MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 74878: การทดสอบข้อสมมติของทฤษฎีเศรษฐศาสตร์เกี่ยวกับความมีเหตุผลของมนุษย์: หลักฐานเชิงประจักษ์จากการทดลองในระบบปิด (Testing Rationality Assumptions in Economic Theory: Evidence from Closed Experiment)

- ฐิติเทพ สิทธิยศ and เกษรา ธัญลักษณ์ภาคย์
- 74877: Towards an explanation of inequality in pre-modern societies:the role of colonies and high population density

- Branko Milanovic
- 74875: One-way and two-way cost allocation in hub network problems

- Gustavo Bergantiños and Juan Vidal-Puga
- 74874: International trade with pensions and demographic shocks

- Igor Fedotenkov, Bas van Groezen and Lex Meijdam
- 74870: Estimation of Electricity Demand Function for Algeria: Revisit of Time Series Analysis

- Naceur Khraief, Muhammad Shahbaz, Hrushikesh Mallick and Nanthakumar Loganathan
- 74864: Fiscal Policy, Government Polarization, and the Economic Literacy of Voters

- Samuele Murtinu, Giulio Piccirilli and Agnese Sacchi
- 74863: Reduce, Reuse or Recycle? Household Decisions over Waste Prevention and Recycling

- Ida Ferrara and Paul Missios
- 74862: Марковљеви ланци и проблем одређивања распореда слова на тастатури српске ћирилице (Markov chains and the problem of keyboard layout for Serbian cyrilic)

- Rajko Bukvić and Mirčeta Vemić
- 74859: The Pros and Cons of Workplace Tournaments

- Roman Sheremeta
- 74858: Selective Recognition: How to Recognize Donors to Increase Charitable Giving

- Anya Samek and Roman Sheremeta
- 74854: Assessment of biowaste losses through unsound waste management practices in rural areas and the role of home composting

- Florin Mihai and Carlo Ingrao
- 74851: Do FDI Inflows influence Merchandise Exports? Causality Analysis on India over 1991-2016

- Debashis Chakraborty, Jaydeep Mukherjee and Jaewook Lee
- 74850: New evidence of environmental efficiency on the export performance

- Tomoyuki Sakamoto and Shunsuke Managi
- 74849: Zastosowanie behawioralnych czynników do oceny i zarządzania poziomem konkurencyjnością przedsiębiorstw (The use of behavioral factors for the assessment and management of competitiveness of firms)

- Dmytro Sokolovskyi
- 74841: Balance of payments and policies that affects its positioning in Nigeria

- Anulika Azubike
- 74839: India’s Trade Partnership with East African Community: Exploratory Results from Trade Indices

- Debashis Chakraborty and Manoj Sahu
- 74837: The Shut-down Price, Reconsidered

- Michael Sproul
- 74836: Effect of fall in crude oil price on stock indices and exchange rates of India and China

- Bhaskar Bagchi and Susmita Chatterjee
- 74835: Seventy Years of Official Development Assistance: Reflections on the Working Age Population

- Sherif Hassan
- 74829: Planificarea financiarǎ pentru decizii asupra antreprenoriatului - Partea întâi (Financial planning for decisions on entrepreneurship, Part I)

- Răzvan Stefanescu and Ramona Dumitriu
- 74820: Tax administration resources and Income inequality

- Trang Nguyen
- 74819: Did Johnson affect Trump or Clinton? A note on the Libertarian vote in the 2016 presidential election

- Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard
- 74816: US Worker Co-Operatives and Their Spans of Management, Decision Making, and Governance: An Exploratory Analysis

- Thomas Lambert
- 74809: Mechanisms and projects for reducing greenhouse gases emissions in Russia

- Rajko Bukvić, Marina Kartavykh and Vladimir Zakharov
- 74807: Price Bubble in Selected ASEAN Agricultural Exports: An Application of the Generalized Supremum Augmented Dickey Fuller

