MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 41566: Long-Run Implications of the Covered Interest Rate Parity Condition: Evidence during the Recent Crisis and Non-Crisis Periods

- Jun Nagayasu
- 41558: Efficient Estimation of Approximate Factor Models

- Jushan Bai and Yuan Liao
- 41557: Audits and logistic regression, deciding what really matters in service processes: a case study of a government funding agency for research grants

- Robert Samohyl
- 41555: Overreaction and underreaction on the BUCHAREST STOCK EXCHANGE

- Razvan Stefanescu, Ramona Dumitriu and Costel Nistor
- 41554: Detecting Islamic Calendar Effects on U.S. Meat Consumption: Is the Muslim Population Larger than Widely Assumed?

- Vafa Moayedi
- 41553: Fighting consumer price inflation in Africa. What do dynamics in money, credit, efficiency and size tell us?

- Simplice Asongu
- 41552: Are Proposed African Monetary Unions Optimal Currency Areas? Real, Monetary and Fiscal Policy Convergence Analysis

- Simplice Asongu
- 41551: Long-run performance of IPOs and the role of financial analysts: some French evidence

- Romain Boissin and Patrick Sentis
- 41545: Heat savings and heat generation technologies: Modelling of residential investment behaviour with local externalities

- Erika Zvingilaite and Henrik Klinge Jacobsen
- 41543: Ist eine Deregulierung der Arbeitsmärkte in den südlichen EU-Staaten zur Bekämpfung der Eurokrise sinnvoll? (Does deregulation of labor markets in Southern EU-countries solve the Euro crisis?)

- Justina A. V. Fischer
- 41542: Orphan versus non-orphan IPOs: the difference analyst coverage makes

- Romain Boissin
- 41540: Reactions of the capital markets to the shocks before and during the global crisis

- Ramona Dumitriu, Razvan Stefanescu and Costel Nistor
- 41539: The Halloween effect during quiet and turbulent times

- Ramona Dumitriu, Razvan Stefanescu and Costel Nistor
- 41537: The assessment of socio-economic efficiency of urban planning in modern conditions

- Nadezda Shcherbakova
- 41536: Social-ecological-economic efficiency assessment of the existing scheme of communal solid waste handling in St. Petersburg

- Nadezda Shcherbakova
- 41533: The role of foreign direct investment in the renewable electricity generation and economic growth nexus in Portugal: a cointegration and causality analysis

- João Paulo Bento Cerdeira
- 41532: Multidimensional Measurement of Poverty in Pakistan

- Masood Awan, Muhammad Waqas and Aslam Amir
- 41530: Axioms of invariance for TU-games

- Sylvain Béal, Eric Rémila and Philippe Solal
- 41529: Econometric applications of high-breakdown robust regression techniques

- Asad Zaman, Peter Rousseeuw and Mehmet Orhan
- 41527: Condorcet's principle and the strong no-show paradoxes

- Conal Duddy
- 41524: Financial liberalisation, Banking Crises and Economic Growth in African Countries

- Michael Batuo and Kupukile Mlambo
- 41521: Multifunzionalità ed agricoltura biologica in aziende agri-sociali in Sicilia

- Giuseppe Timpanaro, Vera Teresa Foti and Alessandro Scuderi
- 41519: Export, Economic Integration and Exchange Rate Volatility in Turkey and Malaysia

- Tajul Ariffin Masron and N.A.m Naseem
- 41518: Corporate social responsibility in Greece during the crisis period

- Theodore Metaxas and Maria Tsavdaridou
- 41517: Rabbit meat consumption in Kenya

- Stephen Mailu, L Muhammad, M.m Wanyoike and R.N. Mwanza
- 41516: Evaluating professional tennis players’ career performance: A Data Envelopment Analysis approach

- George Halkos and Nickolaos Tzeremes
- 41513: Социально-эколого-экономическая оценка эффективности существующей схемы обращения с твердыми бытовыми отходами Санкт-Петербурга

- Nadezda Shcherbakova
- 41512: The assessment of socio-economic efficiency of urban planning in modern conditions

- Nadezda Shcherbakova
- 41508: What determines the behavior of the Russian stock market

- Anatoly Peresetsky
- 41507: What factors drive the Russian banks license withdrawal

- Anatoly Peresetsky
- 41496: Balance Sheet Channel of Monetary Policy and Economic Growth under Fiscal Dominance: Evidence from Pakistan

- Safia Shabbir
- 41495: Technology Dynamism: Analyses of Changing Structure of Trade in Organized Manufacturing Industries In India

- Swati Mehta
- 41494: Economic reforms, technological intensity and industrial development in India

- Swati Mehta
- 41492: Diseguaglianza, conflitto sociale e sindacati in America (Inequality, social conflict and unions in America)

