MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 92103: Strategies to prioritize prevention in the Greek primary healthcare system

- Pantelis Pantelidis, Athanassios Vozikis and Eirini Meggouli
- 92101: Demand for primary healthcare services in Greece based on general practice prescribing model

- Pantelis Pantelidis, Athanassios Vozikis and Eirini Meggouli
- 92100: New Tendencies in Tourism: The Sharing Economy

- Elena Stiubea
- 92099: Contemporary Criticism of Corporate Behaviour

- Paula-Carmen Rosca
- 92098: Impact of IAS 39 reclassification on Income Smoothing by European Banks

- Peterson Ozili
- 92097: Cooperation and Endogenous Repetition in an Infinitely Repeated Social Dilemma: Experimental Evidence

- Kenju Kamei
- 92093: Spatial dependence in museum services: An analysis of the Italian case

- Roberto Cellini, Tiziana Cuccia and Domenico Lisi
- 92091: Electricity Outages and Firm Performance Across the Six Geo-Political Zones in Nigeria: The Role of Corruption

- Adeolu Adewuyi and Zachariah Emmanuel
- 92090: English Skills, Labour Market Status and Earnings of Turkish Women

- Antonio Di Paolo and Aysıt Tansel
- 92089: Electricity Outages and Firm Performance Across the Six Geo-Political Zones in Nigeria: The Role of Corruption

- Adeolu Adewuyi and Zachariah Emmanuel
- 92084: Innovation as Part of European Development

- Darie Gavrilut
- 92083: Estimación de la Elasticidad-Precio de Corto Plazo de la Demanda de Electricidad en República Dominicana (An Estimation of the Short-Run Price Elasticity of Electricity Demand in the Dominican Republic)

- Ivan Guzman and Ricardo Salazar
- 92080: A critical evaluation of the economics of Indian automobile industry

- Girish Jakhotiya
- 92079: The Underpricing of Venture Capital Backed IPOs in China

- Luxia Wang, Terence Tai Leung Chong, Yiyao He and Yuchen Liu
- 92075: Threshold Effect of Scale and Skill in Active Mutual Fund Management

- Terence Tai Leung Chong, Nayoung Lee and Chan-Ip Sio
- 92074: Estimating Multiple Breaks in Nonstationary Autoregressive Models

- Tianxiao Pang, Lingjie Du and Terence Tai Leung Chong
- 92073: The construction a kinetic equation of the production process

- Oleh Pihnastyi and Roman Korsun
- 92070: Дълготрайните материални и нематериални активи, и стоково-материалните запаси като елементи на счетоводната политика на хотели в България (Intangible and tangible assets, and inventories as elements of the accounting policies of hotels in Bulgaria)

- Daniela Georgieva
- 92068: Impacts of Direct and Indirect Tax Reforms in Vietnam: A CGE Analysis

- Keshab Bhattarai, Dung T.K. Nguyen and Chan V Nguyen
- 92067: The Cross Border Cooperation between Romania and Hungary

- Gabriela-Elena Csoka
- 92062: Explaining the labor share: automation vs labor market institutions

- Luis Guimarães and Pedro Gil
- 92059: Spousal gaps in age and identity, and their impact on the allocation of housework

- Eiji Yamamura and Yoshiro Tsutsui
- 92057: Introduction

- Simplice Asongu
- 92056: Aid, Terrorism, and Foreign Direct Investment: Empirical Insight Conditioned on Corruption Control

- Uchenna Efobi, Simplice Asongu and Ibukun Beecroft
- 92051: Equalized Factor Price and Integrated World Equilibrium

- Baoping Guo
- 92050: Innovation and Income Inequality: World Evidence

- Nikos Benos and Georgios Tsiachtsiras
- 92049: Устойчивост на селското стопанство в България (Sustainability of Bulgarian agriculture)

