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123728: Предмет на осигурителноправния спор в държавното обществено осигуряване (Subject of the social insurance dispute in the state public insurance) Downloads
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123727: Зачитане на осигурителен стаж със заплащане на осигурителни вноски от лицата (анализ на чл. 9а от Кодекса за социално осигуряване) (When payment of insurance contributions by persons is deemed as pensionable service (analysis of Article 9a of the Code of Social Insurance)) Downloads
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123726: Прекратяване на пенсията поради смърт на пенсионера (Termination of pension rights following the decease of the rights holder) Downloads
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123724: International market and domestic fragrant rice markets integration in Pakistan: Evidence from quantile cointegration analysis Downloads
Mark Holmes, Harold Glenn Valera, Valerien Pede and Jean Balié
123722: Защита от дискриминация на работници и служители с намалена работоспособност (Protection from discrimination of disabled workers and employees) Downloads
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123721: Имущество на читалищата (The property of the community culture centres) Downloads
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123720: Coalitional substitution of players and the proportional Shapley value Downloads
Manfred Besner
123719: За някои от промените в Кодекса за социално осигуряване от края на 2009 година (About some of the legislative changes in the Code of Social Insurance from the end of 2009) Downloads
Ивайло Стайков
123716: Stabilization programs in chronic-inflation countries: Evidence from Latin America Downloads
Gabriel Palazzo, Martin Rapetti and Joaquin Waldman
123714: Fundamental elements of the food waste reduction process. The case of agritourism pensions in Romania Downloads
Daniela Antonescu and Ioan Surdu
123711: The impact of accrual accounting on the cost efficiency of municipally controlled enterprises: Evidence from the Japanese municipal sewerage system Downloads
Akinobu Ogawa and Haruo Kondoh
123708: Environmental Challenges, COVID-19, and Economic Dynamics in the American Continent Downloads
Weston Brooks
123705: Irrigation Investments and Agricultural Productivity: Unveiling the Mechanisms and Impacts under Climate Change Downloads
Zhuanlin Wang, Jinxia Wang and Kaixing Huang
123702: The hour of trial for Europe has come (the vision from Russia) Downloads
Sergei Nelozhin
123691: Heкe дилеме у вези са приватизацијом (Some Dilemmas Regarding Privatization) Downloads
Rajko Bukvić
123690: An Analysis of the COVID-19 and rice-based food security in Asia Downloads
Jean Balié, Harold Glenn Valera and Valerien Pede
123684: Marshall Meets Lewis: Efficiency of Sharecropping in the Presence of Surplus Labor Downloads
Shakil Ahmed, Debdulal Mallick and Prabal Roy Chowdhury
123676: What are asset price bubbles? A survey on definitions of financial bubbles Downloads
Michael Heinrich Baumann and Anja Janischewski
Ajoy Limboo and Mondira Karki
123673: Distortionary Taxes and Economic Growth in a Political-Economy Model of a Creative Region Downloads
Amitrajeet Batabyal and Hamid Beladi
123668: Diversification Benefits of U.S. REITs for Private Investors Holding Asian Stocks Downloads
Ying Hsuan Tan and Siok Jin Lim
123667: Metodología de descomposición sectorial para la integración de los flujos de la materia prima secundaria proveniente de Residuos Sólidos Urbanos en la Matriz Insumo-Producto visión Matriz de Contabilidad Social y equilibrio macroeconómico (Sectoral decomposition methodology for integrating the flows of secondary raw materials from Urban Solid Waste into the Input-Output Matrix with a Social Accounting Matrix and macroeconomic equilibrium perspective) Downloads
Carlos Alfredo Uquillas
123666: Residuos sólidos y actividad económica: evaluación sectorial del consumo de materia prima secundaria a través de la aplicación de la matriz insumo producto a la economía ecuatoriana (Solid waste and economic activity: sectoral evaluation of secondary raw material consumption through the application of the input-output matrix to the ecuadorian economy) Downloads
