MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 51159: Rating Inflation versus Deflation: On Procyclical Credit Ratings

- Yongmin Chen, Dingwei Gu and Zhiyong Yao
- 51158: The Impact of Education on the Behaviour of Labor Supply in Cameroon: an Analysis using the Nested Multinomial Logit Model

- Patrick Marie Nga Ndjobo and Yves André Abessolo
- 51157: Endogenous Capital Market Imperfection, Informal Interest Rate Determination and International Factor mobility in a General Equilibrium Model

- Sarbajit Chaudhuri and Manash Gupta
- 51156: Unionized Mixed Oligopoly and Privatization with Excess Burden of Taxation

- Kangsik Choi
- 51153: Condiciones de trabajo y calidad del empleo en la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Análisis de los determinantes de los puestos de trabajo con bajas remuneraciones en el período 2003 – 2011 (Working conditions and job quality in the Province of Buenos Aires. Analysis of the determinants of the poorly paid jobs in the period 2003 - 2011)

- Analía Calero and Isidoro Sorokin
- 51152: Políticas de protección social, vulnerabilidad económica y enfoque de derechos (Social protection policies, economic vulnerability and right approach)

- Analía Calero
- 51150: Consistent estimation of the Value-at-Risk when the error distribution of the volatility model is misspecified

- Mohamed El Ghourabi, Christian Francq and Fedya Telmoudi
- 51138: Informal taxation systems – Zakat and Ushr in Pakistan as example for the relevance of parallel/semi-public dues

- Christian Lorenz
- 51134: Why Do Japanese Non-Local Regional Banks Enter Other Prefectures Under the Region-Based Relationship Banking Policy?

- Kazumine Kondo and Kozo Harimaya
- 51128: Do Investors' Sentiment Dynamics affect Stock Returns? Evidence from the US Economy

- Theologos Dergiades
- 51127: The political economics of redistribution, inequality and tax avoidance

- Carlos Bethencourt and Lars Kunze
- 51124: TARGET2 imbalances and the need for a lender of last resort

- Caterina Astarita and Francesco Purificato
- 51122: Are Output Fluctuations Transitory in the MENA Region

- Bulent Dogru
- 51120: Energy Consumption and Economic Growth: Parametric and Non-Parametric Causality Testing for the Case of Greece

- Theologos Dergiades, Georgios Martinopoulos and Lefteris Tsoulfidis
- 51118: The `Pile-up Problem' in Trend-Cycle Decomposition of Real GDP: Classical and Bayesian Perspectives

- Chang-Jin Kim and Jaeho Kim
- 51117: Bayesian Inference in Regime-Switching ARMA Models with Absorbing States: The Dynamics of the Ex-Ante Real Interest Rate Under Structural Breaks

- Chang-Jin Kim and Jaeho Kim
- 51112: La globalización hispana del comercio y el arte en la Edad Moderna (The hispanic globalization of commerce and art in the early modern era)

- Rafael Dobado-González
- 51109: The Impact of the Dodd-Frank Act on Small Banks

- Tahsen Alqatawni
- 51107: El Fondo de Compensación Interterritorial: Análisis y propuestas de reforma (The Spanish Inter-Territorial Compensation Fund: Analysis and reform proposals)

- Xoaquín Fernandez-Leiceaga, Santiago Lago-Peñas and Xoaquín Álvarez-Corbacho
- 51106: Government Deficit and Inflation in India

- A Prasad and Jeevan Khundrakpam
- 51105: Public Sector Spending and Economic Growth in India

- Jeevan Khundrakpam
- 51103: Health insurance and health care in India: a supply-demand perspective

- Arokiasamy Perianayagam and Srinivas Goli
- 51100: Growth and dispersion of accounting research about New Zealand before and during a National Research Assessment Exercise: Five decades of academic journals bibliometrics

- Keith Dixon
- 51098: Income-specific estimates of competition in European banking

- Ioannis Samantas
- 51094: Financing Agribusiness by State Development Banks - the Case of Macedonia

- Goran Kovachev
- 51079: Demografia, Occupazione e Produttività in Europa e Us [quarta parte del progetto "Il presente e il futuro del Pay-Go in Italia, Europa e Us"] (Demography, Employment, Productivity in Europe and Us [fourth part of the project "Present and Future of PayGo in Italy, Europe and Us"])

- Nicola Carmine Salerno
- 51074: Financialisation and Crisis in an Agent Based Macroeconomomic Model

- Luca Riccetti, Alberto Russo and Mauro Gallegati
- 51072: Poverty and economic development of Kenya

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 51071: ICTs and lags in technical efficiency gains. A stochastic frontier approach over a panel of Italian manufacturing firms

- Concetta Castiglione and Davide Infante
- 51070: Synergies or overpayment in European corporate M&A

- Belén Díaz Díaz, Sergio Sanfilippo Azofra and Carlos López Gutiérrez
- 51069: Impact of foreign direct investment on economic growth: A case study of Pakistan

- Amna Muhammad Gudaro, Imran Chhapra and Salman Ahmed Sheikh
- 51068: Determinants of capital structuring: an empirical study of growth and financing behavior of firms of textile sector in Pakistan

- Imran Chhapra and Muhammad Asim
- 51065: التجارة الالكترونية في الدول الاسلامية- الواقع - التحديات - الآمال (E-Commerce in OIC members: Facts - Challenges - Prospects)

- Abid Al-Abdali
- 51064: What should every Young Farmer know about Agro lending?

