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Lev Freinkman
10012: Costing-out the Big Bang: Impact of external shocks on the Armenian economy at the outset of transition Downloads
Vahram Avanesyan and Lev Freinkman
10011: Pruebas de cointegración de paridad de poder adquisitivo (Cointegration Tests of Purchasing Power Parity) Downloads
Frederick Wallace, René Lozano Cortés and Luis Cabrera-Castellanos
10010: Armenia: What drives first movers and how can their efforts be scaled up? Downloads
Victoria Minoian and Lev Freinkman
10009: Job Turnover in Irish Manufacturing, 1972-2006 Downloads
Martina Lawless and Alan Murphy
10008: Firm Export Dynamics and the Geography of Trade Downloads
Martina Lawless
10007: Measurement Issues and International Comparisons of Output and Productivity Growth Downloads
Martina Lawless
10006: Geography and Firm Exports: New Evidence on Sunk Costs Downloads
Martina Lawless
10005: Firm Export Participation: Entry, Spillovers and Tradability Downloads
Martina Lawless
10004: Stigmergic epistemology, stigmergic cognition Downloads
Leslie Marsh and Christian Onof
10003: Do environmental regulations reduce greenhouse gas emissions? A study on Canadian industries Downloads
Golnaz Sedigh
10002: Manipulation of market equilibrium via endowments Downloads
Somdeb Lahiri
10001: On the political economy of environmental survival versus collapse. Clarifying the work done by Tinbergen & Hueting vis-à-vis Weitzman, Nordhaus and Stern Downloads
Thomas Colignatus
9998: A goodness-of-fit test for copulas Downloads
Artem Prokhorov
9996: Assessing Sustainable Development by Genuine Saving Indicator from Multidimensional Perspectives Downloads
Masayuki Sato and Sovannroeun Samreth
9995: Asia: A Perspective on the Subprime Crisis Downloads
Hoe Ee Khor and Rui Xiong Kee
9994: A report on using parallel MATLAB for solutions to stochastic optimal control problems Downloads
Jeffrey Azzato and Jacek Krawczyk
9993: A parallel Matlab package for approximating the solution to a continuous-time stochastic optimal control problem Downloads
Jeffrey Azzato and Jacek Krawczyk
9992: Macroeconomic Linkages between Hong Kong and Mainland China Downloads
Dong He
9990: A Procurement Auction Model Under Supplier Uncertainty Downloads
Haresh Gurnani and Tridip Ray
9989: The use of a feebate system to reduce emissions from power plants Downloads
James D Smith
9988: Capital Taxation and Rent Seeking Downloads
Nikolay Arefiev and Tatyana Baron
9981: Global Food Crisis & Inflationary Pressures: Short and Medium to Long Term Policy Options Downloads
Syed Abbas
9980: Australia’s underground economy – redux? Downloads
Trevor Breusch
9972: Structural relations among the components of household income and expenditure in Kohima, Nagaland Downloads
Ml Ngullie and Sudhanshu Mishra
9969: The Good the Bad and the Ugly: Lessons learnt in estimating the value added of the island’s primary sector and Results Downloads
Alexander Apostolides
9968: How Similar to South-Eastern Europe were the Islands of Cyprus and Malta in terms of Agricultural Output and Credit? Evidence during the Interwar Period Downloads
Alexander Apostolides
9966: On the impossibility of events of zero probability Downloads
Asad Zaman
9964: Spatial Pillage Game Downloads
Hanjoon Jung
9963: Farm Development and Rural Poverty Comparison among Villages in Kulon Progo Regency of Yogyakarta Special Province of Indonesia Downloads
Zamal Nasution
Pravin Chandrasekaran
9959: Taxation and bond market investment strategies: Evidence from the market for Government of Canada bonds Downloads
Stuart Landon and Constance Smith
9958: Investment and the exchange rate: Short run and long run aggregate and sector-level estimates Downloads
Stuart Landon and Constance Smith
9956: Knife-edge conditions in the modeling of long-run growth regularities Downloads
Jakub Growiec
9953: The Future of the Renminbi and Its Impact on the Hong Kong Dollar Downloads
Eddie Yue and Dong He
