MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 2242: Social Accounting Matrix for Pakistan, 2001-02: Methodology and Results

- Paul Dorosh and Muhammad Khan Niazi
- 2241: A Comparative Study on Landownership between China and England

- Feng Deng
- 2240: What Economists can learn from physics and finance

- Joseph L. McCauley
- 2238: Universal Banking Failure? An Analysis of the Contrasting Responses of the Amsterdamsche Bank and the Rotterdamsche Bankvereeniging to the Dutch Financial Crisis of the 1920s

- Christopher Colvin
- 2237: e-Entrepreneurship

- Eduardo Manuel
- 2236: Game Theoretic Models as a Framework for Analysis: The Case of Coordination Conventions

- N. Emrah Aydinonat
- 2231: Interdependence of Income between China and ASEAN-5 Countries

- Evan Lau and Koon Po Lee
- 2230: سياسات تنمية الاستثمار الأجنبى المباشر الى الدول العربية (Foreign Direct Investment Development Policies in the Arab Countries)

- Hussien Alasrag
- 2229: الحقوق الاقتصادية والحق فى التنمية فى مصر (The Economic Human Rights and The Right to Development in Egypt)

- Hussien Alasrag
- 2228: Foreign Aid, Resources and Export Diversification in Africa: A New Test of Existing Theories

- Patrick Osakwe
- 2227: Demographic Dividend or Demographic Threat in Pakistan

- Durre Nayab
- 2226: Fresh Assessment of the Underground Economy and Tax Evasion in Pakistan: Causes, Consequences, and Linkages with the Formal Economy

- M. Ali Kemal
- 2225: Relationship between Corporate Governance Indicators and Firm Value: A Case Study of Karachi Stock Exchange

- Attiya Y. Javed and Robina Iqbal
- 2224: Wage Differentials, Rate of Return toEducation, and Occupational WageShare in the Labour Market of Pakistan

- Asma Hyder
- 2223: Comparative urban institutions and intertemporal externality: a revisit of the Coase conjecture

- Feng Deng
- 2219: Políticas públicas e expansão recente do agronegócio na fronteira agrícola do Brasil (Public policies and agribusiness expansion in Brazilian agricultural frontier)

- Pedro Christoffoli
- 2218: Free Agent Auctions and Revenue Sharing: A Simple Approach

- Duane Rockerbie
- 2217: Time, the value of money and the quantification of value

- Alan Freeman
- 2216: The Material Roots of Western Racism

- Alan Freeman
- 2215: Fixing up the world: GATT and the WTO

- Alan Freeman
- 2214: The Economic Value of Industrial Minerals and Rocks for Developing Countries: A Discussion of Key Issues

- Tetevi Bahun Wilson and Voxi Heinrich Amavilah
- 2210: Financial Integration of East Asian Economies: Evidence from Real Interest Parity

- Ahmad Zubaidi Baharumshah, Tze-Haw Chan and Abul Masih
- 2209: Dynamic Financial Linkages of Japan and ASEAN Economies: An Application of Real Interest Parity

- Tze-Haw Chan, Roy W. L. Khong and Ahmad Zubaidi Baharumshah
- 2208: Measuring Capital Mobility in the Asia Pacific Rim

- Tze-Haw Chan and Ahmad Zubaidi Baharumshah
- 2202: Perfect Competition

- M. Khan
- 2201: The Harris-Todaro Hypothesis

- M. Khan
- 2199: Determinantes do desempenho académico nos cursos de contabilidade (Determinants of the academic performance in undergraduate courses of accounting)

- Jorge Caiado and Paulo Madeira
- 2186: An extension to the neoclassical growth modelto Estimate Growth and Level Effects

- B. Rao, Rup Singh and Fozia Nisha
- 2185: Previsão da eficácia ofensiva do futebol profissional: Um caso Português (Previsão da eficácia ofensiva do futebol profissional: Um caso Português)

- Jorge Caiado, Aníbal Vieira, Ana Bonito, Carlos Reis and Francisco Fernandes
- 2181: The Neuroscience of Consumer Decision-Making

- Dante Pirouz
- 2180: Understanding the Internet's relevance to media ownership policy: a model of too many choices