- Hrabrin Bachev, Nina Koteva, Dilyana Mitova, Bojidar Ivanov, Minka Chopeva, Angel Sarov, Dessislava Toteva, Kristina Todorova, Plamena Yovchevska, Krasimira Kaneva, Svetlana Aleksandrova and Anton Mitov
- 92045: Revisiting the Relationship between Unemployment Rate and Economic Growth in Algeria, 1970-2014: Co-Integration Approach using ARDL model

- Mohamed Driouche Dahmani and Mounia Rekrak
- 92044: Правни аспекти на деконцентрацията на държавното управление в областта (Legal aspects of deconcentration of state governanse in the district)

- Darina Dimitrova
- 92043: Post-Keynesian Theory of Choice

- Stavros Drakopoulos
- 92042: Столица Казахстана: институциональная среда агропродовольственного рынка, инфраструктура продовольственного снабжения мегаполиса (The capital of Kazakhstan: the institutional environment of the agri-food market, the infrastructure of food supply of the megalopolis)

- Zadvorneva>, Evgeniya and Victor Stukach
- 92038: Does studying in Hong Kong affect the ideological preferences of Chinese mainland undergraduates?

- Terence Tai Leung Chong and Hanrui Zeng
- 92037: The Effects of Trading Suspensions in China

- Qing He, Jingyun Gan, Shuwan Wang and Terence Tai Leung Chong
- 92036: Frequentist model averaging for threshold models

- Yan Gao, Xinyu Zhang, Shouyang Wang, Terence Tai Leung Chong and Guohua Zou
- 92035: Institutional Ownership and Private Equity Placements: Evidence from Chinese Listed Firms

- Qing He, Dongxu Li, Liping Lu and Terence Tai Leung Chong
- 92032: Economic effects of inward foreign direct investment in Vietnamese provinces

- Hiroyuki Taguchi
- 92026: Към въпроса за правното качество на Общинския съвет (On the problem about the legal status of the Municipal Council)

- Darina Dimitrova
- 92017: Role of product promotion on consumers buying behaviors

- Noor Rahman Tahiri
- 92016: Cluster externalities, firm capabilities, and the recessionary shock: How the macro-to-micro-transition shapes firm performance during stable times and times of crisis

- Christian Hundt, Linus Holtermann, Jonas Steeger and Johannes Bersch
- 92014: Market Reaction to iPhone Rumors

- Terence Tai Leung Chong, Zhang Wu and Yuchen Liu
- 92013: Price Rigidity in China: Empirical Results at Home and Abroad

- Terence Tai Leung Chong and Zhang Wu
- 92012: Co-integrated or not? After the Shanghai-Hong Kong and Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connection Schemes

- Terence Tai Leung Chong and Qiyu Wang
- 92011: Исторически традиции и тенденции за развитие на академичната автономия (Historical traditions and tendencies of development of the academic autonomy)

- Darina Dimitrova
- 92009: Volumetric Risk Hedging Strategies and Basis Risk Premium for Solar Power

- Takashi Kanamura
- 92008: Disclosure of Information in Company’s Annual Reports: A Bibliometric Analysis

- Azrul Abdullah, Waeibrorheem Waemustafa and Hamdan Mat Isa
- 92007: الجامعة الجزائرية وتحديات تكوين الكفاءات في عصر اقتصاد المعرفة (The Algerian university and the challenges of elite formation in the age of knowledge economy)

- Mohammed Dehane
- 92005: Exchange Rate Pass-Through to Prices: VAR Evidence for Albania

- Adelajda Matuka
- 92004: Rola funduszy europejskich w rozwoju przedsiębiorstw innowacyjnych (The role of european funds in the development of innovative enterprises)

- Marcin Piątkowski
- 92003: Taxation Optimale et Croissance Economique au Togo: une Evidence Empirique en Séries Temporelles (Optimal Taxation and Economic Growth in Togo: Empirical Investigation in Time Series)

- Yawovi M. Isaac Amedanou
- 92001: Оценка на устойчивостта на българското селско стопанство (Sustainability Level of Bulgarian Agriculture)

