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36464: Income differentiation of households in various regions of the Czech Republic Downloads
Jana Stávková and Zuzana Procházková
36460: Validity and precision of estimates in the classical newsvendor model with exponential and rayleigh demand Downloads
George Halkos and Ilias Kevork
36459: Microfinance institutions will be an important instrument to earn more remittance, send remittance and utilize remittance in Bangladesh Downloads
Mahmud Sk. Mahmudul Alam
36458: Теоретичні засади розвитку мезоекономічних систем (Theoretical principles of messo-economic systems development) Downloads
Roman Matkovskyy
36457: Homogeneity tests for Levy processes and applications Downloads
Daniel Ciuiu
36455: Identifying speculative bubbles with an in finite hidden Markov model Downloads
Yong Song and Shuping Shi
36451: The Economic strategy for Hong Kong SAR: evidence from productivity and cost analysis Downloads
Kui-Wai Li
36450: Globalization's impact on compliance with labor standards Downloads
Ann Harrison and Jason Scorse
36449: Grundzüge der Besteuerung von Sportwetten aus Sicht der Praxis (The taxation of sport betting: a professional's view) Downloads
Norman Albers
36448: Public sector IP management in the life sciences: reconciling practice and policy Downloads
Antony Taubman and Roya Ghafele
36445: Integration of hydrological and economic approaches to water and land management in Mediterranean climates: an initial case study in agriculture Downloads
Jorge Bielsa, Ignacio Cazcarro and Yolanda Sancho
36444: Competition on MARS? A study of broker-dealer competition in the U.S. municipal auction rate securities market Downloads
Chip Cole and Jeffrey Edwards
36443: Politics, Inflation, and the Mundell-Tobin Effect Downloads
Jeffrey Edwards
36442: Moderating effect of social support on personal financial constraints and job stress relationship Downloads
Sajjad Ahmad, Muhammad Aftab and Kashif-Ur- Rehman
36441: Which conceptual foundations for environmental policies? An institutional and evolutionary framework of economic change Downloads
Gerardo Marletto
36440: The underground economy in Romania Downloads
Eugenia Mara
36438: Causes and consequences of underground economy Downloads
Eugenia Mara
36437: Private sector participation in the water and sanitation sector: alternative options and measurement issues Downloads
Rashid Al-Hmoud and Jeffrey Edwards
36436: I nuovi tunnel ferroviari del Frejus e del Gottardo: un confronto politico-istituzionale (The new railway Tunnels of Frejus and Gothard: a political and institutional comparative analysis) Downloads
Gerardo Marletto
36433: A participative procedure to select indicators of policies for sustainable urban mobility. Outcomes of a national test Downloads
Gerardo Marletto and Francesca Mameli
36431: The entry price threshold in EU agriculture: deterrent or barrier? Downloads
Fabio Gaetano Santeramo and Antonio Cioffi
36430: Does trade promote peace? squared: a gravity equation in a rectangular panel world Downloads
Anton Parlow
36428: The effect of net positions by type of trader on volatility in foreign currency futures markets Downloads
Changyun Wang
36426: The behavior and performance of major types of futures traders Downloads
Changyun Wang
36425: Investor sentiment and return predictability in agricultural futures markets Downloads
Changyun Wang
36423: Private monetary transfers and altruism: an empirical investigation on Italian families Downloads
Luigi Aldieri and Damiano Fiorillo
36422: A Model of Quantum Economic Development Downloads
Craig Sobey
36421: Causality between Openness and Indigenous Factors among World Economies Downloads
X. Zhou and Kui-Wai Li
36420: Productivity and Manufacture Export Causality among World Regions: 1989-1999 Downloads
Kui-Wai Li and Seigfried Bender
36419: The Optimal Level and Impact of Internal Factors on Growth Downloads
Kui-Wai Li
36418: Inequality and development: Evidence from semiparametric estimation with panel data Downloads
X. Zhou and Kui-Wai Li
36416: Agricultural commodities and financial markets Downloads
Matteo Modena
36413: The State, Capital and Development in ‘Emerging’ India Downloads
Surajit Mazumdar
36412: Nationalism and international trade: theory and evidence Downloads
Xiaohuan Lan and Ben Li
