MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 120429: Un réexamen de l’effet de seuil de la dette publique sur la croissance économique en Afrique subsaharienne (A reevaluation of the threshold effect of public debt on economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa)

- Fo-kossi Edem Togbenu and Mayo Takémsi Norris Kadanga
- 120425: Price Gouging or Market Forces? Fairness Perceptions of Price Hikes in the Pandemic

- Avichai Snir, Daniel Levy, Dudi Levy and Chen, Haipeng (Allan)
- 120424: Effect of a cost channel on monetary policy transmission in a behavioral New Keynesian model

- Daisuke Ida and Kenichi Kaminoyama
- 120419: Small Price Changes, Sales Volume, and Menu Cost

- Doron Sayag, Avichai Snir and Daniel Levy
- 120418: Sraffa: some alternative proofs

- Alessandro Saccal
- 120411: Unlocking Prosperity: Fresh Insights into Economic Growth Through Financial Development, Domestic Investment, and Corruption Trends in LAC Countries

- Sayef Bakari
- 120410: ESG principles: the limits to green benchmarking

- Charles-Henri DiMaria
- 120408: Geospatial Multidimensional Poverty Gap in India: A rural and urban decomposition analysis

- Pallavi Gupta
- 120404: Financial Performance and Innovation: Evidence from United States 1998 - 2023

- Panteleimon Kruglov
- 120398: Democracy, Neoliberalism, and Financial Oligarchy

- Davi José Nardy Antunes and Marilia Tunes Mazon
- 120397: The Economic Possibilities of Technological Progress: Business Restructuring and the Labor Market in the 21st Century

- Davi José Nardy Antunes, Marilia Tunes Mazon and João Manuel Cardoso de Mello
- 120396: Black Swan Global Market: Analysis of the Effect of the Covid-19 Death Rate on the Volatility of European Football Club Stock Prices (Case Study of Juventus F.C., Manchester United, Ajax Amsterdam and Borussia Dortmund)

- Franco Limba, Jacobus Rijoly and Margreath Tarangi
- 120388: Beyond the Glass Ceiling: How Women Leaders Drive Innovation and Performance in Top Management

- Buddhika Silva and Amena Hasan
- 120384: India’s look east policy: Its evolution, challenges and prospects

- Jyoti Sukhia
- 120383: Impact of innovation on employment: A review of literature

- Ashish Gupta
- 120378: Distance to Hazard: an Environmental Policy with Income Heterogeneity

- Minoru Nakada
- 120377: Environmental Tax Reform and Growth: Income Tax Cuts or Profits Tax Reduction

- Minoru Nakada
- 120376: Perfect Multicollinearity and Dummy Variable Trap: Explaining the Unexplained

- Vijayamohanan Pillai N. and Rju Mohan A.
- 120373: Стандарти за устойчиви системи за управление: картографиране на водещи ISO стандарти в подкрепа на по-доброто им прилагане в българския контекст (Standards for sustainable management systems: mapping of leading ISO standards to support their implementation in the Bulgarian context)

- Nevena Ivanova and Elka Vasileva
- 120372: Устойчиво потребление на храни и хранителни отпадъци: на примера на почивна база в Равда (Sustainable food consumption and food waste: the case of recreation center in Ravda)

- Stiliyan Stefanov, Nina Tipova, Elka Vasileva and Daniela Ivanova
- 120371: Хранителни отпадъци при хранене извън дома: на примера на университетски столове в България (Food waste and out-of-home dining: the case of university canteens in Bulgaria)

- Nina Tipova, Elka Vasileva, Stiliyan Stefanov and Daniela Ivanova
- 120370: Assessing the Impact of Domestic Investments and CO2 Emissions on Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Comprehensive Study (1990-2022)

- Sayef Bakari
- 120369: The impact of financial inclusion on financial stability: review of theories and international evidence

- Moeti Damane and Sin-Yu Ho
- 120367: The Impact of Barrier Factors on the Effectiveness and Development of Intelligent Transportation System in Pakistan

