MPRA Paper
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- 82578: La nuova Politica Comune della Pesca (The new Common Fisheries Policy)

- Antonio De Pin
- 82574: Leading Indicators of Currency and Banking Crises: Croatia and the World

- Amina Ahec Šonje
- 82573: Land consumption and farming concentration in mature economies: the Veneto region

- Antonio De Pin
- 82571: La spada di Damocle malthusiana (The Sword of Malthusian Damocles)

- Antonio De Pin
- 82570: La Fiscalità in agricoltura (Taxation in agriculture)

- Antonio De Pin
- 82568: Comparing Incomparable Alternatives when certain intergenerational choice axiom are to be satisfied

- Mohamed Mabrouk
- 82564: Emission Cap Commitment versus Emission Intensity Commitment as Self-Regulation

- Kosuke Hirose and Toshihiro Matsumura
- 82563: Democracy and taxation

- Pavlos Balamatsias
- 82558: Risk-Sharing Financing of Islamic Banks: Better Shielded Against Interest Rate Risk?

- Mirzet Seho, Alaa Alaaabed and Abul Masih
- 82555: Literature survey on the relationships between energy variables, environment and economic growth

- Sofien Tiba and Anis Omri
- 82553: L’applicazione dei pagamenti diretti alle aziende agrarie (The application of the direct payments to firms)

- Antonio De Pin
- 82551: Problematiche di affermazione del patrimonio alimentare italiano nei mercati internazionali (Problems of valorisation Italian food heritage (Made in Italy)in international markets)

- Antonio De Pin
- 82550: Aspetti evolutivi dei mercati agricoli (Evolutionary aspects of agricultural markets)

- Antonio De Pin
- 82543: Is There a 1033 Effect? Police Militarization and Aggressive Policing

- Gbenga Ajilore
- 82539: Dynamic Impact of Money Supply on Economic Growth in South Africa. An ARDL Approach

- Siyasanga Dingela and Hlalefang Khobai
- 82528: Does sector specific foreign aid matter for fertility? An empirical analysis form Pakistan

- Khalil Ahmad, Amjad Ali and Muhammad Chani
- 82519: On the Category Adjustment Model: Another look at Huttenlocher, Hedges, and Vevea (2000)

- Sean Duffy and John Smith
- 82513: One woman, one vote. Though not in the USA, UK and France

- Thomas Colignatus
- 82511: Metamorphosis in Political Economy A new combination of three disparate ideas

- Hardy Hanappi
- 82510: The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction between Training and Development Practices and Organizational Commitment: Responses from Private Banking Sectors of Karachi, Pakistan

- Adnan Faridi, Akhtar Baloch and Abuzar Wajidi
- 82509: Global consolidation of industries and business failures: insights from brick-and-mortar and online outlets

- Joseph Amankwah-Amoah
- 82506: Equalization Transfers in Canada: Emerging Challenges

- Prakash Chandra Jha Prakash Chandra Jha
- 82505: The nexus between foreign investment, domestic capital and economic growth: Empirical evidence from the MENA region

- Anis Omri and Bassem Kahouli
- 82504: Causal interactions between CO2 emissions, FDI, and economic growth: Evidence from dynamic simultaneous-equation models

- Anis Omri, Duc Khuong Nguyen and Christophe Rault
- 82502: Causal relationships between energy consumption, foreign direct investment and economic growth: Fresh evidence from dynamic simultaneous-equations models

- Anis Omri and Bassem Kahouli
- 82501: CO2 Emissions, Energy Consumption and Economic Growth Nexus in MENA countries: Evidence from Simultaneous Equations Models

- Anis Omri
- 82500: The Impact of Socio-Economic Factors on Life Expectancy for Sultanate of Oman: An Empirical Analysis

- Amjad Ali and Khalil Ahmad
- 82496: Macroeconomic Instability and Its Impact on Gross Domestic Product: An Empirical Analysis of Pakistan

- Amjad Ali and Hafeez Ur Rehman
- 82495: Investments in Health and Education Help Save Lives

- Dawood Mamoon, Noman Arshed and Sidra Raza
- 82494: Environmental Degradation, Energy consumption, Population Density and Economic Development in Lebanon: A time series Analysis (1971-2014)

- Marc Audi and Amjad Ali
- 82492: Globalization, Political Orientation and Wage Inequality: From Donald Trump’s Election to Angela Merkal’s Re-Election

- Dawood Mamoon
- 82490: Exploring social values for marine protected areas: The case of Mediterranean monk seal

- George Halkos, Steriani Matsiori and Sophoclis Dritsas
- 82487: Multiplicative state-space models for intermittent time series

