MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 17080: FDI spillovers and local productivity growth: evidence from Indian pharmaceutical industry

- Jaya Prakash Pradhan
- 17079: Liberalization, Firm Size and R&D performance: A Firm Level Study of Indian Pharmaceutical Industry

- Jaya Prakash Pradhan
- 17078: Rise of service sector outward foreign direct investment from Indian economy: trends, patterns, and determinants

- Jaya Prakash Pradhan
- 17076: Overseas Mergers and Acquisitions by Indian Enterprises: Patterns and Motivations

- Jaya Prakash Pradhan and Vinoj Abraham
- 17075: Impact of Institutional Credit on Aggregate Agricultural Production in India during Post Reform Period

- Ahmad Izhar and Tariq Masood
- 17074: Gender, corruption and sustainable growth in transition countries

- Julija Michailova and Inna Melnykovska
- 17072: Basic Principles of Hedge Accounting

- Cristina Bunea-Bontas
- 17070: The Welfare Effects of Social Mobility: An Analysis for OECD countries

- Justina A. V. Fischer
- 17069: Delegation and discretion

- Mark Armstrong
- 17067: Predictors of sickness absence and presenteeism: Does the pattern differ by a respondent’s health?

- Petri Böckerman and Erkki Laukkanen
- 17066: Trade liberalisation and wages in South African manufacturing

- M. Fatima Fiandeiro and Neil Rankin
- 17065: Is relaxing equity constraints panacea for Malawi’s green gold expansion? A fuzzy regression discontinuity design approach

- Franklin Simtowe
- 17064: Trade Agreements, Bargaining and Economic Growth

- Yishay Maoz, Dan Peled and Assaf Sarid
- 17063: Occupational Choice and Dynamic Indeterminacy

- Kazuo Mino, Shimomura Koji and Ping Wang
- 17060: Social choice with approximate interpersonal comparisons of well-being

- Marcus Pivato
- 17059: Vplyv inflačných očakávaní na vývoj úrokových sadzieb v krajinách Višegrádskej štvorky (Inflation expectations and interest rates development in the Visegrad countries)

- Rajmund Mirdala
- 17057: Shocking aspects of monetary integration (SVAR approach)

- Rajmund Mirdala
- 17056: Not so cheap talk: a model of advice with communication costs

- Jo Hertel and John Smith
- 17053: Competitiveness and the real exchange rate: the standpoint of countries in the CEMAC zone

- Francis Lendjoungou
- 17052: The effects of mutual guarantee consortia on the quality of bank lending

- Francesco Columba, Leonardo Gambacorta and Paolo Emilio Mistrulli
- 17051: Economic growth or stagnation during the interwar Period: reconstruction of Cypriot GDP 1921-1938

- Alexander Apostolides
- 17044: Взаимодействие государственных и частных структур в интеграционных группировах: теоретические подходы и опыт СНГ (Interaction of Public and Private Actors in Regional Integration Groups - Theoretical Approaches and Experience of the CIS)

- Alexander Libman
- 17043: Growth and social capital: an evolutionary model

- Luca Correani, Fabio Di Dio and Giuseppe Garofalo
- 17042: Мировой опыт оптимизации налогообложения: роль налоговой конкуренции и оффшорных центров в мировом хозяйстве (International Experience of Tax Optimization - The Role of Tax Competition and Offshores in Global Economy)

- Alexander Libman
- 17041: A small victorious war: political institutions and international conflict

- Alexander Libman
- 17040: Capital Income Taxation Revisited: The Role of Information Asymmetry in the Credit Market

- Wai-Hong Ho and Yong Wang
- 17039: Comments on 'Comprehensive human development: Realities and aspirations' by Salih, S.A

- Zubair Hasan
- 17036: Migration, Self-selection, and Income Distributions: Evidence from Rural and Urban China

- Chunbing Xing
- 17035: Software for the Computation of Markov-Perfect Equilibria in a Dynamic Game of Store Location by Multi-Store Firms

- Victor Aguirregabiria and Gustavo Vicentini
- 17033: The Effect of Traffic Safety Laws and Obesity Rates on Living Organ Donations

- Jose Fernandez and Lisa Stohr
- 17031: Multiple-Job Holding Among Male Workers in Greece

- Ilias Livanos and Alexandros Zangelidis
- 17028: On Time Consistency in Stackelberg Differential Games