- Antonio Lettieri
- 41491: Biofuel subsidies and international trade

- Subhayu Bandyopadhyay, Sumon Bhaumik and Howard Wall
- 41486: Prediction for the 2012 United States Presidential Election using Multiple Regression Model

- Pankaj Sinha, Aastha Sharma and Harsh Vardhan Singh
- 41484: Empirical Survey on the Causes of the Corruption (Aperçu empirique sur les causes de la corruption)

- Oasis Kodila Tedika
- 41482: CONSEQUENCES DE LA CORRUPTION: PANORAMA EMPIRIQUE (Consequences of Corruption: Empirical survey)

- Oasis Kodila Tedika
- 41481: Business Groups, Innovation and Institutional Voids in Latin America

- Fulvio Castellacci
- 41480: Political Competition, Electoral System and Corruption: the Italian case

- Maria Rosaria Alfano, Anna Laura Baraldi and Claudia Cantabene
- 41473: Linking developing country's cooperation on climate control with industrialized country's R&D and technology transfer

- Claudia Kemfert and ZhongXiang Zhang
- 41472: Hedging dynamics with gold futures

- Saurabh Singh and Swati Saharawat
- 41471: Industrial Clustering Policy and Economic Restructuring in Vietnam

- Thi Thanh Hong Pham and Binh Giang Nguyen
- 41469: L’analisi della domanda degli oli extravergine d’oliva in Italia Un’applicazione del modello A.I.D.S (The analysis of the demand for extra virgin olive oil in Italy An application of the AIDSmodel)

- Francesco Diotallevi
- 41468: The analysis of competitive interdependencies through “Social Network Analysis”: the case study of extra-virgin olive oil

- Andrea Marchini, Francesco Diotallevi and Linda Fioriti
- 41466: Valutazione tecnologie e metodi per risparmio energetico in fase di cura (Assessment technologies and methods for energy savings during cure phase)

- Flaminia Ventura, Pasquale Raiola and Francesco Diotallevi
- 41465: Valutazione delle misure per i network agroalimentari nei PSR1: l’esperienza del Veneto (Evaluation of measures for agri-food networks in PSR1: the experience of Veneto)

- Flaminia Ventura, Francesco Diotallevi, Nicoletta Ricciardulli and Maria Berletti
- 41462: Do consumers prefer offers that are easy to compare? An experimental investigation

- Paolo Crosetto and Alexia Gaudeul
- 41461: New Taxonomies for Limited Dependent Variables Models

- Erik Biorn and Knut Wangen
- 41460: Supply chain configuration under information sharing

- Mohammad Ali Kashefi
- 41459: Testing in the Presence of Nuisance Parameters: Some Comments on Tests Post-Model-Selection and Random Critical Values

- Hannes Leeb and Benedikt Pötscher
- 41458: Rolul întreprinderilor publice în dezvoltarea economică a statelor din centrul și estul Europei (The role of public enterprises in the economic development of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe)

- Marina Zaharioaie
- 41456: Performance environnementale et mesure de la productivité

- Anne Dubrocard and Michel Prombo
- 41455: The Attenuation of Idiosyncratic Risk under Alternative Portfolio Weighting Strategies: Recent Evidence from the UK Equity Market

- Rui Ming Daryl Chia and Kai Jie Shawn Lim
- 41452: The Multiple Discrete-Continuous Extreme Value Model (MDCEV) with fixed costs

- Reto Tanner and Denis Bolduc
- 41451: Microfinance and Missing Markets

- M. Shahe Emran, Akm Morshed and Joseph Stiglitz
- 41450: New Keynesian macroeconomics: Empirically tested in the case of Republic of Macedonia

- Dushko Josheski and Darko Lazarov
- 41447: Analisi tecnico-economica di alcuni ecotipi locali di specie orticole in Sicilia (Technical-economic analysis of some local ecotypes of horticultural species in Sicily)

- Giuseppe Timpanaro, Ferdinando Branca, Vera Teresa Foti and Mariagrazia Signorello
- 41440: How can we anticipate crises?

- Elena Bianca Vieru
- 41438: An analytical study of al-Ghazali’s thought on money and interest

- Abdul Azim Islahi
- 41437: Perceived Internet privacy concerns on social network in Europe

- Grazia Cecere, Fabrice Le Guel and Nicolas Soulié
- 41436: Affect of Working Capital Management on Firms Profitability in Sugar Industry of Pakistan

- Zafar Ullah Malik and Athar Iqbal
- 41435: The Impact of the Microchip on the Card Frauds

- Guerino Ardizzi
- 41434: Inequality, extractive institutions, and growth in nondemocratic regimes

- Nobuhiro Mizuno, Katsuyuki Naito and Ryosuke Okazawa
- 41433: Hotele w gospodarce polskiej – zarys rozwoju, ekonomiki i ryzyka (Hotels in the Polish economy - brief overview of the market development, management and risks)

