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8694: Political constraints on monetary policy during the Great Inflation Downloads
Charles Weise
8693: Macro Determinants of Total Factor Productivity in Pakistan Downloads
Safdar Khan
8692: Decimalization, Realized Volatility, and Market Microstructure Noise Downloads
Tommi Vuorenmaa
8690: Convergence Model of Governance: A Case Study of the Local Government System of Pakistan Downloads
Syed Akhter Hussain Shah, Mahmood Khalid and Tariq Shah
8688: The Drama Revisited Downloads
Ludwig Van Den Hauwe
8685: Livelihood Risk from HIV in Semi-Arid Tropics of Rural Andhra Pradesh Downloads
Valentine B, M. Cynthia Serquina Bantilan and Devanathan Parthasarathy
8684: Kosovo 1998-2008: Human Rights from War to Independence Downloads
Branislav Radeljic
8683: Achieving sustainable development: the Integrative Improvement Institutes Project Downloads
Graham Douglas
8681: Özel Sektör Tasarruflarında Mali Politika Etkileri (The Effect of Fiscal Policy on Private Sector Savings) Downloads
Oya Safinaz Erdogdu
8680: Demanda de dinero y liberalizacion financiera en Mexico: Un enfoque de cointegracion (Money demand and financial liberalization in Mexico: A cointegration approach) Downloads
Javier L. Arnaut
8677: The driving force of labor force participation in developed countries Downloads
Ivan Kitov and Oleg Kitov
8676: Bayesian Model Averaging and Identification of Structural Breaks in Time Series Downloads
Iain Fraser, Kelvin Balcombe and Abhijit Sharma
8675: The Impact of Liberalizing the Telecommunication Sector in Morocco Downloads
Lahcen Achy
8674: The Impact of Liberalizing International Trade of Banking Services in Morocco Downloads
Lahcen Achy and Aicha Hassani
8673: How does FDI inflow affect productivity of domestic firms? The role of horizontal and vertical spillovers, absorptive capacity and competition Downloads
Marcin Kolasa
8671: Déterminants de la structure financière des entreprises manufacturières au Maroc (What Determines Financial Structure in the Moroccan Manufacturing Sector? A Firm Level Analysis) Downloads
Lahcen Achy and Sidi Mohamed Rigar
8670: Gain versus pain from status and ambition: Effects on growth and inequality Downloads
Frederic Tournemaine and Christopher Tsoukis
8669: Status, fertility, growth and the great transition Downloads
Frederic Tournemaine and Christopher Tsoukis
8668: Bribe-Taking by Bureaucrats: Personal and Circumstantial Determinants Downloads
Wei Chi and Yijiang Wang
8667: Macroeconomic effects of carbon dioxide emission reduction: a computable general equilibrium analysis for Malaysia Downloads
Abul Al-Amin, Jaafar Abdul Hamid and Siwar Chamhuri
8664: Advancing Learning and Evolutionary Game Theory with an Application to Social Dilemmas Downloads
Luis Izquierdo
8663: A Naïve Sticky Information Model of Households’ Inflation Expectations Downloads
Markku Lanne, Arto Luoma and Jani Luoto
8662: Indirect Network Effects and the Impact of Trade Liberalization: A Note Downloads
Kazumichi Iwasa and Toru Kikuchi
8661: Nonlinearities in Exchange rates: Double EGARCH Threshold Models for Forecasting Volatility Downloads
Bruno Sitzia and Doriana Iovino
8660: Three-sided matchings and separable preferences Downloads
Somdeb Lahiri
8658: The Impact of Oil Prices in Turkey on Macroeconomics Downloads
Erkan Aktaş, Çiğdem Özenç and Feyza Arica
8657: Küreselleşme, Yoksulluk ve Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Tarım Ürünleri (Globalisation, Powerty and Genetically Modified Agricultural Product) Downloads
Erkan Aktaş
8656: Akdeniz Bölgesi ve Başlıca Tüketim Merkezlerinde Yaş Meyve ve Sebze Perakende Fiyatları Arasındaki İlişkiler: Pazar Entegrasyonunun Testi (The Relation among retail price main of consumption center of fruit and vegetables and Region of Mediterranean (Turkey): Test of Market Integration) Downloads
Seval Mutlu, Erkan Aktaş and Özlem Karahan Uysal
8655: The Role of Partnership Status and Expectations on the Emancipation Behaviour of Spanish Graduates Downloads
Ildefonso Mendez
8654: Intergenerational Time Transfers and Internal Migration: Accounting for Low Spatial Mobility in Southern Europe Downloads
Ildefonso Mendez
8653: Dünya Transgenik Üretimindeki Gelişmeler ve Çukurova Bölgesi Mısır Tarımında Olası Bt Tohum Kullanımının Ekonomik Etkileri (Developing of Transgenic Production in the World and The Economic Effects of Proble to Using of Bt Seed on Corn Farming in Çukurova Region) Downloads
Erkan Aktaş
