MPRA Paper
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- 17873: Liberalisation in a world of second best: evidence on European network industries

- Mehmet Ugur
- 17872: Innovative Work Practices and Sickness Absence: What Does a Nationally Representative Employee Survey Tell?

- Petri Böckerman, Edvard Johansson and Antti Kauhanen
- 17871: L'ombre de la crise (The shadow of the global crisis)

- Gael Lagadec and Alain Descombels
- 17868: Multinational Enterprises in Africa - A Study of German Firms in South Africa

- Bernard Gilroy, Thomas Gries, Wim Naudé, Karl-Heinz Schmidt and Norbert Bauer
- 17867: An economic inquiry into collective action and household behaviour in watershed management

- Suresh Kumar Devarajulu
- 17865: A structural analysis of foreign aid to ten Mediterranean countries

- Jose Larru
- 17859: Equity Price Bubbles in the Middle Eastern and North African Financial Markets

- Mohammad Jahan-Parvar and George Waters
- 17857: Bookshop, blockbusters and readers’ tastes: a new appraisal of the fixed book price

- Mathieu Perona
- 17856: Evaluating Exclusion-from-Core Measures of Inflation using Real-Time Data

- Heather Tierney
- 17854: Investment Options and Bargaining Power the Eurasian Supply Chain for Natural Gas

- Franz Hubert and Svetlana Ikonnikova
- 17853: Structural Funds and Economic Divide in Italy

- Francesco Aiello and Valeria Pupo
- 17852: Games in the Eurasian gas supply network: Multinational bargaining, Strategic investment, and Hold-up

- Svetlana Ikonnikova
- 17851: La Eficacia de la Ayuda al Desarrollo: el Caso Peruano (Aid Effectiveness: The Peruvian Case)

- Jose Larru
- 17849: Structural Change and the Efficiency of Banking In Turkey: Does Ownership Matter?

- Ahmet Aysan and Sanli Ceyhan Darendeli
- 17847: Social effect and female genital mutilation (FGM)

- Salmata Ouedraogo
- 17846: The effective number of relevant parties: how voting power improves Laakso-Taagepera’s index

- Jean-François Caulier and Patrick Dumont
- 17844: Impacto Económico del programa de Desarrollo Alternativo del Plan Colombia (Economic Impact of Plan Colombia's Alternative Development Program)

- Gustavo Adolfo Hernandez, Sergio Prada and Juan Ramírez
- 17843: Multiple Testing Techniques in Growth Econometrics

- Thomas Deckers and Christoph Hanck
- 17839: The folk solution and Boruvka's algorithm in minimum cost spanning tree problems

- Gustavo Bergantiños and Juan Vidal-Puga
- 17838: Regional Trade Agreements: An African perspective of Challanges for Customs Policies and Future Strategies

- Chiza Chiumya
- 17837: Free Entry Bertrand Competition

- Prabal Roy Chowdhury
- 17836: Alternatives vs. Outcomes: A Note on the Gibbard-Satterthwaite Theorem

- Tjark Weber
- 17835: How to adapt to changing markets: experience and personality in a repeated investment game

- Astrid Hopfensitz and Tanja Wranik
- 17833: Risk, Credit, and Insurance in Peru: Field Experimental Evidence

- Francisco Galarza
- 17832: Business Investment, Cycles and Tax Policy: Are We Investing Too Little?

- John Tatom
- 17831: Is negative personal saving a serious problem?

- John Tatom
- 17828: Inflation Targeting is Neither Necessary Nor Sufficient

- John Tatom
- 17827: A New Plan for Growing Indiana’s Income

- John Tatom
- 17826: U.S. Workers Are Seeing Strong Wage Gains

- John Tatom
- 17825: Are High Taxes Restricting Indiana’s Growth?

