MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 14803: Reforms in Forest Management in West Bengal: A Game of Strategic Profile

- Nimai Das and Debnarayan Sarker
- 14797: Pensions panorama: retirement-income systems in 53 countries

- Edward Whitehouse
- 14796: Civil-service pension schemes around the world

- Robert Palacios
- 14795: Iowa’s Tax Incentive Programs Used by Biofuel Producers Tax Credits Program Evaluation Study

- Zhong Jin and Brittany Teahan
- 14794: Iowa’s Historic Preservation and Cultural and Entertainment District Tax Credit Program Evaluation Study

- Zhong Jin and Lipsman Michael
- 14786: Americanización y consumo de masas, la distribución alimentaria en España, 1947-2007 (Americanization and mass consumption, the distribution of food in Spain, 1947 - 2007)

- J. Carles Maixé-Altés
- 14785: Sizing the Government

- Kristof De Witte and Wim Moesen
- 14781: Historical Relevance of Joint Forest Management Proggramme and the Key Elements of its Sustainability: An Evidence from Western Midnapore Division in West Bengal

- Debnarayan Sarker and Nimai Das
- 14780: Social Capital and Joint Forest Management Programme: A Comparative Study on Female-headed and Joint Forest Protection Committees in West Bengal

- Debnarayan Sarker and Nimai Das
- 14779: Efficiency of Market Behaviour of NTFPs for Households under JFMP: A Case Study in West Bengal

- Debnarayan Sarker and Nimai Das
- 14778: Aspecte conceptuale si tehnice privind viitoare reglementari contabile pentru IMM-uri in Europa

- Adela Deaconu, Irimie Popa, Anuta Buiga and Melinda Fulop
- 14777: The Godless Religion: Economics, Equilibrium, and the Copernican Revolution

- Alan Freeman
- 14776: Benchmarking and understanding London’s Cultural and Creative Industries

- Alan Freeman
- 14775: The peak of oil extraction and a modified maximin principle

- Andrei Bazhanov
- 14772: Income tax, subsidies to education, and investments in human capital in a two-sector economy

- Concetta Mendolicchio, Dimitri Paolini and Tito Pietra
- 14769: Sustainable financing for ocean and coastal management in Jamaica: The potential for revenues from tourist user fees

- Peter Edwards
- 14765: Towards a Sustainable Joint Forest Management Programme: Evidence from Western Midnapore Division in West Bengal

- Debnarayan Sarker and Nimai Das
- 14764: Integrated Pest Management Portfolios in UK Arable Farming: Results of a Farmer Survey

- Alastair Bailey, Marco Bertaglia, Iain Fraser, Abhijit Sharma and Elodie Douarin
- 14763: A comment on "Intergenerational equity: sup, inf, lim sup, and lim inf"

- José Alcantud and María D. García-Sanz
- 14762: On the deterrent effect of individual versus collective liability in criminal organizations

- Laetitia Hauret, Eric Langlais and Carine Sonntag
- 14761: Tax burden by economic function A comparison for the EU Member States

- Jean-Pierre De Laet and Florian Wöhlbier
- 14760: Solutii pentru masurarea calitatii informatiei contabile

- Adela Deaconu, Crina Filip and Anuta Buiga
- 14757: Financial Social Accounting Matrix: Concepts, Constructions and Theoretical Framework

- Kai Seng Kelly Wong, M. Azali and Chin Lee
- 14756: The single global currency - common cents for the world (2008 Edition)

- Morrison Bonpasse
- 14755: Pension plans and retirement incentives

- Richard Disney and Edward Whitehouse
- 14754: Diagnosing performance management and performance budgeting systems: A case study of the U.S. Navy

- Natalie Webb and Philip J Candreva
- 14753: Regulating private pension funds’ structure, performance and investments: cross-country evidence

- P.S. Srinivas, Edward Whitehouse and Juan Yermo
- 14752: Strategy at the crossroads: The case of the navy hospital ships

- Natalie Webb and Anke Richter
- 14751: Pension systems in 15 countries compared: the value of entitlements

- Edward Whitehouse
- 14750: Does Fed Funds Target Interest Rate Lead Bank of England’s Bank Rate and European Central Bank’s Key Interest Rate?

- Sadullah Çelik and Pınar Deniz
- 14746: Réttlæti og sérhagsmunir (Justice and pressure groups)

- Fridrik Baldursson
- 14743: Amenities and Risk in Forest Management

- Marielle Brunette, Stéphane Couture and Eric Langlais
- 14742: Kaupendamáttur á sementsmarkaði (Buyer power in the cement industry)

- Fridrik Baldursson and Sigurdur Johannesson
- 14740: The Paternity of the Price-Quality "Value Map"

- Luke Connelly
- 14739: Forecasting telecommunications data with linear models

- Gary Madden and Joachim Tan
- 14737: Ambiguity, Learning, and Asset Returns

- Nengjiu Ju and Jianjun Miao
- 14735: Was the Korean slave market efficient?

