MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 20820: Fiscal Policy and its role in ensuring economic stability

- Ionela Popa and Diana Codreanu
- 20816: Electricity consumption and GDP in an electricity community: Evidence from bound testing cointegration and Granger-causality tests

- Alastaire Alinsato
- 20814: To Pool or Not to Pool: A Partially Heterogeneous Framework

- Vasilis Sarafidis and Neville Weber
- 20808: Globalisation, European Integration and Social Protection – Patterns of Change or Continuity?

- Olaf Vliet and Michael Kaeding
- 20795: Contagion of Financial Crises in Sovereign Debt Markets

- Sandra Lizarazo
- 20794: Default Risk and Risk Averse International Investors

- Sandra Lizarazo
- 20788: Does the uncovered interest parity hold in short horizons?

- Levent Korap
- 20787: The global welfare effects of international environmental cooperation

- Stefan Csordas
- 20783: Dalle Riserve alle Opzioni: " La partecipazione agli utili nelle polizze vita" (From Reserves to Options: " The partecipation to the profit in insurance life policies")

- Rossano Giandomenico
- 20779: QML estimation of a class of multivariate GARCH models without moment conditions on the observed process

- Christian Francq and Jean-Michel Zakoian
- 20777: The effects of the social norm on cigarette consumption: evidence from Japan using panel data

- Eiji Yamamura
- 20776: Expectations-Driven Cycles in the Housing Market

- Caterina Mendicino, Luisa Lambertini and Maria Teresa Punzi
- 20773: Evaluation of Dutch election programs: The impact of parameter uncertainty

- Joris Knoben, M. Kerkhofs and Johan Graafland
- 20772: Reputation, corporate social responsibility and market regulation

- Johan Graafland and H. Smid
- 20771: Benchmarking of corporate social responsibility: Methodological problems and robustness

- Johan Graafland, Sylvester Eijffinger and H. Smid
- 20769: Sourcing ethics in the textile sector: The case of C&A

- Johan Graafland
- 20767: Binding stakeholders into moral communities: A review of studies on social responsibility of business

- Tara S. Nair and Rachayeeta Pradhan
- 20765: Self Help Groups and empowerment of women: Self-selection or actual benefits?

- Zakir Husain, Diganta Mukherjee and Mousumi Dutta
- 20763: Strategic Outsourcing under Economies of Scale

- Yutian Chen and Debapriya Sen
- 20762: The Political Economy of Disaster Vulnerability: A Case Study of Pakistan Earthquake 2005

- Agha Yasir
- 20761: Correction to: "On the Chambers–Mallows–Stuck Method for Simulating Skewed Stable Random Variables"

- Rafał Weron
- 20760: The Semantic Web Paradigm for a Real-Time Agent Control (Part II)

- Vasile Mazilescu
- 20759: The Semantic Web Paradigm for a Real-Time Agent Control (Part I)

- Vasile Mazilescu
- 20758: The Relationship between Fuzzy Reasoning and its Temporal Characteristics for Knowledge Management Systems

- Vasile Mazilescu
- 20757: Defining Demographic Change in Locational Planning Problems

- Yorgos Photis and Kostis Koutsopoulos
- 20756: Modeling urban evolution by identifying spatiotemporal patterns and applying methods of artificial intelligence.Case study: Athens, Greece

- Yorgos Photis, Panos Manetos and George Grekoussis
- 20754: Strategies and instruments for organising CSR by small and large businesses in the Netherlands

- Johan Graafland, B. Ven van de and N. Stoffele
- 20752: Modelling the trade-off between profits and principles

- Johan Graafland
- 20751: Results of a special questionnaire for participants in the ECB Survey of Professional Forecasters (SPF)

- Aidan Meyler and Ieva Rubene
- 20749: Democracy promotion in post-communist countries towards congruence between historical and political patterns in EU

- Anca Olimid
- 20748: Growth with Time Zone Differences

- Toru Kikuchi and Sugata Marjit
- 20747: A note on empirical sample distribution of journal impact factors in major discipline groups

- Sudhanshu Mishra
- 20743: Breve guia temático e bibliográfico sobre o estudo da actual crise financeira e económica (Short thematic guide to the study of current financial and economic crisis)

- Nazaré Costa Cabral
- 20740: Social Implications of Neo - Imperialism in India

- Albert Christopher Dhas and Mary Jacqueline Helen
- 20738: A Nonlinear New Approach to Investigating Crisis: A Case from Malaysia

