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106683: Una revisión sobre los métodos convencionales de la contabilidad del crecimiento: La tiranía de la identidad (A review of the conventional methods of growth accounting: The tyranny of identity) Downloads
Juan Villar Otálora
106679: Regulators vs. markets: Are lending terms influenced by different perceptions of bank risk? Downloads
Manthos Delis, Suk-Joong Kim, Panagiotis Politsidis and Eliza Wu
106674: ¿Tienen Efectos las Acciones de Política Monetaria? Un análisis de Intencionalidad (Do monetary policy actions have an effect? An intentionality analysis) Downloads
Carolina Pagliacci and Mario Ruda
106670: L’emigrazione dei ricercatori italiani (The emigration of Italian researchers) Downloads
Leopoldo Nascia and Mario Pianta
106668: Revisiting the Expected Utility Theory and the Consumption CAPM Downloads
Nikhil Sapre
106661: Foreign Direct Investments (II) Downloads
Liviu Andrei and Dalina Andrei
106655: The Impact of Gender Inequality and Environmental Degradation on Human Well-Being in The Case of Pakistan: A Time Series Analysis Downloads
Amjad Ali, Marc Audi, Chan Bibi and Yannick Roussel
106652: Efficient Computation of Portfolio Credit Risk with Chain Default Downloads
Yuki Ikeda
106640: Reforming Non-Notifiable Mergers in Ireland: the Kantar Media/Newsaccess Transaction Downloads
Paul Gorecki
106638: The grand dividends value Downloads
Manfred Besner
106636: One Suggestion for Microfoundation of Non-Walrasian Disequilibrium Macroeconomics: Matching Theory with Dual Decision Downloads
Shogo Ogawa
106634: Examining Awareness level of Islamic Finance among Customers of Banks in Algeria - Exploratory Study Downloads
Ahmed Chemseddine Bouarar and Kamel Mouloudj
106629: Measuring the Money Demand in Pakistan: A Time Series Analysis Downloads
Yannick Roussel, Amjad Ali and Marc Audi
106626: Multinationals and Domestic TFP: Market Shares, Agglomerations Gains and Foreign Ownership Downloads
Ioannis Bournakis, Marina Papanastassiou and Sotiris Papaioannou
106624: Volatility and Economic Systems: Evidence from A Large Transitional Economy Downloads
Boqun Wang and Dennis Tao Yang
106619: Objectives and difficulties in SME’s sector in Romania Downloads
Dalina Andrei
106615: Understanding „culture‟ of pastoralism and „modern development‟ in Thar: Muslim pastoralists of north- west Rajasthan, India Downloads
Rahul Ghai
106614: Правото на вероизповедание през призмата на забраната за дискриминация в трудовите отношения (The right of religion through the prism of the prohibition of discrimination in labour relations) Downloads
Ивайло Стайков
106606: Childcare Support and Public Capital in an Ultra-Declining Birthrate Society Downloads
Yusuke Miyake
106605: Layers of inequality: Unequal opportunities and skin colour in Mexico Downloads
Luis Monroy-Gómez-Franco, Roberto Vélez-Grajales and Gaston Yalonetzky
106603: Testing for the cointegration rank between Periodically Integrated processes Downloads
Tomás del Barrio Castro
106599: Environmental impact of consumption by Czech households: hybrid input–output analysis linked to household consumption data Downloads
Radomír Macha, Jan Weinzettel and Milan Ščasný
106597: The Relation of Neoclassical Economics to other Disciplines: The case of Physics and Psychology Downloads
Stavros Drakopoulos
106596: Designing bankers' pay: Using contingent capital to reduce risk-shifting Downloads
Alon Raviv, Jens Hilscher and Sharon Peleg Lazar
106573: Sleep, Worker's Health, and Social Welfare Downloads
Ken Yoshida
106569: Equilibrium in the Production Process of a Two-Sector Model of the New Economy Downloads
Germinal Van