- Karlo Martin Caramugan and Purisima Bayacag
- 74800: An Enquiry into the Sluggish Growth of Workers’ Remittance Determinants: A Case of Comilla

- Nobinkhor Kundu
- 74799: Internationalization of the higher education in Romania and EU countries

- Bogdan Oancea, Richard Pospisil and Raluca Mariana Dragoescu
- 74795: Praktek Jual Beli Kain Kiloan dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Islam (The Practice of the Selling and Buying "Clothing Yarn" in Islamic Economic Perspective)

- Juju Jumena and Nurjannah Nurjannah
- 74794: The Effect of New Jersey’s Paid Parental Leave Policy on Employment

- Joshua Reed and Donald Vandegrift
- 74790: Economic Growth, Financial Development, Urbanization and Electricity Consumption Nexus in UAE

- Rashid Sbia, Muhammad Shahbaz and Ilhan Ozturk
- 74785: Risk and Unraveling in Labor Markets

- Olivier Bos and Martin Ranger
- 74778: How trade facilitation measures influence export orientation? Empirical estimates with logistics performance index data

- Debashis Chakraborty and Sacchidananda Mukherjee
- 74776: Corporate social responsibility is just a twist in a Möbius Strip: An empirical test on Italian cooperatives

- Francisco Lopez Arceiz, Nazaria Solferino, Viviana Solferino and Ermanno Tortia
- 74775: Estimating Auctions with Externalities: The Case of USFS Timber Auctions

- Joseph Kuehn
- 74773: Potential Economic Effects of the Reduction in Agricultural and Nonagricultural Trade Barriers in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

- Cororaton Caesar and David Orden
- 74772: An improved bootstrap test of density ratio ordering

- Brendan Beare and Xiaoxia Shi
- 74771: International Equity Markets Interdependence: Bigger Shocks or Contagion in the 21st Century?

- Giovanna Bua and Carmine Trecroci
- 74770: Time Series Analysis & Choices for General and Vocational Education in Arab Economies

- Tahar Harkat, Ahmed Driouchi and Amale Achehboune
- 74769: Catallactics misapplication it crucial role in Africa's underdeveloped economy

- Emmanuel Tweneboah Senzu
- 74768: The perceptual effects of location on the performance of small businesses

- Yassine Sefiani, Barry Davies and Robin Bown
- 74767: Urbanization and Demand for Water and Sanitation Services: An Analysis on Cross-Region Investment Requirements

- Sacchidananda Mukherjee and Debashis Chakraborty
- 74766: Investigating the Interaction between the Volatility of Exchange Rate and Stock Returns in Four Asian Countries

- Siok Kun Sek
- 74763: Nature and significance of Islamic economics

- Zubair Hasan
- 74762: How Islamic is the diminishing musharkah model used for home financing?

- Zubair Hasan
- 74760: Public policies promoting the informal economy: effects on incomes, employment and growth in Burkina Faso

- Abel Traoré and Idrissa Mohamed Ouedraogo
- 74759: Wage and employment determination in a dynamic insider-outsider model

- Marco Guerrazzi
- 74757: Determinants of Urbanization in Different Size/Class Distribution of Cities/Towns in India

- Chetana Rani and Sabyasachi Tripathi
- 74753: Migrants' Remittances, Governance and Heterogeneity

- Ekpeno Effiong and Emmanuel E. Asuquo
- 74752: Choques Externos, Regulación y Crisis Bancarias en el Perú: Una revisión para el periodo 1990-2009 (External Shocks, Regulation and Banking Crises in Peru: A review for the period 1990-2009)

- Renzo Jiménez Sotelo
- 74751: Volatilité des cours des produits miniers et vulnérabilité de l’économie: est-ce que la croissance économique va s’essouffler en RDC? (Volatility of the prices of the mining products and vulnerability of the economy: will the economic growth be blown in RDC?)