Carlos Alfredo Uquillas
123664: Asymmetric Effects of Oil Price Shocks on Economic Growth and Inflation in Asia: What do We Learn from Empirical Studies? Downloads
Komain Jiranyakul
123659: The short-term effects of gasoline price subsidy removal in Nigeria: an analysis of the economic and social Impacts Downloads
Emmanuel Dele Balogun
123655: Migration, Remittances, and the Financing of Development Downloads
Koffi Yves Yao and Auguste Konan Kouakou
123654: Blockchain-based E-commerce: It’s an Evolution, NOT a Revolution -- Experimental Evidence from Users’ Perspective Downloads
Kuo Chuen Lee, Yang Li, Weibiao Xu and Willy Zhao
123643: High-zinc rice and randomized nutrition training among women farmers: a panel data analysis of long-term adoption in Bangladesh Downloads
Harold Glenn Valera, Ronald Jeremy Antonio, Muhammad Ashraful Habib, Ranjitha Puskur, Valerien Pede and Takashi Yamano
123642: Global Handbook of Rice Policies Downloads
Ronald Jeremy Antonio, Harold Glenn Valera, Alvaro Durant-Morat, Hoa Hoang, Mandiaye Diagne, Fazal Malakhail and Valerien Pede
123641: Rice price inflation dynamics in the Philippines Downloads
Ronald Jeremy Antonio, Harold Glenn Valera, Ashok Mishra, Valerien Pede, Takashi Yamano and Bernardo Oliva Vieira
123639: Future of Rice in Asia: Perspectives and Opportunities, 2050 Downloads
Valerien Pede, Harold Glenn Valera, Ashok Mishra and Jean Balié
123637: Disbalances in inefficient equilibrium states in “vertical” relationships of agents Downloads
Dmytro Sokolovskyi
123632: To Command or to Understand? Planning Concepts and Economic Research in Communist Bulgaria Downloads
Roumen Avramov, Kaloyan Ganev and Stefan Petranov
123631: Trends of international portfolio investment flows in EU member states from Southеast Europe: To where does the money flow? Downloads
Stefan Petranov and Dimitar Zlatinov
123630: Employee age structure and firm innovation Downloads
Pekka Ilmakunnas
123628: Fertilizer Expenditure and Overseas Remittances: Evidence from the Philippines Downloads
Gazi Mainul Hassan, Harold Glenn Valera and Valeriend Pede
123621: Violence and economic development in Mexico: A panel data cointegration approach Downloads
Alexander Cotte Poveda and Clara Inés Pardo Martínez
123620: Analysis of Carbon Markets and Offset Alternatives in Compliance and Voluntary Schemes to Commercialise Colombian Neutral Coal Downloads
Alexander Cotte Poveda and Clara Inés Pardo Martínez
123619: Efficiency and sustainability of the tourism industry in Latin America Downloads
Alexander Cotte Poveda and Clara Inés Pardo Martínez
123616: Développement financier et réduction des inégalités de revenus en Côte d’Ivoire: une approche par la régression quantile (Financial development and reduction of income inequalities in Côte d’Ivoire: a quantile regression approach) Downloads
Thiédjé Gaudens-Omer Kouakou and Angbonon Eugène Kamalan
123612: Healthcare Choices in Assam: Exploring Household Behaviour between Private and Public Hospitals Downloads
Pranjit Paul and Sebak Jana
123607: Impact of Energy Consumption and Agriculture Growth on the Environmental Degradation: Evidence from ASEAN Countries Downloads
Dang Khoa Duong and Quang Thanh Ngo
123606: Factors Affecting Farmers' Decisions to Participate in Agricultural Tourism Activities: A Case Study in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam Downloads
Phi Ho Dinh, Huu Phuoc Vo, Ngoc Duong Pham and Quang Thanh Ngo
123599: Should Bulgaria wait for 90% real convergence before joining the Eurozone? Downloads
Georgy Ganev
123588: Financial literacy theory of financial inclusion Downloads
Peterson Ozili
123587: What's Next After Achieving 100% Level of Financial Inclusion? Downloads
Peterson Ozili
123578: Revisiting Central Bank Independence in the World: An Extended Dataset Downloads
Ana Carolina Garriga
123573: Financial stress and exchange rate volatility in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from new datasets Downloads