- Goran Kovachev
- 51057: Relationship between Efficiency Level of Working Capital Management and Profitability of Firms in the Textile Sector of Pakistan

- Imran Chhapra and Nousheen Abbas Naqvi
- 51056: Demografia, Occupazione e Produttività in Italia e nelle Regioni italiane [terza parte del progetto "Il presente e il futuro del Pay-Go in Italia, Europa e Us"] (Demography, Employment, Productivity in Italy and in Italian Regions [third part of the project "Present and Future of PayGo in Italy, Europe and Us"])

- Nicola Carmine Salerno
- 51055: Measuring Economic Growth from Outer Space: A Comment

- Marcus Berliant and Adam Weiss
- 51054: Economic Downturn and Efficient Market Hypothesis: Lessons so Far for Ghana

- Ernest C. Winful, David Sarpong (jnr), and William Agbodohu
- 51050: Regional Financial Arrangement: An Impetus for Regional Policy Cooperation

- Reza Siregar and Keita Miyaki
- 51046: On the tracking and replication of hedge fund optimal investment portfolio strategies in global capital markets in presence of nonlinearities, applying Bayesian filters: 1. Stratanovich – Kalman – Bucy filters for Gaussian linear investment returns distribution and 2. Particle filters for non-Gaussian non-linear investment returns distribution

- Dimitri Ledenyov and Viktor Ledenyov
- 51045: La demografia in Europa e in Us. Uno sguardo alle proiezioni a medio-lungo termine (Mid-Long Term Demographic Projections for Europe and Us)

- Nicola Carmine Salerno
- 51037: Adaptive quadrature for likelihood inference on dynamic latent variable models for time-series and panel data

- Silvia Cagnone and Francesco Bartolucci
- 51036: La demografia dell’Italia e delle Regioni italiane. Uno sguardo alle proiezioni a medio-lungo termine (Mid-Long Term Demographic Projections for Italy and Italian Regions)

- Nicola Carmine Salerno
- 51029: A comparison of normal approximation rules for attribute control charts

- Takeshi Emura and Yi-Shuan Lin
- 51018: The Rate of Return on Savings and Loan Assets

- Richard Cebula
- 51015: In Search of Optimum "Relative Unanimity"

- Richard Cebula and Milton Kafoglis
- 51014: Эффект Веблена, предельная полезность денег и денежная иллюзия (Veblen effect, marginal utility of money, and money illusion)

- Sergey Malakhov
- 51013: Financial Regulation in an Agent Based Macroeconomic Model

- Luca Riccetti, Alberto Russo and Mauro Gallegati
- 51011: Financing Utilities: How the Role of the European Investment Bank shifted from regional development to making markets

- Judith Clifton, Daniel Diaz Fuentes and Julio Revuelta
- 51009: Determinants Of Sovereign Bond Spreads A Comparative Analysis During The Global Financial Crisis

- Halil Guler and Ismail Talasli
- 51005: Does a Grant-based Approach Work for Addressing Extreme Poverty? A RCT Approach

- Narayan C Das and Wameq Raza
- 51003: Trust and prosocial behaviour in a process of state capacity building: the case of the Palestinian Territories

- Luca Andriani and Fabio Sabatini
- 50998: Consumption, Market Price of Risk, and Wealth Accumulation under Induced Uncertainty

- Yulei Luo and Eric Young
- 50995: "In consideration of the children", really? Adoption of the school-rhythm reform by French municipalities

- Aurélie Cassette and Etienne Farvaque
- 50994: Determinants of Migration to Central Cities: A Comment

- Richard Cebula and Christopher Curran

- Bulent Dogru
- 50990: Investor Protection and Corporate Performance: Comparing Auditing Issues across countries

- Elena D'Agosto
- 50989: Auditing Issues across Countries: an Explorative Approach to the Regulation Framework

- Elena D'Agosto
- 50987: Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy and the Effect of Income on Happiness Levels

- Stavros Drakopoulos and Aikaterini Grimani
- 50984: 鼓励还是抑制?初探外商直接投资与新民营企业进入 (Foreign Direct Investment and the Entry of New Firms)

- Daili Wang
- 50981: Capital Inflows, Credit Booms and Their Risks

- Carmen Reinhart
- 50979: Darwinism, probability and complexity: market- based organizational transformation and change explained through the theories of evolution

- Tanya Sammut-Bonnici and Robin Wensley
- 50978: Teaching How Private Enterprise Works Using Professional Sports: A Brief Note on the Case of Individual NHL Players' Salaries

- Richard Cebula
- 50977: Determinants of Money Demand in Pakistan: Disaggregated Expenditure Approach

