MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 83269: Tournaments with subsequent group stages are incentive incompatible

- László Csató
- 83268: Forecasting Tourist Arrivals in Prague: Google Econometrics

- Ayaz Zeynalov
- 83263: The effects of FDI on recipient countries in Central and Eastern Europe

- Katarina Bačić, Domagoj Račić and Amina Ahec Šonje
- 83254: Employee Poaching, Predatory Hiring, and Covenants Not to Compete

- Jin-Hyuk Kim
- 83252: Communism, Value Neutrality and Monetary Neutrality

- Yinghao Luo
- 83241: Will Polish Goods Be Crowded Out by American Ones?

- Elzbieta Czarny and Pawel Folfas
- 83234: Inclusive Financial System Reforms in Uganda: Unveiling Ambiguity

- Milton Ayoki
- 83233: Entry Deterrence and Strategic Alliances

- Philip Gayle and Xin Xie
- 83232: Forecasting realized volatility: a review

- Andrea Bucci
- 83231: Do Prices Influence Economic Growth?

- Cherkos Meaza Gebregergis and Abis Getachew Mekuria
- 83227: Education Effects on Days Hospitalized and Days Out of Work by Gender: Evidence from Turkey

- Aysıt Tansel and Halil Ibrahim Keskin
- 83223: Barreras sobre las exportaciones agropecuarias: impactos económicos y sociales de su eliminación (Dismantling export barriers: economic and social impacts)

- Julio Nogues
- 83220: Dynamic Openness and Finance in Africa

- Simplice Asongu and Jules Minkoua N.
- 83219: Enhancing ICT for Environmental Sustainability in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Simplice Asongu, Sara le Roux and Nicholas Biekpe
- 83218: Environmental Degradation, ICT and Inclusive Development in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Simplice Asongu, Sara le Roux and Nicholas Biekpe
- 83217: The role of mobile phones in governance-driven technology exports in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Simplice Asongu and Ndemaze Asongu
- 83215: Gender longevity gap and socioeconomic indicators in developed countries

- Igor Fedotenkov and Pavel Derkachev
- 83213: A Kaldorian Approach to Greek Economic Growth: A Reply

- Stavros Drakopoulos and Ioannis Theodossiou
- 83209: Implications of multilateral tariff bindings on the formation of preferential trade agreements and quest for global free trade

- Moise Nken and Halis Yildiz
- 83207: Financial Development, the Choice of Technology, and Comparative Advantage

- Binglin Gong and Haiwen Zhou
- 83206: An Overlapping-Generations Model of Firm Heterogeneity in Economic Development

- Yu Chen and Haiwen Zhou
- 83205: Exchange rates of oil exporting countries and global oil price shocks: A nonlinear smooth-transition approach

- Alfred A. Haug and Syed Abul Basher
- 83202: Access to Finance Constraint and SMEs Functioning in Ghana

- Frederick Nyanzu and Matthew Quaidoo
- 83201: Greece: Still in the woods

- George Bitros
- 83199: Prisoners of our own Device – an evolutionary perspective on lock-in, technology clusters and telecom regulation

- Jonathan Cave
- 83196: Firm Size, Bank Size, and Financial Development

- Daryna Grechyna
- 83195: Asymmetry cointegration and the J-curve: New evidence from Korean bilateral trade balance models with her 14 partners

- Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee and Jungho Baek
- 83193: Quis custodiet ipsos custodies in the Internet: self-regulation as a threat and a promise

- Jonathan Cave and Christopher Marsden
- 83192: Cyber-Trust

- Jonathan Cave and Valeri Lorenzo
- 83188: Gravitational Collapse of a Massive Star and Black Hole Formation

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 83187: A Brief Analysis of de Sitter Universe in Relativistic Cosmology

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 83185: Optimization Models in Mathematical Economics

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 83183: Asymmetric cointegration and the J-Curve: Evidence from commodity trade between Turkey and EU

- Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee and Nazif Durmaz
- 83182: Body Weight and Hypertension Risk in a Developing Country

- Thang Dang
- 83176: A “citation surplus” should be added to the h-index

- Sergio Da Silva
- 83175: Un Marco General para la Ciencia de la Sociedad Humana (A General Framework for the Science of Human Society)

- Guillermo Escudé
- 83171: Personality influences hyperbolic discounting

- Sergio Da Silva, Dinorá De Faveri and Raul Matsushita
- 83170: Impact of the First-Time Car Buyer Program on the Environmental Cost of Air Pollution in Bangkok

- Witsanu Attavanich
- 83169: Formations médicales privées à Kinshasa: qu’en est-il de leur émergence ? (Private medical institutions in Kinshasa: what about their emergence?)

