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63564: Information money fields of cyclic oscillations in nonlinear dynamic economic system Downloads
Dimitri Ledenyov and Viktor Ledenyov
63563: The impact of the global financial crisis on border-crossing mergers and acquisitions: A continental/industry analysis Downloads
Srinivasa Reddy Kotapati
63562: Macroeconomic Change, and Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions: The Indian Experience, 1991-2010 Downloads
Srinivasa Reddy Kotapati
63561: Revisiting and Reinforcing the Farmers Fox Theory: A Study (Test) of Three Cases in Cross-border Inbound Acquisitions Downloads
Srinivasa Reddy Kotapati
63558: The effects of internal and external imbalances on Romanian’s economic growth Downloads
Soukiazis Soukiazis, Micaela Antunes and Andreea Stoian
63556: Oil supply and demand shocks and stock price: Evidence for some OECD countries Downloads
Abderrazak Dhaoui and Youssef Saidi
63555: Gender-based Segregation before and after the Great Recession Downloads
Stephan Humpert
63551: In Defense of Trusts: R&D Cooperation in Global Perspective Downloads
Jeroen Hinloopen, Grega Smrkolj and Florian Wagener
63549: Nominal Exchange Rates and Net Foreign Assets' Dynamics: the Stabilization Role of Valuation Effects Downloads
Sara Eugeni
63547: Labor Health Shortage and Future Prospects for the Medical Workforce in Morocco Downloads
Nada Zouag, Ahmed Driouchi and Amale Achehboune
63546: A Small Model for Output Gap and Potential Growth Estimation. An Application to Bulgaria Downloads
Kaloyan Ganev
63542: Knowledge Spillovers, Absorptive Capacity and Growth: An Industry-level Analysis for OECD Countries Downloads
Ioannis Bournakis, Dimitris Christopoulos and Sushanta Mallick
63539: The Study of Public Debt. Which Are the Distinctions between the Emerging and Advanced Economies in the European Union? Downloads
Andreea Stoian and Filip Iorgulescu
63538: Invariance of the distribution of the maximum Downloads
Mogens Fosgerau, Per Olov Lindberg, Lars-Göran Mattsson and Jörgen Weibull
63537: A new framework for detecting the short term fiscal vulnerability for the European Union countries Downloads
Andreea Stoian, Laura Obreja Brasoveanu, Bogdan Dumitrescu and Iulian Brasoveanu
63533: A Long Way to Go: The Hungarian science and technology policy in transition Downloads
Attila Havas
63532: The Impact of Working while Enrolled in College on Wages Downloads
Owen Wade Nelson Wade Nelson
63531: От социального либерализма - к философии сотрудничества (From social liberalism towards the philosophy of collaboration) Downloads
Victor Polterovich
63529: Invariance of the distribution of the maximum Downloads
Mogens Fosgerau, Per Olov Lindberg, Lars-Göran Mattsson and Jörgen Weibull
63528: Explaining the Smile in Currency Options: Is it Anchoring? Downloads
Hammad Siddiqi
63527: Modeling inflation dynamics in a conflict economy Downloads
Ibrahim Onour
63523: Estimating nutrition-income elasticities in sub-Saharan African:Implication on health Downloads
Kolawole Ogundari, Shoichi Ito and Victor Okoruwa
63520: Working memory and spatial judgments: Cognitive load increases the central tendency bias Downloads
Allred Sarah R., Crawford L. Elizabeth, Duffy Sean and John Smith
63519: Fed Policy Expectations and Portfolio Flows to Emerging Markets Downloads
Robin Koepke
63518: Significance of globalization-specific factors for SME competitiveness: a conceptual model and an empirical test Downloads
Zhelyu Vladimirov, Ralitsa Simeonova-Ganeva and Kaloyan Ganev
63517: Ölkə iqtisadiyyatı üzrə göstəricilərin modelləşdirilməsi və proqnozlaşdırılması: problemlər və praktiki çətinliklər (Modeling and forecasting of macroeconomic variables of the national economy: problems and practical issues) Downloads
Mehdi Mehdiyev, Vugar Ahmadov, Salman Huseynov and Fuad Mammadov
63516: Wealth, incomes and debt: the blocked channels Downloads
Kees De Koning
63515: Beating a Random Walk: “Hard Times” for Forecasting Inflation in Post-Oil Boom Years? Downloads
Salman Huseynov, Vugar Ahmadov and Shaig Adigozalov
63513: International Human Resource Management: A Review from Pakistani Perspective Downloads
Syed Tanveer Hussain Shah, Raja Ahmed Jamil, Tazeem Ali Shah and Zain Kazmi
63512: Imports contents, value added generation and structural change in morocco: input output analysis Downloads
Elhadj Ezzahid and Abdellatif Chatri
63507: Export specialisation and regional growth, in Romania Downloads
Daniela Antonescu
63504: Equilibrium commuting Downloads
Marcus Berliant and Takatoshi Tabuchi
63502: Does Monetary Policy Matter For Trade? Downloads
Terence Tai Leung Chong and Kin Ming Wong
63500: International R&D Spillovers and other Unobserved Common Spillovers and Shocks Downloads