- Khurram Nazir, Muhammad Saeed Lodhi, Zia Ahmad and Saba Ahmad
- 120364: How Information Design Shapes Optimal Selling Mechanisms

- Hien Pham
- 120363: Challenges and Policy Implications for Low-Carbon Pathway for Kerala: An Integrated Assessment Modelling Approach

- Sanjib Pohit, Anindya Bhattacharya, Chetana Chaudhuri, P.L. Beena, Somya Mathur, Devender Pratap, Hrushikesh Mallik, Mohit Meena, Ritika Jain and Malavika Thampi
- 120361: The Decision to Install a Rooftop Photovoltaic System by a Small Business: A Case Study

- Demitrius Schwartz and Amitrajeet Batabyal
- 120360: What Drives Profitability: Level or Growth Efficiency?

- Biswa Swarup Misra and Biresh Sahoo
- 120355: Are Technology Improvements Contractionary? The Role of Natural Resources

- Ohad Raveh, Fidel Perez-Sebastian and Frederick (Rick) van der Ploeg
- 120352: Universal Coordination Instrument of Economic Individuals

- Sergey Parinov
- 120351: The Renunciation of Healthcare Services in the Italian Regions in the ESG Context

- Angelo Leogrande, Emanuela Resta and Alberto Costantiello
- 120350: Hedge Fund Investment Returns and Performance

- David Lee
- 120348: Uneven Development: Causal Explanations and Counterfactuals with Structural Depth

- Haider Khan
- 120346: Factors Influencing Customers’ Loyalty: An Empirical Study for the Milk Industry in Vietnam

- Cong Minh Huynh and Phan Kim Han Nguyen
- 120343: Populism and the rule of law: the importance of institutional legacies

- Andreas Kyriacou and Pedro Trivin
- 120340: Cost overruns in Swedish infrastructure projects

- Jonas Eliasson
- 120338: Exploring the Linkages between Financial Development, Savings, and Economic Growth in Ethiopia: An Empirical Evidence-Based Analysis

- Anulo, Olkamo, Degefe
- 120335: The Financial Development, Savings and Economic Growth Nexus Empirical Evidence from Ethiopia

- Anulo, Olkamo, Degefe
- 120332: Components and Strategic Routes of Corporate Transformations

- Biland Sadek
- 120325: Trans-development and the Global South: Counter-hegemonic Strategy for Building an Ecological Global Civilization

- Haider Khan
- 120324: Enfoque de capacidades en Amartya Sen: Aproximaciones y reflexiones (Capabilities approach in Amartya Sen: Approaches and reflections)

- Dorian Fernando León Tamayo
- 120318: Aggressiveness as Performance Signaling: Forced Distribution Rating System in Tax Authority

- Heru Iswahyudi
- 120317: Estimation of the imperfect substitutability between foreign workers and native residents in Japan

- Masatoshi Jinno
- 120313: Effects of Petroleum Deregulation and Petroleum Taxation Policies On Inflation In Ghana

- Snowdein Pessey
- 120311: The fourth quarter dip in unemployment rates in Ghana: A systematic account of labour market activities in 2022

- Johnson Ahiadorme and Linda Akoto
- 120309: Africa as Part of a New Non-neocolonial Global South: A Strategy for African Development beyond the East Asian Model in the 21st Century: Integrating Markets and the Enabling Developmental State

- Haider Khan
- 120307: Wage Cyclicality Revisited: The Role of Hiring Standards

- Sekyu Choi, Nincen Figueroa and Benjamin Villena-Roldan
- 120306: The effectiveness of a certification of legality. Evidence from Italian firms

- Maria Rosaria Alfano, Claudia Cantabene and Alessandro de Iudicibus
- 120305: Sorting On-line and On-time

- Stefano Banfi, Sekyu Choi and Benjamin Villena-Roldan
- 120304: Using a price-dependent utility function to construct price indices

- Igor Uliyanov
- 120298: Reviewing environmental aspects under the scope of ESG

- George Halkos and Panagiotis-Stavros Aslanidis
- 120296: Fighting crime for improved recycling: evaluating an anti-mafia policy on source separation of waste