- Darly Kambamba
- 83168: Correlation and inequality in weighted majority voting games

- Sanjay Bhattacherjee and Palash Sarkar
- 83167: Bringing it all back home? Backshoring of manufacturing activities and the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies

- Bernhard Dachs, Steffen Kinkel and Angela Jäger
- 83166: A new approach to measuring universal banking

- Carmela D'Avino and Mimoza Shabani
- 83164: Socio-Cultural Factors Associated with Epidemics: The Case of 2014 Ebola Outbreak

- Guy-lucien S. Whembolua, Darly Kambamba, Donaldson Conserve and Daudet Ilunga Tshiswaka
- 83163: Is the Thai Government Revenue-Spending Nexus Asymmetric?

- Komain Jiranyakul
- 83162: Religi, budaya dan ekonomi kreatif: Prospek dan pengembangan pariwisata halal di Cirebon (Religion, culture and creative economy: Prospect and development of halal tourism in Cirebon)

- Aan Jaelani, Edy Setyawan and Nursyamsudin Hasyim
- 83161: Coordination Costs, Market Size, and the Choice of Technology

- Haiwen Zhou
- 83160: Renewable energy consumption and unemployment in South Africa

- Clement Moyo, Siyasanga Dingela, Nwabisa Kolisi, Hlalefang Khobai and Izunna Anyikwa
- 83159: Les banques islamiques sont-elles plus performantes que les banques conventionnelles en Algérie ? (Are the Islamic banks better perform than conventional banks in Algeria?)

- Dounia Kerzabi, Rachida Ben Ahmed Daho and Ali Bendob
- 83157: Is public debt harmful towards economic growth? New evidence from South Africa

- Ncebakazi Mhlaba and Andrew Phiri
- 83154: Evaluación de la capacidad predictiva del índice de percepción del consumidor (Assessing the predictive power of the consumer perception index)

- Guillermo Acuña
- 83152: Nash-2 equilibrium: selective farsightedness under uncertain response

- Marina Sandomirskaia
- 83151: Economic Feasibility of the Profitability of Insurances Related to Oil and Gas Wells

- Mehdi Sadeghi Shahedani, Mohammad Mahdi Askari and Amir Maleki Nejad

- Christophe Raoul Besso and Célestin Chameni Nembua
- 83140: Determinants of currency disturbances in transition economies of Central and Eastern Europe

- Amina Ahec Šonje, Ante Babić and Katarina Mlinarević
- 83139: Transparency and Responsibility in the Public Administration Institutions. The case of Romania

- Catalin Vrabie and Andreea-Maria Tirziu
- 83137: Measuring and predicting currency disturbances in Croatia: the “signals” approach

- Amina Ahec Šonje and Ante Babić
- 83136: FDI and economic growth in Central and Eastern Europe: Is there a link?

- Katarina Bačić, Domagoj Račić and Amina Ahec Šonje
- 83135: A composite leading indicator for a small transition economy: the case of Croatia

- Amina Ahec Šonje and Bacic Katarina
- 83134: Can We Identify Union Productivity Effects?

- John Addison and John Chilton
- 83131: Cascading Defections from Cooperation Triggered by Present-Biased Behaviors in the Commons

- Marco Persichina
- 83116: Migration, Social Capital, Financial Capital: How Migrants’ Family Relations Serve Internationally

- Muhammad Zubair and Dieter Bögenhold
- 83115: Three comments on ”Gordon Tullock and the rational choice commitment”

- Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard
- 83112: Neocolonialism or Balanced Partnership? Reframing Agricultural Relations Between the EU and Africa

- Ioana Lungu
- 83099: When Foreign Interventions in Domestic Economy Leads to Exploitation: A Case Study of Oil Production in Nigeria’s Niger Delta