106566: Declining inequality in Latin America? Robustness checks for Peru Downloads
Diego Winkelried and Bruno Escobar
106563: Strategic interactions in the provision of public infrastructures: Evidence from Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (EMCCA) countries Downloads
Bernard Mimboe
106557: Revisiting the Economic Performance and Institutions Debate in SSA Countries: The Role of Legal Origins in the Context of Ethnic Heterogeneity Downloads
Ioannis Bournakis, Marian Rizov and Dimitris Christopoulos
106555: Desplazamientos y autoempleo en Francia: diferencias por género (Commuting y self-employment in France: gender differences) Downloads
Saúl Palacios
106552: Análisis de Riesgo Macro-financiero para Venezuela (Macro-financial risk for Venezuela) Downloads
María Antonia Moreno and Carolina Pagliacci
106551: El Diseño de la Política Petrolera en Venezuela: un enfoque de economía política (The design of the oil policy in Venezuela: a political economy approach) Downloads
Belkys Nuñez and Carolina Pagliacci
106550: A Markov-Switching Model of Inflation: Looking at the future during uncertain times Downloads
Daniel Barraez and Carolina Pagliacci
106548: Riesgos sistémicos en el mercado interbancario en Venezuela: 2004-2014 (Systemic risk in the Venezuelan interbank market: 2004-2014) Downloads
Carolina Pagliacci and Jennifer Peña
106546: 完全雇用実現のための財政政策について: 世代重複モデルによる理論的分析 (On the fiscal policy for full employment: Theoretical analysis with an overlapping generations model) Downloads
Yasuhito Tanaka
106545: Behavioral economics. Forbidden zones. New method and models Downloads
Alexander Harin
106544: La acumulación de capital, transgresora de la organización económica (The Accumulation of Capital, transgressor of the Economic Organization) Downloads
Sergio Reuben Soto
106542: Local asymptotic normality of general conditionally heteroskedastic and score-driven time-series models Downloads
Christian Francq and Jean-Michel Zakoian
106541: The Venezuelan Overnight Fund Market: Understanding a Credit Constraint Limit Order Market Downloads
Carolina Pagliacci
106539: Foreign Reserve Management in an Oil Economy: Macroeconomic Risk as a Real Option Downloads
Pasquale Scandizzo and Carolina Pagliacci
106538: The markup and aggregate fluctuations in Venezuela. Testing distributional shocks Downloads
Leon Fernandez and Carolina Pagliacci
106528: Quantitative Easing Home Equity An Alternative Economic Management Tool Downloads
Kees De Koning
106515: Disability Weights Measurement for 17 Diseases in Japan: A Survey Based on Medical Professionals Downloads
Xiangdan Piao, Shuichi Tsugawa, Yukie Takemura, Naoko Ichikawa, Ryohei Kida, Keiko Kunie and Shunsuke Managi
106505: Neuroticism Mediates the Relationship Between Industrial History and Modern-Day Regional Obesity Levels Downloads
Michael Daly, Martin Obschonka, Michael Stuetzer, Angelina Sutin, Leigh Shaw-Taylor, Max Satchell and Eric Robinson
106504: The impact of state capacity on the cross-country variations in COVID-19 vaccination rates Downloads
Dragan Tevdovski, Petar Jolakoski and Viktor Stojkoski
106503: How many (more) lost decades? The great productivity slowdown in Japan Downloads
Caroline Betts
106502: Migration, crime and life satisfaction in Chile: Pre and post-migration evidence Downloads
Randall Chenevier, Alan Piper and Craig Willis
106500: Assistive Technology Pricingin Australia: Is It Efficient and Equitable? Downloads
Michael Summers and George Verikios
106499: The novel Artificial Neural Network assisted models: A review Downloads
Bhanu Srivastav
106492: Determinants of Intra-SSA Tourism Demand Downloads
John Kagochi and Nazif Durmaz