- Anna Laura Baraldi, Claudia Cantabene and Alessandro De Iudicibus
- 120289: Heterogeneity in population and values and water pollution control: The Ganges in Kanpur and Varanasi, India

- Amitrajeet Batabyal and Seung Jick Yoo
- 120288: Market-Based Price Autocorrelation

- Victor Olkhov
- 120283: An In-Depth Analysis of Corruption in the Malagasy Context

- Andrianady Josue and Jovianah Andrianavony
- 120282: An alternative derivation of Sraffa’s fundamental equation with applications

- Alessandro Saccal
- 120281: Labor markets, wage Inequality, and hiring selection

- Alessandra Pizzo and Benjamin Villena-Roldan
- 120274: Information on Cancer Prevalence and Oncologic Insurance Take-up

- Daniela Caceres, Melissa Valdivia and Manuel Barron
- 120273: Les Antécédents de la Résistance des Consommateurs à la Stratégie de Changement d’Enseignes: Preuves Issues d'un Contexte Tunisien (The History of Consumer Resistance to the Brand Switching Strategy: Evidence from a Tunisian Context)

- Ahmed Kannou
- 120268: An Operational Mechanism of Ganga Kalyana Scheme in Karnataka: An Analysis with Demand and Supply Phenomena

- Dr. Gopi H and Dr. Rangappa K B
- 120263: Behavior-based pricing and signaling of product quality

- Jianpei Li and Wanzhu Zhang
- 120255: Socio-Economics Status of an Irrigation Scheme's Beneficiaries with Non-Beneficiaries: A Comparative Study in Karnataka

- Gopi H and Dr. Rangappa K B
- 120253: Myopic households on a stable path: the neoclassical growth model with rule-based expectations

- Andrea Teglio, Michele Catalano and Marko Petrovic
- 120252: Auswirkungen der CO2-Emissionen der Industrienationen auf den Klimawandel in Subsahara-Afrika: Fallstudien aus Südafrika, Nigeria und der DR Kongo (The impact of the industrialized nation's CO2 emissions on climate change in Sub-Saharan Africa: Case studies from South Africa, Nigeria and the DR Congo)

- Dirk Kohnert
- 120250: Government’s deficiency of communication and the impact on stakeholder’s (Case of yellow waste WtE in Albania)

- Ana Kekezi
- 120242: Institutionalist Clues in Celso Furtado’s Economic Thought

- Federico Nastasi and Salvatore Spagano
- 120240: Mission: Impossible - Learning to learn, innovating instead of copying and escaping the trap - A perspective from “the rest”

- Maria Nathalia Ramirez Chaparro and Catalina Chacón Mejía
- 120239: An exploratory study of financial inclusion in sub-saharan Africa

- Moeti Damane and Sin-Yu Ho
- 120238: Effects of financial inclusion on financial stability: evidence from ssa countries

- Moeti Damane and Sin-Yu Ho
- 120235: Извлечение информации из редких событий в регрессионном анализе (Extracting information from rare events in regression analysis)

- Oleksiy Dushyn and Borys Dushyn
- 120234: Les Facteurs Clés de Succès d'une Substitution d’Enseignes (The Key Success Factors of Brand Substitution)

- Ahmed Kannou
- 120233: Sustainable Water Management and Wetland Restoration Strategies in Northern China

- Giuseppe T. Cirella and Stefan Zerbe
- 120231: L’impact des émissions de CO2 des pays industrialisés sur le changement climatique en Afrique subsaharienne: Études de cas d’Afrique du Sud, du Nigeria et de la RD Congo (The impact of the industrialized nation's CO2 emissions on climate change in Sub-Saharan Africa: Case studies from South Africa, Nigeria and the DR Congo)

- Dirk Kohnert
- 120229: Demanda energética residencial en España: Una aplicación del modelo QUAIDS (Residential energy demand in Spain: An application of the QUAIDS model)

