MPRA Paper
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- 21263: Temporal changes in the parameters of statistical distribution of journal impact factor

- Sudhanshu Mishra
- 21260: Technology adoption and club convergence

- Stilianos Alexiadis and Judith Tomkins
- 21255: Sistemul informational al costurilor si rolul sau in managementul unitatilor silvice

- Cristina Tenovici and Denisa Elena Parpandel
- 21254: Is flood insurance feasible? experiences from the People's Republic of China

- George Walker, Tun Lin and Yoshiaki Kobayashi
- 21252: Environmental Kuznets Curves in the People’s Republic of China: turning points and regional differences

- Yi Jiang, Tun Lin and Juzhong Zhuang
- 21251: The joint effect of human capital and income inequalities on HIV/AIDS prevalence: An exploratory investigation

- Samuel Annim and Isaac Dasmani
- 21248: Earthquake Risk and Earthquake Catastrophe Insurance for the People's Republic of China

- Zifa Wang, Tun Lin and George Walker
- 21247: Measuring the Common Component of Stock Market Fluctuations in the Asia-Pacific Region

- Dennis Mapa and Kristine Joy S. Briones
- 21246: Measuring market risk using extreme value theory

- Dennis Mapa and Oliver Q. Suaiso
- 21245: Population Dynamics and Household Saving: Evidence from the Philippines

- Dennis Mapa and Lisa Grace S Bersales
- 21235: Data Mining Applications in Higher Education and Academic Intelligence Management

- Vasile Bresfelean
- 21234: Krise der Universitäten in Europa – was nun? (Crisis of the Universities in Europe – what next?)

- Arno Tausch
- 21226: Stochastic simulation as a validation tool for econometric models

- Giorgio Calzolari and Paolo Corsi
- 21224: Islamic finance: what does it change, what it does not - the structure - objectives mismatch and its consequences

- Zubair Hasan
- 21223: Range-Based Models in Estimating Value-at-Risk (VaR)

- Dennis Mapa and Nikkin Beronilla
- 21222: Economic Convergence between Macedonia and European Monetary Union Member States. The Five Maastricht Criteria

- Bardhyl Dauti and Herzog Bodo
- 21216: Considering the Harmonic Sequence "Paradox"

- Robert Vivian
- 21215: Regime-dependent effects of monetary policy shocks. Evidence from threshold vector autoregressions

- Martin Mandler
- 21214: Trade costs, Openness and Productivity: Market Access at Home and Abroad

- Arjan Lejour, Hugo Rojas Romasgosa, Victor Rodriguez, Carvos Montalvo and Frans Van der Zee
- 21211: Standortoptionen multinationaler Unternehmen: Eine steuerliche Betrachtung (Location options of multinational enterprises: A fiscal examination)

- Bernard Gilroy and Elmar Lukas
- 21209: Uncertainty and Currency Crises: Evidence from Survey Data

- Alessandro Prati and Massimo Sbracia
- 21206: Die EU-Richtlinie für Genpatente - eine Rechtsvorschrift aus Sicht der Volkswirtschaftslehre (The EU guideline for genetic patents - A statutory provision from the macroeconomic perspective)

- Bernard Gilroy and Tobias Vollpert
- 21205: Strategische Handels- und Industriepolitik im internationalen Wettbewerb (Strategic trade and industry policy in the context of international competition)

- Bernard Gilroy and Tobias Vollpert
- 21202: Teacher Salaries and Teacher Unions: A Spatial Econometric Approach

- John Winters
- 21201: A Survey on Labor Markets Imperfections in Mexico Using a Stochastic Frontier

- Juan M. Villa
- 21200: Sowing and sewing growth: The political economy of rice and garments in Cambodia

- Sophal Ear
- 21196: Desigualdade salarial e educacao na Lima Metropolitana 1970-1984 (Wage inequality and education in Metropolitan Lima 1970-1984)

- Jose Rodriguez
- 21195: The Size and Composition of Government Spending in Europe and Its Impact on Well-Being

- Zohal Hessami
- 21194: Strengthening the resilience of the banking sector: Proposals to strengthen global capital and liquidity regulations

- Marianne Ojo
- 21185: Primary completion rates across socio-religious communities in West Bengal

- Zakir Husain and Amrita Chatterjee
- 21184: Analysing demand for primary education: Slum dwellers of Kolkata

- Zakir Husain
- 21182: Le politiche salariali in una Unione Europea. Un'applicazione al caso italiano (Wage policies in a Monetary Union. An Application to the case of Italy)