- Elise Brezis and Heeho Kim
- 14731: FULL Capital Account Convertibility:India's Readiness in the context of Financial Integration

- Sulagna Bhattacharya
- 14729: Estimating contribution of factors to long-term growth in Romania

- Lucian Albu
- 14728: Carry Trades and Global FX Volatility

- Lukas Menkhoff, Lucio Sarno, Maik Schmeling and Andreas Schrimpf
- 14727: What is the Effect of the Current Financial Crisis on Venture Capital Financing? Empirical Evidence from US Internet Start-ups

- Joern Block and Philipp Sandner
- 14725: Evolution of Coalition Structures under Uncertainty

- Giuseppe De Marco and Maria Romaniello
- 14723: IMFの融資制度ーアイスランド、ウクライナ、ラトビア、ハンガリーのケースをもとにして (IMF Financing Systems-Based on the Cases of Iceland, Ukraine, Latvia, and Hungary)

- Sayuri Shirai
- 14722: The Impact of the US Subprime Mortgage Crisis on the World and East Asia

- Sayuri Shirai
- 14720: Evaluating the Present State of Japan as An International Financial Center

- Sayuri Shirai
- 14719: Skill Bias, Trade, and Wage Dispersion

- Ferdinando Monte
- 14716: An Analyses of Romanian Companies’ Financing Decisions under Macroeconomic Influences

- Camelia Oprean-Stan
- 14715: Value and Riches

- Ferdinando Meacci
- 14713: Wealth

- Ferdinando Meacci
- 14711: Rating philosophy and dynamic properties of internal rating systems: A general framework and an application to backtesting

- Anna Cornaglia and Marco Morone
- 14709: Growth effects of U.S. FDI in 64 developing economies, 1980 – 2007: The role of absoptive capabilities

- Krishna Chaitanya Vadlamannati
- 14707: Entry in Collusive Markets: An Experimental Study

- Marie Goppelsroeder
- 14703: Oil price shocks and their short- and long-term effects on the Chinese economy

- Weiqi Tang, Libo Wu and ZhongXiang Zhang
- 14702: How does biotech food labelling affect consumers’ purchasing preferences and the market? Evidence from urban China

- Funing Zhong and Xi Chen
- 14701: Modeling Social Preferences: A Generalized Model of Inequity Aversion

- Hayat Khan
- 14700: Medidas de Riesgo Financiero y una Aplicación a las Variaciones de Depósitos del Sistema Financiero Boliviano (Risk Measures and an Application to the Withdrawals of Deposits in the Bolivian Financial System)

- Rolando Gonzales-Martínez
- 14696: Covered Interest Rate Parity: The Case of the Czech Republic

- Radek Bednarik
- 14695: Loan Dollarization in V4 Countries

- Radek Bednarik
- 14694: The Determinants of Current Account Imbalances in Malawi

- Samson Kwalingana and Onelie Nkuna
- 14689: Unions and the decision to apply for and the receipt of workers' compensation benefits

- Christopher Woock
- 14688: The earnings losses of injured men: Accounting for injuries outside the Workers' Compensation system

- Christopher Woock
- 14687: La Ley del Precio Unitario en la Zona Metropolitana Fronteriza (The Law of One Price in the Borderplex)

- Lorenzo Blanco-Gonzalez and Thomas Fullerton
- 14686: Enforcement of Regulation, Irregular Sector, and Firm Performance

- Luigi Bonaventura and Danilo Orlando
- 14682: Can age discrimination be justified with a lower productivity of older workers?

- Jens Barthel
- 14681: The Tertiary Sector Is Going to Dominate the World Economy; Should We Worry?

- Muyed Sultan
- 14680: Doves and hawks in economics revisited [An evolutionary quantum game theory-based analysis of financial crises]

- Matthias Hanauske, Jennifer Kunz, Steffen Bernius and Wolfgang König
- 14679: Gaming in a benchmarking environment. A non-parametric analysis of benchmarking in the water sector

- Kristof De Witte and Rc Marques
- 14678: Estimating Product Quality in International Trade

- Alessandro Borin and Marco Lamieri
- 14676: Balancing the Number and Size of Sites: An Economic Approach to the Optimal Design of Cluster Samples

- Luke Connelly
- 14672: Equity of health care financing in Iran

- Mohammad Hajizadeh and Luke Connelly
- 14671: Lifetime Fairness? Taxes, Subsidies, Age-Based Penalties, and the Price of Health Insurance in Australia

