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53099: Urban labour markets in the 21st century: dualism, regulation and the role(s) of the State Downloads
Smita Srinivas
53097: The impact of worker’s age on the consequences of occupational accidents: empirical evidence using Spanish data Downloads
Roberto Bande and Elva López-Mourelo
53096: Globalisation, labour Standards and economic Development Downloads
Ajit Singh and Ann Zammit
53095: Academic Success and the Transfer of Community College Credits in the Principles of Economics Downloads
Paul Grimes, Jon Rezek and Randall C. Campbell
53094: Global Style Portfolios Based on Country Indices Downloads
Timotheos Angelidis and Nikolaos Tessaromatis
53093: The global economic and financial crisis: Which way forward? Downloads
Ajit Singh and Ann Zammit
53092: How to estimate the model of sustainable profit and corporate social responsibility Downloads
Komsan Suriya and Tatcha Sudtasan
53091: The economic and financial crisis of 2008-2010: the international dimension Downloads
Ajit Singh
53090: A Time-series Analysis of Impact of FDI on Economic Development In India during Post-reforms Era (1991-2010) Downloads
Seshanwita Das and Tapas Das
53088: Youth Bulge and Mid-Life Moderation: Large Cohort Size Effects, Economic Perspectives and Civil Conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
Markus Ludwig
53085: Exports Margins in Austria’s Export Growth Downloads
Kemal Turkcan
53083: Does Education Empower Women? Evidence from Indonesia Downloads
Sujani Samarakoon and Rasyad Parinduri
53077: Shifting cultivation and forest pressure in Cameroon Downloads
Amy Ickowitz
53074: Cursed beliefs with common-value public goods Downloads
Caleb Cox
53069: Month-of-the-year effects on Romanian capital market before and after the adhesion to European Union Downloads
Razvan Stefanescu and Ramona Dumitriu
53068: A data-based power transformation for compositional data Downloads
Michail Tsagris, Simon Preston and Andrew T.A. Wood
53066: An Econometric Analysis of Impact of Public Issue on Economic Development in India during 1989-2009 Downloads
Tapas Das and Seshanwita Das
53065: Instruments of Place Branding and Regional Dynamics: Guimarães as European Capital of Culture Downloads
Eduardo Oliveira
53063: Cenové bubliny na dluhopisových trzích USA a Japonska (Price bubbles on US and Japanese bond market) Downloads
Martin Sirucek
53062: Limits on Individual Choice Downloads
Eytan Sheshinski
53059: Are there Asymmetric Effects of Monetary Policy in India? Downloads
Jeevan Khundrakpam
53058: A Note on Differential Asymmetric Effects of Money Supply and Policy Rate Shocks in India Downloads
Jeevan Khundrakpam
53056: Pareto-Efficiency, Hayek’s Marvel, and the Invisible Executor Downloads
Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
53055: Asymmetric co-integration and causality effects between financial development and economic growth in South Africa Downloads
Andrew Phiri
53052: Child Deprivation: An Extended Approach to Child Labour Downloads
Venkatanarayana Motkuri
53050: Zum Stand von Energiegenossenschaften in Deutschland: Ein statistischer Überblick zum 31. Dezember 2012 (On the State of Energy Cooperatives in Germany: A Statistical Overview As of 31 December 2012) Downloads
Lars Holstenkamp and Jakob Müller
53048: Bazele Statisticii (Basic Statistics) Downloads
Răzvan Stefanescu and Ramona Dumitriu
53044: The Challenge of Islamic Finance Downloads
Andrew Sheng and Ajit Singh
53043: Financial globalisation and human development Downloads
Ajit Singh
53042: Comparative advantage, industrial policy and the World Bank: back to first principles Downloads
Ajit Singh
53041: India has achieved creditable growth - letter to the Financial Times editor Downloads
Abhijit Sen and Ajit Singh
53040: Tapering Talk: The Impact of Expectations of Reduced Federal Reserve Security Purchases on Emerging Markets Downloads
Barry Eichengreen and Poonam Gupta
53039: Globalization, Openness and Economic Nationalism: Analytical and Conceptual Issues A Foreword to Globalization and Economic Nationalism in Asia Downloads
Ajit Singh
53038: Full Employment in Western Europe and the Regulatory Regime: An Institutional and Historical Analysis Together with a Commentary on Government as an Entrepreneur Downloads
Ajit Singh
53036: Islamic Finance Revisited: Conceptual and Analytical Issues from the Perspective of Conventional Economics Downloads
Andrew Sheng and Ajit Singh
53035: Islamic Stock Markets in a Global Context Downloads
Andrew Sheng and Ajit Singh
