MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 90842: Does pre-play social interaction improve negotiation outcomes?

- Pablo Brañas-Garza, Antonio Cabrales, Guillermo Mateu, Angel Sanchez and Angela Sutan
- 90838: Count and duration time series with equal conditional stochastic and mean orders

- Abdelhakim Aknouche and Christian Francq
- 90836: Impact of a direct channel on the choice of absorption versus direct costing using cost-based transfer price

- Jumpei Hamamura
- 90830: Ignorant Experts and Financial Fragility

- Koji Asano
- 90829: Antoine Augustin Cournot: The Pioneer of Modern Economic Ideas

- Md. Mobarak Hossain and Md Niaz Murshed Chowdhury
- 90826: Population Growth and Economic Development in Bangladesh: Revisited Malthus

- Md Niaz Murshed Chowdhury and Md Mobarak Hossain
- 90823: The next generation of South Dakota producers, are the operations prepared for the transition of assets and management?

- Heather Gessner, Niaz Murshed Chowdhury, Reid Clary, Abidemi Akinyemi, Michael Moges and Archibold Quaye
- 90819: Sharia hotels in Indonesia: Concept and potential analysis

- Muhamad Mujahidin
- 90811: Evolutionary stability of behavioural rules in bargaining

- Abhimanyu Khan
- 90808: Tighter Dollar Liquidity Exacerbates Pressure on Risk-parity Thesis

- Victor Xing
- 90806: A Second Look at Post Crisis Pricing of Derivatives - Part I: A Note on Money Accounts and Collateral

- Hovik Tumasyan
- 90804: Generalizing mechanism design theory to a case where agents' types are adjustable

- Haoyang Wu
- 90803: The effect of smallholder livestock production on income of farm households in Northern Ghana

- Samuel Baidoo, Hadrat Yusif and Umar Anwar
- 90801: Incomplete Contracts, Shared Ownership, and Investment Incentives

- Patrick W. Schmitz
- 90800: Pollution Claim Settlements Reconsidered: Hidden Information and Bounded Payments

- Susanne Goldlücke and Patrick W. Schmitz
- 90798: Misperceived Quality: Fertilizer in Tanzania

- Hope Michelson, Brenna Ellison, Anna Fairbairn, Annemie Maertens and Victor Manyong
- 90797: Land Use Restrictions, Misallocation in Agriculture, and Aggregate Productivity in Vietnam

- Kien Le
- 90792: Overdeterrence of repeat offenders when penalties for first-time offenders are restricted

- Daniel Müller and Patrick W. Schmitz
- 90790: Transaction costs and the property rights approach to the theory of the firm

- Daniel Müller and Patrick W. Schmitz
- 90787: Tax Evasion and Optimal Corporate Income Tax Rates in a Growing Economy

- Takeo Hori, Noritaka Maebayashi and Keiichi Morimoto
- 90785: A Macroeconomic Condition of Class Society

- Tetsuya Nakajima
- 90784: Optimal Ownership of Public Goods in the Presence of Transaction Costs

- Daniel Müller and Patrick W. Schmitz
- 90783: Redefining the development index of a nation

- Girish Jakhotiya
- 90781: Effective energy commodities’ risk management: Econometric modeling of price volatility

- George Halkos and Apostolos Tzirivis
- 90780: Интелектуалният капитал - основа на съвременния бизнес и предизвикателство пред финансовата отчетност (Intellectual Capital - Basis Of Contemporary Business And Challenge For Financial Reporting)

- Atanas Atanasov
- 90776: Perverse Intra-Firm Trade

- Chander Kant
- 90766: Aerial Bombardment and Educational Attainment

- Kien Le and My Nguyen
- 90764: Horizontal Mergers and Innovation in Concentrated Industries

- Brett Hollenbeck
- 90754: Le comportement des citoyens face aux questions environnementales: cas de service des déchets urbains en Algérie (The behavior of citizens facing environmental issues: case of service of urban waste in Algeria)

- Brahim Djemaci
- 90743: Геополитички аспекти стратешких коридора Србије (Geopolitical Aspects of the Strategic Corridors of Serbia)

- Rajko Bukvić and Dragan Petrović
- 90686: Stock market and macroeconomic policies: The case of Mongolia

- Hiroyuki Taguchi
- 90685: Gains from Trade and the Sovereign Bond Market

- Ken Kikkawa and Akira Sasahara
- 90682: Regime heteroskedasticity in Bitcoin: A comparison of Markov switching models

- Daniel Chappell
- 90681: Environmental regulation and economic cycles

- George Halkos, George Papageorgiou, Emmanuel Halkos and John Papageorgiou
- 90671: Moderate innovator trap – Does convergence of innovative potential occur?