9952: Of Low Yielders and Carry Trading – the JPY and CHF as Market Risk Sentiment Gauges Downloads
Claus Vistesen
9951: Can information asymmetry cause agglomeration? Downloads
Marcus Berliant and Fan-chin Kung
9947: Workfare – The Reinvention of the Social Downloads
Peter Herrmann
9946: Negative Reality of the HIV Positives: Evaluating Welfare Loss in a Low Prevalence Country Downloads
Sanghamitra Das, Abhiroop Mukhopadhyay and Tridip Ray
9945: Integrating Mental Health in Welfare Evaluation: An Empirical Application Downloads
Sanghamitra Das, Abhiroop Mukhopadhyay and Tridip Ray
9944: Interest and the Modern Economy Downloads
Arshad Zaman and Asad Zaman
9943: Dinero como indicador de la inflación en Chile (Money as an inflation indicator in Chile) Downloads
Franklin Huaita
9941: Oportunidades y Riesgos en la Liberalización del Comercio de Servicios: El Caso de Guatemala (Opportunities and Risks in the Liberalisation of Trade in Services: The Case of Guatemala) Downloads
Mario Cuevas and Bolaños Lisardo
9940: Triple-loop learning as foundation for profound change, individual cultivation, and radical innovation: Construction processes beyond scientific and rational knowledge Downloads
Markus Peschl
9939: Human activities and global warming: a cointegration analysis Downloads
Hui Liu and Gabriel Rodríguez
9931: Demographic Changes and Pension Finances in Vietnam Downloads
Long Giang and Wade Pfau
9929: Finance for Growth: Policy Choices in a Volatile World Downloads
Gerard Caprio and Patrick Honohan
9928: Gender and Remittances in Vietnam Downloads
Wade Pfau and Long Giang
9927: Determinants of Elderly Poverty in Vietnam Downloads
Long Giang and Wade Pfau
9926: Social Health Insurance in Vietnam Downloads
Long Giang
9925: Licensing probabilistic Patents: The duopoly case Downloads
Martin Barrenechea
9924: A model for pricing real estate derivatives with stochastic interest rates Downloads
Pierangelo Ciurlia and Andrea Gheno
9918: Fast and accurate simulation of differently seasoned loan defaults in a Merton-style framework in discrete time Downloads
Zoltan Varsanyi
9915: Does Hysteresis in Unemployment Occur in OECD Countries? Evidence from Parametric and Non-Parametric Panel Unit Roots Tests Downloads
Venus Liew, Ricky Chia and Chin-Hong Puah
9914: Sustainable growth: Compatibility between criterion and the initial state Downloads
Andrei Bazhanov
9911: Sustainable growth: The extraction-saving relationship Downloads
Andrei Bazhanov
9910: Cambio fundamental o especulación financiera en los mercados de commodities? Un modelo con ajuste no lineal al equilibrio (Structural break or financial speculation in commodity markets? A multivariate STAR approach) Downloads
Diego Bastourre
9906: Экологическая практика транснациональных корпораций (Environmental Practice of Transnational Corporations) Downloads
Ivetta Gerasimchuk
9904: On the inconsistency of the Breusch-Pagan test Downloads
Asad Zaman
9900: Game theory and the law: ready for prime time? Downloads
Stephen W. Salant and Theodore Sims
9898: Consumer protection and the incentive to become informed Downloads
Mark Armstrong, John Vickers and Jidong Zhou
Chiza Chiumya
9890: The invisible polluter: Can regulators save consumer surplus? Downloads
Javier Contreras, Jacek Krawczyk and James Zuccollo
Evan Lau, Swee-Ling Oh and Sing-Sing Hu
9885: How big a problem is noise pollution? A brief happiness analysis by a perturbable economist Downloads
Diana Weinhold
9884: Game Theory and the Law: Is Game Theory Ready for Prime Time? Downloads
Stephen W. Salant and Theodore Sims
9881: On the Economics of Mass Demonstrations: A Case Study of the November 1969 March on Washington Downloads
Robert Haveman, Charles Cicchetti, Jack Knetsch and Myrick Freeman
9880: Optimal Contracting Of New Experience Goods Downloads
Rahul Deb
9879: Adoption of a Cleaner Technology by a Monopoly Under Incomplete Information Downloads
Slim Ben Youssef
9877: The Revenue Maximization Oligopoly Model: Comment Downloads