53034: 城乡户籍与性别的重叠效应——基于身份公平的养老改革 (The Overlapping Effects between Household Register and Gender ——Pension Reform which Based on Identity Equity) Downloads
Tieding Zou and Hang Ye
53033: Farmland Ownership Restrictions: Between a Rock and a Hard Place Downloads
Peter Bell
53029: Simulation estimation for panel data models with limited dependent variables Downloads
Michael Keane
53028: Almost Steady East Asian Rise: Implications for Labour Markets and Income Distribution Downloads
Ajit Singh and Gurmail Singh
53027: Competition, Competition Policy, Competitiveness, Globalisation and Development Downloads
Ajit Singh
53026: Advances in Random Utility Models Downloads
Joel Horowitz, Michael Keane, Denis Bolduc, Suresh Divakar, John Geweke, Fosun Gonul, Vassilis Hajivassiliou, Frank Koppelman, Rosa Matzkin, Peter Rossi and Paul Ruud
53025: India and the Eurozone: a commentary on the political economy of adjustment and correction Downloads
Shailaja Fennell, Amandeep Kaur and Ajit Singh
53023: Identifying product attributes and consumer attitudes that impact willingness-to-pay for a nutraceutical-rich juice product Downloads
Lydia J.R. Lawless, Andreas Drichoutis, Rodolfo Nayga, Renee T. Threlfall and Jean-François Meullenet
53022: Brand Equity, Consumer Learning and Choice Downloads
Tulin Erdem, Susan Broniarczyk, Dipankar Charavarti, Jean-Noel Kapferer, Michael Keane, John Roberts, Jan-Benedict Steenkamp, Joffre Swait and Florian Zettelmeyer
53021: Tax Enforcement Policy and the Provision of Public Goods with the Presence of Tax Havens Downloads
Hsun Chu
53019: Un modelo TGARCH con una distribución t de Student asimétrica y las hipotesis de racionalidad de los inversionistas bursátiles en Latinoamérica (A TGARCH model with an asymmetric Student´s t distribution and the rationality hypotheses of stock investors in Latin America) Downloads
Arturo Lorenzo-Valdes and Antonio Ruiz-Porras
53018: El éxito de la autorregulación de las instituciones microfinancieras en Bolivia: una prueba empírica (The success of micro financial institutions' auto-regulation: empiric evidence of the Bolivian case) Downloads
Ricardo Nogales
53017: Strategic Management, Leadership and Governance of the University in Portugal Downloads
Maria da Conceição da Marques
53014: Relations bancaires et crédits aux PME (Banking Relationships and SMEs'bank debts) Downloads
Ludovic Vigneron
53013: Romania, Poland. Two Countries, One Wish: Joining the Eurozone Downloads
Luminita Soproni and Mirela Marcut
53012: Predictors of Well-Being in High Income, Industrialized Countries and Their Related Effects Downloads
Christopher Holcomb
53010: Les industries animales dans l'ouest de la France: les territoires industrielles de Chateau-Renault et Surgères (Animal industries in western France: the industrials territories of Chateau-Renault and Surgères) Downloads
Cedric Perrin
53006: The determinants of public spending: a survey in a methodological perspective Downloads
François Facchini
53003: Response to “PEPFAR Program Expenditures” [Form Number: DS-4213, OMB Control Number: 1405-0208] – Third Revision Downloads
J. Douglas
53002: Unbundling the Great European Recession (2009-2013): Unemployment, Consumption, Investment, Inflation and Current Account Downloads
Luigi Pierfranco Campiglio
52997: 省直管县改革的扩权模式选择:全面直管还是省内单列? (Delegation Pattern of “Province Administrating County”: Overall Reform or County Economic Power Expansion?) Downloads
Rukai Gong and Dongmin Yao
52996: The Legal Framework of Vietnam’s Water Sector: Update 2013 Downloads
Thi Phuong Loan Nguyen
52995: Legal framework of the water sector in Vietnam: Achievements and Challenges Downloads
Thi Phuong Loan Nguyen
52991: Innovative Activity of Small Tourist Enterprises – Cooperation with Local Institutional Partners Downloads
Marta Najda-Janoszka
52989: Voluntary work and wages Downloads
Bruna Bruno and Damiano Fiorillo
52987: دور رأس المال الفكري في تنمية المصارف الاسلامية (The role of Intellectual capital in achieving the competitive advantage of the Islamic banking) Downloads
Hussein Elasrag
52986: The Kreps-Scheinkman game in mixed duopolies Downloads
Barna Bakó and Attila Tasnádi
52985: La Financiación del Déficit del Gobierno Central: Sus Costos Económicos y la Independencia Del Banco Central en Colombia desde 1991 (National Government Deficit Financing:Economic Costs and Central Bank Independence in Colombia since 1991) Downloads
Jairo Parada and Cristina Albor
52984: Retour sur la crise et les politiques mises en œuvre: une perspective autrichienne (Past and Future of the crisis) Downloads
François Facchini
52981: Mathematical Psychics and Hydraulics: The Methodological Influence of Edgeworth and Fisher Downloads
