MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 30015: University quality, interregional brain drain and spatial inequality. The case of Italy

- Daria Ciriaci
- 30012: Does innovation matter for Chinese hightech exports? a firm-level analysis

- Dahai Fu, Yanrui Wu and Yihong Tang
- 30011: Perspectives on Fulfilling the Nominal and Real Convergence Criteria by Romania for the Adoption of Euro Currency

- Paula Geza and Laura Giurca Vasilescu
- 30009: A influência dos factores de caracterização dos portos no desempenho, medido por indicadores operacionais, financeiros e de eficiência (The influence of factors characterizing the performance of ports, measured by operational, financial and efficiency indicators)

- Vitor Caldeirinha and J. Augusto Felicio
- 30002: Articulation of Plural Values in Deliberative Monetary Valuation: Beyond Preference Economisation and Moralisation

- Alex Lo and Clive Spash
- 29999: Borderplex Economic Outlook: 2005-2007

- Thomas Fullerton and Roberto Tinajero
- 29998: See you on Facebook! A framework for analyzing the role of computer-mediated interaction in the evolution of social capital

- Angelo Antoci, Fabio Sabatini and Mauro Sodini
- 29997: Poverty alleviation programs, FDI-led growth and child labour under agricultural dualism

- Jayanta Dwibedi and Sarbajit Chaudhuri
- 29996: A small open economy New Keynesian model for a foreign exchange constrained economy

- Sisay Senbeta
- 29993: Exploratory Evidence for the Adoption of the Ias 7 in Turkey

- Recep Pekdemir and Nazli Kepce Yonet
- 29992: Has U.S. Inflation Really Become Harder to Forecast?

- Markku Lanne and Jani Luoto
- 29991: قياس الكفاءة الفنية لبنوك دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي (Testing technical efficiency of banks in GCC countries)

- Ibrahim Onour
- 29990: Hypothèse de Thirlwall: cas des pays de la zone Franc (Thirlwall’s hypothesis: the case of countries of the Franc Zone)

- Nacisse Palissy Chassem
- 29983: Remittances in India: Facts and Issues

- Chinmay Tumbe
- 29980: The Political Economy of the Revenue Deficit

- Ashima Goyal
- 29979: Asian reserves and the dollar: Is gradual adjustment possible?

- Ashima Goyal
- 29978: Trust and Fertility: Evidence from OECD countries

- Eiji Yamamura and Antonio Andres
- 29976: Policy Rule Coefficients Driven by Latent Factors: Monetary and Fiscal Policy Interactions in an Endowment Economy

- Manuel González-Astudillo
- 29975: A win-win monetary policy in Canada

- Oleg Kitov and Ivan Kitov
- 29974: Romer’s Charter Cities v. Colonization, Imperialism, and Colonialism: A General Characterization

- Voxi Heinrich Amavilah
- 29972: Iceland's Economic and Financial Crisis: Causes, Consequences and Implications

- Rok Spruk
- 29971: Competition, competitiveness, and enterprise policies

- Michael Dunford, Helen Louri and Manfred Rosenstock
- 29970: Developing a health state classification system from NEWQOL for epilepsy using classical psychometric techniques and Rasch analysis: a technical report

- B Mulhern, Donna Rowen, John Brazier, A Jacoby, T Marson, D Snape, D Hughes, N Latimer and Ga Baker
- 29968: Banking concentration, information asymmetries and credit rationing: The Argentinean case

- Martín Arroyo
- 29966: Pure Exporter: Theory and Evidence

- Lu Jiangyong, Yi Lu and Zhigang Tao
- 29960: Cumulative Causation in a Structural Economic Dynamic Approach to Economic Growth and Uneven Development

- Ricardo Araujo
- 29958: Power Spot Price Models with negative Prices

- Stefan Schneider and Stefan Schneider
- 29957: Lyapunov Stability in an Evolutionary Game Theory Model of the Labor Market

- Ricardo Azevedo Araujo
- 29956: Redistribution and Reelection under Proportional Representation: The Postwar Italian Chamber of Deputies

- Miriam Golden and Lucio Picci
- 29950: A review and meta-analysis of health state utility values in breast cancer

- T Peasgood, S Ward and John Brazier
- 29948: Improving the measurement of QALYs in dementia: developing patient- and carer-reported health state classification systems using Rasch analysis

- B Mulhern, Sc Smith, Donna Rowen, Je Brazier, M Knapp, Dl Lamping, V Loftus, Tracey A. Young, Rj Howard and S Banerjee
- 29947: Efficienza energetica, sostenibilità ed opportunità strategiche nel comparto dei trasporti stradali (Energy efficiency, sustainability and strategic opportunities in road transport)

- Elena Scattola and Andrea Stocchetti
- 29946: Using health state utility values from the general population to approximate baselines in decision analytic models when condition specific data are not available

- R Ara and John Brazier
- 29938: Valuation of the Child Health Utility Index 9D (CHU9D)

