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52462: New Zealand Labour Market Dynamics Pre- and post-global financial crisis Downloads
Weshah Razzak
52461: An Empirical Study of Sectoral-Level Capital Investments in New Zealand Downloads
Weshah Razzak
52460: Testing Finance-Led, Export-Led and Import-Led Growth Hypotheses on Four Sub-Saharan African Economies Downloads
Olaniyi Evans
52459: International Financial Integration and The Nigerian Economic Performance: a Var Modeling Approach Downloads
Olaniyi Evans
52458: Growth Effects of Financial Integration and Financial Deepening in Selected Sub-Saharan African Economies: a Panel-Data Approach Downloads
Olaniyi Evans
52457: The Monetary Model of Exchange Rate in Nigeria: an Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Approach Downloads
Olaniyi Evans
52456: Poverty, Richness, and Inequality: Evidence for Portugal Using a Housing Comfort Index Downloads
Cristina Fernandes, Nuno Crespo and Nadia Simoes
52447: Exchange Rate Misalignment and Economic Growth: Recent Evidence in Malaysia Downloads
N.A.m Naseem and Hamizah M.s
52446: Small and medium-sized firms' competitiveness and territorial characteristics/assets: The cases of Bari, Varna and Thessaloniki Downloads
Theodore Metaxas and Dimitris Kallioras
52445: Air and Sea Transport: Competition Strategies Under Normal and Economic Crisis Environments Downloads
Konstantinos Rigas, Evangelos Sambracos or Samprakos and Androniki Gatzoli
52439: Strategic Decision-Making in Hollywood Release Gaps Downloads
John Dalton and Tin Cheuk Leung
52435: Crescita economica, conoscenza e capitale umano. Le teorie e i modelli di crescita endogena di Paul Romer e Robert Lucas (Economic growth, knowledge and human capital. Theories and models of endogenous growth by Paul Romer and Robert Lucas) Downloads
Daniele Schiliro'
52434: A Factor-Analytic Probit Model for Representing the Market Structure in Panel Data Downloads
Terry Elrod and Michael Keane
52431: An Extension of the Tiebout Hypothesis of Voting with One's Feet: The Medicaid Magnet Hypothesis Downloads
Richard Cebula and Jeff Clark
52430: An Empirical Analysis of Determinants of Interstate Living-Cost Differentials, 2005 Downloads
Richard Cebula and Michael Toma
52428: Възможност за счетоводно отчитане на транзакционните разходи в предприятията (A Possible Way to Estimate Transaction Costs Through the Firm's Accounting System) Downloads
Teodor Sedlarski and Iliana Ankova
52427: Институционална еволюция на обществата към отворен достъп и пазарна размяна? (Institutional Evolution of Societies towards Open Access and Market Exchange?) Downloads
Teodor Sedlarski
52426: Трансакционни разходи и икономически растеж (Transaction Costs and Economic Growth) Downloads
Teodor Sedlarski
52425: Public health spending and infant and child mortality in India: a state-year panel analysis Downloads
Kaushalendra Kumar Kaushal, Abhishek Singh Abhishek, Faujdar Ram F Ram and S V Subramanian Subu
52424: The impact of immigration on the labour market: Evidence from 20 years of cross-border migration to Argentina Downloads
Diego Battiston
52423: Le rôle possible du cabotage maritime dans le développement économique de l’Europe du Sud: vers une Organisation Polarisée? (The possible Role of the Coastal Shipping in the Economic Development of the Southern Europe: Toward a Polarized Organization) Downloads
Evangelos Sambracos or Samprakos
52422: The Development of Short Sea Shipping in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: Towards a Rational E.U. Freight Transport Policy Downloads
Evangelos Sambracos or Samprakos
52420: Searching for the Relative Potency of Monetary and Fiscal Policies in Selected African Countries: A Panel Data Approach to St. Louis Equation Downloads
Sesan Adeniji and Olaniyi Evans
52415: Utilizarea cursurilor valutare drept ancore nominale antiinflaţioniste (The use of exchange rates as nominal anchors) Downloads
Ramona Dumitriu and Razvan Stefanescu