- Hrabrin Bachev, Nina Koteva, Dilyana Mitova, Bojidar Ivanov, Minka Chopeva, Dessislava Toteva, Angel Sarov, Emilia Sokolova, Kristina Todorova, Anton Mitov and Dimitar Vanev
- 91999: The impact of e-wallet on informal farm entrepreneurship development in rural Nigeria

- Joseph Uduji, Elda Okolo-Obasi and Simplice Asongu
- 91996: Contemporary Drivers of Global Tourism: Evidence from Terrorism and Peace Factors

- Simplice Asongu, Joseph Nnanna, Nicholas Biekpe and Paul Acha-Anyi
- 91992: Foreign Aid, Terrorism and Growth: Conditional Evidence from Quantile Regression

- Simplice Asongu, Jacinta Nwachukwu and Nicholas Biekpe
- 91988: Foreign aid and sustainable inclusive human development in Africa

- Simplice Asongu and Joseph Nnanna
- 91986: Basic Formal Education Quality, Information Technology and Inclusive Human Development in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Simplice Asongu and Nicholas Odhiambo
- 91985: Responsible use of crop protection products and Nigeria’s growth enhancement support scheme

- Joseph Uduji, Elda Okolo-Obasi and Simplice Asongu
- 91983: Правен статут на областния управител като държавен служител (Legal status of district governor as civil servant)

- Darina Dimitrova
- 91979: Bayesian multivariate Beveridge--Nelson decomposition of I(1) and I(2) series with cointegration

- Yasutomo Murasawa
- 91976: Should Bangladesh exports to countries with better institutional or comparatively similar institutional form?

- Md Sadik Pavel, Seikh Ruksana Burhan and Tanim Papiya
- 91975: On the interaction between real economy and financial markets

- Francesca Grassetti, Cristiana Mammana and Elisabetta Michetti
- 91974: La microfinance et la gestion des risques de vulnérabilité par les ménages ruraux au Sénégal (Microfinance and Vulnerability Risk Management by Rural Households in Senegal)

- Abdoulaye Biaye and Massamba Souleymane Seck
- 91972: Impact of Climate Variability on Staple Food Crops Production in Northern Togo

- Essossinam Ali
- 91971: L’avènement de la microfinance islamique au Sénégal (The advent of islamic microfinance in Senegal)

- Massamba Souleymane Seck and Abdoulaye Biaye
- 91962: Integer-valued stochastic volatility

- Abdelhakim Aknouche, Stefanos Dimitrakopoulos and Nassim Touche
- 91961: National health insurance scheme renewal in Ghana: Does waiting time at health insurance registration office matter?

- Kofi Adu
- 91960: Investment-Specific Technological Change, Taxation and Inequality in the U.S

- Pedro Brinca, Joao Duarte, Hans A. Holter and João Gouveia-Oliveira
- 91958: Who Said or What Said? Estimating Ideological Bias in Views Among Economists

- Mohsen Javdani and Ha-Joon Chang
- 91957: Is Gold a Safe Haven? International Evidence revisited

- Levent Bulut and Islam Rizvanoghlu
- 91950: Fiscal Policy, Monetary Policy and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Itoro Ubi-Abai and Daniel Ekere
- 91949: Minority ownership, deferral, perverse intrafirm trade and tariffs

- Chander Kant
- 91947: Foreign Subsidiary, Transfer Pricing and Tariffs

- Chander Kant
- 91945: Envelope Wages, Hidden Production and Labor Productivity

- Alessandro Di Nola, Georgi Kocharkov and Aleksandar Vasilev
- 91934: Stackelberg type dynamic symmetric three-players zero-sum game with a leader and two followers

- Yasuhito Tanaka
- 91919: Analysis of dynamic symmetric three-players zero-sum game with a leader and two followers without differentiability of payoff functions

- Yasuhito Tanaka
- 91918: Tables de mortalité d’expérience incorporant une échelle de projection: adaptation aux cas des retraités en Algérie (Experience life tables incorporating a projection scale: adaptation to the case of retirees in Algeria)

- Farid Flici, Khadidja Senouci and Yasmine Hannani
- 91917: Provisionnement des rentes viagères en Algérie entre approche statique et approche prospective (Life Annuities Reserving in Algeria between static approach and prospective approach)