- Antonio Gutierrez-Lythgoe
- 120228: Green Energy Finance in Sri Lanka: A review

- Sujith Jayasooriya
- 120227: Рикардо в зазеркалье: таможенно-тарифная политика сквозь призму теории сравнительных преимуществ (Ricardo Through the Looking Glass: Tariff Policy through the Lens of the Theory of Comparative Advantage)

- Victor Spirin
- 120224: Spatial patterns of regional regional inequalities in European Union in pandemic time. Empirical evidence from NUTS-2 regions

- Daniela Antonescu and Ioana Florescu
- 120223: Monetary-Fiscal Policy Interactions in Africa: Fiscal Dominance or Monetary Dominance?

- Peter Mogaji
- 120220: Cluster Evolution Analytics

- Víctor Morales-Oñate and Bolívar Morales-Oñate
- 120216: Finanza sostenibile e sistema di finanza pubblica sostenibile (Sustainable finance and sustainable public finance system)

- Daniele Schiliro'
- 120213: Financial Inclusion and Economic Growth in Developing Nations: A Case Study of Bangladesh

- Amena Hasan, Asif-Ud Dowla and Ramisa Tarannum
- 120212: The impact of the industrialized nation’s CO2 emissions on climate change in Sub-Saharan Africa: Case studies from South Africa, Nigeria and the DR Congo

- Dirk Kohnert
- 120210: The impact of the industrialized nation’s CO2 emissions on climate change in Sub-Saharan Africa: Case studies from South Africa, Nigeria and the DR Congo

- Dirk Kohnert
- 120203: Sortino(γ): a modified Sortino ratio with adjusted threshold

- Yoram Kroll, Andrea Marchioni and Moshe Ben-Horin
- 120201: Debt-financed fiscal policy, public capital, and endogenous growth

- Takefumi Hagiwara
- 120200: Measuring the Deviations from Perfect Competition: International Evidence (second version)

- Weshah Razzak
- 120195: County Wildfire Risk Ratings in Northern California: FAIR Plan Insurance Policies and Simulation Models vs. Red Flag Warnings and Diablo Winds

- James Schmidt
- 120194: Handling Distinct Correlated Effects with CCE

- Ovidijus Stauskas and Ignace De Vos
- 120190: Exploring the sensitivity of BRICS stock markets to oil Price shocks: a quantile-on-quantile perspective

- Lumengo Bonga-Bonga
- 120188: On identifying efficient, fair and stable allocations in "generalized" sequencing games

- Sreoshi Banerjee
- 120181: Long Run Money Superneutrality Evaluation of the Relevance of Money in Africa: An ARDL Approach

- Peter Mogaji
- 120175: Decentralized vs. Centralized Water Pollution Cleanup in the Ganges in a Model with Three Cities

- Amitrajeet Batabyal and Hamid Beladi
- 120173: Parents' legal status and children's health insurance: Evidence from DACA

- Nhan Tran
- 120171: Non-convergent incomes with a new DF-Fourier test: most likely you go your way (and I'll go mine)

- Artur Silva Lopes
- 120170: Прогнозирование основных российских макроэкономических показателей с помощью TVP-модели с байесовским сжатием параметров (Forecasting key Russian macroeconomic variables using a TVP model with Bayesian shrinkage)

- Andrey Polbin and Andrei Shumilov
- 120163: The dependence of growth on the profitability of capital in the Kaleckian literature: a critical evaluation

- Attilio Trezzini and Luigi Salvati
- 120162: Economic Impact of Natural Disasters Under the New Normal of Climate Change: The Role of Green Technologies

- Nikos Fatouros
- 120160: Strategic Policy Responsiveness to Opponent Platforms: Evidence From U.S. House Incumbents Running Against Moderate or Extremist Challengers

- Felix Schönenberger
- 120159: Out of Office, Out of Step? Re-election Concners and Ideological Shirking in Lame Duck Sessions of the U.S. House of Representatives

- Felix Schönenberger
- 120157: The role of central bank in greening the Nigerian financial system

- Peterson Ozili
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