- Matthew Nagler
- 2172: A Model of Sequential City Growth

- David Cuberes
- 2168: Immigration, Wages, and Growth in the Host Nations

- Torben Mideksa

- Torben Mideksa
- 2163: The Futility of Utility: how market dynamics marginalize Adam Smith

- Joseph McCauley
- 2162: On CAPM and Black-Scholes, differing risk-return strategies

- Joseph McCauley and Gemunu H. Gunaratne
- 2161: An empirical model of volatility of returns and option pricing

- Joseph McCauley and Gemunu H. Gunaratne
- 2160: EL INTANGIBLE COMO PROBLEMA CONCEPTUAL Y LA FICCIÓN DEL VALOR RAZONABLE (Intangible assets as a conceptual problem and the fiction of fair value (in Spanish))

- Alfonso Galindo Lucas
- 2159: Thermodynamic analogies in economics and finance: instability of markets

- Joseph McCauley
- 2158: Economic system dynamics

- Joseph McCauley and Cornelia M. Küffner
- 2156: Demand for Real Money Balances by the Business Sector: An Econometric Investigation

- Abdul Qayyum
- 2154: Hurst exponents, Markov processes, and fractional Brownian motion

- Joseph L. McCauley, Gemunu H. Gunaratne and Kevin E. Bassler
- 2153: Monetary Conditions Index: A Composite Measure of Monetary Policy in Pakistan

- Abdul Qayyum
- 2152: Hurst exponents, Markov processes, and nonlinear diffusion equations

- Kevin E. Bassler, Gemunu H. Gunaratne and Joseph L. McCauley
- 2151: Martingale option pricing

- Joseph L. McCauley, Gemunu H. Gunaratne and Kevin E. Bassler
- 2150: Capital Flows and Money Supply: The Degree of Sterilisation in Pakistan

- Abdul Qayyum and Muhammad Khan
- 2148: Exchange Rate Misalignment in Pakistan: Evidence from Purchasing Power Parity Theory

- Abdul Qayyum, Muhammad Khan and Kair-u Zaman
- 2147: The Effects of External Debt Management on Sustainable Economic Growth and Development: Lessons from Nigeria

- Adenike Adebusola Adepoju, Adekunle Sheu Salau and Obayelu Elijah
- 2145: Financial Development and Economic Growth: The Case of Pakistan

- Muhammad Khan, Abdul Qayyum and Saeed Sheikh
- 2143: Myths and Realities of Long-run Development: A Look at Deeper Determinants

- Lubna Hasan
- 2141: Awake the Sleeper Within: Releasing the Energy of Stifled Domestic Commerce

- Nadeem ul Haque Haque
- 2137: Microeconomics of Knowledge: African Case

- Eduardo Manuel
- 2136: Entrepreneurship and Economics

- Eduardo Manuel
- 2134: Auction with aftermarket for budget constrained bidders

- Gustavo Masili
- 2132: Managing factoring in banking groups

- Paola Schwizer and Gianluca Mattarocci
- 2130: Making dynamic modelling effective in economics

- Joseph McCauley
- 2129: Response to worrying trends in econophysics

- Joseph McCauley
- 2128: Fokker-Planck and Chapman-Kolmogorov equations for Ito processes with finite memory

- Joseph McCauley
- 2126: Nonstationary increments, scaling distributions, and variable diffusion processes in financial markets

- Kevin E. Bassler, Joseph McCauley and Gemunu H. Gunaratne
- 2116: Services trade and domestic regulation

- Henk Kox and Hildegunn Nordås
- 2113: Family labor supply, precautionary behavior, aggregate saving and employment

- Paulo Santos Monteiro
- 2110: The Strategic Justification for BGP

- Hagay Levin, Michael Schapira and Aviv Zohar
- 2108: Intergovernmental transfers and fiscal effort in Peruvian local governments

- Fernando Aragon and Vilma Gayoso
- 2106: 世界经济长波导论:对危机与萧条的研究及预测 (An Introduction to World Economic Long Wave-Crises and Depressions: From Study to Anticipation)

- Congcong Dong
- 2097: Multi-Product Firms, R&D, and Growth

- Antonio Minniti
- 2093: Theoretical framework of public policies for welfare maximization

- A.Kadir Isik
- 2088: Impact du Commerce bilatéral Intra-Zone dans la zone UEMOA et CEMAC: Approche par les VAR Structurels

- Latif Dramani and Oumy Laye
- 2087: Fences and competition in patent races

- Cédric Schneider
- 2085: Locational Drivers of FDI in MENA Countries: A Spatial Attempt

- Mehtap Hisarciklilar, Saime Kayam and Ozgur Kayalica
- 2084: Demand for Bank Lending by the Private Business Sector in Pakistan

- Abdul Qayyum
- 2083: Can Performance of Indigenous Factors Influence Growth and Globalisation?"

