MPRA Paper
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- 35310: Dynamic Stock Market Participation of Households

- Natalia Khorunzhina
- 35307: Wealth inequality in Europe and the delusive egalitarianism of Scandinavian countries

- Nora Skopek, Sandra Buchholz and Hans-Peter Blossfeld
- 35306: Stability of money demand function in Pakistan

- Muhammad Omer
- 35302: Election inversions, coalitions and proportional representation: Examples from Danish elections

- Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard
- 35301: Global Financial Crisis and Mortgage Finance and Valuation Problems: An Assesment of the US and Turkish Mortgage Systems (Global Financial Crisis and Mortgage Finance and Valuation Problems: An Assesment of the US and Turkish Mortgage Systems)

- Yener Coskun
- 35299: Can Performance of Indigenous Factors Influence Growth and Globalization?

- Kui-Wai Li, Iris A.J. Pang and Michael C M Ng
- 35298: The Commutative Effect and Casuality of Openness and Indigenous Factors Among World Economies

- Kui-Wai Li and Xianbo Zhou
- 35297: The Exchange Rate and Interest Rate Differential Relationship: Evidence from Two Financial Crises

- Kui-Wai Li and Douglas Wong
- 35296: A New Keynesian IS Curve for Australia: Is it Forward Looking or Backward Looking?

- Antonio Paradiso, Saten Kumar and B. Rao
- 35295: Assessing Sustainability of the Irish Public Debt

- Saten Kumar and Antonio Paradiso
- 35291: What determines return risks for bank equities in Turkey?

- Emre Ozsoz
- 35290: Mezzogiorno e Italia. Produttività, accumulazione e divario territoriale (The Mezzogiorno in the Italian economy over the last twenty years: productivity, accumulation and divergence)

- Giuseppe Travaglini
- 35289: Reference dependent ambiguity aversion: theory and experiment

- Jianying Qiu and Utz Weitzel
- 35286: The role of information systems in human resource management

- Dusmanescu Dorel and Aleksandra Bradic-Martinovic
- 35285: Especially vulnerable groups in EU and Serbian labor market

- Jean Vasile Andrei and Stefanovic Saša
- 35284: Ethnicity and degree attainment

- Stijn Broecke and Tom Nicholls
- 35282: Reviewing development of active labour market policies and the evaluation techniques

- Jovan Zubović and Subic Jonel
- 35280: Using a harmonized carbon price framework to finance the Green Climate Fund

- David N. Silverstein
- 35279: Identifying the Signs of Currency Speculation in Hong Kong's Linked exchange Rate

- Kui-Wai Li
- 35275: Agrarian distress and rural non-farm sector employment in India

- Vinoj Abraham
- 35274: Violent crimes in megacities

- Kanhu Pradhan
- 35273: 温室効果ガス排出規制の地域間CGE分析 (A Regional CGE Analysis of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Regulations)

- Daichi Shirai, Shiro Takeda and Katsuaki Ochiai
- 35270: Reputation matters: Spillover effects in the enforcement of US SPS measures

- Marie-Agnès Jouanjean, Jean-Christophe Maur and Ben Shepherd
- 35269: Welfare state generosity and student performance: Evidence from international student tests

- Torberg Falch and Justina A. V. Fischer
- 35268: Evaluación del rendimiento de cultivares de soja en diferentes fechas de siembra (Performance Evaluation of soybean cultivars at different planting dates)

- Marcos Herrera Gómez and Sandra Escuadero
- 35267: Una introducción al análisis multinivel: ¿La demanda individual de salud es afectada por el médico de cabecera? (An introduction to multilevel analysis: Is the individual demand for health is affected by the physician of primary care?)

- Marcos Herrera Gómez
- 35266: Are oil, gold and the euro inter-related? time series and neural network analysis

- A.G. Malliaris and Mary Malliaris
- 35265: Simulation of financial institutions activity in transitional economies

- Mikhail Rumyantsev
- 35261: Are foreign currency markets interdependent? evidence from data mining technologies

- A.G. Malliaris and Mary Malliaris
- 35260: The Dynamic International Optimal Hedge Ratio

- Xiaochun Liu and Brian Jacobsen
- 35254: Military Burden and the Democracy Puzzle

- Mauro Rota
- 35252: The role of high frequency intra-daily data, daily range and implied volatility in multi-period Value-at-Risk forecasting