- Francesco Pastore
- 21181: The Economy of Surveillance

- Kenneth Lipartito
- 21175: Finance-dominated capitalism in crisis – the case for a Global Keynesian New Deal

- Eckhard Hein and Achim Truger
- 21173: ECONOMIC Potential of Renewable Energy in Vietnam's Power Sector

- Thanh Nhan Nguyen and Minh Ha-Duong
- 21171: Comparative performance of UK mutual building societies and stock retail banks: further evidence: a comment

- Bernardo Batiz-Lazo and Mark Billings
- 21170: Productivité et R&D au Luxembourg (Productivity and R&D in Luxembourg)

- Dominique Bianco and Evens Salies
- 21167: R-estimation for ARMA models

- Jelloul Allal, Abdelali Kaaouachi and Davy Paindaveine
- 21166: Selecting a sequence of last successes in independent trials

- F. Thomas Bruss and Davy Paindaveine
- 21165: Efficiency of public and publicly-subsidised high schools in Spain. Evidence from PISA 2006

- María Jesús Mancebón-Torrubia, Jorge Calero, Álvaro Choi and Domingo Ximénez-de-Embún
- 21164: Spanish publicly-subsidised private schools and equality of school choice

- María Jesús Mancebón-Torrubia and Domingo Ximénez-de-Embún
- 21154: Markov-switching Asset Allocation: Do Profitable Strategies Exist?

- Jan Bulla, Sascha Mergner, Ingo Bulla, André Sesboüé and Christophe Chesneau
- 21151: Fertility. Abortion. Contraception. Demographic situation in Russia in 1994-2003

- Mikhail Dmitriev
- 21150: Structural Analysis of Fertility in Russia

- Mikhail Dmitriev
- 21149: Confidence of Agents and Market Frictions

- Mikhail Dmitriev
- 21147: Les transferts de competences vus depuis la Roumanie (Competence Transfers in Romanian View)

- Ani Matei
- 21146: European gas regulation: a change of focus

- Aldo Spanjer
- 21144: A Social Europe: Political Utopia or Efficient Economics? An assessment from a public economic approach

- Henk Nijboer
- 21142: The effects of the enforcement strategy

- Guido Suurmond
- 21141: Studying time use variations in 18 countries applying a life course perspective

- Maroesjka Versantvoort
- 21139: Pension systems in the European Union: Variable patterns of influence in Italy, the Netherlands and Belgium

- Karen M. Anderson and Michael Keading
- 21137: Technology adoption and club convergence

- Stilianos Alexiadis and Judith Tomkins
- 21135: Tax reform for the 21st century

- Jeffrey Owens and Edward Whitehouse
- 21134: Profts and principles: Four perspectives

- Johan Graafland
- 21132: Wildlife Conservation

- Clive Spash and Jonathan Aldred
- 21131: Comprehensive Agricultural Development: Opportunities from the current economic crisis

- Tun Lin
- 21127: A general equilibrium analysis of the impact of climate change on agriculture in the People's Republic of China

- Fan Zhai, Tun Lin and Enerelt Byambadorj
- 21125: Risk-Premia, Carry-Trade Dynamics, and Economic Value of Currency Speculation

- Christian Wagner
- 21124: VAR forecasting using Bayesian variable selection

- Dimitris Korobilis
- 21122: Forecasting in vector autoregressions with many predictors

- Dimitris Korobilis
- 21121: Resale price maintenance: Explaining the controversy, and small steps towards a more nuanced policy

- Matthew Bennett, Amelia Fletcher, Emanuele Giovannetti and David Stallibrass
- 21118: Sovereign Credit Ratings, Transparency and International Portfolio Flows

- Amar Gande and David Parsley
- 21117: Understanding Real Exchange Rate Movements with Trade in Intermediate Products

- David Parsley and Helen Popper
- 21116: The Quality of Accounting Information in Politically Connected Firms

- Paul Chaney, Mara Faccio and David Parsley
- 21115: Exchange Rate Pass-through in South Africa: Panel Evidence from Individual Goods and Services

- David Parsley
- 21114: Corporate Lobbying and Financial Performance

- Hui Chen, David Parsley and Ya-wen Yang
- 21113: Predicting the Geography of House Prices

- Bernard Fingleton
- 21109: Microcredit in advanced economies as a "third way”: a theoretical reflection

- Rosaria Rita Canale
- 21107: Green benches: What can the People's Republic of China learn from environment courts of other countries?

