MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 28311: Mobile payments for remittances in Africa: Benchmarking with Latin America

- Laura Recuero Virto
- 28309: Mobile phones in Africa: Who are the investors?

- Laura Recuero Virto
- 28303: Disability and Low Income Persistence in Italian Households

- Giuliana Parodi and Dario Sciulli
- 28301: Darbaspēka migrācijas ietekme uz darba tirgu Latvijā (Influence of Labor Migration on Labor Market in Latvia)

- Valerijs Skribans
- 28298: Assessing the Millennium Challenge Corporation as a Model for Foreign Assistance Reform

- Dan Prud'homme
- 28293: Oil and portfolio risk diversification

- Giulio Cifarelli and Giovanna Paladino
- 28292: Marché du travail, bioéconomie et revenu d’existence (Labour Market, Bioeconomy and Basic Income)

- Andrea Fumagalli and Stefano Lucarelli
- 28287: On the Order of Magnitude of Sums of Negative Powers of Integrated Processes

- Benedikt Pötscher
- 28284: Вплив екзогенних чинників на розвиток українського фондового ринку (The Influence of the Exogenous Factors on the Development of Ukrainian Stock Market)

- Bohdan Petrushchak
- 28282: Теоретичні аспекти категорії "антиблаго" (The Theoretical Aspects of Category “Discommodity”)

- Bohdan Petrushchak
- 28281: Structura balanţei serviciilor şi tendinţele evolutive ale acesteia

- Daniel Juravle
- 28278: Ressource non renouvelable polluante: décentralisation de l'optimum en présence d'un pouvoir de marché (Polluting nonrenewable resources: decentralization of the optimum in the presence of market power)

- Antoine Belgodere
- 28277: Automatizing Price Negotiation in Commodities Markets

- Fodil Laib and Ms Radjef
- 28276: Effects of sex preference and social pressure on fertility in changing Japanese families

- Eiji Yamamura
- 28273: Operation of FDI caps in India and corporate control mechanisms

- S Chalapati Rao K and Biswajit Dhar
- 28272: Mandato e Attività del Fondo Monetario Internazionale (The Mandate and the Activity of the International Monetary Fund)

- Gianluca Cafiso
- 28271: Dwindling access to basic services in Zimbabwe

- Albert Makochekanwa and Marko Kwaramba
- 28268: The Benefits and Importance of Commercial Real Estate

- Mughees Shaukat
- 28267: The Economic Transition and Growth of Philippine Regions

- Dennis Mapa and Monica Flerida B Sandoval
- 28266: Estimating Inflation-at-Risk (IaR) using Extreme Value Theory (EVT)

- Edward P. Santos, Dennis Mapa and Eloisa T. Glindro
- 28265: An incomplete ignorance state in repeated-play decision making: A note on Bayesian decision-theoretical framework

- Yohei Kobayashi and Takemi Fujikawa
- 28262: Additive representation of separable preferences over infinite products

- Marcus Pivato
- 28259: Stock index returns’ density prediction using GARCH models: Frequentist or Bayesian estimation?

- David Ardia, Hoogerheide Lennart and Corré Nienke
- 28257: Does TFP drive Housing Prices? A Growth Accounting Exercise for Four Countries

- Alessio Moro and Nuño Galo
- 28256: Decarbonization of the U.S. electricity sector: Are state energy policy portfolios the solution?

- Sanya Carley
- 28255: A Measure of Switching Costs in the GB Electricity Retail Market

- Evens Salies
- 28254: TIC et croissance économique (ICT and economic growth)

- Laura Recuero Virto and Maya Bacache-Beauvallet
- 28253: The Role of Institutional Design in the Conduct of Infrastructure Industry Reforms - An Illustration through Telecommunications in Developing Countries

- Laura Recuero Virto, Farid Gasmi and Paul Noumba Um
- 28250: Unilateral CVA for CDS in Contagion model: With volatilities and correlation of spread and interest

- Qunfang Bao, Si Chen, Guimei Liu and Shenghong Li
- 28249: Sincere Lobby Formation

- Galina Zudenkova
- 28245: The implementation of Gulf Dinar among the GCC member countries and its possible impacts

- Echchabi Abdelghani, Sayid Osman, Mahamad Isares, Sorhiran Khalid and Zulkifli Zulhilmi
- 28236: Asymmetric Shocks, Long-term Bonds and Sovereign Default

- Junjun Zhu and Shiyu Xie
- 28235: Bayesian Analysis of a Triple-Threshold GARCH Model with Application in Chinese Stock Market