- Kazuo Mino
- 17027: InfSOCSol2 An updated MATLAB Package for Approximating the Solution to a Continuous-Time Infinite Horizon Stochastic Optimal Control Problem with Control and State Constraints

- Jeffrey Azzato and Jacek Krawczyk
- 17021: Reference-dependent preferences in the public and private sectors: A nonlinear perspective

- Yannis Georgellis, Andros Gregoriou and Nikolaos Tsitsianis
- 17020: Are Union Members Happy Workers after All? Evidence from Eastern and Western European Labor Markets

- Yannis Georgellis and Thomas Lange
- 17019: Fishy Gifts: Bribing with Shame and Guilt

- David Ong
- 17017: Fiscal Policy, Home Production and Growth Dynamics

- Yunfang Hu and Kazuo Mino
- 17016: Consumption Externalities and Capital Accumulation in an Overlapping Generations Economy

- Kazuo Mino
- 17015: Human Development Reports on North-East India: A Bird’s Eye View

- Purusottam Nayak
- 17014: Generalized Impulse Response Analysis: General or Extreme?

- Hyeongwoo Kim
- 17012: Analysis of ESCO Activities Using Country Indicators

- Nesrin Okay and Uğur Akman
- 17011: Monetary Expansion and Converging Speed in a Growing Economy

- Kazuo Mino
- 17008: Does Volatility in Government Borrowing Leads to Higher Inflation? Evidence from Pakistan

- Adnan Haider and Safdar Khan
- 17007: Signaling the Strength of a Market Entrant

- Karel Janda
- 17005: The Roles of Commercial Credit and Direct Subsidies in Czech Agriculture During Early Transition

- Karel Janda
- 16999: Voracity vs. Scale Effect in a Growing Economy

- Kazuo Mino
- 16998: Occupational Choice and Dynamic Indeterminacy

- Kazuo Mino, Koji Shimomura and Pin Wang
- 16996: On the Generalized Weitzman's Rule

- Kazuo Mino
- 16995: Technological Spillovers and Patterns of Growth with Sector-Specific R&D

- Junko Doi and Kazuo Mino
- 16994: Indeterminacy in Two-Sector Models of Endogenous Growth with Leisure

- Kazuo Mino
- 16993: Sector-Specific Externalities and Endogenous Growth under Social Constant Returns

- Kazuo Mino
- 16991: Oligopsony Power in the Ukrainian Milk Processing Industry: Evidence from the Regional Markets for Raw Milk

- Oleksandr Perekhozhuk, Michael Grings and Thomas Glauben
- 16990: Policy Making, Industrial Structure and Economic Growth in a Dual Economy

- Xun Li
- 16989: Bonus, effort, costs, market size and teams' performance

- Christos Papahristodoulou
- 16988: A serious business with plenty to play for: The PC, console and mobile gaming sector

- Stefan Heng
- 16986: A Note of Growth and Inequality in Peru, 2003-2008

- Renzo Gambetta
- 16984: Absorptive Capacity, R&D Spillovers, Emissions Taxes and R&D Subsidies

- Slim Ben Youssef and Georges Zaccour
- 16983: On a games theory of random coalitions and on a coalition imputation

- Oleg Yu. Vorobyev, Goldenok Ellen and Tyaglova Helena
- 16982: Education, Signaling, and Wage Inequality in a Dynamic Economy

- Kazuhiro Yuki
- 16977: Passing the buck in the garbage can model of organizational choice

- Guido Fioretti
- 16976: Utility, games, and narratives

- Guido Fioretti
- 16964: Long-Run Impacts of Inflation Tax in the Presence of Multiple Capital Goods

- Seiya Fujisaki and Kazuo Mino
- 16962: On a games theory of random coalitions and on a coalition imputation

- Oleg Yu. Vorobyev, Goldenok Ellen and Tyaglova Helena
- 16953: Financial integration and volatility in a two-country world

- Kazuo Mino
- 16952: Realizace rozhraní e-commerce systémů v moderním podniku (The implementation of e-commerce systems interfaces in recent companies)

- Dominik Vymetal and Petr Suchánek
- 16951: Trade-revealed TFP

- Andrea Finicelli, Patrizio Pagano and Massimo Sbracia
- 16950: Ricardian selection

- Andrea Finicelli, Patrizio Pagano and Massimo Sbracia
- 16949: What is the Cost of Venting? Evidence from eBay