- Ivan Svetunkov and John Edward Boylan
- 82482: A tecnologia empresarial Odebrecht como filosofia de projeto organizacional – um estudo de caso na Braskem S.A (Odebrecht entrepreneurial technology as organisational project philosophy – a case study in Braskem S.A)

- Israel Ternus Lamb, Daniel Pacheco Lacerda and Aline Dresch
- 82479: Microfoundations, Behaviour, and Evolution: Evidence from Experiments

- Francesco Bogliacino and Cristiano Codagnone
- 82473: Empirical evidence on the topological properties of structural paths and some notes on its theoretical explanation

- Denis Stijepic
- 82472: Fiscal decentralization and government size across Europe

- Suzana Makreshanska and Goran Petrevski
- 82467: Policy Should Focus on the Need to Overcome Private Indebtedness

- Savvakis C. Savvides
- 82466: On the diversification benefit of reinsurance portfolios

- Jeta Limani, Régis Bettinger and Michel Dacorogna
- 82464: Does renewable energy consumption drive economic growth: Evidence from Granger-causality technique

- Hlalefang Khobai and Pierre Le Roux
- 82463: The causal linkage between trade openness and economic growth in Argentina: Evidence from the ARDL and VECM techniques

- Hlalefang Khobai and Nomahlubi Mavikela
- 82462: A Review of the Nexus Between Energy consumption and Economic growth in the Brics countries

- Hlalefang Khobai, Sanderson Abel and Pierre Le Roux
- 82461: Labor productivity, capital accumulation, and aggregate efficiency across countries: Some stylized facts

- Carlos Mendez-Guerra
- 82460: Electricity consumption and Economic growth: A panel data approach to Brics countries

- Hlalefang Khobai
- 82458: An analytically solvable model for soccer: further implications of the classical Poisson model

- John Fry, Tom Hastings and Jean-Philippe Serbera
- 82457: Modelling and mitigation of Flash Crashes

- John Fry and Jean-Philippe Serbera
- 82454: Government Regulation and Policy trumps Courts in determining Economic Growth

- Dawood Mamoon
- 82453: Individual and group preferences over risk: does group size matter?

- Andrea Morone, Tiziana Temerario and Francesco Nemore
- 82452: An international literature survey on energy-economic growth nexus: Evidence from country-specific studies

- Anis Omri
- 82451: К вопросу о долгосрочной взаимосвязи реального потребления домохозяйств с реальным доходом в РФ (A note on cointegration relationship between real consumption and real income in Russia)

- Andrey Polbin and Nikita Fokin
- 82450: Entrepreneurship, Sectoral Outputs and Environmental Improvement: International Evidence

- Anis Omri
- 82449: Skilled-Unskilled Wage Asymmetries as an Outcome of Skewed International Trade Patterns in the South

- Dawood Mamoon
- 82448: The Effects of Secondary Markets for Government Bonds on Inflation Dynamics

- Begona Dominguez and Pedro Gomis-Porqueras
- 82444: The Effects of Secondary Markets for Government Bonds on Inflation Dynamics

- Begona Dominguez and Pedro Gomis-Porqueras
- 82440: Entrepreneurship, Sectoral Outputs and Environmental Improvement: International Evidence

- Anis Omri
- 82438: Antibiotic resistance in Romania: An economic and medical challenge (Antibiotic resistance in Romania: An economic and medical challenge)

- Bogdan Cătălin Aluculesei
- 82437: The spectrum of Azerbaijan’s increasing economy

- Ion Alexandru Tanase
- 82436: Using Simulation and Six-Sigma Tools in Improving Process Flow in Outpatient Clinics

- Elham Heidarzadeh and Sahar Sajadnia
- 82435: Socio-Economic Development, Demographic Changes And Total Labor Productivity In Pakistan: A Co-Integrational and Decomposition Analysis

- Marc Audi and Amjad Ali
- 82434: National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme and Marginal Farmer Households: An Assessment

- Amit Kundu
- 82432: Inclusive Growth via Labour Market Integration: A Study of MGNREGS in Kerala

- Dr.B.Pradeep Kumar
- 82430: Institutional Response to the Problem of Access to Finance: Evidence from the Tribal Economy of Kerala

- Dr.B.Pradeep Kumar
- 82429: Rethinking the Role of Monetary Policy in India: A Critical Analysis

- Dr.B.Pradeep Kumar
- 82427: How inclusive is Agriculture for Womenfolk?: A study of Kerala

- Dr.B.Pradeep Kumar
- 82425: Financial Vulnerability among Tribes in Rural Areas: Certain Observations from a Study

- Dr.B.Pradeep Kumar
- 82417: Institution, investissements et croissance dans l’UEMOA: une approche panel VAR (Institution, investments and growth in WAEMU: a panel VAR approach)

