MPRA Paper
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- 108469: Is gold worth an investment ? a case study of Malaysia

- Firdaus Salman and Abul Masih
- 108463: Relationship between demography and economic growth from the islamic perspective: a case study of Malaysia

- Salman Abdul and Abul Masih
- 108460: Banker Attitudes and Perception towards Green Banking: An Empirical Study on Conventional Banks in Bangladesh

- Md. Khaled Amir
- 108453: Científicas a la sombra, también en el espacio virtual (Women researchers in the shade, also in virtual space)

- Irma Lorena Acosta Reveles
- 108450: Possible income misstatement on mortgage loan applications: Evidence from the Canadian housing market

- Kiana Basiri and Babak Mahmoudi
- 108447: Growth Forecasts vs. Realizations: The Role of Stimulus and Stringency Measures during the Pandemic

- Melis Gudum
- 108445: Predicting stress in the banking sector: Malaysian evidence

- Fareiny Morni and Abul Masih
- 108441: Does disclosure of success rates induce patients to move to a better clinic? Evidence from In Vitro Fertilization

- Jun Yoshida
- 108440: Comparing risk elicitation in lotteries with visual or contextual framing aids

- Lorenzo Estepa-Mohedano and Maria Paz Espinosa
- 108439: Generational Distribution of Fiscal Burdens: A Positive Analysis

- Yuki Uchida and Tetsuo Ono
- 108432: Fair and Responsible in Logistics IR 4.0

- Afdhal Zulamir Hassani, Fazirah Yusoff and Wan Nor Aisyah Wan Zain
- 108431: Induced Technical Change and Income Distribution: the Role of Public R&D and Labor Market Institutions

- Luca Zamparelli
- 108427: Lead-lag relationship between remittance and growth: ARDL approach

- Aroua Robbana and Abul Masih
- 108425: MMTの数理モデルについて (A mathematical model of MMT)

- Yasuhito Tanaka
- 108422: Constructing Divisia monetary aggregates for Singapore

- William Barnett and Van H. Nguyen
- 108421: Hierarchical contagions in the interdependent financial network

- William Barnett, Xue Wang, Hai-Chuan Xu and Wei-Xing Zhou
- 108413: The Barnett Critique

- William Barnett, Hyun Park and Sohee Park
- 108412: Intrapersonal price discrimination in a dominant firm model

- Manel Antelo and Lluis Bru
- 108411: The Impact of International Trade of Raw Wood to the Economic Growth of Forest-Based Sectors in the Czech and Slovak Republics

- Andrea Sujova, Jakub Michal, Václav Kupčák and Roman Dudík
- 108405: The relationship between the international trade and economic growth accounting for model uncertainty and reverse causality

- Daniel Czyżewski
- 108400: Competitive Balance in the National Hockey League after Unrestricted Free Agency and the Salary Cap

- Travis Lee
- 108399: A longitudinal overview of the European national innovation systems through the lenses of the Community Innovation Survey

- Elena Makrevska Disoska, Katerina Toshevska-Trpchevska, Dragan Tevdovski, Petar Jolakoski and Viktor Stojkoski
- 108398: Patterns of Competitive Interaction

- Mark Armstrong and John Vickers
- 108397: Should CBA use descriptive or prescriptive discount rates? It should use both!

- Szabolcs Szekeres
- 108395: Consumer Information and the Limits to Competition

- Mark Armstrong and Jidong Zhou
- 108392: Economics of Microcredit-From current crisis to new possibilities

- Jeremiah Mitoko
- 108387: The Impact of Tax Revenues and Domestic Investments on Economic Growth in Tunisia

- Jamel Eddine Mkadmi, Sayef Bakari and Ameni Othmani
- 108386: Crude Oil Price Changes and Inflation: Evidence for Asia and the Pacific Economies

- Komain Jiranyakul
- 108385: Modeling the Impact of Corruption, Degree of Freedom to Invest and Democracy on Domestic Investment: Evidence from MENA Countries

- Sayef Bakari and Lamia Benzid
- 108384: Predicting choice-averse and choice-loving behaviors in a field experiment with actual shoppers

- David Ong
- 108383: The nexus between domestic investment and economic growth in G7 countries; Does internet matter?

- Sayef Bakari
- 108381: Productive government investment and the labor share

- Pedro Bom and Iñaki Erauskin
- 108380: Tax versus Regulations: Robustness to Polluter Lobbying Against Near-Zero Emission Targets

- Kosuke Hirose, Akifumi Ishihara and Toshihiro Matsumura
- 108379: Impact of Covid-19 on global debt: a study of countries in the G-20 group

- Dinesh Kumar Srivastava, Tarrung Kapur, Muralikrishna Bharadwaj and Ragini Trehan
- 108375: Time-Varying Impact of Financial Development on Carbon Emissions in G-7 Countries: Evidence from the Long History