36410: Strategic defense and attack for series and parallel reliability systems: reply to rejoinder Downloads
Kjell Hausken
36407: Impact of social capital on flexible work organisation models: comparative study of european countries Downloads
Pedro Ferreira, Elvira Vieira and Isabel Neira
36405: Benefits transfer: conceptual problems in estimating water quality benefits using existing studies Downloads
William H. Desvouges, Michael C. Naughton and George Parsons
36404: Women's participation in high performance work practices: a comparative analysis of Portugal and Spain Downloads
Pedro Ferreira, Nelida Porto and Marta Portela
36403: We're on a road to nowhere... new forms of work organization and national cultures Downloads
Pedro Ferreira
36396: Free to grow? Assessing the barriers faced by actual and potential high growth firms Downloads
Neil Lee
36395: Defying Gravity: The Substitutability of Transportation in International Trade Downloads
Matthias Lux
36394: Financing University Research Downloads
Roya Ghafele
36390: Real Wages, Wage Inequality and the Regional Cost-of-living in the UK Downloads
Cinzia Rienzo
36389: Time series models of GDP: a reappraisal Downloads
Malvina Marchese
36387: The economic transition and migration of Vietnam and the Mekong Delta region Downloads
Huy Huynh Truong
36383: Empowering the frailty: dissecting the role of microcredit Downloads
Pillai N. Vijayamohanan and B. P. Asalatha
36382: A Certain Uncertainty; Assessment of Court Decisions in Tackling Corruption in Indonesia Downloads
Rimawan Pradiptyo
36381: On Assessment of the Supreme Court Decisions in Tackling Substance Misuse in Indonesia Downloads
Sony Saputra and Rimawan Pradiptyo
36378: Rural Poverty and Inequality Maps in Vietnam: Estimation using Vietnam Household Living Standard Survey 2006 and Rural Agriculture and Fishery Census 2006 Downloads
Cuong Nguyen, Truong Tran Ngoc and Roy van der Weide
36377: Selection of Control Variables in Propensity Score Matching: Evidence from a Simulation Study Downloads
Cuong Nguyen Viet
36376: Profitability of Interest-free vs. Interest-based Banks in Turkey Downloads
Ali Soylu and Nazif Durmaz
36374: Justice and Taxation Downloads
Andrea Vicini
36372: Complexity Science Models of Financing Health and Social Security Fiscal Gaps Downloads
James A Hayes
36369: A response to unfounded criticisms of Burkey and Obeng (2004) made by the IIHS (2005) Downloads
Mark Burkey
36367: Certainty equivalent citation: a generalized class of citation indexes Downloads
Antonio Abatemarco and Roberto Dell'Anno
36366: Energy Consumption Response to Climate Change under Globalization: Options for India Downloads
Krishnan Narayanan and Santosh Kumar Sahu
36363: Direct and Indirect Crisis Effects on International Trade or: Is There a Chance to Employ an Income Stimulus to Stimulate Exports? Downloads
Alexander Konon
36361: Applying a bio-economic optimal control model to charcoal production: The case of slash and burn agriculture in Mexico (Aplicando un modelo bio-económico de control óptimo a la producción de carbón vegetal: el caso de las comunidades agrícolas de roza-tumba-quema en México) Downloads
Fernando Arrocha and Mauricio Villena
36360: Instrumental intensity as a tool for post-earthquake damage assessment: validation for the strong Vrancea earthquakes of August 1986 and May 1990 Downloads
Iolanda-Gabriela Craifaleanu and I. S. Borcia
36358: Il rischio di liquidità: regolamentazione e best practice (Liquidity Risk: Supervisory Models and Best Practices) Downloads
Ida Panetta and Pasqualina Porretta
36357: Granger causality between energy use and economic growth in France with using geostatistical models Downloads
Arshia Amiri and Mansour Zibaei
36356: Mortgage Lending and the Great moderation: a multivariate GARCH Approach Downloads
Dirk J Bezemer and Maria Grydaki
36354: Family dissolution and precautionary savings: an empirical analysis Downloads
Filippo Maria Pericoli and Luigi Ventura
36353: Economic insecurity and fertility intentions: the case of Italy Downloads
Francesca Modena, Concetta Rondinelli and Fabio Sabatini
36352: Decomposition of ethnic heterogeneity on growth Downloads
Eiji Yamamura
36341: Assessing regional integration and business potential in the Western Balkans Downloads
Pantelis Sklias and Maria Tsampra
36339: Impactul crizei globale asupra structurii comerţului exterior al României (The Global Crisis Impact on Romanian Trade Structure) Downloads