- K Stevens
- 29937: Entry in Greek manufacturing industry: Athens vs the rest of Greece

- Helen Louri and V. Anagnostaki
- 29934: Urban growth and productivity: the case of Greece

- Helen Louri
- 29933: Using a discrete choice experiment to estimate societal health state utility values

- Nick Bansback, John Brazier, Aki Tsuchiya and Aslam Anis
- 29932: Bretton Woods Fixed Exchange Rate System versus Floating Exchange Rate System

- Paula Geza and Laura Giurca Vasilescu
- 29925: Competition Policy and Market Regulation 'M1069 WORLDCOM/MCI'

- Mico Apostolov
- 29923: Breve ou Longo? Um estudo comparativo entre as contribuições de Hobsbawm e Arrighi para a interpretação da História Econômica do século XX (Short or Long? A comparative study on the contributions of Hobsbawm and Arrighi to the XXth Century Economic History´s interpretation)

- Luiz Eduardo Simões de Souza
- 29922: Crise e Território no Pensamento Econômico (Crisis and Territory in Economic Thought)

- Luiz Eduardo Simões de Souza
- 29919: The Decline of the U.S. Manufacturing: An Explanation from Structural Change

- Zongye Huang
- 29918: Follow the leader: Mexico hurt by U.S. slowdown

- Thomas Fullerton and Molina, Angel L.,
- 29916: Les habitudes de lecture de revues culturelles ou littéraires: un aperçu statistique (Reading Habits of Cultural or Literarly reviews: A Statistical Overlook)

- Jean Mirucki
- 29915: SEE Regional Wholesale Market Design: Recommendations, Available Options and Implementation

- Kostis Sakellaris
- 29914: Business Intelligence Approach In A Business Performance Context

- Mihaela Muntean and Liviu Gabriel Cabau
- 29911: Measuring the value of life: exploring a new method for deriving the monetary value of a QALY

- C Tilling, M Krol, Aki Tsuchiya, John Brazier, Job van Exel and Werner Brouwer
- 29910: Economic Development and Loglinearity in the Rank-Size Distribution of Urban Systems

- Jean Mirucki
- 29907: Rigidities in Employment Protection and Exporting

- Murat Seker
- 29905: Trade Policies, Investment Climate,and Exports

- Murat Seker
- 29904: Importing, Exporting, and Innovation in Developing Countries

- Murat Seker
- 29900: Reporting Heterogeneity in Self-Assessed Health among Elderly Europeans: The Impact of Mental and Physical Health Status

- Christian Pfarr, Andreas Schmid and Udo Schneider
- 29897: South Sudan Referundum: A Macroeconomic Analysis of Post-Secession Scenario

- Ibrahim Onour
- 29896: Populating an economic model with health state utility values: moving towards better practice

- Roberta Ara and John Brazier
- 29893: Measuring economic journals’ citation efficiency: A data envelopment analysis approach

- George Halkos and Nickolaos Tzeremes
- 29891: Using rank and discrete choice data to estimate health state utility values on the QALY scale

- John Brazier, Donna Rowen, Y Yang and Aki Tsuchiya
- 29890: A Model of Party Discipline in a Congress

- Galina Zudenkova
- 29889: Dezvoltarea şi perfecţionarea relaţiei inovaţie – capital intelectual – cerinţă a performanţei organizaţionale în firmele româneşti

- Rizea (Pirnea), Ionela Carmen
- 29888: Global maps of climate change impacts on the favourability for human habitation and economic activity

- Hans-Martin Füssel
- 29885: Scale and Technical Efficiency of Islamic Banks in Sudan: Data Envelopment Analysis

- Ibrahim Onour and Abdelgadir Abdalla
- 29884: Technical efficiency analysis of banks in major oil exporting Middle East countries

- Ibrahim Onour and Abdelgadir Abdalla
- 29883: Financial stability in small open economy under political uncertainty

- Ibrahim Onour
- 29880: Problems in the structure of Romania’s economy

- Lucian Albu and George Georgescu
- 29873: The Allocation of Public Goods and National Elections in Ghana

- Pierre André and Sandrine Mesplé-Somps
- 29865: High School Teachers’ Perceptions and Opinions on Professional Accountants: The Turkey Case

- Isil Pekdemir and Recep Pekdemir
- 29863: Foreign ownership in Vietnam stock markets - an empirical analysis

- Xuan Vinh Vo
- 29862: An Empirical Investigation of Liquidity and Stock Returns Relationship in Vietnam Stock Markets during Financial Crisis

- Xuan Vinh Vo and Jonathan Batten
- 29861: Assessment at the centre of strategies of [accountant] learning in groups, substantiated with qualitative reflections in student assessments

- Keith Dixon
- 29859: Asset Prices, Nominal Rigidities, and Monetary Policy: Role of Price Indexation