- Farid Flici
- 91914: Utilizarea optima a materiei prime agricole: aspect metodologic (Optimal use of agricultural primary material: methodological aspect)

- Alexandru Gribincea
- 91912: Clusterul ca factor de competitivitate în turismul rural (Cluster as a factor of competitiveness in rural tourism)

- Adriana Buzdugan
- 91910: Organizaţia în condiţiile stresului organizatoric (Organization in the conditions of the organizational stress)

- Natalia Burlacu
- 91908: Evoluţia dezvoltării conceptului de informatizare în managementul bancar (The development of the information concept in bank management)

- Sergiu Bunici
- 91904: The Bank Multiplier and A New Mechanism for the Transmission of the Monetary Policy

- Ahmed Mehedi Nizam
- 91903: La dépréciation du franc congolais par rapport au dollar américain et son incidence sur l'épargne des ménages de la ville de Mbujimayi (the depreciation of congolese franc against the US dollar and its impact on Household savings. Pratical case of the city of Mbujimayi)

- Alex Kabamba
- 91902: Human capital investment and job creation: the role of the education and production systems

- Daniela Sonedda
- 91898: Stackelberg equilibrium of dynamic symmetric multi-players zero-sum game with a leader and followers without differentiability of payoff functions

- Yasuhito Tanaka
- 91897: On the equivalence of Stackelberg equilibrium and static equilibrium of symmetric multi-players zero-sum game

- Yasuhito Tanaka
- 91896: دور سياسة الإنفاق العام في تفعيل التنويع الاقتصادي - اقتصاد دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة نموذجا - (The role of public spending policy in activating economic diversification - The economy of the United Arab Emirates as a model -)

- Zeghachou Meriem and Mohammed Dehane
- 91889: Cu privire la esenţa şi clasificarea capitalului (Concerning the essence and classification of capital)

- Igor Balan and Valeriu Erhan
- 91886: A Bayesian approach for correcting bias of data envelopment analysis estimators

- Panagiotis Zervopoulos, Ali Emrouznejad and Sokratis Sklavos
- 91883: The Effects of Financial Crises on Developing Countries

- Bintang Yudhistira
- 91882: Do sustainability policies finance local economies?

- Cristina Bernini and Augusto Cerqua
- 91879: La particularité algérienne dans le phénomène chinafrique: Pourquoi ? & pour l’intérêt de qui ? (The Algerian peculiarity in the chinafrique phenomenon: Why? & for whose interest?)

- Mohammed Dehane
- 91876: Managing Small Business Human Resources: An International Approach

- Hayssam Elkoussa and John Williams
- 91872: Правни отношения на областния управител с органите на изпълнителната власт и на местното самоуправление (The legal relations of the district governor with the executive authorities and the local self-government authorities)

- Darina Dimitrova
- 91871: За правния режим на административно-териториално устройство на Република България - историческо развитие и перспективи (On the regime of administrative-territorial division of the Republic of Bulgaria – historical development and perspectives)

- Darina Dimitrova
- 91865: Идеята за създаване на областен съвет и ефективното функциониране на икономиката (The idea of establishing of Regional Council and the effective functioning of the economy)

- Darina Dimitrova
- 91861: Investment Constraints and Productivity Cycles in Bolivia

- Carlos Mendez-Guerra
- 91848: Arousal Safety Leading to Purchase Intention; The Role of Moderating and Mediating Variables in Structural Model

- Irfan Hameed, Bibi Zainab and Syed Jazib Shamim
- 91843: Facilităţile fiscale ca instrument de stumulare a investiţiilor (Tax incentives as a tool to boost investment)

- Aliona Balan
- 91839: Използването на информационните технологии в обучението по счетоводство (The Use Of Information Technologies In Accounting Education)

- Atanas Atanasov and Rumyana Marinova
- 91834: Smoothing Sporadic Poverty and Inequality Estimates: Pakistan, 1985-2016

- Haroon Jamal
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