- Dimitrios Louzis, Spyros Xanthopoulos-Sisinis and Apostolos P. Refenes
- 35246: Industria e distretti produttivi in Sicilia tra incentivi e sviluppo (Manufacturing and productive districts in Sicily between incentives and development)

- Daniele Schiliro'
- 35245: A coopetitive model for the green economy

- David Carfì and Daniele Schiliro'
- 35243: Testing Panel Cointegration with Unobservable Dynamic Common Factors

- Jushan Bai and Josep Carrion-i-Silvestre
- 35233: I codici etici come soluzione alle esternalità negative (ethical codes as a solution to the negative externalities)

- Antonella Laino
- 35232: Improving biodiversity monitoring by modeling relative abundance from "presence only" data

- Brian Jingwa
- 35231: Too much of a good thing? on the effects of limiting foreign reserve accumulation

- Isabel K. Yan and Michael Kumhof
- 35229: The equilibrium real exchange rate of China: a productivity approach

- Isabel K. Yan and Vikas Kakkar
- 35227: Financial liberalization and financing constraints: some evidence from panel data of listed Chinese firms

- Isabel K. Yan, Kenneth Chan and Vinh Q.T. Dang
- 35223: Financial liberalization, financing constraints and political connection: evidence from Chinese firms

- Isabel K. Yan, Kenneth Chan and Vinh Q.T. Dang
- 35221: Chinese Firms’ Political Connection, Ownership, and Financing Constraints

- Isabel K. Yan, Kenneth Chan and Vinh Q.T. Dang
- 35219: Is the Chinese Stock Market Really Efficient

- Isabel K. Yan, Terence Tai Leung Chong and Tau-Hing Lam
- 35218: Real Exchange Rates and Productivity: Evidence From Asia

- Kit Ming Yan and Vikas Kakkar
- 35217: Regional Capital Mobility in China: 1978-2006

- Kit Ming Yan, Kenneth Chan, Vinh Q.T. Dang and Jennifer Lai
- 35215: Bayesian estimation of small-scale DSGE model of the Ukrainian economy

- Roman Semko
- 35210: Reconstruction of concept of Paradigm in Thomas S. Kuhn

- Fernando Estrada
- 35209: Türkiye’de devletin eğitime müdahalesi: Piyasa ve devletin başarısızlıkları (Government intervention in education in Turkey: Market and government failures)

- Murat Çokgezen
- 35208: A assimetria dos ciclos económicos: Evidência internacional usando o teste triples (The asymmetry of business cycles: International evidence using triples test)

- Pedro Cameira de Almeida, José Alberto Fuinhas and António Marques
- 35202: Contracting Innovations and the Evolution of Exchange Clearinghouses

- James Moser
- 35201: China's Western Development Strategy: Policies, Effects and Prospects

- Zheng Lu and Xiang Deng
- 35200: Impact of Trade on Labour Productivity and Wage Inequality in India

- Danish Hashim and Rashmi Banga
- 35198: Role of trade policies in growth of Indian manufacturing sector

- Rashmi Banga and Abhijit Das
- 35195: The long run Dynamics of heterogeneous Product and Process Innovations for a Multi Product Monopolist

- Anton Bondarev
- 35193: Effectiveness of Microfinance under SGSY scheme to reduce Poverty and Vulnerability of Rural Households: A Natural Experiment

- Amit Kundu
- 35192: Technical Efficiency and Optimal Farm Size in the Tajik's Cotton Sector

- Clarence Tsimpo
- 35181: Aspecte privind organizarea administrativ-teritorială şi instituţională a comitatului Arad în secolul al XVIII-lea (Some aspects of the administrative-territorial and institutional organization of Arad county in the eighteenth century)

- Eugen Ghita
- 35179: Population growth and forest sustainability in Africa

- Simplice Asongu and Brian Jingwa
- 35178: The Diffusion of Development: Along Genetic or Geographic Lines?