- Kengo Nutahara
- 29858: The Multi-Fibre Agreement Phase-Out: Efficiency Implications of Textile Firms in India

- Sasidaran Gopalan and K.R. Shanmugam
- 29857: L’emergenza dei tre lustri, la salma contesa e il gioco dell’Ultimatum. Alcune riflessioni sui problemi che caratterizzano le decisioni pubbliche in Italia (The 15-years-long emergency, the burial-of-the dead conflict and the ultimatum game. Some remarks about public bodies’ decision-taking problems in Italy)

- Salvatore Villani
- 29856: Il “patto” di stabilità interno: le prospettive del “patto” e le questioni del contesto (The Italian Domestic Stability “Pact”: its Perspectives and Framework Issues)

- Federico Pica, Angela Amatucci and Salvatore Villani
- 29852: Outerfactor and the indirect journal impact

- Coralio Ballester and Alfonso Rosa-García
- 29850: Diaspora entrepreneurial networks in the Black Sea and Greece, 1870-1917

- Helen Louri and Ioanna Pepelasis
- 29849: Using Rasch analysis to form plausible health states amenable to valuation: the development of CORE-6D from CORE-OM in order to elicit preferences for common mental health problems

- I Mavranezouli, John Brazier, Tracey A. Young and M Barkham
- 29848: Impact of Interest Rates on Islamic and Conventional Banks: The Case of Turkey

- Etem Ergec and Arslan Bengül Gülümser
- 29846: Inflation and corporate investment in selected OECD countries in the years 1960-2005 – an empirical analysis

- Piotr Ciżkowicz and Andrzej Rzońca
- 29843: Fiscal disciplining effect of central bank opacity: Stackelberg versus Nash equilibrium

- Meixing Dai and Moïse Sidiropoulos
- 29841: The simultaneous valuation of states from multiple instruments using ranking and VAS data: methods and preliminary results

- Donna Rowen, John Brazier, Aki Tsuchiya, M Hernández and R Ibbotson
- 29838: IFRS 2005 in Turkey; Can We See the Evidences on the Financial Reports of the Companies Listed?

- Recep Pekdemir and Asli Turel
- 29837: The impact of losses in income due to ill health: does the EQ-5D reflect lost earnings?

- C Tilling, M Krol, Aki Tsuchiya, John Brazier, Job van Exel and Werner Brouwer
- 29836: A qualitative study exploring the general population’s perception of rheumatoid arthritis after being informed about disease adaptation

- H McTaggart-Cowan, A O'Cathain, Aki Tsuchiya and John Brazier
- 29835: Second Homes and the Need for Policy Planning

- Juan Brida, Linda Osti and Esther Santifaller
- 29834: Combining Rasch and cluster analysis: a novel method for developing rheumatoid arthritis states for use in valuation studies

- H McTaggart-Cowan, John Brazier and Aki Tsuchiya
- 29831: Mapping SF-36 onto the EQ-5D index: how reliable is the relationship?

- Donna Rowen, John Brazier and Jennifer Roberts
- 29828: Making Rasch decisions: the use of Rasch analysis in the construction of preference based health related quality of life instruments

- Tracey A. Young, Y Yang, John Brazier, Aki Tsuchiya and K Coyne
- 29826: Forecasting Performance of Alternative Error Correction Models

- Javed Iqbal
- 29825: Land Use Rights and Productivity: Insights from a 2006 Rural Household Survey

- Carol Newman, Finn Tarp, Katleen Van den Broeck and Chu Tien Quang
- 29823: New Perspectives on Aid Effectiveness

- David Roland-Holst and Finn Tarp
- 29822: A Vietnam Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for the Year 2003

- Henning Tarp Jensen and Finn Tarp
- 29821: The Vietnamese Socio-economic Development Plan Revisited: Application of the 2003 Merged Model for Vietnam

- Henning Tarp Jensen and Finn Tarp
- 29820: Agricultural Technology and Marketing Margins in Vietnam

- Tarp Jensen and Finn Tarp
- 29816: Balance-of-payments-constrained growth in a multisectoral framework: a panel data investigation

- Raphael Rocha Gouvea and Gilberto Lima
- 29814: Financial Liberalization and Regional Impacts on Entrepreneurial Behavior in Turkey

- Burhan Karahasan
- 29813: Dairy value chain management in Bulgaria

- Hrabrin Bachev
- 29812: Scrap the lot and start again

- Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
- 29811: Turning 18: What a Difference Application of Adult Criminal Law Makes

- Horst Entorf
- 29810: Embodied technological change, capital sectoral allocation and export-led growth

- Ricardo Araujo and Gilberto Lima
- 29809: Causal Links Between Trade And Economic Growth Evidence From Turkey And European Union Countries

- Burhan Karahasan
- 29808: A review of studies mapping (or cross walking) from non-preference based measures of health to generic preference-based measures

- John Brazier, Y Yang and Aki Tsuchiya
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