- Tun Lin, Canfa Wang, Yi Chen, Trisa Camacho and Fen Lin
- 21106: Estimating a Monetary Policy Rule for India

- Michael Hutchison, Rajeswari Sengupta and Nirvikar Singh
- 21105: Frequency of contact with foreigners in a homogenous society: perceived consequences of foreigner increases in Japan

- Eiji Yamamura
- 21104: The financial crisis: an inside view

- Phillip Swagel
- 21103: An adaptation of Pissarides (1990) by using random job destruction rate

- Huiming Wang
- 21102: Infant Mortality Situation in Bangladesh in 2007: A District Level Analysis

- Mazbahul Ahamad, Kaniz Tasnima, Nafisa Khaled, Subir Bairagi and Uttam Deb
- 21101: Religious affiliation and economic development: a recent literature review

- Anca Olimid
- 21098: Pure Profit for Russia: Benefits of Responsible Finance

- Ivetta Gerasimchuk, Kamila Ilyumzhinova, Alistair Schorn, Georg Kraft, Kevin Smith, Juergen Lottmann, Mark Eckstein, Ekaterina Khmeleva, Renat Perelet and Evgeny Shvarts
- 21097: Choices About Competition: Differences by gender and hormonal fluctuations, and the role of relative performance feedback

- David Wozniak
- 21088: Дивиденды признаны расходами (Dividends are Declared to be Expences)

- Elmira Erzinkian
- 21087: Higher-order volatility: time series

- Alexander Carey
- 21086: Zukunftsperspektiven betriebswirtschaftlicher Forschung im Bereich der Internetökonomie (Future perspectives of economic research in the context of internet economics)

- Bernard Gilroy and Tobias Vollpert
- 21083: Schweizerische Pflichtlagerhaltung und ihre Finanzierung (Swiss obligatory stockpiling and its financing)

- Bernard Gilroy
- 21082: Tax Competition in the European Union – Evidence from Panel Data

- Eugenia Mara
- 21081: Marktverhalten bei Qualitätsunsicherheit (Market behavior under capital uncertainty)

- Bernard Gilroy and Udo Broll
- 21080: Die Schweiz im Spannungsfeld der Welthandels- und Strukturanpassungsprobleme (Switzerland in the area of conflict of world trade and structural adjustment problems)

- Bernard Gilroy
- 21079: Beschäftigungswirkungen multinationaler Unternehmungen (Employment effects of multinational enterprises)

- Bernard Gilroy
- 21077: From Phillips curve to wage curve

- Johan Graafland
- 21076: Taxes and benefits in a non-linear wage equation

- Johan Graafland and F.H. Huizinga
- 21074: Forward dynamic utilities: a new model and new results

- Alghalith Moawia
- 21073: Principalele dificultati in diminuarea violentei in organizatiile scolare din România (The Main Difficulties in the Decrease of Violence in Romanian School Organizations)

- Lia Bologa
- 21072: An analysis of the Graduate Labour Market in Finland: the impact of Spatial Agglomeration and Skill-Job Mismatches

- Davide Consoli, Francesco Vona and Toni Saarivirta
- 21071: Measuring Monetary Policy in Open Economies

- Diego Cerdeiro
- 21070: A Note on the Observed Downward Bias in Real-Time Estimates of Payroll Jobs Growth in Early Expansions

- John Kitchen
- 21069: A Note on Interest Rates and Structural Federal Budget Deficits

- John Kitchen
- 21068: Real-Time Forecasting in Practice: The U.S. Treasury Staff's Real-Time GDP Forecast System

- John Kitchen and Ralph Monaco
- 21065: Business cycle synchronicity, amplitude and the euro: one size does not yet fit all

- Sébastien Wälti
- 21064: The flexibility penalty in a long-term perspective

- Tindara Addabbo and Donata Favaro
- 21062: Is it really different? Patterns of regionalization in the post-Soviet Central Asia

- Alexander Libman and Evgeny Vinokurov
- 21059: Has the non-oil sector decoupled from oil sector? A case study of Gulf Cooperation Council Countries

- Syed Abul Basher
- 21058: Information Technology and the Rise of Household Bankruptcy

- Borghan N. Narajabad
- 21056: Dynamic inter-relationship between trade, economic growth and tourism in Malaysia

- Tamat Sarmidi and Norlida H Salleh
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