- John Tatom
- 17823: Legislative changes in revenues taxation

- Ivana Barteczková
- 17822: Comparison of the methodologies for assessing effective tax burden of corporate income used in European Union

- Beata Blechova and Ivana Barteczková
- 17821: The Theorem of Proportionality in Mainstream Capital Theory: An Assessment of its Applicability

- George Bitros
- 17819: R&D and Economic Growth in Slovenia: A Dynamic General Equilibrium Approach with Endogenous Growth

- Miroslav Verbič, Boris Majcen and Mitja Cok
- 17817: Education and Economic Growth in Slovenia: A Dynamic General Equilibrium Approach with Endogenous Growth

- Miroslav Verbič, Boris Majcen and Mitja Cok
- 17816: Poverty and Health in India: A Comparative Study about Pre-Reform and Post-Reform Periods

- A Sarvalingam and Sivakumar Marimuthu
- 17813: Determinants of Turkish FDI abroad

- Saime Kayam and Mehtap Hisarciklilar
- 17810: The recovering of the finances by the state budget

- Nicoleta Barbuta Misu
- 17808: The profitability – risk relationship and financing decision

- Nicoleta Barbuta Misu
- 17807: The enterprise’ performance in the knowledge based society

- Nicoleta Barbuta Misu
- 17805: A Method for Implementing Counterfactual Experiments in Models with Multiple Equilibria

- Victor Aguirregabiria
- 17803: Transformation of the Turkish Financial Sector in the Aftermath of the 2001 Crisis

- Guzin Akin, Ahmet Aysan and Levent Yildiran
- 17800: Microfinance and Moneylender Interest Rate: Evidence from Bangladesh

- Debdulal Mallick
- 17799: Financial Development, Shocks, and Growth Volatility

- Debdulal Mallick
- 17798: Factor Proportions Wages in a Structural Vector Autoregression

- Hyeongwoo Kim and Henry Thompson
- 17796: Параллельное программирование в MATLAB м его приложения (Parallel programming in MATLAB and its applications)

- Nicholas Olenev, R.V. Pechenkin and A.M. Chernecov
- 17795: Democracy and growth: is the effect non-linear?

- Alexander Libman
- 17793: Valutazione economica della biodiversità marina e costiera nel Nord Adriatico: situazione socio-economica dell’area considerata e trasferimento del beneficio (Economic valuation of marine and coastal biodiversity in North Adriatic Sea: socio-economic situation of the area and benefit transfer)

- Giovanni Marin
- 17792: Education inequality, economic growth, and income inequality: Evidence from Indonesia, 1996-2005

- Kumba Digdowiseiso
- 17787: Competition and Cooperation between Professional Sports Franchises: The Impact on Ticket Prices

- Gregory Pelnar
- 17783: Social Interaction in Patients'�Hospital Choice: Evidences from Italy

- Francesco Moscone, Elisa Tosetti and Giorgio Vittadini
- 17782: Are High Taxes Restricting Indiana’s Growth?

- John Tatom
- 17781: Liberalizing air cargo services in APEC

- Massimo Geloso Grosso and Ben Shepherd
- 17780: Money Growth Has Slowed Sharply—Should Anybody Care?

- John Tatom
- 17779: When Will China’s Prosperity Catch up with the US?

- John Tatom
- 17778: Is the Distribution of Income Shifting Away from Workers?

- John Tatom
- 17776: Is the Chinese Renminbi Undervalued?

- John Tatom
- 17775: Is The U.S. Dollar Set to Plummet in Value?

- John Tatom
- 17774: Are Returns to Capital Hitting New Historic Highs?

- John Tatom
- 17773: The Role of Efficiency of Redistributive Institutions on Redistribution: An Empirical Assessment

- Ahmet Aysan
- 17772: The Shadowing Role of Redistributive Institutions in the Relationship Between Income Inequality and Redistribution

- Ahmet Aysan
- 17770: The Failure of Price Competition In The Turkish Credit Card Market

- Guzin Akin, Ahmet Aysan, Gazi Kara and Levent Yildiran
- 17769: Inversiones en transmisión eléctrica en la Provincia de Buenos Aires: El rol del mecanismo FREBA-FITBA (Investments in high tension electricity transmission in Buenos Aires Province: The role of FREBA-FITBA mechanism)

- Carlos Romero
- 17768: Non-price competition in credit card markets through bundling and bank level benefits