- Junjun Zhu and Shiyu Xie
- 28232: Modeling hierarchical relationships in epidemiological studies: a Bayesian networks approach

- Georges Nguefack-Tsague and Walter Zucchini
- 28229: Hedging vs. speculative pressures on commodity futures returns

- Giulio Cifarelli and Giovanna Paladino
- 28228: Globalization and the Polish economy: stylized facts and simulations using a Computable General Equilibrium Model

- Michał Gradzewicz, Jan Hagemejer and Żółkiewski Zbigniew
- 28227: Estimating the output gap in the Polish economy: the VECM approach

- Michał Gradzewicz and Marcin Kolasa
- 28226: Government Size and Macroeconomic Stability: Sub-National Evidence from China

- Cheng Li
- 28224: Wake up economists! - Currency-issuing central governments have no budget constraint

- Philip Lawn
- 28222: Financial development and income inequality in Pakistan: An application of ARDL approach

- Muhammad Shahbaz and Faridul Islam
- 28216: Should the optimal portfolio be region-specific? A multi-region model with monetary policy and asset price co-movements

- Charles Leung and Wing Leong Teo
- 28214: Macroeconomic Management, Financial Sector Development and Crisis Resilience: Some Stylized Facts from Central and Eastern Europe

- Martin Melecký
- 28213: Crime and Punishment Revisited

- Richard Kelaher and Vasilis Sarafidis
- 28208: Forecasting output growth by the yield curve: the role of structural breaks

- Zhongfang He
- 28207: Reports of Water Quality Violations induce Consumers to buy Bottled Water

- Misuk Seo and Andreas Pape
- 28206: Re-Reforming the Bostonian System: A Novel Approach to the Schooling Problem

- Jose Alcalde and Antonio Romero-Medina
- 28201: Financial Consumer Protection and the Global Financial Crisis

- Martin Melecký and Sue Rutledge
- 28200: Fiscal Policy and Public Debt Dynamics in Italy

- Alessandro Piergallini and Michele Postigliola
- 28197: Why do people migrate? A review of the theoretical literature

- Jessica Hagen-Zanker
- 28196: The Determinants of Self-Eployment in Pakistan: Evidence From Primary Data Analysis

- Mumtaz Anwar, Muhammad Zahir Faridi, Imran Chaudhry and Asma Majeed
- 28192: Does credit improve the food consumption vulnerability of the extreme poor? - Empirical evidence from Bangladesh

- Mohammad Monirul Hasan
- 28191: Taxation of Foreign Investments in Malawi. Lessons from Japan

- Kenani James
- 28188: Networks of Collaboration in Multi-market Oligopolies

- Pascal Billand, Christophe Bravard, Subhadip Chakrabarti and Sudipta Sarangi
- 28180: Nonlinear dynamics in an OLG growth model with young and old age labour supply: the role of public health expenditure

- Luca Gori and Mauro Sodini
- 28179: Incentives through the cycle: microfounded macroprudential regulation

- Giovanni di Iasio and Mario Quagliariello
- 28178: L’asset allocation dei fondi hedge durante la crisi finanziaria: un’analisi empirica (The asset allocation of hedge funds during the financial crisis: an empirical investigation)

- Fabio Piluso and Ilaria Lucrezia Amerise
- 28177: Group Norms and Consumer Behaviour

- Rajasekharan Pillai, Jainey S. Rajan, Sunitha Variyamveettil, Dhanu E. Mathew and Subodh S. Nath
- 28176: Asymmetric Baxter-King filter

- Ginters Buss
- 28173: A Public Firm's R&D Policy and Trade Liberalization

- Yoshihiro Tomaru
- 28172: Economic growth and and FDI in ASIA: A panel data approach

- Aviral Tiwari and Mihai Mutascu
- 28171: Change - a basic component of the current organizational environment

- Denisa Elena Parpandel
- 28168: Existence of a Pareto optimal social interaction outcome with non-binary preferences

- Arian Berdellima and Nadeem Naqvi
- 28167: The development of non-monetary means of payment

- Larysa Minzyuk
- 28166: Financial crisis response plan

- Cory Aldean
- 28164: International coordination over emissions and R&D expenditures: What does oil scarcity change?

- Antoine Belgodere and Dominique Prunetti
- 28163: On the Sustainability of India’s Non-Inclusive High Growth

- Surajit Mazumdar
- 28162: Indian Capitalism: A Case that doesn’t Fit?

