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57374: Can Poverty be Educated Out? Downloads
Koushik Kumar Hati
57371: Net fiscal flows and interregional redistribution in Italy: a long run perspective (1951-2010) Downloads
Adriano Giannola, Domenico Scalera and Carmelo Petraglia
57370: Does private tutoring increase students’ academic performance? Evidence from Turkey Downloads
Giray Berberoglu and Aysıt Tansel
57368: Economic Forces and the Thai Stock Market, 1993-2007 Downloads
Komain Jiranyakul
57364: The Quality of Outsourced Logistics Service: A Collectivist Culture Perspective Downloads
Abdul Khabir Rahmat and Nasruddin Faisol
57363: The Impact of Minimum Wage on Average Earnings in the Caribbean using Two-Selected Countries, Trinidad and Tobago and Jamaica (1980-2011 and 1997-2011) Downloads
Oluwafemi Bamikole
57356: Diaspora transferts et signal de richesse (Diaspora remittances and signaling wealth game) Downloads
Mohamed Jellal
57354: Trends and challenges in the absorption of EU Funds through the Regional Operational programm 2007-2013 Downloads
Daniela Antonescu and Victor Platon
57353: Is Collusion Proof Auction Expensive? Estimates from Highway Procurements Downloads
Gaurab Aryal and Maria Gabrielli
57352: Consumption of Electricity and Oil in Jordan: A non-parametric analysis using B-splines Downloads
Mohammed Shahateet and Jaber Bdour
57351: Customers’ adoption of electronic banking: An investigation on the commercial banking industry in Zimbabwe Downloads
Musa Makosana
57350: Does oil price uncertainty transmit to the Thai stock market? Downloads
Komain Jiranyakul
57346: Investor-state disputes and the TTIP – is it a new challenge for corporate responsibility? Downloads
Krzysztof Waśniewski
57345: What is the Meaning of Quality? Downloads
Ibrahim Elshaer
57344: Vplyv globálnej finančnej a hospodárskej krízy na podniky a ich konukencieschopnosť (Impact of the global financial and economic crisis on businesses and their competitiveness) Downloads
Ivana Hudakova
57343: Trade in Health Services and Globalization: The Role of Infinitesimal Changes of Trade Policy Downloads
Tonmoy Chatterjee and Kausik Gupta
57340: Semiparametric Estimation of First-Price Auction Models Downloads
Gaurab Aryal, Maria Gabrielli and Quang Vuong
57336: A Note on Kuhn’s Theorem with Ambiguity Averse Players Downloads
Gaurab Aryal and Ronald Stauber
57335: A theory of compliance with minimum wage law Downloads
Simplice Asongu and Mohamed Jellal
57327: Модернизация в мезоэкономическом контексте (Modernization program in the mesoeconomics context) Downloads
Anton Mosalev
57326: Проекты в стратегической структуре социально-экономических систем (Projects in the strategic framework of socio-economic systems) Downloads
Anton Mosalev
57325: Diaspora transferts statut social et inégalité (Diaspora remittances social status and inequality) Downloads
Mohamed Jellal
57322: Health behaviors and education in Turkey Downloads
Aysıt Tansel and Deniz Karaoglan
57317: An Investigation into the Impact of Federal Government Budget Deficits on the Ex Ante Real Interest Rate Yield on Treasury Notes in the U.S Downloads
Richard Cebula
57316: Determinants of Business Failure: A Time Series Analysis Downloads
Afsaneh Assadian and Richard Cebula
57315: Trade Policies, Health Care and Social Welfare: A General Equilibrium Analysis Downloads
Tonmoy Chatterjee and Kausik Gupta
57314: Health Care Quality vs Health Care Quantity: A General Equilibrium Analysis Downloads
Tonmoy Chatterjee and Kausik Gupta
57309: Analysis of the Lead-Lag Relationship on South Africa capital market Downloads
Marcel Rešovský, Marek Gróf, Denis Horváth and Vladimír Gazda
57308: The Nexus Between Financial Development and Economic Growth in Lao PDR Downloads
Phouphet Kyophilavong, Gazi Salah Uddin and Muhammad Shahbaz
57307: A Note on Nominal and Real Devaluation in Laos Downloads
Phouphet Kyophilavong, Muhammad Shahbaz and Gazi Salah Uddin
57306: Firmes industrielles incitations et formation approche théorique (Industrial firms incentives and training Policy theoretical approach) Downloads
Mohamed Jellal
57304: Modeling Economic Growth and Energy Consumption in Arab Countries: Cointegration and Causality Analysis Downloads
Mohammed Shahateet
57303: Some estimates for income elasticities of leisure activities in the United States Downloads
Jorge González Chapela
57302: Disentangling income and price effects in the demand for time online Downloads
