MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 47621: Industry structure and employment growth: evidence from semiparametric geoadditive models

- Roberto Basile, Cristiana Donati and Rosanna Pittiglio
- 47615: Medidas de concentración y estabilidad de mercado. Una aplicación para Excel (Market concentration and market stability measures. An application for Excel)

- Jenny Lis-Gutiérrez
- 47614: Restructuring the Banking System to Improve Safety and Soundness

- Charles Morris and Thomas Hoenig
- 47613: Economic System Failures: the U.S. case

- Kees De Koning
- 47612: Optimal labor-income tax volatility with credit frictions

- Salem Abo-Zaid
- 47610: Endogenous Timing of Moves in Bertrand-Edgeworth Triopolies

- Attila Tasnádi
- 47596: Farmland loss, nonfarm diversification and inequality: A micro-econometric analysis of household surveys in Vietnam

- Tuyen Tran and Huong Vu
- 47591: Solving Optimal Timing Problems Elegantly

- Tamara Todorova
- 47589: Endogenous Vehicle-Type Choices in a Monocentric City

- Jinwon Kim
- 47588: Willingness to Pay for Organic Foods: A Comparison between Survey Data and Panel Data from Denmark

- Katrin Millock and Lars Gårn Hansen
- 47587: All-Pay Auctions with Polynomial Rewards

- Olivier Bos and Martin Ranger
- 47586: Financial Repression and Housing Investment: An Analysis of the Korean Chonsei

- Jinwon Kim
- 47583: Measuring the sources of economic growth in the EU with parametric and non-parametric methods

- Olegs Krasnopjorovs
- 47581: Latvijas valdības izdevumu efektivitātes novērtējums (Measuring of public spending efficiency in Latvia)

- Olegs Krasnopjorovs
- 47580: Privātā un sabiedriskā kapitāla nozīme Latvijas ekonomikas izaugsmē (Contribution of private and public capital to economic growth in Latvia)

- Olegs Krasnopjorovs
- 47579: Civil war, sexual violence and HIV infections: Evidence from the Democratic Republic of the Congo

- Isaac Kanyama
- 47578: The debt trap: a two-compartment train wreck

- Marc Artzrouni and Fabio Tramontana
- 47577: The new Brazilian Cheques Act of 1985 and the Geneva Uniform Law on Cheques

- Gregor Heinrich
- 47575: A new look at the effect of the determinants of government institutions: A cross-sectional analysis

- Isaac Kanyama
- 47574: Overnight Index Rate: Model, Calibration, and Simulation

- Yuriy Yashkir and Olga Yashkir
- 47572: Does Uncovered Interest rate Parity Hold After All?

- Muhammad Omer, Jakob de Haan and Bert Scholtens
- 47570: From state to market revisited: more empirical evidence on the efficiency of public (and privately-owned) enterprises

- Holger Mühlenkamp
- 47564: Bulgaria - Country Study on International Skilled Migration

- Iskra Beleva and Mariana Kotzeva
- 47559: A non-zero dispersion leads to the non-zero bias of mean

- Alexander Harin
- 47557: دور المشروعات الصغیرة والمتوسطة فى التنمیة الصناعیة لمصر (The role of small and medium-sized enterprises in the industrial development of Egypt)

- Hussein Elasrag
- 47555: Оценка производственной функции в условиях неопределённости динамики физического капитала (Assessing the production function under the uncertainty of dynamics of the fixed capital)

- Олег Краснопёров
- 47551: Почему бедные страны развиваются быстрее: оценка процесса бета-конвергенции в Европейском Союзе (Why the poor countries are developing faster: measuring the beta-convergence process in the European Union)

- Олег Краснопёров
- 47550: Latvijas ekonomikas izaugsmi noteicošie faktori (Factors of Economic Growth in Latvia)

- Olegs Krasnopjorovs
- 47549: On the Welfare Cost of Inflation: The Case of Pakistan

- Siffat Mushtaq, Abdul Rashid and Abdul Qayyum
- 47548: Cyclical Dynamics in Idiosyncratic Labor-Market Risks: Evidence From March CPS 1968-2011

- Bo Zhao
- 47547: On the modeling of exchange rate: some evidence from Pakistan

- Abdul Rashid and Fazal Husain
- 47540: Creating Markets out of Nothing:The Case of the Continuing Education System in Greece

- Yiorgos Ioannidis
- 47537: Environmental Regulation through Voluntary Agreements

- Lars Gårn Hansen
- 47536: Optimalité en zone euro et réactivité migratoire en période de crise: un cas limite, l'Irlande (Optimality in Euro Zone and Migratory Reactivity during an Economic Crisis: Ireland, a Borderline Case)