Aliyu Rufai, Isaiah Udaah and Afees Salisu
123563: The Effects of Natural Disasters on the Health Sector in Iran Downloads
Ghazal Shahpari
123562: О универзалности принципа економске ефикасности: случај ропства на америчком Југу (About the Universality of Economic Efficiency: The Case of Slavery at the American South) Downloads
Rajko Bukvić
123561: Municipality synthetic Gini index for Colombia: A machine learning approach Downloads
Riveros-Gavilanes John Michael
123557: Numerical Simulation of Economic Inequality Widened by the Persistent Effects of Temporary Rent Income Downloads
Taiji Harashima
123556: The Role of R&D for Climate Change Mitigation in China: a Dynamic General Equilibrium Analysis Downloads
Fan Lin and Danyang Xie
123555: Spatial Analysis and Time Trend Regression of Multifactorial Violence-related Death and its Connection with Public Health in Nigeria Downloads
Oluyemi Okunlola, Oluwaseun A. Otekunrin, Idowu P. Adewumi and Toyin O. Oguntola
123554: Profiting from Perception: The Power of Unproven Allegations in Short Selling Downloads
Abhishek K V and Hrishitva Patel
123553: Commuting and Internet Traffic Congestion Downloads
Marcus Berliant
123550: Exploring the Link Between Economic Growth and GHG Emissions: Insights from BRICS+ and Beyond Downloads
Marina Albanese, Francesco Busato, Claudia Ulloa Severino and Monica Varlese
123546: Impact and Coping Strategies among Vulnerable Groups: An Urban-Rural Resilience Trajectory of the COVID-19 Pandemic Downloads
Rizki Fillaili, Ana Rosidha Tamyis, Sulton Mawardi and Hening Sawiji
123544: A short introduction to ecological economics Downloads
Tone Smith
123542: Diversifying Transport and Transit Routes in Central Asia: Key Insights Downloads
Mohammad Mirwais Rasa and Inamul Haq
123541: “From Each According to Their Ability, to Everyone – Equally:” Free Trade Theory and the Marxist Slogan Have Much in Common Downloads
Victor Spirin
123540: Edible Oil Self-Sufficiency in India: A PCA-VECM Approach Downloads
Dhriti Pipil
123534: From Pandemics to Portfolios: Long-Term Impacts of the 2009 H1N1 Outbreak on Household Investment Choices Downloads
Naijia Guo, Charles Leung and Shumeng Zhang
123533: Strategy for securing employment that considers job filling, separation, and productivity shocks Downloads
Toyoki Matsue
123530: The international spillover effects of US Quality of Political Signals: A Global VAR approach Downloads
Yinka S Hammed, Afees Salisu and Michael Akume
123529: International monetary policy spillovers between Japan and the Rest of the World: A GVAR Framework Downloads
Afees Salisu and Yinka S. Hammed
123528: Transition to inflation targeting monetary policy framework in Nigeria Downloads
Adeyemi Abidemi Sikiru and Afees Salisu
123522: The Effect of Market Information on Market Prices Downloads
Abhimanyu Khan and Sheersh Pradhan
123517: China versus USA: A game-theoretic simulation approach Downloads
Hardy Hanappi
123515: The effects of Basel III on the intermediation and market activities of WAEMU banks Downloads
Thiédjé Gaudens-Omer Kouakou
123506: Does aging matter in the impact of the minimum wage on inflation? Downloads
Aleksandra Majchrowska and Sylwia Roszkowska
123504: Twin Deficits and Fiscal Spillovers in the European Periphery (Candidate Countries to EU Accession): A Keynesian Perspective Downloads
Denis Vîntu
123503: Modelling Euro Area Yield Curves Downloads
Denis Vîntu
123497: IV Estimation of Heterogeneous Spatial Dynamic Panel Models with Interactive Effects Downloads
Jia Chen, Guowei Cui, Vasilis Sarafidis and Takashi Yamagata
123494: Political Trust in Italy: How Environmental, Social, and Governance Factors Shape Confidence in Parties Downloads
Massimo Arnone, Carlo Drago, Alberto Costantiello and Angelo Leogrande
123492: The impacts of covid-19 on maritime sector: the case study of India Downloads
Argyro-Christina Niforou and Theodore Metaxas
123490: Public goods, trust, and tax policy: shaping economic formalization Downloads
Richard Asto, Marco Antonio Ortiz Sosa and Walter Ruelas-Huanca