- Tolga Omay
- 20735: Budgetary costs of tax facilities for pension savings: an empirical analysis

- Koen Caminada and Kees Goudswaard
- 20733: Social income transfers and poverty alleviation in OECD countries

- Koen Caminada, Kees Goudswaard and Ferry Koster
- 20731: Distribution of responsibility, ability and competition

- Johan Graafland
- 20728: Gun control and suicide: The impact of state firearm regulations, 1995-2004

- Dr. Katherine Hempstead and Dr. Antonio Rodriguez Andres
- 20727: Economic growth and stability with public PAYG pensions and private intra-family old-age insurance

- Luciano Fanti and Luca Gori
- 20725: Information-Constrained Optima with Retrading: An Externality and Its Market-Based Solution

- Weerachart Kilenthong and Robert Townsend
- 20724: Market Based, Segregated Exchanges with Default Risk

- Weerachart Kilenthong and Robert Townsend
- 20723: Decentralisation: a One-to-many Relationship. The Case of Greece

- Yorgos Photis and Kostis Koutsopoulos
- 20722: Islamic Finance: Debt versus Equity Financing in the Light of Maqasid al-Shari'ah

- Ezry Fahmy, Jhordy Kashoogie and Asim Anwar Kamal
- 20721: A Holistic View of Legal Documentation from Shari'ah Perspective

- Ezry Fahmy
- 20715: Monetary policy conduct: A hybrid framework

- Mohamed Douch and Naceur Essadam
- 20714: Strategic complementarity and substitutability without transitive indifference

- Nikolai Kukushkin
- 20713: On continuous ordinal potential games

- Nikolai Kukushkin
- 20710: Evolution of social inequalities in health in Quebec?

- Yele Batana
- 20707: Implementing a Holistic Teaching in Modern ELT Classes: Using Technology and Integrating Four Skills

- Aykut Arslan
- 20706: Boosting Total Relationship Marketing

- Aykut Arslan
- 20705: Cross-Cultural Analysiis of European e-Government Adoption

- Aykut Arslan
- 20704: A Strategic Orientation Model for the Turkish Local e-Governments

- Aykut Arslan
- 20703: Assessment of the Turkish Local e-Governments: An Empirical Study

- Aykut Arslan
- 20701: Turkish Local e-Governments: a Longitudinal Study

- Aykut Arslan
- 20697: The Political Economy of the Yield Curve

- Marco Di Maggio
- 20696: Slavery and Imperialism Did Not Enrich Europe

- Deirdre Nansen McCloskey
- 20692: Liquidity, Financial Intermediation, and Monetary Policy in a New Monetarist Model

- Stephen Williamson
- 20691: Adverse Selection, Segmented Markets, and the Role of Monetary Policy

- Stephen Williamson and Daniel Sanches
- 20690: Money and Credit With Limited Commitment and Theft

- Stephen Williamson and Daniel Sanches
- 20689: Aspecte privind prevenția violenței în organizațiile școlare din România

- Lia Bologa
- 20688: Forecasts with single-equation Markov-switching model: an application to the gross domestic product of Latvia

- Ginters Buss
- 20685: Economic Pricing Mechanisms for Islamic Financial Instruments: Ijarah Model

- Irum Saba and Nidal Alsayyed
- 20683: Alternative Pricing Mechanisms for Islamic Financial Instruments: Economic Perspective

- Irum Saba and Nidal Alsayyed
- 20681: Investigating the Presence of Regional Economic Growth Convergence in the Philippines using Kalman Filter

- Dennis Mapa, Monica Flerida B Sandoval and David Joseph Emmanuel B Yap
- 20680: Development of Women Education in India

- N Sharmila and Albert Christopher Dhas
- 20678: Assesing demand in stochastic locational planning problems: An Artificial Intelligence approach for emergency service systems

- Yorgos Photis and George Grekoussis
- 20672: Choosing the scope of trade secret law when secrets complement patents

- Elisabetta Ottoz and Franco Cugno
- 20669: Sencillez y explicación en la teoría económica (Simplicity and explanation in the economic theory)

- Fernando Estrada
- 20668: Lógicas de argumentación e instituciones internacionales (Logic of argumentation and international institutions)

- Fernando Estrada
- 20660: Le Rapport Industrie - Agriculture Et Le Developpement Economique (Industry-Agriculture Relationship and Economic Development)

- Lucian Albu
- 20657: Intergenerational Long Term Effects of Preschool - Structural Estimates from a Discrete Dynamic Programming Model