Jorge González Chapela
57301: Split or straight? Some evidence on the effect of the work shift on Spanish workers' well-being and time use Downloads
Jorge González Chapela
57298: Modeling of EAD and LGD: Empirical Approaches and Technical Implementation Downloads
Bill Huajian Yang and Mykola Tkachenko
57296: Deprivation and Demand for Bifurcation of the State of Meghalaya Downloads
Purusottam Nayak and Komol Singha
57295: Vicious Circle of Insurgency and Underdevelopment in North East India Downloads
Pr Bhattacharjee and Purusottam Nayak
57290: Aetolians, Europeans and Canadians: A Comparative analysis of federations Downloads
Emmanouil-Marios-Lazaros Economou and Nicholas Kyriazis
57289: Achaeans, Indians and Europeans: A Comparison of federations Downloads
Emmanouil-Marios-Lazaros Economou and Nicholas Kyriazis
57288: Diaspora transferts et volatilité économique (Diaspora transfers and economic volatility) Downloads
Mohamed Jellal
57287: A Comparative analysis of federations: The Achaean federation and the European Union Downloads
Nicholas Kyriazis and Emmanouil-Marios-Lazaros Economou
57286: Property Rights and Democratic Values in pre-Classical Greece Downloads
Emmanouil-Marios-Lazaros Economou and Nicholas Kyriazis
57284: Firmes industrielles concurrence et corruption (Industrial firms competition and corruption) Downloads
Mohamed Jellal
57281: India as a destination of multinational’s R&D: Growingimportance and management strategy of local R&D centers Downloads
Kazuyuki Motohashi
57280: Economía de guerra y narcotráfico (War Economy and drug trafficking: preliminary Study Notes) Downloads
Fernando Estrada
57279: Political and Economic Determinants of Free Trade Agreements in the Presence of Foreign Lobbying Downloads
ZhenHua Gu
57277: Access to Higher Public Education and Locational Choices of Undocumented Migrants Downloads
Richard Cebula and Usha Nair-Reichert
57276: Clustering Value-Added Trade: Structural and Policy Dimensions Downloads
Hubert Escaith and Hadrien Gaudin
57275: Gouvernance optimale moderne des universités (Modern optimal governance of universities) Downloads
Mohamed Jellal
57274: العوامل المؤثرة على سعر السهم السوقي في بورصة عمّان خلال الفترة 1984-2011 (Factors affecting the price of the stock market in the Amman Stock Exchange during the period 1984-2011) Downloads
Fedel Al-Habashneh, Mohammad Shhateet, Jaber AL-Bdore and Zainah Amareen
57267: Culture capital humain et croissance économique (Culture human capital and economic growth) Downloads
Mohamed Jellal
57266: Monetary Exit and Fiscal Spillovers Downloads
Jan Libich, Dat Nguyen and Petr Stehlik
57262: Does oil price uncertainty transmit to the Thai stock market? Downloads
Komain Jiranyakul
57261: The Dynamic Linkage between CO2 emissions, Economic Growth, Renewable Energy Consumption, Number of Tourist Arrivals and Trade Downloads
Mehdi Ben Jebli, Slim Ben Youssef and Nicholas Apergis
57259: How Do Oil Price Shocks Affect Consumer Prices? Downloads
Liping(Sophia) Gao, Hyeongwoo Kim and Richard Saba
57258: Do Financial Flows raise or reduce Economic growth Volatility? Some Lessons from Moroccan case Downloads
Jamal Bouoiyour, Amal Miftah and Refk Selmi
57256: Public debt, sovereign risk and sustainable development of Romania Downloads
George Georgescu
57255: International fragmentation of production. Local vulnerabilities and capitalization of heritage values in Romania Downloads
George Georgescu
57254: Probabilistic opinion pooling generalized Part two: The premise-based approach Downloads
Franz Dietrich and Christian List
57253: Probabilistic opinion pooling generalized Part one: General agendas Downloads
Franz Dietrich and Christian List
57252: Mind the gap between the budget lines and the programs of the National strategy for poverty reduction Downloads
Blagica Petreski, Despina Petreska and Aleksandar Kostadinov
57247: Intangible assets finance: a complementary or substitution effect between external and internal channels? Evidence from the Italian divide Downloads
Marianna Succurro
57246: Incentives and optimal antitrust policy Downloads
Mohamed Jellal and Said Souam
57245: Modeling Portfolio Risk by Risk Discriminatory Trees and Random Forests Downloads
Bill Huajian Yang
57244: Estimating Long-Run PD, Asset Correlation, and Portfolio Level PD by Vasicek Models Downloads
Bill Huajian Yang
57241: A Functional Approach to Understand Consumer Behavior while Selecting Coffee Parlor Downloads