106491: Trauma Propagation in Social Networks Downloads
Sadish D
106490: Impact of Vertical Integration Downloads
Erin H. Luke
106487: Taxation and strategic reaction: A comparison of Cournot, Stackelberg and collusion Downloads
Tamara Todorova and Besar Vatoci
106482: Disentangle the Florentine Families Network by the Pre-Kernel Downloads
Holger Meinhardt
106481: How Does Automation Affect Economic Growth and Income Distribution in a Two-Class Economy? Downloads
Hiroaki Sasaki, Takefumi Hagiwara, Huong Pham, Noriki Fukatani, Shogo Ogawa and Naoto Okahara
106477: Gender differences in time allocation to paid and unpaid work: Evidence from Urban Guatemala, 2000-2014 Downloads
Ilya Espino, Ana Hermeto and Luciana Luz
106475: Забраната за дискриминация в трудовите отношения и проблемът за равните възможности на жените и мъжете и на представителите на различни етнически групи (The prohibition of discrimination in labour relations and the problem of equal opportunities for women and men and representatives of different ethnic groups) Downloads
Ивайло Стайков
106474: Bivariate modelling of the influence of trade on aggregate and disaggregate energy use in Ghana Downloads
Samuel Yeboah
106464: Aggregation bias in wage rigidity estimation Downloads
Damiaan Persyn
106463: Golden Dawn and the Right-Wing Extremism in Greece Downloads
Nikolaos Lymouris
106459: The evolution of forest cover. Wood trade and its impact on forest’s functions Downloads
Aurel Lup and Ana Ursu
106454: Development and access to finance of small and medium-sized enterprises in Mongolia Downloads
Gan-Ochir Doojav, Davaajargal Luvsannyam, Bilguun Sukhbaatar, Bilguunzul Sodnomdarjaa, Tsolmon Otgonbat, Khuslen Batmunkh, Munkhbayar Gantumur and Elbegjargal Enkh-Amgalan
106451: The Evolution of Sectarianism Downloads
Sebastian Ille
106448: The International Distribution of FDI Income And Its Impact on Income Inequality Downloads
Joseph Joyce
106440: The importance of Russia’s agricultural sector in the MENA geopolitics Downloads
Benedetto Francesco Ballatore
106432: Childcare Support and Economic Growth in an Ultra-Declining Birthrate Society Downloads
Yusuke Miyake
106431: Local news in Google News: a response to Fischer et al. (2020) Downloads
Evan Magnusson
106429: The EU-Africa summit 2021: Quo vadis, in the light of Brexit and Corona Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
106427: The Right to Quit Work: An Efficiency Rationale for Restricting the Freedom of Contract Downloads
Daniel Müller and Patrick W. Schmitz
106426: Measuring Freedom in Games Downloads
Hendrik Rommeswinkel
106425: Monitoring Social and Economic Impacts of COVID-19 on Refugees in Uganda: Results from the High-Frequency Phone Survey - First Round Downloads
Aziz Atamanov, Nobuo Yoshida, Theresa Parrish Beltramo, Laura Abril Rios Rivera, Ibrahima Sarr, Peter Waita and Kazusa Yoshimura
106413: Les Transferts de Fonds Monétaires et les marchés boursiers dans les pays en développement (Remittances and Stock Markets in Developing Countries) Downloads
Fatma Zaarour and Adnene Ajimi
106412: On the examination of the decoupling effect of air pollutants from economic growth: A convergence analysis for the US Downloads
Michael Polemis, Panagiotis Fotis, Panagiotis Tzeremes and Nickolaos Tzeremes
106408: Uniform Inference after Pretesting for Exogeneity with Heteroskedastic Data Downloads
Firmin Doko Tchatoka and Wenjie Wang
106407: Employee characteristics, absorptive capacity and innovation Downloads
Yeirae Rho, Simona Fabrizi and Steffen Lippert
106405: Expanding the Norwegian Armed Forces in the Time of Corona: Benefit-Cost Analysis in the Context of High Unemployment Rate Downloads
Petter Lindgren and Ane Ofstad Presterud