52414: Nonlinearities and the nexus between inflation and inflation uncertainty in Egypt: New evidence from wavelets transform framework Downloads
Jamal Bouoiyour and Refk Selmi
52413: Migration and the Tiebout-Tullock Hypothesis Revisited Downloads
Richard Cebula
52408: Openness and Inflation in Iran Downloads
Ahmad Jafari Samimi, Saman Ghaderi and Bahram Sanginabadi
52407: The Effects of Openness and Globalization on Inflation: An ARDL Bounds Test Approach Downloads
Ahmad Jafari Samimi, Saman Ghaderi and Bahram Sanginabadi
52406: The Effects of Exchange Rate Volatility on Economic Growth in Iran Downloads
Bahram Sanginabadi and Hassan Heidari
52402: Friedmann, Robertson-Walker (FRW) Models in Cosmology Downloads
Dr Haradhan Mohajan
52398: A Reinterpretation of the Relation between Market-to-book ratio and Corporate Borrowing Downloads
Raju Majumdar
52395: Exports and Exchange Rate Movements: The Role of Credit Market Imperfections Downloads
N.A.m Naseem, Nor Abu Hassan Shaari Mohd, Sarmidi Tamat and Khalifah Noor Aini
52394: Fuentes y métodos para la reconstrucción de PIBs regionales en Colombia. Siglos XIX y XX (Sources and methods for the reconstruction of regional GDPs in Colombia. 19th and 20th centuries) Downloads
Javier Mejia
52391: 'The employees are all equal... but some are more equals than others'. Altruism, opportunism and discrimination in family SMEs Downloads
Filippo Ferrari
52387: Financial Innovations and Monetary Policy in Kenya Downloads
Esman Nyamongo and Lydia Ndirangu2 Ndirangu
52385: Are Consumers Willing to Pay More for Electricity from Cooperatives? Results from an Online Choice Experiment in Germany Downloads
Julian Sagebiel, Jakob Müller and Jens Rommel
52384: The return of “patrimonial capitalism”: review of Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the 21st century Downloads
Branko Milanovic
52381: ¿Ha contribuido la población inmigrante a la convergencia interregional en España? (On the contribution of immigrants to interregional convergence in Spain) Downloads
Xoaquín Fernandez-Leiceaga, Santiago Lago-Peñas and Patricio Sánchez
52379: Adaptive trend estimation in financial time series via multiscale change-point-induced basis recovery Downloads
Anna Louise Schröder and Piotr Fryzlewicz
52372: Hedging with Foreign-listed Single Stock Futures Downloads
Mao-wei Hung, Cheng Few Lee and Leh-chyan So
52371: Enemies or Allies: Pricing counterparty credit risk for synthetic CDO tranches Downloads
Y. Lee and Leh-chyan So
52370: Report on the socio-economic impact of Natural Rubber cultivation under the block planting scheme in Tripura Downloads
Joby Joseph, Tharian George K. and Dey S.k
52368: Input Demand under Joint Energy and Output Prices Uncertainties Downloads
Moawia Alghalith, Xu Guo, Wing-Keung Wong and Lixing Zhu
52365: Housing in consumer’s theory Downloads
Jacek Łaszek
52363: Global Imbalances, Risk, and the Great Recession Downloads
Martin Evans
52360: La progettazione integrata territoriale nella Regione Lazio (The integrated project in the Latium Region, Italy) Downloads
Daniel Franco
52359: A cost-effectiveness analysis of seminatural wetlands and activated sludge wastewater-treatment systems Downloads
Ilda Mannino, Daniel Franco, Enrico Piccioni, Laura Favero, Erika Mattiuzzo and Gabriele Zanetto
52357: Beni comuni, beni pubblici e risorse ambientali: il ruolo dell’azione collettiva (Public goods, common goods and natural resources: the role of the collective action) Downloads
Daniel Franco
52356: Institution and Economic Growth performance in Nigeria Downloads
Muhammad Yusuf
52355: Who Owns the Largest Firms Around the World? Downloads
Paulo Alves and Miguel Ferreira
52354: Myanmar,reconsidered Downloads
Wannaphong Durongkaveroj
52351: Good-Governance and Poverty Reduction Relationship a case study of Nigeria Downloads
Muhammad Yusuf and Malarvizhi C.a
52349: Does Financial Liberalization, Spur Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction in Six Sub-Saharan African Countries; Panel Unit Root and Panel Vector Error Correction Tests Downloads
Muhammad Yusuf and Dr.Malarvizhi A.C.