- Akhenaton Izu
- 74750: Essai des indices FGT d’incidence, de profondeur et de sévérité de l’informalité en RDC (Test of indices FGT of incidence, depth and severity of the informality in RDC)

- Akhenaton Izu
- 74749: Analyse de la robustesse et de la vulnérabilité à la pauvreté en RDC (Analysis of the robustness and the vulnerability to poverty in DRC)

- Akhenaton Izu
- 74747: Valuing Inputs Under Supply Uncertainty: The Bayesian Shapley Value

- Roland Pongou and Jean-Baptiste Tondji
- 74746: Towards a Democratization of Knowledge with Topological Emphasis in Economics

- Victor H. Rosas-Martinez
- 74745: Effort Application in an Arranged Marriage: A Game-Theoretic Analysis

- Amitrajeet Batabyal and Seung Jick Yoo
- 74744: Decomposing Joint Distributions via Reweighting Functions: An Application to Intergenerational Economic Mobility

- Jeremiah Richey and Alicia Rosburg
- 74743: Optimal Monetary Policy in Behavioral New Keynesian Model

- Bounader Lahcen
- 74742: Why Don't Democracies go to War?

- Charles Coleman
- 74740: الأسباب الإقتصادية لتنامي ظاهرة الإرهاب في إفريقيا جنوب الصحراء (Economic Causes of Terrorism in Africa South of the Sahara)

- Samar Albagoury
- 74739: Компаративна анализа и могућности сарадње Републике Србије и Волго-Вјатског рејона Руске Федерације у области аграра (Comparative analysis and possibilities of cooperation in agrar production between Volga-Viatka Region and Republic of Serbia)

- Dragan Petrović and Rajko Bukvić
- 74737: Distance to the Pre-industrial Technological Frontier and Economic Development

- Ömer Özak
- 74733: La política de precios de la gasolina en Colombia: Antecedentes, impacto distributivo y su relación con la crisis fiscal (Gasoline price policy in Colombia: Background, distributive impact and its relationship with the fiscal crisis)

- Juan Felipe Parra
- 74732: Are dyads conditionally cooperative? Evidence from a public goods experiment

- Andrea Morone and Tiziana Temerario
- 74713: Discrete-Space Agglomeration Model with Social Interactions: Multiplicity, Stability, and Continuous Limit of Equilibria

- Takashi Akamatsu, Shota Fujishima and Yuki Takayama
- 74712: Learning by doing, low level equilibrium trap, and effect of domestic policies on child labour

- Kamalika Chakraborty and Bidisha Chakraborty
- 74708: The Economic Application Approach of Fuzzy Logic Controller Type I and II for Second Order Linear Systems

- Amir Tavakoli and Ehsan Khazaei
- 74705: Directional and bidirectional causality between U.S. industry credit and stock markets and their determinants

- Syed Jawad Hussain Shahzad, Safwan Mohd Nor, Shawkat Hammoudeh and Muhammad Shahbaz
- 74704: Financial development and environmental quality: The way forward

- Muhammad Shahbaz, Syed Jawad Hussain Shahzad, Nawaz Ahmad and Shaista Alam
- 74703: The Origins and Long-Run Consequences of the Division of Labor

- Emilio Depetris-Chauvin and Ömer Özak
- 74702: La question du chômage des jeunes diplômés en Tunisie: Evolution, caractéristiques, limites et perspectives (1990 – 2014) (The issue of unemployment of young graduates in Tunisia: Evolution, characteristics, limits and prospects (1990 - 2014))

- Sayef Bakari
- 74701: The Historical “Roots” of U.S. Energy Price Shocks: Supplemental Results

- Hillard Huntington
- 74700: The Determinants of India’s Imports: A Gravity Model Approach

- Mr. Nassir Ul Haq Wani, Dr. Jasdeep Kaur Dhami and Dr. Afzal Ur Rehman
- 74699: Development of the tourist accommodation in Gdańsk due to the organization of Euro 2012 in Poland