- James Heckman and Lakshmi Raut
- 20656: Construction d’un modèle macroéconomique keynésien avec économie informelle: un exercice de simulation (Construction of a Keynesian macroeconomic model with informal economy: a simulation exercise)

- Sadri Slim
- 20655: Globalization, Institutions, Asset Endowments and Poverty Reduction Outcomes in Africa within the Context of the Financial Crisis: Establishing a Transmission Mechanisms

- Boniface Ngah Epo, Mireille Ambiana Abiala, Clovis Wendji Maimo and Péguy Christophe Faha Choub
- 20654: A Note on the Oil Price Trend and GARCH Shocks

- Jing Li and Henry Thompson
- 20651: How Can Economic and Political Liberalisation Improve Financial Development in African Countries?

- Michael Batuo and Mlambo Kupukile
- 20643: The Fiscal Dimension of the Environment Policy

- Monica Susanu
- 20642: Fiscal Evasion – Principal Cause and Consequence of the Romanian Gradual Transition

- Monica Susanu and Viorica Ioan
- 20641: Behavioral approach to market and default risks modeling

- Sylvain Chamberlain Taguedong
- 20639: Le nuove frontiere dell'innovazione: riconoscere e valorizzare le competenze professionali in azienda (The new frontiers of innovation: recognizing and enhancing professional skills in organizations)

- Filippo Ferrari and Franco Fortunati
- 20637: Ouverture financière et rattrapage technologique: Evidence empirique à partir du bassin méditerranéen (Financial Openness and Technological Catch-up: Empirical Evidence from the Mediterranean Basin)

- Mahmoud Nabi, Mohamed Ben Aissa and Imed Drine
- 20636: A Financing-Based Misvaluation Factor and the Cross Section of Expected Returns

- David Hirshleifer and Danling Jiang
- 20634: Analyzing CBRT's FOREX interventions using EGARCH (2001-2006)

- Levent Korap
- 20632: Speculative Trade under Unawareness: The Infinite Case

- Martin Meier and Burkhard C Schipper
- 20631: Stabilization and growth in transition economies: The early experience

- Stanley Fischer, Ratna Sahay and Carlos Vegh
- 20630: Framework for understanding environmental policy in Romania (Framework for understanding environmental policy in Romania)

- Robert Sova, Ion Stancu, Anamaria Sova, Lauretiu Fratila and Valentin Sava
- 20628: Una proposta a sostegno dello sviluppo delle Cinque Valli Bolognesi (A proposal to support the development of the Cinque Valli Bolognesi)

- Filippo Ferrari, Bruno Timoncini, Silvia Conzatti and Egle Teglia
- 20626: Micro-Farming Situation Observed through Manual Discriminant Analysis

- Debabrata Basu, Rupak Goswami and Sudipta Banerjee
- 20625: Real-Time Data Revisions and the PCE Measure of Inflation

- Heather Tierney
- 20624: Piani formativi di settore: la formazione per lo sviluppo locale (Training plans for the sector: training for local development)

- Filippo Ferrari, Bruno Timoncini and Silvia Conzatti
- 20620: On The Heston Model with Stochastic Interest Rates

- Lech Grzelak and Cornelis Oosterlee
- 20616: Monetary Policy and Identification in SVAR Models: A Data Oriented Perspective

- Matteo Fragetta
- 20615: From transition to market: Evidence and growth prospects

- Stanley Fischer, Ratna Sahay and Carlos Vegh
- 20612: Concertare la formazione: le prassi di concertazione della formazione nel territorio ferrarese (Planning vocational training)

- Filippo Ferrari
- 20610: Foreign Direct Investment, Child Labour and Unemployment of Unskilled Labour in a Dual Economy

- Sarbajit Chaudhuri
- 20608: Romania's public debts and their consequences upon the economy

- Ionela Popa, Diana Codreanu and Albici Mihaela
- 20604: Received wisdom and beyond: Lessons from fiscal consolidations in the EU

- Martin Larch and Alessandro Turrini
- 20597: Gospodarstvo i financijske institucije Brodsko- posavske županije (od sredine 18. do sredine 20. stoljeća) (Economy and Financial Institutions of Brod-posavina County (From the Middle of 18th Century to the Middle of 20th Century))

- Branko Matić and Maja Vretenar
- 20596: Régulation d'un duopole et R&D environnementale (Regulation of a duopoly and environmental R&D)

- Slim Ben Youssef and Zeineb Dinar
- 20595: Institutional Trap

- Victor Polterovich
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