- Anne-Yvonne Landais and Bernard Landais
- 47534: Місце контроллінгу в системі наукового знання (The place of controlling in the system of scientific knowledge)

- Irina Filippova and Victor Sumcov
- 47533: Трудовий потенціал в контексті відчуження функцій (Labour potential in the context of alienation)

- Irina Filippova
- 47532: Институциональная матрица: отказ от экономического детерминизма (Institutional matrix: refusal of econoic determinism)

- Irina Filippova
- 47523: Деякі аспекти аналізу розподіленої системи прийняття рішень (Some aspects of the analysis of distributed decision-making system)

- Irina Filippova
- 47522: Employee engagement of managerial staff in hospitals - An Indian pilot study

- Swaminathan J and Aramvalarthan S
- 47521: Parental influence on female vocational decisions in the Arabian Gulf

- Emilie Rutledge, Mohamed Madi and Ingo Forstenlechner
- 47519: Research, Research Gap and the Research Problem

- D.M.N.S.W. Dissanayake
- 47518: Financial Instability, Uncertainty and Banks’ Lending Behaviour

- Vighneswara Swamy and Sreejesh S
- 47517: Impact of Macroeconomic and Endogenous Factors on Non-Performing Bank Assets

- Vighneswara Swamy
- 47516: Financial Intermediaries and Economic Development – A Study of Transaction Costs of Borrowing for the Poor

- Vighneswara Swamy and Tulasimala B.k
- 47515: Financial Holding Company Structure for India

- Vighneswara Swamy
- 47514: Fair Value Accounting in Banking – Issues in Convergence to IFRS

- Vighneswara Swamy and Vijayalakshmi S
- 47513: Determinants of Bank Asset Quality and Profitability - An Empirical Assessment

- Vighneswara Swamy
- 47512: Banking System Resilience and Financial Stability

- Vighneswara Swamy
- 47510: Bank-based Financial Intermediation for Financial Inclusion and Inclusive Growth

- Vighneswara Swamy
- 47508: Good Firms, Worker Flows and Productivity

- Michel Serafinelli

- Irina Filippova
- 47501: ІНФЛЯЦІЯ І ПЕРЕРОЗПОДІЛ ДОХОДУ В УКРАЇНІ (Inflation and distribution of income in Ukraine)

- Irina Filippova and Victor Sumcov
- 47500: ДЕОНТОЛОГІЯ СОЦІАЛЬНОЇ ВІДПОВІДАЛЬНОСТІ І МЕХАНІЗМ СОЦІАЛЬНОГО КОНТРОЛЮ (Deontology of social responsibility and a mechanism of social control)

- Irina Filippova and Victor Sumcov
- 47499: Институциональные факторы государственной регуляторной эффективности (Institutional factors of state regulatory efficiency)

- Irina Filippova and Harry Balakhnin
- 47498: ОЦІНКА ПОТЕНЦІАЛУ СИСТЕМ З АКТИВНИМИ ЕЛЕМЕНТАМИ: УПРАВЛІНСЬКИЙ АСПЕКТ (Estimating potential of systems with active elements: managerial aspect)

- Irina Filippova and Victor Sumcov
- 47497: ФУНКЦІЯ УПРАВЛІННЯ ЧАСОМ КЕРІВНИКА В РОЗПОДІЛЕНІЙ СИСТЕМІ ПРИЙНЯТТЯ РІШЕНЬ (Time-management function in the distributed decision-making system)

- Irina Filippova and Victor Sumcov
- 47496: A cross-country analysis of electricity market reforms: Potential contribution of New Institutional Economics

- Erkan Erdoğdu
- 47491: «ПОРОЧНЕ КОЛО» ІНФЛЯЦІЙНИХ ПРОЦЕСІВ В УКРАЇНІ («Vicious circle» of inflationary processes in Ukraine)

- Ірина Филиппова
- 47490: КОНЦЕПЦІЯ ОЦІНКИ СОЦІАЛЬНОЇ ВІДПОВІДАЛЬНОСТІ БІЗНЕСУ (Conception of evaluation of the business’s social responsibility)

- Ірина Филиппова and Віктор Сумцов
- 47487: Homer: A Forerunner of Neoclassical Economics

- Carlos Posada
- 47485: On bootstrap validity for specification tests with weak instruments

- Firmin Doko Tchatoka
- 47483: Bank Behavior in Oligopoly, Bank- Clients and Monetary Policy

- Eleni Dala, Christos Karpetis and Erotokritos Varelas
- 47481: On the Determinants of Exchange Rate Misalignments

- Jamel Saadaoui, Jacques Mazier and Nabil Aflouk
- 47479: Real Effective Exchange Rate and Manufacturing Sector Performance: Evidence from Indian firms