- Muhammad Shahbaz, Mehmet Destek, Kangyin Dong and Zhilun Jiao
- 108374: A study of hotels' managers and tourists’ attitudes regarding the use of furniture with hidden compartments by hotels in Bulgarian black sea and mountain resorts

- Daniela Georgieva
- 108373: Prodigal Sons, Values and Investment in Human Capital (preliminary draft)

- Peter Isztin
- 108372: The Impact of Infrastructure development on Foreign Direct Investment in Cameroon

- Stéphane Mbiankeu Nguea
- 108361: The Effect of Trade Liberalization on Exports, Imports and Balance of Payment: The Case of Sub-Saharan Africa

- Adedapo Odebode and Osman Nuri Aras
- 108360: Effects of North American Free Trade Agreement on the US Labor Market: An ARDL Bounds Testing Approach

- Mustafa Ozturk and Osman Nuri Aras
- 108359: The Impact of Globalization on Manufacturing Output: The Case of Nigeria

- Adedapo Odebode and Osman Nuri Aras
- 108357: Agricultural Productivity and Income Divergence: Evidence from the Green Revolution

- Kaixing Huang
- 108350: Does the Export-Led Growth Hypothesis Hold for Services Exports in Emerging Economies?

- Okpeku Lilian Onose and Osman Nuri Aras
- 108348: Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth in Nigeria

- Ebunoluwa O. Oyegoke and Osman Nuri Aras
- 108347: The Implication of Exchange Rate Volatility on Nigeria’s External Reserves: 1980-2020

- Garbobiya Tuwe Soro and Osman Nuri Aras
- 108346: A Game-Theoretic Model of Water Theft During a Drought

- Amitrajeet Batabyal and Hamid Beladi
- 108343: Knowledge That's Social

- Sidharta Chatterjee and Mousumi Samanta
- 108342: Examining sustainability of government debt in India: post Covid prospects

- Dinesh Kumar Srivastava, Muralikrishna Bharadwaj, Tarrung Kapur and Ragini Trehan
- 108341: Subjective income risk and precautionary saving

- Stefano Castaldo and Mario Tirelli
- 108339: Mediating Financial Intermediation

- Aymeric Bellon, Louis-Marie Harpedanne de Belleville and Noémie Pinardon-Touati
- 108337: Charity, Status, and Optimal Taxation: Welfarist and Non-Welfarist Approaches

- Thomas Aronsson, Olof Johansson-Stenman and Ron Wendner
- 108336: The Neoclassical Growth Model with Time-Inconsistent Decision Making and Perfect Foresight

- Kirill Borissov, Mikhail Pakhnin and Ron Wendner
- 108335: Positional Preferences and Efficiency in a Dynamic Economy

- Thomas Aronsson, Sugata Ghosh and Ron Wendner
- 108333: Positional Preferences and Efficiency in a Dynamic Economy

- Thomas Aronsson, Sugata Ghosh and Ron Wendner
- 108330: Teaching Quantitative Courses Online: An International Survey

- Alessia Paccagnini
- 108328: International Migration Literature Search in Bangladesh during the period of 1971-2020

- Adnan Khan and Sultana Mrs
- 108327: Twórcy i innowacje w myśli J.A. Schumpetera (Creators and innovation in Schumpeterian thought)

- Adam Karbowski
- 108326: Islamic economics: morality, rationality, and research

- Zubair Hasan
- 108324: За тълкуването и процесуалните аспекти на прилагането на чл. 61, ал. 2 от Кодекса на труда (становище относно тълкувателно дело № 1 от 2010 г. на ОСГК на ВКС) (On the interpretation and the procedural aspects of the application of Article 61, paragraph 2 of the Labour code (opinion regarding interpretive case № 1/2010 of the General assembly/civil college of the Supreme court of cassation))

- Ивайло Стайков
- 108322: Towards a Green New Deal: Scenarios for the US Transition to Renewable Energy and Green Infrastructure

- Haider Khan
- 108321: COVID-19 in South Africa: An Intersectional Perspective based on Socio-economic Modeling and Indigenous Knowledge Base

- Haider Khan
- 108318: Educational policy and reforms in Luxembourg

- Larysa Tamilina
- 108317: Educational Inequality in Luxembourg

- Larysa Tamilina
- 108316: Are you slacking? Where do you and your country stand in the happiness pursuit?

- Oleg Badunenko, Jose M. Cordero and Subal Kumbhakar
- 108314: Is government debt good or bad for labor productivity? A dynamic panel analysis over 1972-2019

- Gianni Carvelli and Carmine Trecroci
- 108312: Danger, Respect, and Indifference: Bike-Sharing Choices in Shanghai and Tokyo using Latent Choice Models

- Sunbin Yoo, Sungwan Hong, Yeongkyung Park, Akihiro Okuyama, Zhaozhe Zhang, Yoshikuni Yoshida and Shunsuke Managi
- 108311: Public capital and childcare capital in the two sector growth model

- Yusuke Miyake
- 108310: Electric Vehicle Charger Based on DC/DC Converter Topology