George Georgescu
36338: Attorney empowerment in Voir Dire and the racial composition of juries Downloads
Jee-Yeon Lehmann and Jeremy Smith
36335: Your right arm for a publication in AER? Downloads
Arthur Attema, Werner Brouwer and Job van Exel
36333: I criteri del Trattato di Maastricht, l’Europa e l’euro: debito pubblico in Italia e crescita (The criteria of the Maastricht Treaty, Europe and the euro: public debt in Italy and growth) Downloads
Daniele Schiliro'
36332: Nonlinear pricing with imperfectly informed consumers Downloads
Mark Armstrong
36331: Inflation Dynamics: The Case of Egypt Downloads
Heba Ali
36330: War Debt and the Baby Boom Downloads
Kai Zhao
36328: An elementary characterization of the Gini index Downloads
Joss Sanchez-Perez, Leobardo Plata-Perez and Francisco Sanchez-Sanchez
36327: Globalization and Political Trust Downloads
Justina A. V. Fischer
36326: On the Smoothness of Value Functions Downloads
Bruno Strulovici and Martin Szydlowski
36324: An Unexpected Role of Local Selectivity in Social Promotion Downloads
Jose A. Garcia-Martinez
36323: Foreign banks and foreign currency lending in emerging Europe Downloads
Martin Brown and Ralph De Haas
36321: Trademarks as Fictitious Commodities: An Erosion of the Public Interest? An Assessment of the use of trademarks over urban space at the example of London’s Regent Street and Paris’ Champs-Elysées Downloads
Roya Ghafele and Samantha Vanderslott
36319: On whether foreign direct investment catalyzes economic development in Nigeria Downloads
Godwin Okpara
36317: The Effectiveness of international investment instruments on the amount of foreign investment (a case study of Iran) Downloads
Nima Nasrollahi Shahri
36316: Determinants of international migrations to Italian provinces Downloads
Gabriele Morettini, Andrea Presbitero and Massimo Tamberi
36308: The effects of HIV/AIDS infections and mortality on saving and investment Downloads
Jeffrey Edwards, Rashid Al-Hmoud and Fadi Fawaz
36306: The Impact of International Research Joint Ventures on SMEs Performance Downloads
Adolfo Barajas, E. Huergo and Lourdes Moreno
36305: Inside the black box: compensation structures of efficient Yugoslavian firms Downloads
Mark Klinedinst
36304: After 20 Years of Status Quo: The Failure of Gradualism in Slovenia’s Post-Socialist Transition Downloads
Rok Spruk
36300: Calibration of factor models with equity data: parade of correlations Downloads
Alexander L. Baranovski
36294: Cari İşlem Açıklarının Sürdürülebilirliği: 2001-2011 Türkiye Örneği (Current Account Deficits Sustainability: 2001-2011 The Case Of Turkey) Downloads
A Sahbaz
36291: Two cases of divorce in the town of Arad in the eighteenth century Downloads
Eugen Ghita
36286: Toward a framework for implementation of climate change treaty through self-enforcing mechanisms Downloads
Meeta Mehra, Saptarshi Mukherjee and Monica Dutta
36285: Cooperation makes beliefs: climate variation and sources of social trust in Vietnam Downloads
Anh Dang
36284: The role of the external auditor in bank regulation and supervision: A comparative analysis between the UK, Germany, Italy and the US (Third Edition: Financial Crises, Enron and Northern Rock) Downloads
Marianne Ojo
36282: Bienenfeld’s approximation of production prices and eigenvalue distribution: some more evidence from five European economies Downloads
Fotoula Iliadi, Theodore Mariolis, George Soklis and Lefteris Tsoulfidis
36281: Crash Risk Reduction at Signalized Intersections Using Longitudinal Data Downloads
Mark Burkey and Kofi Obeng
36280: Liberalization of trade: why so much controversy? Downloads
Ann Harrison and Helena Tang
36279: Are there dynamic externalities from direct foreign investment? Evidence for Morocco Downloads
Ann Harrison and Mona Haddad
36277: US multinational activity abroad and US jobs: substitutes or complements? Downloads
Ann Harrison, Margaret McMillan and Clair Null
36276: Improving the conditions of workers? Minimum wage legilsation and anit-sweatshop activism Downloads
Ann Harrison and Jason Scorse
36271: Trade liberalisation and global-scale forest transition Downloads
Rafael González-Val and Fernando Pueyo
36270: Multinationals in economic development: the benefits of FDI Downloads
Ann Harrison
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