- Luke Connelly and H. Shelton Brown
- 14670: Export and Economic Growth in India: Causal Interpretation

- Alok Pandey
- 14668: Ways to improve the design of the EU emissions trading scheme: key issues and answers

- ZhongXiang Zhang
- 14666: Analisis Retrospectivo de la Industria Maquiladora de Exportacion en Mexico (Retrospective Analysis of the Maquiladora Export Industry in Mexico)

- Thomas Fullerton, Martha Barraza de Anda and Roberto Tinajero
- 14665: Analisi del mercato Italiano del vino Syrah (Analysis of Italian Market of Syrah Wine)

- Antonio Seccia, Gianluca Nardone and Antonio Stasi
- 14661: On measuring indebtedness of African countries: A stochastic frontier debt production function

- Guy Blaise Nkamleu
- 14656: Investing in agrochemicals in the cocoa sector of Côte d’Ivoire: hypotheses, evidence and policy implications

- Guy Blaise Nkamleu, Yaya Keho, Jim Gockowski and Soniia David
- 14650: Some Ontological Issues of the REA Framework in Relation to Enterprise Business Process

- Frantisek Hunka, Miroslav Hucka, Josef Kasik and Dominik Vymetal
- 14649: Adoption and diffusion of double entry book-keeping in Mexico and Spain: A related but under-investigated development

- Bernardo Batiz-Lazo, Julian Hernandez-Borreguero, J. Carles Maixé-Altés and Miriam NuÑez-Torrado
- 14648: Structural Breaks, Regime Change and Asymmetric Adjustment: A Short and Long Run Global Approach to the Output/Unemployment Dynamics

- Gui de Mendonça
- 14647: Effects of sex preference and social pressure on fertility in changing Japanese families

- Eiji Yamamura
- 14646: Frequency of contact with foreigners in a homogenous society: perceived consequences of foreigner increases in Japan

- Eiji Yamamura
- 14645: Inflation Forecasting in Pakistan using Artificial Neural Networks

- Adnan Haider and Muhammad Nadeem Hanif
- 14641: Financial social accounting matrix: concepts, constructions and theoretical framework

- Kai Seng Kelly Wong, M. Azali and Chin Lee
- 14640: Determinants of Food Acceptance and Micro-Nutrient Deficiency in Preschoolers: A Case Study of Households from Karachi, Pakistan

- Zammurud Subzwari, Abid Hasnain and Muhammad Ali
- 14637: On the J-test for nonnested hypotheses and Bayesian extension

- Surekha Rao, Moheb Ghali and John Krieg
- 14635: Wage Bargaining and Induced Technical Change in a Linear Economy: Model and Application to the US (1963-2003)

- Daniele Tavani
- 14626: Explaining Productivity Variation among Smallholder Maize Farmers in Tanzania

- Elibariki Msuya, Shuji Hisano and Tatsuhiko Nariu
- 14625: Gateways, Corridors and Strategic City Pairs

- Barry Prentice
- 14622: The Genuine Saving Criterion and the Value of Population in an Economy with Endogenous Population Changes

- Kenneth Arrow, Alain Bensoussan, Qi Feng and Suresh P. Sethi
- 14617: Performance Assessment and Quality Control: A Continuous Need for Professional Education in Developing Countries

- Rituparna Das
- 14616: Capital Structure and Firm Characteristics: Some Evidence from Malaysian Companies

- Mat Kila Suhaila and Wan Mansor Mahmood
- 14614: Multivariate Causal Estimates of Dividend Yields, Price Earning Ratio and Expected Stock Returns: Experience from Malaysia

- Wan Mansor Mahmood and Faizatul Syuhada Abdul Fatah
- 14613: Equity Premiums In Small Open Economy

- Mohamed Douch
- 14603: What’s Went Wrong With Mesdaq Market?

- Wan Mansor Mahmood and Sharifah Nurhidayu Syed Tazhili
- 14602: Creating Wealth for Shareholders: Evaluating the Performance of the Malaysia Property Companies

- Wan Mansor Mahmood and Yahaya Norfarah Hani
- 14600: National IQ Means Transformed from Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) Scores, and their Underlying Gene Frequencies

- Volkmar Weiss
- 14596: Inflation,Unemployment and Nigerian Families: An empirical investigation

- Godwin Nwaobi
- 14590: The traditional teaching-learning method versus multimedia technology. Using the Wilcoxon test and the Gauss repartition

- Luminita Serbanescu
- 14588: 1980 Sonrasi ekonomik krizlerin Turkie tarim sektoru uzerindeki etkileri (The impact of economic crisis on agricultural macroeconmic variables in turkey for the period of 1980-2008)

- Erkan Aktaş, İsmail Tuncer and Murat Aydın
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