52348: Corruption, Inequality of Income and economic Growth in Nigeria Downloads
Muhammad Yusuf
52345: International Capital Flows, Federal Budget Deficits, and Interest Rates, 1971-1984 Downloads
Willie Belton and Richard Cebula
52344: A new Pearson-type QMLE for conditionally heteroskedastic models Downloads
Ke Zhu and Wai Keung Li
52343: Leverage and Employee Death: Evidence from China’s Coalmining Industry Downloads
Huihua Nie and Huainan Zhao
52342: Happiness, Dynamics and Adaptation Downloads
Alan Piper
52340: Sovereign risk contagion in the Eurozone: a time-varying coefficient approach Downloads
Alexander Ludwig
52339: Using System Dynamics to Improve the Marine Manpower of the Passenger Industry in Management Decisions Downloads
Aristotelis Alexopoulos, Nikolaos Fournarakis and Evangelos Sambracos or Samprakos
52336: Has urban economic growth in Post-Reform India been pro-poor between 1993-94 and 2009-10? Downloads
Sabyasachi Tripathi
52334: How Linked are Energy and GDP: Reconsidering Energy-GDP Cointegration and Causality for Disaggregated OECD Country Data Downloads
Brantley Liddle
52333: Might electricity consumption cause urbanization instead? Evidence from heterogeneous panel long-run causality tests Downloads
Brantley Liddle and Sidney Lung
52332: Subsídio de desemprego: uma revisão da literatura teórica e empírica (Unemployment insurance: a survey) Downloads
Nadia Simoes
52331: The Influence of Ordoliberalism in European Integration Processes - A Framework for Ideational Influence with Competition Policy and the Economic and Monetary Policy as Examples Downloads
Peter Nedergaard
52329: Representations of preorders by strong multi-objective functions Downloads
José Alcantud, Gianni Bosi and Magalì Zuanon
52328: Deficit Spending, Expectations, and Fiscal Policy Effectiveness Downloads
Richard Cebula
52327: Credit Unions, Consolidation and Business Formation: Evidence from Canadian provinces Downloads
Horatio M. Morgan
52324: Nudging parental health behavior with and without children's pestering power: Fat tax, subsidy or both? Downloads
Georgia Papoutsi, Rodolfo Nayga, Panagiotis Lazaridis and Andreas Drichoutis
52319: Testing Augmented Wagner’s Law for Nigeria Based on Cointegration and Error-Correction Modelling Techniques Downloads
R. Alimi
52311: Determinants of Interstate Migration, By Race, 1965-1970 Downloads
Robert Kohn, Richard Vedder and Richard Cebula
52310: Friedman and Divisia Monetary Measures Downloads
William Barnett
52309: Learning from the makers of history: Bolshevism, Bolivarianism, and the Legacy of Hugo Chavez Downloads
Alan Freeman
52307: La spesa sanitaria Ssn in Italia e nel Lazio. Ricostruzione con la metodologia Ecofin-Ocse, 1990 - oggi (Public Health Care Expenditure of Italy and the Italian Region Lazio. Reconstruction with the methodology of Ecofin and Ocse, period 1990-present) Downloads
Nicola Carmine Salerno
52306: Analyzıng And Valuıng Of The Export Multıplıcıty Of Azerbaıjan Republıc Downloads
Elchin Suleymanov, Ayaz Zeynalov and Rufat Mammadov
52304: The relationship between budgetary expenditure and economic growth in Poland Downloads
Henryk Gurgul, Łukasz Lach and Roland Mestel
52303: Financial Development and Economic Growth in Poland in Transition: Causality Analysis Downloads
Henryk Gurgul and Łukasz Lach
52301: A model for estimation of the demand for on-street parking Downloads
Edith Madsen, Ismir Mulalic and Ninette Pilegaard
52300: Is the U.S. Private Education Sector Infected by Baumol’s Cost Disease? Evidence from the 50 States Downloads
Laurie Bates and Rexford Santerre
52299: Urbanization as a way of saving our planet from overpopulation Downloads
Nadezda Shcherbakova
52296: Cost-effectiveness analysis in reducing nutrient loading in Baltic and Black Seas: A review Downloads
George Halkos
52294: A comparative assessment of aggregate car ownership model estimation methodologies Downloads
Evangelos Sambracos or Samprakos and John Paravantis
52293: Psychology in econometric models: conceptual and methodological foundations Downloads
Anna Thum-Thysen
52290: Should Moroccan Officials Depend on the Workers’ Remittances to Finance the Current Account Deficit? Downloads
El Mostafa Bentour
52286: International trade and economic growth in the Polish economy Downloads
Henryk Gurgul and Łukasz Lach
52285: Application of bootstrap methods in investigation of size of the Granger causality test for integrated VAR systems Downloads
Łukasz Lach
52283: The interdependence between energy consumption and economic growth in the Polish economy in the last decade Downloads
Henryk Gurgul and Łukasz Lach
52282: Impact of hard coal usage for metal production on economic growth of Poland Downloads
Łukasz Lach
52281: Causality analysis between public expenditure and economic growth of Polish economy in last decade Downloads
Henryk Gurgul and Łukasz Lach
52280: Fixed capital and long run economic growth: evidence from Poland Downloads
Łukasz Lach
52279: Technological progress and economic growth: evidence from Poland Downloads
Henryk Gurgul and Łukasz Lach
52278: What happen to children's education when their parents emigrate? Evidence from Sri Lanka Downloads
Vengadeshvaran Sarma and Rasyad Parinduri
52277: Ethiopia: A socio-economic study Downloads
Dr Haradhan Mohajan
52271: Türkiye Ekonomisinde Finansal Serbestleşme Döneminde Uluslararası Sermaye Girişi - Büyüme İlişkisi (The Relationship Between the International Capital Flows and Economic Growth After the Financial Liberalization in Turkey) Downloads
Arif Orçun Söylemez and Ahmet Yılmaz
Miroslav Nedelchev
Miroslav Nedelchev
52260: The Nexus between Improvements in Economic Freedom and Growth: Evidence from CEE Countries in Transition Downloads
Henryk Gurgul and Łukasz Lach
52258: The impact of regional disparities on economic growth Downloads
Henryk Gurgul and Łukasz Lach
52257: Two deficits and economic growth: Case of CEE countries in transition Downloads
Henryk Gurgul and Łukasz Lach
52254: The Importance Of International Registries For Naval Transport Downloads
Filip Nistor
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