- Muhammad Abdullah, Muhammad Chani and Amjad Ali
- 50976: An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Federal Budget Deficits on Long-term Nominal Interest Rate Yields, 1973.2-1995.4, Using Alternative Expected Inflation Measures

- Richard Cebula
- 50967: The Collective Individual Households or Coin economic theory

- Kees De Koning
- 50962: Analysis of Net Interstate Migration: Comment

- Richard Cebula and Beverly Schaffer
- 50957: Migration, Economic Freedom, and Personal Freedom: An Empirical Analysis

- Richard Cebula and Jeff Clark
- 50955: The influence of information sources on inter- and intra-firm diffusion: evidence from UK farming

- James Waters
- 50954: Economic Sanctions and The Sanctions Paradox: A Post-Sample Validation of Daniel Drezner’s Conflict Expectations Model

- Evan Hillebrand and Jeremy Bervoets
- 50952: Regional Trade Integration in the CIS Area

- Georgy Idrisov and Boris Taganov
- 50948: Why the traditional principal agent theory may no longer apply to concentrated ownership systems and structures

- Marianne Ojo
- 50945: A Review and Reflection on the Use and Abuse of Chinese Industrial Enterprises Database

- Huihua Nie, Ting Jiang and Rudai Yang
- 50942: Economic forces and stock exchange prices: pre and post impacts of global financial recession of 2008

- Mondher Bellalah, Omar Masood, Priya Thapa, Olivier Levyne and Rabeb Triki
- 50940: Currency hedging strategies, strategic benchmarks and the Global and Euro Sovereign financial crises

- Massimiliano Caporin, Juan Jimenez-Martin and Lydia Gonzalez-Serrano
- 50939: Small Firm Size and Health Insurance: A Private Enterprise Perspective

- Richard Cebula
- 50938: The Persistent Inequality in the Great Brazilian Cities: The Case of Brasília

- Luis Cristovao Ferreira Lima
- 50936: A Persistente Desigualdade nas Grandes Cidades Brasileiras: o Caso de Brasília (The Persistent Inequality in the Great Brazilian Cities: The case of Brasília)

- Luis Cristovao Ferreira Lima
- 50933: Features that influence the exit decision from the private pension system in Turkey

- Saime Kayam, Mehmet Koray Parkın and Merih Çeliktopuz
- 50931: 储蓄过剩与经济危机 (The Savings Glut and the Economic Crisis)

- Haisong Bao
- 50929: An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between WPI and PMI-Manufacturing Price Indices in India

- Jeevan Khundrakpam and Asish Thomas George
- 50928: Can an Inter-temporal Model Explain India's Current Account Balance?

- Jeevan Khundrakpam and Rajiv Ranjan
- 50927: How Persistent is Indian Inflationary Process, Has it Changed?

- Jeevan Khundrakpam
- 50926: How does profitability get affected by working capital management in food and beverages industry?

- Priya Thapa
- 50925: Macro Models: an APP for Macroeconomic Models. User Manual 1.0

- Gianluigi Coppola
- 50924: Redemption and Depression

- Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
- 50919: Effective Strategies for Increasing Citation Frequency

- Nader Ale Ebrahim, Hadi Salehi, Mohamed Amin Embi, Farid Habibi Tanha, Hossein Gholizadeh, Seyed Mohammad Motahar and Ali Ordi
- 50913: An Analysis of Migration Patterns and Local Government Policy toward Public Education in the United States

- Richard Cebula
- 50911: Diagnoza postaw mieszkańców Białegostoku w zakresie tolerancji (Diagnosis of attitudes in tolerance of Bialystok residents)

- Jan Poleszczuk, Katarzyna Sztop-Rutkowska, Łukasz Kiszkiel, Andrzej Klimczuk and Rafał Julian Mejsak
- 50909: Competitiveness and institutional change in Hungary

- Zoltán Bartha
- 50908: Választási ciklusok és azok makrogazdasági hatásai (Political business cycles, and their macroeconomic effects)

- Zoltán Bartha
- 50907: Global Crisis, Fiscal Response and Medium-term Risks to Inflation in India

- Jeevan Khundrakpam and Sitikantha Pattanaik
- 50906: Climbing up the competitiveness ladder

- Zoltán Bartha
- 50905: Is the Government Deficit in India Still Relevant for Stabilisation?

- Jeevan Khundrakpam and Rajan Goyal
- 50904: Monetary Policy and Food Prices in India

- Jeevan Khundrakpam and Dipika Das
- 50903: Monetary Policy Transmission in India: A Peep Inside the Black Box

- Jeevan Khundrakpam and Rajeev Jain
- 50902: Estimating Impacts of Monetary Policy on Aggregate Demand in India

- Jeevan Khundrakpam
- 50901: Intézményi megoldások, fejlődési modellek (Institutional solutions, development models)

- Zoltán Bartha, Andrea Sáfrányné Gubik and Klára Tóthné Szita
- 50900: Future-, outside-, and inside-focused development paths

- Zoltán Bartha and Andrea Sáfrányné Gubik
- 50899: Credit Channel of Monetary Transmission in India - How Effective and Long is the Lag?

- Jeevan Khundrakpam
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