Robert Haveman and Gilbert De Bartolo
9876: Benefit-Cost Analysis: Its Relevance to Public Investment Decisions: Comment Downloads
Robert Haveman
9875: Towards a theory of horizontal mergers Downloads
Gérard Gaudet and Stephen W. Salant
9872: Unemployment, Excess Capacity, and Benefit-Cost Investment Criteria Downloads
Robert Haveman and John Krutilla
9871: A Non-Random Walk down Canary Wharf Downloads
Emanuele Canegrati
9868: Dynamic Markets with Randomly Arriving Agents Downloads
Maher Said
9862: Commodity Price Volatility under New Market Orientations Downloads
Robert Weaver and William C Natcher
9860: The Parallel Economy in Malawi: Size, Effect on Tax Revenue and Policy Options Downloads
Chiza Chiumya
9855: Dynamic Price Discrimination and Quality Provision Based on Purchase History Downloads
Ching-jen Sun
9854: Dynamic Price Dispersion in a Bertrand-Edgeworth Model Downloads
Ching-jen Sun
9849: Innovation, Diffusion and the Distribution of Income in a Malthusian Economy Downloads
Mark Staley
9847: Empleo, pequeñas empresas locales y estrategias de desarrollo endogeno. Experiencias en Argentina (Employment, small local firms and endogenous development strategies. Experiences in Argentina) Downloads
Gustavo Burachik and Silvia Gorenstein
9846: Creacion de locales industriales en Bahia Blanca (1984-1993): caracterizacion de los principales factores de atracción y desplazamiento (Creation of manufacturing firms in Bahia Blanca (1984-1993). Main aspects of expansion and contraction) Downloads
Gustavo Burachik and Silvia Gorenstein
9845: Tecnologia y dinamica industrial en los paises semi-industrializados (Technology and industrial dynamics in semi-industrialized countries) Downloads
Gustavo Burachik
9844: Cambio tecnologico y dinamica industrial en América latina (Technological change and industrial dynamics in Latin america) Downloads
Gustavo Burachik
9841: Financial Development and Wage Inequality: Theory and Evidence Downloads
Michal Jerzmanowski and Malhar Nabar
9840: Analisis de la Encuesta de Grandes Empresas del INDEC y un intento de conceptualizacion (Analysis of INDEC Big Firms Survey. A tentative conceptual framework) Downloads
Gustavo Burachik
9839: GAMESMANSHIP, third parties and arbitration: reflecting on the paradigm of PPP disputes Downloads
Athanasakis Dimitrios
9837: Controlo de Tráfego Aéreo. Existe um Determinismo Tecnológico? (Is there a Technological Determinism in Complex Work Systems? The Air Traffic Control Case) Downloads
José João Sampaio
9836: Ensuring Rural Infrastructure in India: Role of Rural Infrastructure Development fund Downloads
Meenakshi Rajeev
9834: Problems and Prospects of Business Process Outsourcing Industry: A Case Study of India Downloads
Meenakshi Rajeev and B P Vani
9832: Unit Root Tests with Wavelets Downloads
Ramazan Gencay and Yanqin Fan
9831: The Effects of Derivatives on Firm Risk and Value Downloads
Söhnke Bartram, Gregory W. Brown and Jennifer Conrad
9830: Earnings on the information technology roller coaster: insight from matched employer-employee data Downloads
Julie L. Hotchkiss, Melinda Pitts and John Robertson
9829: Forecasting Elections from Voters’ Perceptions of Candidates’ Positions on Issues and Policies Downloads
Andreas Graefe and J. Armstrong
9828: Errar ainda é Humano? (Cognitive Automation, Operational Decision and Human Error) Downloads
José João Sampaio
9827: The cost of capital in markets with opaque intermediaries and the risk-structure of interest rates Downloads
Fernando Mierzejewski
9825: External impacts on the property-liability insurance cycle Downloads
Martin Grace and Julie L. Hotchkiss
9823: New actions on the housing and financial crises—do no harm? Downloads
John Tatom
9822: The Monetary Model of Exchange Rate: Evidence from the Philippines Using ARDL Approach Downloads
Dara Long and Sovannroeun Samreth
9818: SuperMontage in the American Securities Markets Context Downloads
Myriam Senn
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