- Jakub Rybacki and Arkadiusz Michał Kowalski
- 90665: Cooperation and development of enterprises with the example of a strategic business network

- Marcin Piątkowski
- 90664: Factors Strengthening the Competitive Position of SME Sector Enterprises. An Example for Poland

- Marcin Piątkowski
- 90661: Inclusive Growth and Macroeconomic Situations in South Asia: An Empirical Analysis

- Asif Sajid and Amjad Ali
- 90658: Financial Networks and Systemic Risk in China’s Banking System

- Lixin Sun
- 90657: A structural approach to assessing retention policies in public schools

- Celia Patricia Vera
- 90655: Comment on "Model Confidence Bounds for Variable Selection" by Yang Li, Yuetian Luo, Davide Ferrari, Xiaonan Hu, and Yichen Qin

- Hannes Leeb, Benedikt Pötscher and Danijel Kivaranovic
- 90653: Exchange Rate Overshooting: A Reassessment in a Monetary Framework

- Taniya Ghosh and Soumya Suvra Bhadury
- 90650: Pengaruh Komunikasi Dan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kinerja Perawat Di Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara Palembang (The Effect of Communication and Service Quality on Nurse's Performance at Bhayangkara Hospital Palembang)

- Hendra Hadiwijaya
- 90649: Building Less Flawed Metrics

- David Manheim
- 90647: The Benefits of Country-specific Non-Tariff Measures in World Wine Trade

- Fabio Gaetano Santeramo, Emilia Lamonaca, Gianluca Nardone and Antonio Seccia
- 90643: Dead men tell no tales: how the Homo sapiens became Homo economicus

- Roman Zakharenko
- 90639: Building Destination Loyalty Using Tourist Satisfaction and Destination Image: A Holistic Conceptual Framework

- Abderrahim Chenini and Mustapha Touaiti
- 90638: “TiCoSa” a 3d matrix conceptual model to investigate visitors’ perceptions in an athletic event

- Anestis Fotiadis and Russell Blair Williams
- 90629: Oil Price, Exchange Rate and the Indian Macroeconomy

- Taniya Ghosh
- 90628: Testing the Friedman and Schwartz Hypothesis using Time Varying Correlation Analysis

- Taniya Ghosh and Prashant Mehul Parab
- 90627: Has Money Lost Its Relevance? Resolving the Exchange Rate Disconnect Puzzle

- Taniya Ghosh and Soumya Suvra Bhadury
- 90620: Studiu retrospectiv privind organizarea administrativ-teritorială a României, în ultimii 100 de ani (A retrospective study on Romania’s administrative-territorial organisation, in the past 100 years)

- Daniela Antonescu
- 90619: The Euro and European Identity

- Johan Mertens
- 90617: The Relationship Between Sociability and Household Debt

- Merve Büşra Altundere
- 90613: Impacts of Public Infrastructure Investment in South Africa: A SAM and CGE-Based Analysis of the Public Economic Sector

- Vandudzai Mbanda and Lumengo Bonga-Bonga
- 90612: Is Energy Consumption Sensitive to Foreign Capital Inflows and Currency Devaluation in Pakistan?

- Muhammad Shahbaz, A. R Chaudhary and Syed Jawad Hussain Shahzad
- 90611: ¬¬¬¬¬¬From Nonrenewable to Renewable Energy and Its Impact on Economic Growth: Silver Line of Research & Development Expenditures in APEC Countries

- Muhammad Wasif Zafar, Muhammad Shahbaz, Fujun Hou and Avik Sinha
- 90607: New Frontiers in the Euro Debate in Iceland

- Thorsteinn Thorgeirsson
- 90603: Bitcoin and hyperdeflation: an optimizing monetary approach

- Alexandre Sokic
- 90588: Pemikiran Ekonomi Islam Abu Ubaid (154-224 H): Fungsi Uang dan Relevansinya Saat Ini (Islamic Economic Thought Abu Ubaid (154-224 H): Current Functions of Money and Relevance)

- Arief Nugroho
- 90581: Cyber-Bullying: Assessment of its Awareness and Threats to Social Media Development

- Ekpereamaka Miracle Obidi and Chizaram Priscilla Ahaiwe

- Zhuang Xie
- 90566: The Factors Influence Credit Risk in Japan Banking Sector Specific for Kyoto Bank

- Nur Syafikah Atirah Mohammad Azmi
- 90562: Exchange Rate Volatility and the Nigerian Balance Of Payments (1981-2016)

- Stanley Nwanekezie and Harrison Onyiro
- 90561: Women's Labor Force Participation and Probability of Getting Divorced

- Xu Dong
- 90560: The Dominium Mundi Game and the Case for Artificial Intelligence in Economics and the Law