- Krzysztof Olszewski
- 41432: Sustainability of the Romanian Social Security System. The Burden of Education

- Victor-Bogdan Oprean
- 41431: A Quantitative Study of Hong Kong's Fiscal Policy

- Ken Wong
- 41429: An Estimate for the Real Foreign Exchange Rate in Iran

- Amir Naghshineh-Pour
- 41428: Incentives, Supervision and Regulation of Microfinance Institutions in the developing countries

- Mathurin Founanou and Zaka Ratsimalahelo
- 41424: Post-crises performance of Indian equity funds: A comparative analysis across different categories

- Smita Roy Trivedi
- 41421: The growing dichotomy between real and financial sectors

- Smita Roy Trivedi
- 41416: Making politicians and bureaucrats deliver: decentralization and interlinked tasks

- Ashima Goyal
- 41414: A plug-in averaging estimator for regressions with heteroskedastic errors

- Chu-An Liu
- 41413: The effect of crude oil price change and volatility on Nigerian economy

- Kazue Demachi
- 41412: The determinants of fertility in southeast and south Asian countries: an analysis of panel data

- Teguh Dartanto
- 41409: Anatomy of Cashless Banking in Nigeria: What Matters?

- Akinwande Atanda and Olorunfemi Alimi
- 41408: Short-term Dependence in Time Series as an Index of Complexity: Example from the S&P-500 Index

- C-Rene Dominique and Luis Eduardo Rivera-Solis
- 41407: Could Investors’ Expectations Explain Temporal Variations in Hurst’s Exponent, Loci of Multifractal Spectra, and Statistical Prediction Errors? The Case of the S&P 500 Index

- C-Rene Dominique and Luis Eduardo Rivera-Solis
- 41405: El Régimen de Metas de Inflación en Brasil: Breve Descripción y Evaluación de su Desempeño (Brazil's Inflation Targeting Regime: Brief Description and Evaluation of its Performance)

- Víctor Olivo
- 41404: Stability of demand for money function in Nepal: A cointegration and error correction modeling approach

- Siddha Bhatta
- 41403: Technical and scale efficiency in the Italian Citrus Farming: A comparison between Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) and Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA) Models

- Fabio Madau
- 41401: Guía de Ejercicios: Introducción a la Macroeconomía (Exercises Guide: Principles of Macroeconomics)

- Carlos A. Medel
- 41400: Cooperation mechanisms to achieve EU renewable targets

- Henrik Klinge Jacobsen, Lise-Lotte P Hansen, Sascha T Schröder and Lena Kitzing
- 41399: Italian medium-sized enterprises and the fourth capitalism

- Daniele Schiliro'
- 41393: Tutela della biodiversità e livelli di interrelazione nei sistemi locali di alcuni ecotipi di specie ortive in Sicilia (Protection of biodiversity and levels of interrelation in the local systems of some ecotypes of horticultural species in Sicily)

- Giuseppe Timpanaro, Vera Teresa Foti, Ferdinando Branca and Giuseppe Di Vita
- 41390: Book review: public duties in Islam

- Abdul Azim Islahi
- 41389: Access to credit for Italian firms: new evidence from the ISTAT confidence business surveys

- Stefano Costa, Marco Malgarini and Patrizia Margani
- 41388: Matrixes Satisfying Siljak’s Conjecture

- Guoqiang Tian
- 41387: A Class of Dynamic Demand Systems

- Guoqiang Tian and John Chipman
- 41386: A Study on Environmental Compliance of Indian Leather Industry & its Far-reaching Impact on Leather Exports

- Chandan Roy
- 41385: Stochastic Specification and Maximum-Likelihood Estimation of the Linear Expenditure System

- John Chipman and Guoqiang Tian
- 41384: Does Corruption Pay in Indonesia? If So, Who are Benefited the Most?

- Rimawan Pradiptyo
- 41383: A proven model for achieving localized food security and farmers benefit protection

- Khan, Reza Ahmed/Md.
- 41377: The Electricity Consumption and Economic Growth Nexus in Pakistan: A New Evidence

- Syed Atif and Muhammad Wasif Siddiqi
- 41376: Inclusive Growth Strategies for Pakistan: Myth or Reality for Policymakers!

- Syed Atif and Mohazzam Sardar
- 41375: The Effect of Pension on the Optimized Life Expectancy and Lifetime Utility Level

- Inyong Shin
- 41374: The Effect of Pension on the Optimized Life Expectancy and Lifetime Utility Level

- Inyong Shin
- 41373: Garch models without positivity constraints: exponential or log garch?

- Christian Francq, Olivier Wintenberger and Jean-Michel Zakoian
- 41371: Stability analysis in economic dynamics: A computational approach

- George Halkos and Kyriaki Tsilika
- 41370: Maqasid-e Shari`at

- Abdul Azim Islahi
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