8652: Bağcılığın Türkiye Ekonomisindeki Yeri (The Roll of Viniculture on Turkish Economy) Downloads
Erkan Aktaş
8649: Konsantre Meyve Suyu Talebinin “Tobit” Modeli Ile Analizi (Analysis Of Concentrated Fruit Juice Demand Using The Tobit Model) Downloads
Aysel Özdes, Erkan Aktaş and Ali Koc
8648: Çukurova Bölgesi’nde Pamuk Arz Duyarlılığının Tahmini Üzerine Bir Çalışma (A Study on the Estimation of Supply Response of Cotton in Cukurova Region) Downloads
Erkan Aktaş
8646: Türkiye’de Hemşehri Dernekleri ve Kırsal Dönüşüm (Kinship (Hemşehri) Associations and Rural Transformation in Turkey) Downloads
Erkan Aktaş, Asiye Aka and Murat Cem Demir
8645: Destekleme ve Teknoloji Politikalarının Çukurova Bölgesinde Mısır Tarımı Üzerine Etkisi (Effects of Agricultural Support and Technology Policies on Corn Farming in Çukurova Region) Downloads
Erkan Aktaş and Oğuz Yurdakul
8643: When Should Political Scientists Use the Self-Confirming Equilibrium Concept? Benefits, Costs, and an Application to Jury Theorems Downloads
Arthur Lupia, Adam Seth Levine and Natasha Zharinova
8642: Internal migration and growth in Italy Downloads
Ivan Etzo
8641: Introducing Social Capital Value Add: Manifesto for New Social Network Structural Management of Corporate Value Downloads
Michael Cayley
8640: Natural resources and institutions: the “natural resources curse” revisited Downloads
Argentino Pessoa
8635: Regard(s) sur l'émergence d'une économie de marché en Chine (A Fresh Look at the Development of a Market Economy in China) Downloads
Rigas Arvanitis, Pierre Miège and Wei Zhao
8634: Bertrand-Edgeworth games under oligopoly with a complete characterization for the triopoly Downloads
Massimo De Francesco and Neri Salvadori
8633: The Effects of Joining a Monetary Union on Output and Inflation Variability in Accession Countries Downloads
Oliver Holtemöller
8632: Interaction between vertical and horizontal tax competition: evidence and some theory Downloads
Leonzio Rizzo
8628: Credit Expansion, the Prisoner´s Dilemma, and Free Banking as Mechanism Design Downloads
Ludwig Van Den Hauwe
8627: on the efficiency of team-based meritocracies Downloads
Anna Gunnthorsdottir, Roumen Vragov, Stefan Seifert and Kevin McCabe
8624: Trabalho, formação e inovação: Novos problemas para a Sociedade da Informação (Work, training and innovation: new problems for the information society) Downloads
António Moniz
8623: Structural Determinants of the Natural Rate of Unemployment in Canada Downloads
David Coe
8622: A Systems Approach to Estimating the Natural Rate of Unemployment and Potential Output for the United States Downloads
Charles Adams and David Coe
8621: An Empirical Model of Learning under Ambiguity: The Case of Clinical Trials Downloads
Jose Fernandez
8620: Evaluating the Effect of a Policy Change to Hospital Productivity: 80 Hours Work Restriction on Medical Residents Downloads
Jose Fernandez
8619: Collection sales: good or bad for journals? Downloads
Mark Armstrong
8618: Reengineering as an Efficient Solution to Redesign Activities and Processes of an Enterprise Downloads
Laura Ştefănescu, Laura Ungureanu and Viorel Matei
8615: Ialamic finance education at graduate level: Current position and challenges Downloads
Zubair Hasan
8614: Conditional Preference for Flexibility: Eliciting Beliefs from Behavior Downloads
Philipp Sadowski
8613: Large-Scale Redevelopment Initiatives and Home Values: The Case of the Atlanta Beltline Project Downloads
Dan Immergluck
8612: Markets with endogenous uncertainty: theory and policy Downloads
Graciela Chichilnisky
8611: Homebuying in New Orleans Before and After Katrina: Patterns by Space, Race and Income Downloads
Dan Immergluck and Yun Sang Lee
8610: Genetic Algorithm Optimisation for Finance and Investments Downloads
Robert Pereira
8609: An axiomatic approach to sustainable development Downloads
Graciela Chichilnisky
8606: Non-linear adjustment in law of one price deviations and physical characteristics of goods Downloads
Martin Berka
8605: Financial developments and the rate of growth of output: An alternative approach Downloads
B. Rao, Artur Tamazian, Rup Singh and Krishna Chaitanya Vadlamannati
8604: An experimental investigation of overdissipation in the all pay auction Downloads
Volodymyr Lugovskyy, Daniela Puzzello and Steven Tucker
8603: Random Matching and Aggregate Uncertainty Downloads
Robert Molzon and Daniela Puzzello
8602: Integration, Kointegration und die Langzeitprognose von Kreditausfallzyklen (Integration, Cointegration and Long-Horizont Forecasting of Credit-Default-Cycles) Downloads
Matthias Wagatha