- Surajit Mazumdar
- 28161: Modeling Bankruptcy Prediction for Non-Financial Firms: The Case of Pakistan

- Qaisar Abbas and Abdul Rashid
- 28160: Big Business and Economic Nationalism in India

- Surajit Mazumdar
- 28158: Sustainability of Agricultural Development in Jhabua District of Madhya Pradesh

- Vivek Kumar Singh
- 28157: Dwindling U.S. Internal Migration: Evidence of Spatial Equilibrium?

- Mark Partridge, Dan Rickman, Olfert M. Rose and Ali Kamar
- 28156: Pattern diversities in cropping systems in tribal regions: a case study of Jhabua tribal district in Madhya Pradesh, India

- Vivek Kumar Singh and Rd Singh
- 28151: Fonduri Structurale - valoare adăugată şi costuri (Structural Funds - value added and costs)

- Corina Berica
- 28149: The role of external auditors in corporate governance: agency problems and the management of risk

- Marianne Ojo
- 28148: Psychological suggestion to P Krugman

- Elemer Elad Rosinger
- 28147: The contribution of domestic, regional and international factors to Latin America's business cycle

- Melisso Boschi and Alessandro Girardi
- 28146: The cost of fiscal tightening in Poland on the road to the Euro: does the labour market matter? (CGE model simulations)

- Michał Gradzewicz, Tomasz Jędrzejowicz and Zbigniew Żółkiewski
- 28144: Forecasting model of small scale industrial sector of West Bengal

- Soumitra Kumar Bera
- 28142: The narrative and the algorithm: Genres of credit reporting from the nineteenth century to today

- Kenneth Lipartito
- 28138: Development of auditing in Malaysia: legal, political and historical influences

- Ali Azham, Lee Teck Heang, Nor Zalina Yusof and Marianne Ojo
- 28136: Connotation of minor millet biodiversity and indirect payments in tribal homesteads in the backdrop of climate change

- Sreejith Aravindakshan and Aliyaru Kunju Sherief
- 28135: A New Framework for Output-Unemployment Relationship: Okun’s Law Revisited

- Mustafa Ismihan
- 28132: Diritti di proprietà intellettuale: sviluppi recenti e prospettive di riforma (Intellectual property rights: recent developements and reform prospects)

- Davide Caregari
- 28131: A tale of three countries, dispersed ownership and greater risk taking levels by management: risk monitoring tools in bank regulation and supervision – developments since the collapse of Barings Plc (re – visited)

- Marianne Ojo
- 28129: Quantitative and credit easing policies at the zero lower bound on the nominal interest rate

- Meixing Dai
- 28127: Comovements and Causality of Sector Price Indices: Evidence from the Egyptian Stock Exchange

- Walid Ahmed
- 28122: Democracy, Autocracy and Macroeconomic Performance in Pakistan

- Nasir Iqbal, Sardar Javaid Iqbal Khan and Muhammad Irfan
- 28121: A Mechanism of Inflation Differentials and Current Account Imbalances in the Euro Area

- Taiji Harashima
- 28120: Local politics and economic geography

- Marcus Berliant and Takatoshi Tabuchi
- 28119: Analysis of Opportunities and Challenges for R&D Management and the Role of the R&D Society for its Improvement – A Case Study in Iran

- Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, Nader Ale Ebrahim, Arash Golnam, M. Vasei and Ali Ghazizadeh-Moghaddam
- 28117: Currency crises in Russia and other transition economies

- Vladimir Popov
- 28115: Exchange rate in a resource based economy in the short term: the case of Russia

- Vladimir Popov
- 28113: Life cycle of the centrally planned economy: Why Soviet growth rates peaked in the 1950s

- Vladimir Popov
- 28112: To devalue or not to devalue? How East European countries responded to the outflow of capital in 1997-99 and in 2008-09

- Vladimir Popov
- 28111: Development theories and development experience: half a century journey

- Vladimir Popov
- 28110: Global imbalances: an unconventional view

- Vladimir Popov
- 28109: Is Chinese variety of capitalism really unique?

- Vladimir Popov
- 28108: Onderzoek naar samenhangen tussen fysieke kenmerken en exploitatiekosten van Rooms-Katholieke kerken (Investigating the relationship between physical characteristics and operating costs of Roman Catholic churches)

- M.M.E. Franssen and Marga Peeters
- 28105: Private sector balance, financial markets, and U.S. cycle: A SVAR analysis

- Paolo Casadio and Antonio Paradiso
- 28104: Het gebruik van een parametrische en een semi-parametrische schattingsmethode voor het binaire keuzemodel: Probit Maximum Likelihood versus Maximum Score (The use of a parametric and a semi-parametric estimation method for the binary choice model: Probit Maximum Likelihood versus Maximum Score)

- Marga Peeters
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