- Kw Li, Iris A.J. Pang and Michael C.M. Ng
- 2082: Corrupt Bureaucracy and Growth

- Ratbek Djumashev
- 2081: Corruption and regulatory burden

- Ratbek Dzhumashev
- 2077: Modelling and forecasting the volatility of the portuguese stock index PSI-20

- Jorge Caiado
- 2076: Discrimination between deterministic trend and stochastic trend processes

- Jorge Caiado and Nuno Crato
- 2075: An interpolated periodogram-based metric for comparison of time series with unequal lengths

- Jorge Caiado, Nuno Crato and Daniel Peña
- 2074: A GARCH-based method for clustering of financial time series: International stock markets evidence

- Jorge Caiado and Nuno Crato
- 2073: Is It Time to Get Radical? A Game Theoritic analysis of Asian Crisis and Capital Control

- Berly Martawardaya and Simone Salotti
- 2071: Taxation without Commitment

- Catarina Reis
- 2069: Is there an identity within international stock market volatilities?

- Jorge Caiado, Nuno Crato and Daniel Peña
- 2068: Microcredit for self-employed disabled persons in developing countries

- Roy Mersland
- 2063: Microbanks: Ownership, performance and social tradeoffs - a global analysis

- Roy Mersland and R. Øystein Strøm
- 2061: The cost of ownership in microfinance organization

- Roy Mersland
- 2058: P-Star Model: A Leading Indicator of Inflation for Pakistan

- Abdul Qayyum and Faiz Bilquees
- 2057: Modelling the Demand for Money in Pakistan

- Abdul Qayyum
- 2056: Interest Rate Pass-through in Pakistan: Evidence from Transfer Function Approach

- Abdul Qayyum, Sajawal Khan and Muhammad Khawaja
- 2055: Money, Inflation, and Growth in Pakistan

- Abdul Qayyum
- 2054: Comparative Analysis of the Relationship Between Poverty and Underground economy in the Highly developed, Transition and Developing Countries

- Obayelu Elijah and Larry Uffort
- 2052: Universal Basic Income and Negative Income Tax: Two Different Ways of Thinking Redistribution

- Davide Tondani
- 2049: Band-Pass Filters

- Martin Everts
- 2040: The indeterminacy of price-value correlations: a comment on papers by Simo Mohun and Anwar Shaikh

- Alan Freeman
- 2038: Divorce and the Option Value of Marital Search

- Valerio Filoso
- 2037: When in Rome, do as the Romans do: the coevolution of altruistic punishment, conformist learning, and cooperation

- Ricardo Guzmán, Carlos Rodriguez-Sickert and Robert Rowthorn
- 2035: Selfish in the End?:An Investigation of Consistency and Stability of individual Behavior

- Jeannette Brosig-Koch, Thomas Riechmann and Joachim Weimann
- 2032: On Volatility Spillovers and Dominant Effects in East Asian: Before and After the 911

- Tze-Haw Chan and Chee Wooi Hooy
- 2031: Regional convergence and the causal impact of migration on regional growth rates

- Murat Kırdar and Sirin Saracoglu
- 2030: Business cycles and the synchronization process: a bounds testing approach

- Tze-Haw Chan and Evan Lau
- 2029: Does Misclassification of Equity Funds Exist? Evidence from Malaysia

- Wee Yeap Lau and Tze-Haw Chan
- 2028: Labor market outcomes, capital accumulation, and return migration: Evidence from immigrants in Germany

- Murat Kirdar
- 2027: Is FDI the most important source of international technology transfer? Panel Data evidence from the UK

- Abubaker Mayanja
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