- Wilson Akpan and Dawood Mamoon
- 83098: Beyond being Good Neighbors: Proximity to International Markets Matter More for India Pakistan Peace

- Dawood Mamoon
- 83094: Collaboration in international technology transfer: the role of knowledge boundaries and boundary objects

- Luiz Eduardo da Silva, Solmaz Filiz Karabag and Christian Berggren
- 83093: Business value created by management accounting

- Marius Daraban
- 83089: The Impact of Knowledge Management Models for the Development of Organizations

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 83088: A Comprehensive Analysis of Knowledge Management Cycles

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 83086: Reproduction Structure and Technological Progress in Economy: The Role of Talents as Capital

- Michio Tochimoto
- 83084: A Primer on Development Dimension of Trade Negotiations in the WTO: The Doha Development Agenda

- Milton Ayoki
- 83077: Non-bank Financial Institutions at the Ground Zero of Next Crisis

- Victor Xing
- 83075: Intermediate Goods and Exchange Rate Disconnect

- William Craighead
- 83074: Economics conference bingo

- Lindsay Allen, Scott Barkowski, Matthew Harris, Joanne Song McLaughlin, R. Vincent Pohl, Meghan Skira and James Waldron
- 83073: Is Aid for Agriculture Effective in Sub-Saharan Africa?

- John Ssozi, Simplice Asongu and Voxi Heinrich Amavilah
- 83072: Quality of Growth Empirics: Comparative Gaps, Benchmarking and Policy Syndromes

- Simplice Asongu and Jacinta Nwachukwu
- 83071: Improving financial access in Africa: insights from information sharing and financial sector development

- Simplice Asongu
- 83070: Openness, ICT and Entrepreneurship in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Simplice Asongu and Jacinta Nwachukwu
- 83069: The Comparative African Economics of Inclusive Development and Military Expenditure in Fighting Terrorism

- Simplice Asongu, Vanessa Tchamyou, Ndemaze Asongu and Nina Tchamyou
- 83068: Inequality, Foreign Investment, and Imperialism

- Thomas Hauner, Branko Milanovic and Suresh Naidu
- 83066: Fairness to dairy cows or fairness to farmers: What counts more in the preferences of conventional milk buyers for ethical attributes of milk?

- Nonka Markova-Nenova and Frank Wätzold
- 83058: Bank Response to Policy Related Changes in Capital Requirements

- Vasja Sivec and Matjaž Volk
- 83056: Perfect Public Offering: A Process to Provide Perfect Ownership of Businesses to the Entire Public

- Ronald Williams
- 83052: Monetary Constitutionalism: Some Recent Developments

- Ludwig Van Den Hauwe
- 83051: Mediterranean, migrations and economic development

- Daniele Schiliro'
- 83049: Generalization of Euler and Ramanujan’s Partition Function

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 83047: Andrews-Garvan-Liang’s Spt-crank for Marked Overpartitions

- Nil Bhattacharjee, Sabuj Das and Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 83046: Generating Functions for β1(n) and β2(n)

- Sabuj Das and Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 83045: Development of Partition Functions of Ramanujan’s Works

- Das Sabuj and Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 83044: Bingmann-Lovejoy-Osburn’s generating function in the overpartitions

- Fazlee Hossain, Sabuj Das and Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 83043: The Rogers-Ramanujan Identities

- Fazlee Hossain and Sabuj Das
- 83042: Knowledge Sharing Enhances Knowledge Management Environment and Efficiency

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan, Shahidul Islam and Falguni Shome
- 83041: Knowledge is an Essential Element at Present World

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 83040: Tacit Knowledge for the Development of Organizations

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 83039: Market Reaction to Actual Daily Share Repurchases in Greece

- Angeliki Drousia, Athanasios Episcopos and George Leledakis
- 83038: The Roles of Knowledge Management for the Development of Organizations

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 83036: Global Hyperbolicity in Space-Time Manifold

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 83028: Fuzzy Logic Model of Soft Data Analysis for Corporate Client Credit Risk Assessment in Commercial Banking

- Sabina Brkic, Migdat Hodzic and Enis Dzanic
- 83025: Behavioral economics and auto-images of distributions of random variables

- Alexander Harin
- 83024: Asymmetric effects of exchange rate changes on the Malaysia-China commodity trade

- Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee and Muhammad Aftab
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