- Fousseni Ramde
- 82416: Matrix representation of TU-games for Linear Efficient and Symmetric values

- Miamo Clovis
- 82414: The Impact of Citrus Exports on Economic Growth: Empirical Analysis from Tunisia

- Sayef Bakari
- 82413: Is Globalization Detrimental to CO2 Emissions in Japan? New Threshold Analysis

- Muhammad Shahbaz, Syed Jawad Hussain Shahzad and Mantu Kumar
- 82412: أثر العوامل المؤسسية على تنافسية خدمات التعليم العالي (The Impact of Institutional Factors on The Higher Education Competitiveness)

- Saber Adly Shaker
- 82411: إصلاح التعليم والتنافسية في ضوء التجارب الدولية (Education Reform and Competitiveness with International Cases)

- Saber Adly Shaker
- 82406: Explaining Sectoral and Spatial Variations in Growth Pro-poorness in Nigeria

- Adedeji Adeniran and Eberechukwu Uneze
- 82405: Real exchange rate and economic growth in Ghana

- Peter Yeltulme Mwinlaaru and Isaac Kwesi Ofori
- 82396: Social Cohesion and Carbon Emissions

- Diego Ramos-Toro
- 82395: Simultaneous equation models with spatially autocorrelated error components

- Marius Amba and Taoufiki Mbratana
- 82394: Supply Function Equilibria and Nonprofit-Maximizing Objectives

- Junichi Haraguchi and Yuta Yasui
- 82384: Designing Security Policies for Complex SCADA Systems Protection (Designing Security Policies for Complex SCADA Systems Protection)

- Djamel Khadraoui and Christophe Feltus
- 82378: Does Competition Affect Evolutionary Dynamics? Evidence from a Collegiate University

- Jin-Hyuk Kim
- 82377: Employee Poaching: Why It Can Be Predatory

- Jin-Hyuk Kim
- 82376: Cleaning the Ganges in Varanasi to Attract Tourists

- Amitrajeet Batabyal and Hamid Beladi
- 82375: Determinants of Post-congressional Lobbying Employment

- Jin-Hyuk Kim
- 82373: Substituting fossil energy sources: the role of the climate funds and effects on the economic growth

- Alfonso Cafora, Antonio Angelo Romano, Monica Ronghi and Scandurra Giuseppe
- 82372: Financial Stability of Conventional and Islamic Banks: A Survey

- Hassan Ghassan and Noureddine Krichene
- 82371: Long-run cointegration between foreign direct investment, direct investment and unemployment in South Africa

- Namapsa Chella and Andrew Phiri
- 82359: Trade-induced pollution transfers and implications for Japan's investment and assistance

- Hiro Lee and David Roland-Holst
- 82352: Impact of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures and Technical Barriers on International Trade

- Jong Woo Kang and Dorothea Ramizo
- 82351: A Measurement Issue Regarding the Link between a Region's Creative Infrastructure and its Income

- Amitrajeet Batabyal and Seung Jick Yoo
- 82346: Did Protestantism promote economic prosperity via higher human capital?

- Jeremy Edwards
- 82344: Spatial Linkage of Technological Progress, ICT base and Economic Output in CLMV Region

- Theara Chhorn
- 82343: Performance of Markov-Switching GARCH Model Forecasting Inflation Uncertainty

- Tasneem Raihan
- 82342: Efficiency assesment of a lignite-fired steam generator

- Ion Dosa and Laura Marica
- 82341: Сельское хозяйство России в свете итогов Всероссийской сельскохозяйственной переписи 2016 года (Agriculture in Russia from the perspective of results of 2016 Russian Agricultural Census)

- Aleksey Zinchenko
- 82340: Political feasibility and empirical assessments of a Pacific free trade area

- Hiro Lee and Brian Woodall
- 82339: Prelude to the pacific century: Overview of the region, leading issues, and methodology

- Hiro Lee and David Roland-Holst
- 82337: Wage Inequality and Innovative Intelligence-Biased Technological Change

- Taiji Harashima
- 82304: Do Inada Conditions imply Cobb-Douglas Asymptotic Behavior or only a Elasticity of Substitution equal to one

- Marcel R. de la Fonteijne
- 82301: Effect of Population Density on the Level of Development

- Mohammad Abbas Hakeem
- 82297: Google It Up! A Google Trends-based Uncertainty Index for the United States and Australia

- Efrem Castelnuovo and Trung Duc Tran
- 82290: General equilibrium assessments of trade liberalization in APEC countries

- Hiro Lee, David Roland-Holst and Dominique van der Mensbrugghe
- 82288: The impact of the US safeguard measures on Northeast Asian producers: General equilibrium assessments

- Hiro Lee and Dominique van der Mensbrugghe
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