Stavros Drakopoulos
52980: The implication of contracting out health care services: The case of service level agreements in Malawi Downloads
Elvis Mpakati Gama, Barbara McPake and David Newlands
52978: Cross-Prefecture Expansion of Regional Banks in Japan and Its Effects on Lending-Based Income Downloads
Kazumine Kondo
52973: Board of directors’ composition and financing choices Downloads
Paulo Alves, Eduardo Couto and Paulo Francisco
52972: Fertility Patterns in the Roma Population of Spain Downloads
Rosa Aisa, Joaquin Andaluz and Gemma Larramona
52969: Tunisian Coastal Cities Attractiveness and Amenities Downloads
Foued Ben Said
52967: Basel Norms and Analysis of Banking Risks; Performance and Future Prospects Downloads
Poonam Bisht
52966: Grant Based Approach to Poverty Reduction: Evidence from Bangladesh Downloads
Wameq Raza and Jinnat Ara
52961: Tunisian Coastal Cities Attractiveness and Amenities Downloads
Foued Ben Said
52959: Comparing U.S. and European Market Volatility Responses to Interest Rate Policy Announcements Downloads
Kevin Krieger, Nathan Mauck and Joseph Vasquez
52957: Factori de creştere a sustenabilităţii datoriei publice (Drivers of increasing the public debt sustainability) Downloads
George Georgescu
52955: Preventive health and active ageing: the elderly are not a burden Downloads
Rosa Aisa, Gemma Larramona and Fernando Pueyo
52954: Mecanismos de formulación e implementación de la política de empleo en Argentina (Mechanisms for the Formulation and Implementation of Employment Policy in Argentina) Downloads
Fabio Bertranou
52951: Измерване на човешкия капитал в икономиката. Приложения за България (Measuring Human Capital in the Economy. Applications for Bulgaria) Downloads
Ralitsa Simeonova-Ganeva
52950: Nutrition and economic growth in South Africa: A momentum threshold autoregressive (MTAR) approach Downloads
Andrew Phiri and Wisdom Dube
52946: IKEA's International Expansion Downloads
Clayton Harapiak
52945: Regulating Pharmaceutical Prices in the European Union Downloads
Roland Attila Csizmazia
52944: Relaţia cercetare-dezvoltare-inovare şi impactul asupra competitivităţii economice în România în contextul globalizării şi integrării europene (Research-development-innovation relationship and its impact on economic competitivity in Romania under the circumstances of globalization and European integration) Downloads
Gheorghe Zaman and George Georgescu
52943: Perspective ale ţintirii inflaţiei (Perspectives of the Inflation Targeting) Downloads
Ramona Dumitriu and Razvan Stefanescu
52941: Basel Accords and Islamic finance with special reference to Malaysia Downloads
Zubair Hasan
52939: Terms of Trade Instability, Economic Vulnerability and Economic Growth: The Role Of Institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
Amira Zaouali
52937: The Uzawa-Lucas Growth Model with Natural Resources Downloads
Dmitry Neustroev
52934: Accounting and the Macroeconomy: The Case of Aggregate Price-Level Effects on Individual Stocks Downloads
Yaniv Konchitchki
52933: Why Branded Firm may Benefit from Counterfeit Competition Downloads
Yucheng Ding
52931: 延迟退休年龄会挤出年轻人就业吗? (Will Postponing Retirement Crowd out Youth Employment?) Downloads
Chuanchuan Zhang and Yaohui Zhao
52928: Inflation and Nominal Financial Reporting: Implications for Performance and Stock Prices Downloads
Yaniv Konchitchki
52925: Time-varying Business Cycles Synchronisation in Europe Downloads
Stavros Degiannakis, David Duffy and George Filis
52922: When Parity Promotes Peace: Resolving Conflict Between Asymmetric Agents Downloads
Erik Kimbrough, Roman Sheremeta and Timothy Shields
52921: Recognizing Contributors: An Experiment on Public Goods Downloads
Anya Samek and Roman Sheremeta
52920: The Flow Model of Exports: An Introduction Downloads
Jiri Mazurek
52919: A new scramble for land or an unprecedented opportunity for the rural poor? Distributional consequences of increasing land rents in developing countries Downloads
Anna Kirstine Hvid and Geraldine Adrienne Henningsen
52917: The Possible Effects of Trans-Pacific Partnership on Turkish Economy Downloads
Arif Oduncu, Merve Mavuş and Didem Güneş
52916: Бизнес моделиране в електронната търговия (E-Commerce Business Modeling) Downloads
Pavlin Bonev
52912: Do Women Panic More Than Men? An Experimental Study on Financial Decision Downloads
Hubert Janos Kiss, Ismael Rodriguez-Lara and Alfonso Rosa-García
52910: Mathematical Proof of the Breakdown of Capitalism Downloads
Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
Page updated 2025-03-25
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