- Anubha Dhasmana
- 47475: Dealing with the Endogeneity Problem in Data Envelopment Analysis

- José Manuel Cordero, Daniel Santín and Gabriela Sicilia
- 47467: How, Why and in What Sectors Employment Informality Decreased in Argentina from 2003 to 2012

- Fabio Bertranou, Luis Casanova and Marianela Sarabia
- 47466: On Aumann and Serrano's Economic Index of Risk

- Minqiang Li
- 47465: Closed-Form Approximation of Timer Option Prices under General Stochastic Volatility Models

- Minqiang Li and Fabio Mercurio
- 47463: Noncommercial Trading in the Energy Futures Market

- Charles Dale and John Zyren
- 47455: Fragmentation in Production, Vertical Integration and Wage Inequality: A Theoretical Note

- Gouranga Das
- 47454: A new governance for EMU and the economic policy framework

- Daniele Schiliro'
- 47453: Financing human capital development via government debt: a small country case using overlapping generations framework

- Peter Josef Stauvermann and Ronald Kumar
- 47448: Electricity consumption-GDP nexus: A structural time series analysis

- Muhammad Javid and Abdul Qayyum
- 47447: Economics of Energy Futures Markets

- Charles Dale
- 47445: The concept of orders of instruments and goods in J. Rae and C. Menger

- Stavros Drakopoulos
- 47444: El seguro de depósito dentro de la red de seguridad financiera (Deposit insurance within the financial safety-net)

- Gregor Heinrich
- 47443: Electronic Commerce and Electronic Money - Co-operative efforts undertaken at the Bank for International Settlements (BIS)

- Gregor Heinrich
- 47442: Market Valuation and Risk Assessment of Indian Banks using Black -Scholes -Merton Model

- Pankaj Sinha, Sakshi Sharma and Kriti Sondhi
- 47440: Developing a multi-dimensional environmental vulnerability (MEV) indicator for Mongolia

- P B Anand
- 47439: Right to information and local government: an exploration

- P B Anand
- 47438: Capability, sustainability, and collective action: an examination of a river water dispute

- P B Anand
- 47437: Right to water and access to water

- P B Anand
- 47436: Spatial Econometric Analysis Of Urban Expansion According To Residential Density Profile In The District Of Tunis

- Mohamed Ayadi and Foued Ben Said
- 47432: Tax-paying for Fun and Profit

- Robert Kunstadt and Ilaria Maggioni
- 47430: Assessment of Institutional Quality in Resource-Rich Caspian Basin Countries

- Ingilab Ahmadov, Jeyhun Mammadov and Kenan Aslanli
- 47429: CPSS Core Principles for Payment Systems

- Gregor Heinrich
- 47424: Did Credit Decouple from Output in the Great Moderation?

- Maria Grydaki and Dirk Bezemer
- 47422: Los retos del nuevo Acuerdo de Capital para los países en desarrollo y la función del BIS (The new capital accord: Challenges for deleveloping countries, and the role of the BIS)

- Gregorio Heinrich
- 47420: Operational risk, payments, payment systems, and implementation of Basel II in Latin America: recent developments

- Gregor Heinrich
- 47419: International Initiatives towards legal harmonisation in the field of Funds transfers, payments and payment systems - Annotated Bibliography

- Gregor Heinrich
- 47418: Sustainable Agriculture: Potential and Strategies for Development

- K.M. Singh
- 47416: Central banking in a regional economic setting: Possible contributions to integration

- Gregor Heinrich
- 47415: A Study of Organized Milk Marketing in Bihar

- K.M. Singh and R.K.P. Singh
- 47414: Does it Matter Which Citation Tool is Used to Compare the H-Index of a Group of Highly Cited Researchers?

- Hadi Farhadi, Hadi Salehi, Melor Md Yunus, Aghaei Chadegani Arezoo, Maryam Farhadi, Masood Fooladi and Nader Ale Ebrahim
- 47412: Price Discovery and Volatility Spillovers in Indian Spot-Futures Commodity Market

- Srinivasan P
- 47410: What are the causes of the growing trend of excess savings of the corporate sector in developed countries? An empirical analysis of three hypotheses

- Rodrigo Pérez Artica, Leandro Brufman and Lisana Martinez
- 47409: To Root or Not to Root? The Economics of Jailbreak

- Tin Cheuk Leung, Travis Ng, Chun-Yu Ho and Hong Chao
- 47407: Unethical dilemmas in derivatives practice

- Tahsen Alqatawni
- 47404: An extension of the Sard-Smale Theorem to domains with an empty interior

- Elvio Accinelli and Enrique Covarrubias
- 47401: Basilea III y la relevancia para la banca de desarrollo en América Latina (Basel III and the relevance for development banks in Latin America)

- Gregor Heinrich
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