- Fatih Mgetchan
- 74698: A Quantitative Theory of Time-Consistent Unemployment Insurance

- Zoe Xie and Yun Pei
- 74697: A Model of Institutional Complementarities in Ancient China

- Haiwen Zhou
- 74696: Impact of Human Capital Development on Poverty Reduction in Nigeria

- James Chukwubudom Chikelu
- 74694: Impact of Capital Expenditure on the Manufacturing Sector of the Nigerian Economy

- James Chukwubudom Chikelu and Valentine Chukwuemeka Okoro
- 74690: Stratyfikacja próby badawczej i dobór ekspertów na przykładzie modelu decyzyjnego opartego na metodzie AHP (Stratification of research target group and selection of experts for AHP based decision making model)

- Remigiusz Gawlik
- 74689: Editorial: Globalizacja i regionalizacja we współczesnym świecie - tom II (Editorial: Globalization and regionalization in modern World - Volume II)

- Remigiusz Gawlik and Anna Odrobina
- 74683: Competitiveness and subsidy or tax policy for new technology adoption in duopoly

- Masahiko Hattori and Yasuhito Tanaka
- 74682: Income Unfairness and Occupational Choice

- Yosuke Furukawa
- 74680: The development of hotel industry due to mega sport event. The case of Euro 2012 in Poland

- Aleksandr Pavlov
- 74678: Linkage between Fiscal Policy and Poverty Reduction in Nigeria

- Adesoji Farayibi and Joel Owuru
- 74672: Impact of Demand Response Participation in Energy, Reserve and Capacity Markets

- Sheila Nolan, Mel Devine, Muireann Lynch and Mark O'Malley
- 74671: Nonlinear relationship between exchange rate volatility and economic growth: A South African perspective

- Justin Fourie, Theuns Pretorius, Rhett Harvey, Van Niekerk Henrico and Andrew Phiri
- 74670: Multiple-days-ahead value-at-risk and expected shortfall forecasting for stock indices, commodities and exchange rates: inter-day versus intra-day data

- Stavros Degiannakis and Artemis Potamia
- 74669: The financial consequences of the ’Women & Men 40’ pension scheme concept in pay-as-you-go pension systems

- Peter Mihalyi and Laszlo Vincze
- 74665: Theoretical Model to Estimate System Uncertainty in Economics

- Evgeny Kuzmin
- 74664: Evolution of Exchange Rate Pass-through: Evidence from The Gambia

- Mustapha Jobarteh
- 74662: Competitive equilibrium with indivisible objects

- Yi-You Yang
- 74660: Entrepreneurship, growth and unemployment: A panel VAR approach

- Konstantinos Dellis and Sotiris Karkalakos
- 74658: Embodying rationality

- Antonio Mastrogiorgio and Enrico Petracca
- 74655: Determinants of real convergence in Central and Eastern Europe

- Goran Petrevski, Gjorgji Gockov and Suzana Makreshanska-Mladenovska
- 74653: Information sharing and conditional financial development in Africa

- Simplice Asongu, John Anyanwu and Vanessa Tchamyou
- 74652: Information Sharing and Financial Sector Development in Africa

- Vanessa Tchamyou and Simplice Asongu
- 74651: Terrorism and Capital Flight from Africa

- Uchenna Efobi and Simplice Asongu
- 74650: Mobile Phone Penetration, Mobile Banking and Inclusive Development in Africa

- Simplice Asongu and Jacinta Nwachukwu
- 74649: Is the Threat of Foreign Aid Withdrawal an Effective Deterrent to Political Oppression? Evidence from 53 African Countries

- Simplice Asongu and Jacinta Nwachukwu
- 74646: Randomness, Determinism and Undecidability in the Economic cycle Theory

- Ignacio Escañuela Romana
- 74641: Forecasting United States Presidential election 2016 using multiple regression models

- Pankaj Sinha, Ankit Nagarnaik, Kislay Raj and Vineeta Suman
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