- Nicolás Rodríguez Arosemena
- 90554: Inequality and Well-Being

- Vani Borooah
- 90553: Deaths in the Family

- Vani Borooah
- 90552: A characterization of lexicographic preferences

- Mridu Prabal Goswami, Manipushpak Mitra and Debapriya Sen
- 90551: The Health of Elderly Persons in India

- Vani Borooah
- 90550: Child Malnutrition in India

- Vani Borooah
- 90549: Modeling Returns of Stock Indexes through Fractional Brownian Motion Combined with Jump Processes and Modulated by Markov Chains

- Martha Carpinteyro, Francisco Venegas-Martínez and Miguel Ángel Martínez-García
- 90544: Inflation targeting and tax effort: Evidence from Colombia

- Juan Camilo Galvis Ciro and Helder de Mendonça
- 90543: Schumpeter vs. Keynes Redux: "Still Not Dead"

- John Dalton and Lillian Gaeto
- 90542: Mutual Funds and the Income Stabilization Tool in the EU: retrospect and prospects

- Jean Cordier and Fabio Gaetano Santeramo
- 90537: On the Extension and Decomposition of a Preorder under Translation Invariance

- Mohamed Mabrouk
- 90536: Analyse spatiale de la localisation de la production agricole des plantes irriguées et non irriguées: Cas de la Tunisie (Spatial analysis of the location of the agricultural production of irrigated and non-irrigated plants: Evidence from Tunisia)

- Zouabi Oussama
- 90535: On the Evolution of Trade and of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standards: The Role of Trade Agreements

- Fabio Gaetano Santeramo, Valentina Guerrieri and Emilia Lamonaca
- 90534: Explaining the evolution of ethnicity differentials in academic achievements: The role of time investments

- Ha Nguyen, Luke Connelly, Huong Thu Le, Francis Mitrou, Catherine Taylor and Stephen Zubrick
- 90529: Legal Architecture and Design for Gulf Cooperation Council Economic Integration

- Bashar H. Malkawi
- 90527: Intellectual property rights and the commodification of nature: the case of seeds

- Eleonora Gentilucci
- 90526: Space and the Environment: An Introduction to the Special Issue

- Amitrajeet Batabyal and Henk Folmer
- 90524: The Contents and Features of Dispute Settlement under US-Jordan FTA: An Appraisal

- Bashar Malkawi
- 90521: E-Commerce in Light of International Trade Agreements: The WTO and the United States-Jordan Free Trade Agreement

- Bashar Malkawi
- 90519: The impact of new technologies on the labour market and the social economy

- Bernhard Dachs
- 90518: High and Low Intraday Commodity Prices: A Fractional Integration and Cointegration Approach

- Olaoluwa Yaya and Luis Gil-Alana
- 90517: Can Western African countries catch up with Nigeria? Evidence from Smooth Nonlinearity method in Fractional Unit root framework

- Olaoluwa Yaya, Pui Kiew Ling, Fumitaka Furuoka, Chinyere Mary Rose Ezeoke and Ray Jacob
- 90516: Testing Fractional Unit Roots with Non-linear Smooth Break Approximations using Fourier functions

- Luis Gil-Alana and Olaoluwa Yaya
- 90506: ‘Waste culture’ assessment using Hofstede’s and Schwartz’s cultural dimensions – an EU case study

- George Halkos and Kleoniki Natalia Petrou
- 90505: Causality deficit-inflation: Wavelet Transform

- Maissa Elmrabet and Ghazi Boulila
- 90504: The French Franc and European Monetary Crisis

- Marcel Didier
- 90503: Analysing last century’s occurrence and impacts of technological and complex environmental hazards

- George Halkos and Argyro Zisiadou
- 90497: Proliferation of Globalization and its Impact on Labor Markets in Advanced Industrial Nations and Developing Nations

- Muhammad Mustafa Rashid
- 90490: The Category of Node-and-Choice Forms, with Subcategories for Choice-Sequence Forms and Choice-Set Forms

- Peter Streufert
- 90489: L’impact De L’investissement Des Revenus Pétroliers Sur La Croissance, L’inflation Et Le Chômage: Cas D’Algérie (2000-2015) (The Impact of Oil Revenue Investment on Growth, Inflation and Unemployment: The Case of Algeria (2000-2015))

- Mohammed Benyoub
- 90488: On the political economy of income taxation

- Marcus Berliant and Miguel Gouveia
- 90487: A Frequency-Domain Approach to Dynamic Macroeconomic Models

- Fei Tan
- 90486: Credit Risk and Fiscal Inflation

- Bing Li, Pei Pei and Fei Tan
- 90484: Economic Analysis of Growth Performance of Various Grains Crops During Agricultural Reform in Rwanda

- Theodore Murindahabi, Qiang Li and E.M.B.P. Ekanayake
- 90482: Trust and Law in Credit Markets

- Koji Asano
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