Diego Ivan Ruge Leiva
63499: What Should Central Banks Target? Evidence on the Impact of Monetary Policy Regimes on Economic Growth Downloads
Terence Tai Leung Chong and Kin Ming Wong
63496: Progress in utilization of antenatal and delivery care services in Bangladesh: Where does the equity gap lie? Downloads
Mohammad Habibullah Pulok, Md Nasim-Us Sabah Sabah, Jalal Uddin and Ulrika Enemark
63492: Consommation d’énergie électrique et performance économique dans la zone SADC: une analyse empirique (Electricity consumption and economic performance in the SADC region: an empirical analysis) Downloads
Patrick Masudi
63488: Action du pouvoir public, IDE, Contrôle de la corruption et Croissance économique dans la région MENA (Action of public power, FDI, Control of Corruption and Economic Growth in MENA region) Downloads
Abderraouf Mtiraoui
63486: Empire-building and Price Competition Downloads
Antoine Pietri, Tarik Tazdaït and Mehrdad Vahabi
63483: From the Phased Manufacturing Programme to Frugal Engineering: Some Initial Propositions Downloads
Nasir Tyabji
63479: Determinants of Inflation in Tunisia Using Structural Modeling Downloads
Mhamdi Ghrissi
63478: stability of money demand function in Tunisia Downloads
Mhamdi Ghrissi
63477: Indicators of core inflation: Case of Tunisia Downloads
Mhamdi Ghrissi
63476: Effect of Financial Liberalization on the Probability of Occurrence of Banking Crises Downloads
Mhamdi Ghrissi
63475: Comment on "Multinational Firms and Backward Linkages" by Ping Lin and Kamal Saggi Downloads
Michael Keane
63473: Информационные технологии в оптимизационном моделировании экономических процессов (Information technology in the optimization modeling of economic processes) Downloads
Natalya Meshcherjakova
63472: Проектирование баз данных и нормализация данных, основанных на реляционной модели (Database design and normalization of data based on the relational model) Downloads
Natalya Meshcherjakova
63471: Использование информационных технологий в построении балансовых экономических моделей экономистов (Use of information technology in the construction of the balance of economic models Economists) Downloads
Natalya Meshcherjakova
63470: Функциональная задача как средство развития информационной компетентности будущих экономистов (Functional task as a means of development of information competence of the future economists) Downloads
Natalya Meshcherjakova
63469: Обучение программированию на языке Visual Basic в курсе информатики (на примере составления теста) (Education programming in Visual Basic in the course of computer science (case study of test)) Downloads
Natalya Meshcherjakova
63468: Методические аспекты обучения информатике в вузах экономического профиля (Methodological aspects of teaching computer science in higher education of economic profile) Downloads
Natalya Meshcherjakova
63467: Алгоритмизация и объектно-ориентированное программирование в курсе информатики высших учебных заведений экономического профиля (Algorithms and object-oriented programming in computer science courses of higher education institutions of economic profile) Downloads
Natalya Meshcherjakova
63461: Vietnam Industrial Policy and Large Economic Groups: A discussion Downloads
Anh Nguyen and Nhat Nguyen
63460: Bangladesh’s Democractic Challenge Downloads
M.G. Quibria
63452: Testing Black Market vs. Official PPP: A Pooled Mean Group Estimation Approach Downloads
Gour Goswami and Mohammad Zariab Hossain
63447: Industrial structure and productivities in a two-sector growth model Downloads
Lu Guo and Fangfang Li
63444: Product Success in Cultural Markets: The Mediating Role of Familiarity, Peers, and Experts Downloads
Marc Keuschnigg
63440: Comparative analysis of the stock markets of China, Russia, Brazil, South Africa and Argentina Downloads
Divya Padmanabhan, Ayan Sinha, Arundhati Venkataraman, Archi Ravi and Apurva Joshi
63439: Which demand systems can be generated by discrete choice? Downloads
Mark Armstrong and John Vickers
63438: Governments Should Not Use Declining Discount Rates in Project Analysis Downloads
Szabolcs Szekeres
63437: When should the distant future not be discounted at increasing discount rates? Downloads
Szabolcs Szekeres
63436: ICT Standardization and use of ICT standards: a firm level analysis Downloads
Cesare Riillo
63429: The “wrong skewness” problem: a re-specification of Stochastic Frontiers Downloads
Graziella Bonanno, Domenico De Giovanni and Filippo Domma
63427: Earnings Management, Ownership Expropriation and Brokerage Fee of Malaysian Property Companies Downloads
Lik Jing Ung, Rayenda Brahmana and Chin-Hong Puah