- Fatemeh Rahmani
- 108309: Happier and Sustainable. Possibilities for a post-growth society

- Stefano Bartolini and Francesco Sarracino
- 108308: Pratica degli affari e prescrizioni morali: interesse e sconto nei manuali di aritmetica mercantile (secoli XVI-XVIII) (Business practices and moral precepts: interest and discount in commercial arithmetic textbooks (16th-18th centuries))

- Andrea Zanini
- 108302: Re-examining the Philosophical Underpinnings of the Melting Pot vs. Multiculturalism in the Current Immigration Debate in the United States

- Daniel Woldeab, Robert Yawson and Irina Woldeab
- 108298: Personal income distribution and the endogeneity of the demand regime

- Lorenzo Tonni
- 108295: Liquidity Stress Testing in Asset Management - Part 2. Modeling the Asset Liquidity Risk

- Thierry Roncalli, Amina Cherief, Fatma Karray-Meziou and Margaux Regnault
- 108294: A Political-Economy Perspective on Mayoral Elections and Urban Crime

- Amitrajeet Batabyal and Hamid Beladi
- 108290: International Remittances Literature: A Study in Bangladesh during the period of 1971-2020

- Adnan Khan and Sultana Mrs
- 108287: Association of Socioeconomic Status with One-Year Readmission and Mortality among Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction

- I-Ming Chiu, Georgia Barbayannis, Javier Cabrera, Nora Cosgrove, John Kostis, Davit Sargsyan and William Kostis
- 108286: Understanding a New Keynesian Model with Liquidity

- Pengfei Jia
- 108285: Effects of Covid-19 on Euro Area GDP and Inflation: Demand vs. Supply Disturbances

- Robert Kollmann
- 108284: Anatomy of the trade-effect of regional trade agreements and agenda for future research

- Amjad Masood
- 108283: Economic Evaluation of Cryptocurrency Investment

- Ryuta Sakemoto
- 108280: Female labour force participation and household income inequality in Italy

- Federico Segato
- 108279: Social Network and Tax Evasion: Theoretical Model and Empirical Evidence in Bangladesh

- Kazi Abdul Mannan, Khandaker Mursheda Farhana and G. M. Omar Faruque Chowdhury
- 108278: Socio-economic Factors of Tax Compliance: An Empirical Study of Individual Taxpayers in the Dhaka Zones, Bangladesh

- Kazi Abdul Mannan, Khandaker Mursheda Farhana and G. M. Omar Faruque Chowdhury
- 108275: Equivalence between fixed fee and ad valorem profit royalty

- Stefano Colombo, Siyu Ma, Debapriya Sen and Yair Tauman
- 108272: Machine Learning in U.S. Bank Merger Prediction: A Text-Based Approach

- Apostolos Katsafados, George Leledakis, Emmanouil G. Pyrgiotakis, Ion Androutsopoulos and Manos Fergadiotis
- 108266: Future of Rohingyas: Dignified Return to Myanmar or Restoring Their Rights or Both

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 108265: The role of strategic airline alliances in Africa

- Kenneth Button, Flavio Porta and Davide Scotti
- 108264: Uncertainty Aversion and Convexity in Portfolio Choice

- Xueqi Dong
- 108263: The triple helix dan kapabilitas inovasi: Sebuah kerangka konseptual pemasaran ekonomi kreatif (The triple helix and innovation capabilities: A Conceptual framework of marketing for the creative economy)

- Nuryadi Wijiharjono
- 108260: El tiempo de desplazamiento al lugar de trabajo en el Reino Unido: Diferencias entre asalariados y autoempleados (Commuting time in the United Kingdom: Differences between wage-earners and self-employees)

- Ignacio Belloc
- 108258: Second-order properties of quasi-concave functions

- Kees Zeelenberg
- 108256: Wage premia for skills: the complementarity of cognitive and non-cognitive skills

- Marta Palczyńska
- 108243: A check for rational inattention

- Greg Howard
- 108242: The Economic Impact Of Covid-19 Pandemic On The Travel And Tourism Industry: Kerala Evidence

- Siby K M, Dr.Varun V Varghese and Shiju C R
- 108241: Disjointly productive players and the Shapley value

- Manfred Besner
- 108239: The U.S. Great Recession Experience. The Reasons why Losses in Jobs and in Home Equity Savings reinforced each other

- Kees De Koning
- 108238: Starzenie się populacji. Aktywizacja, koprodukcja i integracja społeczna osób starszych (Population Ageing: Activation, Co-Production, and Social Integration of Older People)

- Andrzej Klimczuk, Grzegorz Gawron and Zofia Szweda-Lewandowska
- 108233: Biopharmaceutical R&D outsourcing: Short-term gain for long-term pain?

- Etienne Billette de Villemeur, Jack Scannell and Bruno Versaevel
- 108232: The Impact of Governance on Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education (SDG4) in Iran

- Farzaneh Jariani
- 108224: Macro News and Micro News: Complements or Substitutes?

- David Hirshleifer and Jinfei Sheng
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