8601: Comparative study about Crimes against the Person's Downloads
Ehsan Zar Rokh and Mansour Radmanesh
8600: Crimes against property & ownership Downloads
Ehsan Zar Rokh and Mansour Radmanesh
8599: A robust theory of resource allocation Downloads
Graciela Chichilnisky
8596: Liberating Supply: Fiscal Policy and Technological Innovation in a Multicountry Model Downloads
Tamim Bayoumi, David Coe and Douglas Laxton
8594: The Incentive Role of Creating "Cities" in China Downloads
Lixing Li
8585: The effects of population aging on optimal redistributive taxes in an overlapping generations model Downloads
Craig Brett
8584: Two Essays on Self-Tender Offers Downloads
Wesley Gray
8583: الإطار التحليلي لبرامج التصحيح الهيكلي (The theoritical framework of the IMF supported programs) Downloads
Benzarour Choukri
8579: Product Market Competition, Regulation and Dividend Payout Policy of Malaysian Banks Downloads
Rashid Ameer
8577: Foreign Presence, Spillovers, and Productivity: Evidence from Ghana Downloads
Andreas Waldkirch and Andra Ofosu
8576: Causality between Public Expenditure and Economic Growth: The Turkish Case Downloads
Muhlis Bagdigen and Hakan Çetintaş
8575: Estimation of the Incumbency Effects in the US State Legislatures: A Quasi-Experimental Approach Downloads
Yogesh Uppal
8573: Leisure and the Opportunity Cost of Travel Time in Recreation Demand Analysis: A Re-Examination Downloads
Joe Amoako-Tuffour and Roberto Martinez-Espineira
8572: Integration, Kointegration und die Langzeitprognose von Kreditausfallzyklen (Integration, Cointegration and Long-Horizont Forecasting of Credit-Default-Cycles) Downloads
Matthias Wagatha
8569: Formulas for fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory royalty determination Downloads
David J Salant
8567: La sociedad civil, el bienestar social y las transformaciones del Estado en Costa Rica (Civil society, welfare and transformations in the Costa Rican State) Downloads
Sergio Reuben Soto
8565: Essential Interest-Bearing Money (2008) Downloads
David Andolfatto
8564: Is the gamma risk of options insurable? Downloads
Daniel Egli, Peter Blum, Michel Dacorogna and Ulrich A Müller
8563: اتجاهات التنويع الإنتاجي في قطاع الصناعة التحويلية وأثرها على الاقتصاد العراقي (Production Diversification Trends In The Manufacturing Sector And Its Impact On Iraqi Economy) Downloads
falah.K.Ali Alrubaie
8562: The Internet as a business environment in Romania Downloads
Liliana Moga, Florina Oana Virlanuta, Florin Marian Buhociu and George Moga
8558: Demand for health care services in Uganda: Implications for poverty reduction Downloads
Ibrahim Kasirye, Sarah Ssewanyana, Juliet Nabyonga and David Lawson
8557: Vulnerability and Poverty Dynamics in Uganda, 1992-1999 Downloads
Ibrahim Kasirye
8553: Productive government expenditure and fiscal sustainability Downloads
Real Arai
8547: Optimal operational monetary policy rules in an endogenous growth model: a calibrated analysis Downloads
Hiroki Arato
8544: La leva istituzionale dell’autonomia: un freno allo sviluppo locale? Downloads
Andrea Consoli and Salvatore Spagano
8543: Socially-Tolerable Discrimination Downloads
J. Atsu Amegashie
8540: Consumption Externalities and Pigouvian Ranking -- A Generalized Cobb-Douglas Example Downloads
Ron Wendner
8534: Field-of-use restrictions in licensing agreements Downloads
Florian Schuett
8533: Impact du commerce extérieur sur la productivité au sein des secteurs en Tunisie: cas de l’industrie manufacturière (Impact of foreign trade on productivity within sectors in Tunisia: the case of manufacturing industry) Downloads
Hatem Derbel, Rami Abdelkafi and Ali Chkir
8528: Introducing Social Capital Value Add: Manifesto for New Social Network Structural Management of Corporate Value Downloads
Michael Cayley
8519: Communication by Interest Groups and the Organization of Lobbying Downloads
Aggey Semenov and David Martimort
8518: تحليل الهيكل الإنتاجي والعلاقات القطاعية في الاقتصاد العراقي خلال الفترة (1970 -1990) (Analysis The Structure of Production and Sectoral Relationships in Iraqi Economy During the Period (1970 -1990) Downloads
falah.K.Ali Alrubaie
8517: The simple economics of risk-sharing agreements between the NHS and the pharmaceutical industry Downloads
Pedro Barros
8515: The Disadvantaged Incumbents: Estimating Incumbency Effects in Indian State Legislatures Downloads
Yogesh Uppal
8514: Property rights and the dynamics of North-South trade, chapter 8 Downloads
Graciela Chichilnisky
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