- Lingfang Li
- 16948: Non-renewable Resource Prices: Structural Breaks and Long Term Trends

- Abhijit Sharma, Kelvin Balcombe and Iain Fraser
- 16947: Decision Making Using Rating Systems: When Scale Meets Binary

- Anna E. Bargagliotti and Lingfang Li
- 16945: Effects of Class Size on Achievement of College Students

- Maria De Paola and Vincenzo Scoppa
- 16943: Liberalizing climate-friendly goods and technologies in WTO environmental goods negotiations: product coverage, modalities, challenges and the way forward

- ZhongXiang Zhang
- 16940: Performance and Congestion Analysis of the Portuguese Hospital Services

- Pedro Simões and Rc Marques
- 16939: Klassifizierung von Hedge-Fonds durch das k-means Clustering von Self-Organizing Maps: eine renditebasierte Analyse zur Selbsteinstufungsgüte und Stiländerungsproblematik (Classifying Hedge Funds using k-means Clustering of Self-Organizing Maps: a return-based analysis of misclassification and the problem of style creep)

- Marcus Deetz, Thorsten Poddig and Armin Varmaz
- 16937: Fiscal stimulus for debt intolerant countries?

- Carmen Reinhart and Vincent Reinhart
- 16936: Dynamics of neighborhood formation and segregation by income

- Osiris Parcero and Adolfo Cristobal-Campoamor
- 16933: Rohstoffbasierte Staatsfonds: Theorie und Empirie (Resource-based sovereign wealth funds)

- Marius Clemens and Wilfried Fuhrmann
- 16930: Spatial competition for passengers and its influence on efficiency of European airports

- Dmitry Pavlyuk
- 16928: Trade Performance of Fruit and Vegetable Industry in Selected ASEAN Countries

- F.A. Emmy and Ismail Mohd Mansor
- 16927: Veto Power and Wealth: Analysis of the Development of the Swiss Old Age Security

- Christina Zenker
- 16926: Correlated Equilibrium via Hierarchies of Beliefs

- Songzi Du
- 16923: Counterpunishment revisited: an evolutionary approach

- Irenaeus Wolff
- 16922: Institution design in social dilemmas: How to design if you must?

- Bettina Rockenbach and Irenaeus Wolff
- 16921: Investitiile imateriale si performantele IMM-urilor

- Constanta Iacob and Cerasela Pirvu
- 16919: Economic reform and Productivity Growth in Indian Paper and Paper Products Industry: A Nonparametric Analysis

- Anish Chirayil
- 16918: Effects of Patent Length on R&D: A Quantitative DGE Analysis

- Angus Chu
- 16917: The regional public spending for tourism in Italy: an empirical analysis

- Roberto Cellini and Gianpiero Torrisi
- 16914: Volatility spillover in Indonesia, USA, and Japan capital market

- Martin Surya Mulyadi
- 16907: Financial Development and Amplification

- Tomohiro Hirano
- 16906: South African exporting firms: What do we know and what should we know?

- Lawrence Edwards, Neil Rankin and Volker Schöer
- 16905: Price setting in South Africa 2001-2007 - stylised facts using consumer price micro data

- Kenneth Creamer and Neil Rankin
- 16904: The export behaviour of South African manufacturing firms

- Neil Rankin
- 16903: International outsourcing and labour demand: Evidence from Finnish firm-level data

- Petri Böckerman and Elisa Riihimäki
- 16900: Sovereign bond market integration: the euro, trading platforms and financial crises

- Alexander Schulz and Guntram Wolff
- 16898: The Effect of Uncertainty on Pollution Control Policy

- Stergios Athanassoglou
- 16896: Internal Migration and Income Inequality in China: Evidence from Village Panel Data

- Wei Ha, Junjian Yi and Junsen Zhang
- 16893: Combining parametric and nonparametric approaches for more efficient time series prediction

- Sophie Dabo-Niang, Christian Francq and Jean-Michel Zakoian
- 16882: Sequential Innovation and the Duration of Technology Licensing

- John Gordanier and Chun-Hui Miao
- 16875: Economic Shocks and Exchange Rate as a Shock Absorber in Indonesia and Thailand

- Siwei Goo and Reza Siregar
- 16873: The day of the week effects in Indonesia, Singapore, and Malaysia stock market

- Yunita Anwar and Martin Surya Mulyadi
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