- Douglas Campbell and Ju Hyun Pyun
- 35175: Using "opposing responses" and relative performance to distinguish empirically among alternative models of promotions

- Jed DeVaro
- 35174: Mexico's retrogression: implications of a bankruptcy reorganization gone wrong

- Arturo Porzecanski
- 35169: Local politics and economic geography

- Marcus Berliant and Takatoshi Tabuchi
- 35167: De sale à durable ? Le tannage du XIXe au XXIe siècle (From dirty to sustanaible ? Tanning industry nineteenth to twenty-first century)

- Cedric Perrin
- 35166: A partial differential equation to express a business cycle:an implication for Japan's law interest policy

- Akira Kuriyama
- 35162: Politica Social (Social Policy)

- Isabel Ortiz
- 35161: Deforestation and welfare: evidence from Africa

- Simplice Asongu
- 35158: Trade relationship between E.U. and U.S

- Gina Albu
- 35149: FDI, wage inequality and employment in emerging economies: recent evidence from Indian manufacturing

- Pritish Kumar Sahu
- 35147: Endogenous technological change in medicine and its impact on healthcare costs: evidence from the pharmaceutical market in Taiwan

- Chee-Ruey Hsieh, Ya-Ming Liu and Chia-Lin Chang
- 35141: Tax decentralization and public deficits in OECD countries

- Thushyanthan Baskaran
- 35132: Trade relationship between E.U. and U.S

- Gina Albu
- 35128: The return of Keynes

- Manuela Ciani Scarnicci
- 35124: Social returns to education in a developing country

- Alpay Filiztekin
- 35123: Education-occupation mismatch in Turkish labor market

- Alpay Filiztekin
- 35119: Inward FDI and firm-specific advantages of Indian manufacturing industries

- Bikash Mishra
- 35118: Heuristic on economics

- Fernando Estrada
- 35115: Cout prive de morbidite due a la pollution de l’air a Cotonou (Private cost of morbidity due to air pollution in Contonou)

- Fanougbo Avocè Viagannou
- 35104: International Human Trafficking: Theory and Solution

- Pak-Hung Mo
- 35103: Natural gas consumption and economic growth: cointegration, causality and forecast error variance decomposition tests for Pakistan

- Muhammad Shahbaz, Chandran V G R and Azeem Pervaiz
- 35101: Does economic growth cause terrorism in Pakistan?

- Shahbaz Muhammad, Nasir Malik Muhammad and Shahbaz Shabbir Muhammad
- 35098: Minimum wage and export: evidence from Chinese firm-level data

- Shuang Ma, Churen Sun and Guoqiang Tian
- 35097: The gasoline Industry in European Union and the USA

- Michael Polemis and Panagiotis Fotis
- 35095: SEZ proliferation in India: are the objectives being realized?

- Antra Bhatt, Manas Puri and Andrea Appolloni
- 35094: Optimal capital stock and financing constraints

- Enrico Saltari and Giuseppe Travaglini
- 35085: Profitability and industrial concentration in Pakistan

- Rashid Amjad
- 35084: Misallocation and manufacturing TFP in China and India

- Tai Hsieh Chang and Pete Klenow
- 35083: Tarımsal Korumacılık, Korumacılığın Ölçümü ve Türkiye (Agricultural Protectionism, Its Measurement and Turkey)

- Alper Demirdogen
- 35081: Bidding behaviors in eBay auctions: secret reservation price and endogenous entry

- Feng Jiao
- 35080: Financial crises, asymmetric information and argumentation

- Fernando Estrada
- 35076: Does poverty alleviation increase migration? evidence from Mexico

- Oliver Azuara
- 35074: Effect of universal health coverage on marriage, cohabitation and labor force participation

- Oliver Azuara
- 35073: Informality and the expansion of social protection programs

- Oliver Azuara and Ioana Marinescu
- 35072: Optimal abatement investment and environmental policies under pollution uncertainty

- Enrico Saltari and Giuseppe Travaglini
- 35071: Impact of trade in services on gender employment in India

- Rashmi Banga and Renu Bansal
- 35068: Polskie instytucje finansowe: Kreacja rynków i procesy konsolidacyjne (Polish Financial Institutions: Market Creation and Consolidation Processes)

- Jarosław Poteraj
- 35067: Internetowe serwisy porównywania cen – droga do konkurencji doskonałej? (Internet Price Comparison Services - the Way to Perfect Competition?)

- Grzegorz Chodak
- 35066: Model dropshippingu w sklepie internetowym (Dropshipping Model in Internet Shop)

- Grzegorz Chodak
- 35065: Is M&A different during a crisis? Evidence from the European banking sector

- Andrea Beltratti and Giovanna Paladino
- 35063: Determinants of current ratios: a study with reference to companies listed in Bombay stock exchange

- Raveesh Krishnankutty and K. S. Chakraborty
- 35062: Does economic geography matter for Pakistan? a spatial exploratory analysis of income and education inequalities

- Sofia Ahmed