106403: Pensiones Ley 97 del IMSS. México (Pensions Law 97 of the IMSS. Mexico) Downloads
Jose Villalobos Lopez
106396: Dunkle Wolken über dem EU-Afrika Gipfel 2021 angesichts von Brexit und Corona (The EU-Africa summit 2021: Quo vadis, in the light of Brexit and Corona) Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
106391: Bootstrap Inference for Partially Linear Model with Many Regressors Downloads
Wenjie Wang
106389: Time Use and the Geography of Economic Opportunity Downloads
Sulagna Mookerjee, John Pedersen and David Slichter
106386: The innovative impact of public research institutes: evidence from Italy Downloads
Simone Robbiano
106381: Societal Violence: The Role of Formal and Informal Institutions Downloads
Sadia Sherbaz and Karim Khan
106379: Endogenous fertility and unemployment -Considering the effects of immigrants through school system Downloads
Masatoshi Jinno and Masaya Yasuoka
106375: Edith T. Penrose: Economist of "The Ordinary Business of Life" Downloads
Jason M. Pattit, Katherina G. Pattit and J C Spender
106373: Determinantes del tiempo de desplazamiento al trabajo en la población femenina auto-empleada de Dinamarca (Pattern of Commuting time of female self-worked population in Denmark) Downloads
Raúl Claver
106368: Право на информация на работника или служителя във връзка със защитата от дискриминация (The right to information of worker or employee in the context of protection against discrimination) Downloads
Ивайло Стайков
106354: La croissance économique de la République Démocratique du Congo serait-elle liée au volume de la dette extérieure? (Is slow economic growth originating from the total external debt stock in the Democratic Republic of Congo?) Downloads
Olivier Mupenda
106352: Opportunities for bioeconomy in Central and Eastern European Downloads
Dan Voicilas
106351: Rural tourism and territorial development in Romania Downloads
Elena Sima
106350: Development of grapes and wine-making industry of Moldova on the basis of modern achievements of science and innovations Downloads
Boris Gaina, Svetlana Fedorchukova and Galina Gobirman
106349: Wine complex of the Republic of Moldova and some aspects of the covid-19 pandemic Downloads
Svetlana Fedorchukova, Boris Boris and Galina Gobirman
106348: Relation between emitted CO2, asset expenditures, produced energy from renewables and energy consumption. Evidence from Bulgaria Downloads
Tsvetana Harizanova Metodieva and Hristina Harizanova-Bartos
106347: Забраната за дискриминация и задължението на работодателя да осигурява равни условия на труд (чл. 13, ал. 1 от Закона за защита срещу дискриминацията) (The prohibition of discrimination and the obligation of the employer to ensure equal working conditions (Art. 13, para. 1 of the Law on Protection against Discrimination)) Downloads
Ивайло Стайков
106343: Trust Shocks, Financial Crises, and Money Downloads
Pengfei Jia
106341: Assessment of the competitiveness of agricultural holdings in Bulgaria Downloads
Hrabrin Bachev
106340: Is Environmentalism the Right Strategy to Decarbonize the World? Downloads
Marco Marini, Ornella Tarola and Jacques Thisse
106339: Random Encounters and Information Di§usion about Product Quality Downloads
Jean Gabszewicz, Marco Marini and Skerdilajda Zanaj
106338: Collusion in Quality-Segmented Markets Downloads
Iwan Bos and Marco Marini
106333: Artificial Intelligence and Energy Intensity in China’s Industrial Sector: Effect and Transmission Channel Downloads
Liang Liu, Kun Yang, Hidemichi Fujii and Jun Liu
106331: The Eurozone Debt Crisis: Causes and Policy Recommendations Downloads
Olzhas Zhorayev
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