63426: Does retrenchment strategy mitigate earnings management? Evidence from Public Listed Companies in Malaysia Downloads
Lik Jing Ung, Rayenda Brahmana and Chin-Hong Puah
63423: Bundled procurement Downloads
Yongmin Chen and Jianpei Li
63422: Team Production and the Allocation of Creativity across Global and Local Sectors Downloads
Kohei Nagamachi
63421: The Next Chapter of ASEAN Economic Community through Integrating with the existing FTA partners (RCEP), Turkey, and Pakistan Downloads
Wannaphong Durongkaveroj
63419: Citizens’ Preferences on Health Care Expenditure Allocation: Evidence from Greece Downloads
Sofia Xesfingi and Athanassios Vozikis
63417: Exchange Rate Misalignment and Economic Growth Downloads
Justin Dubas
63415: On the Samuelson-Etula Master Function and Marginal Productivity: some old and new critical remarks Downloads
Ariel Dvoskin and Saverio Fratini
63413: Horizontal and Vertical Firm Networks, Corporate Performance and Product Market Competition Downloads
Oliver Bischoff and Achim Buchwald
63410: Institutional Laws, and Mergers and Acquisitions in India: A Review/Recommendation Downloads
K. Srinivasa Reddy
63409: Explanations for strategic persistence in the wake of others’ failures Downloads
Joseph Amankwah-Amoah
63407: Diagnóstico do Crescimento da Economia Cabo-verdiana (Growth Diagnostic of Cape Verdean Economy) Downloads
João Brito
63406: Long term funding and regulation: facilitating financial stability and development (low income developing countries) Downloads
Marianne Ojo
63405: Restraining High and Rising Cancer Drug Prices: Need for Accelerating R&D Productivity and Aligning Prices with Value Downloads
Ramesh Bhardwaj
63404: DSGE models for developing economies: an application to Morocco Downloads
Mohammed Ait Lahcen
63402: R&D Spillovers Effects on strategic behaviour of Large International Firms Downloads
Luigi Aldieri, Maria Carmela Aprile and Concetto Paolo Vinci
63397: Executive Stock Option Pricing in China under Stochastic Volatility Downloads
Terence Tai Leung Chong, Yue Ding and Yong Li
63396: Regulatory Environment and Subsidies and It’s Impact on Rice Sub-sector in India Downloads
K.M. Singh
63395: Entrepreneurial Activities and Institutional Environment in China Downloads
Bei Luo and Terence Tai Leung Chong
63392: The impact of European integration on institutional development Downloads
Nina Schönfelder and Helmut Wagner
63386: A 2007 social accounting matrix (SAM) for Vietnam Downloads
Channing Arndt, Andres Garcia, Hoang Ha Pham, Simon McCoy, Finn Tarp and James Thurlow
63384: An integrative framework of attributions after a business failure Downloads
Joseph Amankwah-Amoah
63383: Against all odds! Why the ‘three darlings’ failed? Downloads
Joseph Amankwah-Amoah
63382: The Prices in Mozambican Agriculture: Some Observations Downloads
Finn Tarp
63381: Economic Concepts in Biology – Issues with Hamilton´s rule Downloads
Thomas Friedrich
63380: Information theory of firm Downloads
Dimitri Ledenyov and Viktor Ledenyov
63378: Conceptualizing Local Knowledge and Disaster Management Downloads
Khan Abdul Razzaq, Abuturab Khan and Sadia Razzaq
63376: Foreign Bias in Australian Domiciled Mutual Fund Holdings Downloads
Anil Mishra
63374: Todo el mundo es país. Rapporto col proprio lavoro e percezione della discriminazione nella popolazione immigrata ("Todo el mundo es país". Immigrant population relationship with work and perception of discrimination) Downloads
Lorenzo Pietravalle and Marco Savioli
63373: Il tirocinio per gli studenti di Economia di Rimini: matching di volontà reciproche? (Internship for economics students in Rimini: a match of mutual interests?) Downloads
Marco Savioli
63372: Soggettività intermittenti. Un’inchiesta sulla scomposizione del lavoro nell’ambito del loisir (Intermittent subjectivities. An inquiry on decomposition of labour in the sector of leisure) Downloads
Federico Chicchi, Marco Savioli and Mauro Turrini
63370: Theory of Economic Development (Pyramids of Economic Development) Downloads
Aasim Mashkoor and Ovais Ahmed
63369: Optimal design and consequences of financial disclosure regulation: a real options approach Downloads
James Waters
63365: Medical Tourism and Its Implication on Malaysia's Economic Growth Downloads
Chor Foon Tang
63362: The review of constitutional norms concerning local public administration in the view of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) Downloads
Mihai Apostolache
63357: Resource Market Power and Levels of Knowledge in General Equilibrium Downloads
Waldemar Marz and Johannes Pfeiffer
63355: Conceptualizing Local Knowledge and Disaster Management Downloads
Abdul Razzaq Khan, Abuturab Khan and Sadia Razzaq
Page updated 2025-03-25
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