Yasir Soomro, Irfan Hameed and Imran Hameed
57240: Impact of Diversification on Firms’ Performance Downloads
Athar Iqbal, Irfan Hameed and Majid Qadeer
57239: Determinants of large city slum incidence in India: A cross-sectional study Downloads
Sabyasachi Tripathi
57236: Diaspora et comportement économique en incertitude (Diaspora and economic behavior under uncertainty) Downloads
Mohamed Jellal
57235: Cooperation of the Enterprises in East European Countries and EU: Adjustment Problems Downloads
Mitko Dimitrov
57234: Cross-Border Cooperation in Southeastern Europe: The Enterprises's Point of View Downloads
Mitko Dimitrov
57231: State Enterprises Restructuring in Bulgaria, Albania and Romania Downloads
Mitko Dimitrov, Saul Estrin and Xavier Richet
57230: Exponential Smoothing, Long Memory and Volatility Prediction Downloads
Tommaso Proietti
57229: Flujos migratorios internacionales: política migratoria, legislación y respuesta de los actores nacionales e internacionales (International migration flows: migration policy, legislation and response of national and international actors) Downloads
Ana Ionela Cristea
57228: Increasing labour market activity of poor and female: Let’s make work pay in Macedonia Downloads
Nikica Mojsoska-Blazevski, Marjan Petreski and Despina Petreska
57226: Gender wage gap when women are highly inactive: Evidence from repeated imputations with Macedonian data Downloads
Marjan Petreski, Nikica Mojsoska-Blazevski and Blagica Petreski
57223: Time Varying Fiscal Multipliers in Germany Downloads
Tim Berg
57222: Mainstream Aversion to Economic Methodology and the Scientific Ideal of Physics Downloads
Stavros Drakopoulos
57218: Théorie de politique industrielle et développement économique du maroc (Theory of industrial Policy and economic development of morocco) Downloads
Mohamed Jellal
57217: The Protection Agencies in Colombia Downloads
Fernando Estrada
57216: Inflation,Inflation Variability, and Output Performance. Venezuela 1951-2002 Downloads
Víctor Olivo
57215: Diagramas de argumentación y política criminal (Argument Diagrams and criminal policy) Downloads
Fernando Estrada
57214: The Role of Business Knowledge in the Internationalisation Process of Hungarian Corporations Downloads
Zoltán Bartha and Andrea S. Gubik
57213: The Outward Focused Development Path in the Visegrad Countries Downloads
Zoltán Bartha and Andrea S. Gubik
57212: Natural Rate of Interest with Endogenous Growth, Financial Frictions and Trend Inflation Downloads
Lorena Olmos and Marcos Sanso Frago
57211: Specifics of International Business Competitiveness in Visegrad Countries – Qualitative Analysis of Selected Case Studies Downloads
Zoltán Bartha and Andrea S. Gubik
57207: Modern regulation of firms in developing countries Downloads
Mohamed Jellal
57204: Determinants of Tax Morale in Spain and Turkey: An Empirical Analysis Downloads
Cevat Bilgin
57196: Oil price volatility and real effective exchange rate: the case of Thailand Downloads
Komain Jiranyakul
57195: Politik er (næsten) ligegyldigt for demonstrationer (Politics is (almost) irrelevant in demonstrations) Downloads
Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard
57192: International aid corruption and fiscal behavior policy Downloads
Simplice Asongu and Mohamed Jellal
57190: Education private and social returns an optimal taxation policy Downloads
Mohamed Jellal
57189: Non-Radial Directional Performance Measurement with Undesirable Outputs Downloads
Po-Chi Chen, Ming-Miin Yu, Ching-Cheng Chang and Shunsuke Managi
57186: Consequence of Job Satisfaction Factors on the Productivity Level of Operating Core Downloads
Terence Baaren and Cornelia Galloway
57185: Bayesian Survival Modelling of University Outcomes Downloads
Catalina Vallejos and Mark Steel
57183: Modelo de ciclo de negocios real con dinero endógeno y pasivo (A real business cycle model with endogenous and passive money) Downloads
Carlos Guberman and David Cymbler
57182: DOLS Cointegration Vector Estimation of the Effect of Inflation and Financial Deepening on Output Growth in Nigeria Downloads
R. Alimi
57180: Inflation and Financial Sector Performance: The Case Of Nigeria Downloads
R. Alimi
57179: Labor Market Conditions-Female Labor Supply Nexus: The Role of Globalization in Pakistan Downloads
Noureen Mujahid, Shabbir Muhammad Shahbaz and Muhammad Shahbaz
Page updated 2025-03-25
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