44389: FDI in Brazil: recent trends and the role of Canadian investment Downloads
Celio Hiratuka
44387: Interest Rates and Financial Savings in Tanzania: 1967 - 2010 Downloads
Michael Ndanshau and Ali A. L. Kilindo
44384: Bankruptcy prediction and neural networks: The contribution of variable selection methods Downloads
Philippe du Jardin
44383: The influence of variable selection methods on the accuracy of bankruptcy prediction models Downloads
Philippe du Jardin
44382: Dividend policy Downloads
Philippe du Jardin and Eric Séverin
44381: When is social protection productivity-enhancing? Costs and benefits on economic performances Downloads
Federico Tomassi
44380: Bankruptcy prediction models: How to choose the most relevant variables? Downloads
Philippe du Jardin
44379: Dynamic analysis of the business failure process: A study of bankruptcy trajectories Downloads
Philippe du Jardin and Eric Séverin
44378: Equità sociale ed efficienza economica: La spesa sociale totale netta nei paesi Ocse tra il 2001 e il 2007 (Social equality and economic efficiency: Net total social expenditure in the Oecd countries 2001 to 2007) Downloads
Federico Tomassi
44375: Predicting bankruptcy using neural networks and other classification methods: the influence of variable selection techniques on model accuracy Downloads
Philippe du Jardin
44373: Declining Trends in Female Labour Force Participation in India: Evidence from NSSO Downloads
Sandhya Rani Mahapatro
44371: Trade openness, capital openness and government size Downloads
Paolo Liberati
44370: Dueling for honor and identity economics Downloads
Behrooz Hassani Mahmooei and Mehrdad Vahabi
44369: The United Kingdom: Economic Growth, a Draft Master Plan Downloads
Kees De Koning
44368: Empire-building and price competition Downloads
Antoine Pietri, Tarik Tazdaït and Mehrdad Vahabi
44367: How Crime can Affect Economic Performance through the Application of an ECM-Model: the Case of Guatemala Downloads
Mario Ruiz Estrada
44366: Focusing on the Focusing Illusion Downloads
Edsel Beja
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