123489: El impacto del teletrabajo en el bienestar laboral: Evidencia para Alemania (The impact of telework on occupational well-being: Evidence from Germany) Downloads
Marina Dolado
123488: Scientific Production Convergence: An Empirical Analysis Across Nations Downloads
Candelaria Barrios, Esther Flores and M. Ángeles Martínez
123487: Is there convergence in international research collaboration? An exploration at the country level in the basic and applied science fields Downloads
Candelaria Barrios, Esther Flores, M. Angeles Martínez and Marta Ruiz-Martínez
123486: Club convergence in innovation activity across European regions Downloads
Candelaria Barrios and Esther Flores
123481: Why do American CEOs get paid more than their European Counterparts? Downloads
Emre Ozsoz
123480: Икономически анализи на договорите и договорните отношения в аграрната сфера на България (Economic analysis of contracts and contractual relations in the Bulgarian agrarian sector) Downloads
Hrabrin Bachev, Mihaela Mihailova, Dimitar Terziev, Minko Georgiev, Dimitre Nikolov, Nadejda Dimova, Petar Marinov, Rosiza Mikova, Daniela Tzvyatkova, Anton Mitov, Stefan Asenov, Andrey Minchev and Daniel Petrov
123479: Resolving Coordination Frictions in Green Labor Transitions: Minimizing Unemployment, Costs, and Welfare Distortions Downloads
Shisham Adhikari
123478: Grain for Green: Balancing Ecological Protection and Food Security under Climate Change Downloads
Xiaoxue Zong, Kaixing Huang and Xi Ji
123477: Impacts of Algorithm-Powered Short Videos on Employment and Mental Health Downloads
Yuxi Liao and Kaixing Huang
123476: COVID-19 Pandemic and Stock Market Linkages in Southern African Customs Union Downloads
Kalu O. Emenike
123474: Weed detection in a Rice Crop through Image Processing and Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks Downloads
Tojonirina Ranaivoson, Hantanirina Rosiane Rasamimanana, Andriniaina Narindra Rasoanaivo, Omer Andrianarimanana, Alfred Andriamamonjy and Dieudonné Razafimahatratra
123472: Claudio Napoleoni e la critica del presente (Claudio Napoleoni and the Critique of the Present) Downloads
Nicolo' Bellanca
123469: Do Rice Prices Follow a Random Walk? Evidence from Markov Switching Unit Root Tests for Asian Markets Downloads
Jim Lee and Harold Glenn Valera
123468: Price Transmission and Volatility Spillovers in Asian Rice Markets: Evidence from a Panel GARCH Model Downloads
Jim Lee and Harold Glenn Valera
123467: Coûts de la Covid-19, Tropicalisation de modèle épidémiologique et Arbitrage santé-économie en Afrique (Costs of Covid-19, Tropicalization of the epidemiological model and Health-economic trade-off in Africa) Downloads
Thiédjé Gaudens-Omer Kouakou
123464: Proximité spatiale, mimétisme et développement entrepreneurial endogène en Afrique: un modèle théorique (Spatial proximity, mimicry and endogenous entrepreneurial development in Africa: a theoretical model) Downloads
Thiédjé Gaudens-Omer Kouakou
123463: The Evolution of Italy's Wholesale and Retail Trade Sector: Economic Trends and Policy Implications (2014-2023) Downloads
Angelo Leogrande
123459: The disbalances concept as an alternative to the market failure concept for the outline market inability Downloads
Dmytro Sokolovskyi
123458: Does gender dynamics in intra-household decision making shift with male migration? Evidence from rice-farming households in Eastern India Downloads
Rohini Ram Mohan, Ranjitha Puskur, Chandrasekar D. and Harold Glenn Valera
123457: Effects of Tax Shocks on Inequality: Empirical Evidence from the United Kingdom Downloads
Michalitsa Gkolfinopoulou and Angeliki Theophilopoulou
123455: Shades of inflation targeting: insights from fractional integration Downloads
Marek A. Dąbrowski, Jakub Janus and Krystian Mucha
123454: Beyond Borders: Unravelling the Business Landscape of India and China from 2019 to 2023 Downloads
Dhasarathan M, Ajmer Singh and Biswajit Sen
123451: The disbalances concept as an alternative to the market failure concept for the outline market inability Downloads
Dmytro Sokolovskyi
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