- Guzin Akin, Ahmet Aysan, Gazi Kara and Levent Yildiran
- 17767: Calibración de modelos de equilibrio general computado: Métodos y práctica usual (Calibration of CGE models: Methods and current practice)

- Carlos Romero
- 17765: Strategies of Italian firms in Romania. Evidence from selected case studies

- Giuseppe Tattara, Florentina Constantin and Giovanna De Giusti
- 17764: Forecasting Exchange-Rates via Local Approximation Methods and Neural Networks

- Andreas S. Andreou, George Zombanakis, E. F. Georgopoulos and S. D. Likothanassis
- 17759: Angebotsinduzierung und Mitnahmeeffekt im Rahmen der Riester-Rente. Eine empirische Analyse (Demand inducement, crowding in and the German Riester pension scheme. (Angebotsinduzierung und Mitnahmeeffekt im Rahmen der Riester-Rente))

- Christian Pfarr and Udo Schneider
- 17758: The Vicious Cycle of the Foreign Military Debt

- Vasilios G. Stavrinos and George Zombanakis
- 17757: Retaliatory disagreement point with asymmetric countries. Evidence from European wine sector during enlargement

- Genoveva Perju
- 17755: Bootstrapping the economy -- a non-parametric method of generating consistent future scenarios

- Ulrich A Müller, Roland Bürgi and Michel Dacorogna
- 17752: Why Are Interest Rates So Low?

- John Tatom
- 17744: How Endogenous Is Money? Evidence from a New Microeconomic Estimate

- David Cuberes and William Dougan
- 17743: Marketing strategies used in crisis - study case

- Tudor Nistorescu and Silvia Puiu
- 17742: Dynamics of intrahousehold bargaining

- Joaquin Andaluz, Miriam Marcén and José Alberto Molina
- 17741: Human Capital Spillovers in the Workplace: Labor Diversity and Productivity

- Guy Navon
- 17739: Informal Caring-Time and Caregiver Satisfaction

- Miriam Marcén and José Alberto Molina
- 17737: Commerce, finance et croissance économique au Cameroun (Commerce, finance and economics growth in Cameroun)

- Didier Alia and Nacisse Palissy Chassem Tchatchum
- 17736: Extreme Risk and Fat-tails Distribution Model:Empirical Analysis

- Ibrahim Onour
- 17732: Wealth effect in the US: evidence from brand new micro-data

- Simone Salotti
- 17729: Global imbalances and household savings: the role of wealth

- Simone Salotti
- 17721: Assessing the impact of the EU-sponsored trade liberalization in the MENA countries

- Jan Hagemejer and Andrzej Cieślik
- 17720: Early and Late Demographic Transitions: the Role of Urbanization

- David Cuberes
- 17719: The Unemployment Volatility Puzzle: The Role of Matching Costs Revisited

- José Ignacio Silva and Manuel Toledo
- 17717: Factors driving the firms decision to export. Firm-level evidence from Poland

- Jan Hagemejer
- 17715: Monetary Model of Exchange Rate for Thailand: Long-run Relationship and Monetary Restrictions

- Venus Liew, Ahmad Zubaidi Baharumshah and Chin-Hong Puah
- 17713: Family Institution and Filial Attention Contract

- Mohamed Jellal
- 17712: Does the Journal Impact Factor help make a Good Indicator of Academic Performance?

- Sudhanshu Mishra
- 17708: Choices under Risk in Rural Peru

- Francisco Galarza
- 17706: Infrastructure Tolls in Texas: Evidence from the Borderplex

- Marycruz De Leon, Thomas Fullerton, Brian W. Kelley and Angel L. Molina
- 17705: Repression and punishment in North Korea: survey evidence of prison camp experiences

- Marcus Noland and Stephan Haggard
- 17697: An urban general equilibrium model with multiple household structures and travel mode choice

- Stefan Tscharaktschiew and Georg Hirte
- 17696: Sustainability of microfinance institutions in financial crisis

- Lenka Dokulilova, Karel Janda and Pavel Zetek
- 17692: Cross-section dependence in nonstationary panel models: a novel estimator

- Markus Eberhardt and Stephen Bond
- 17690: 28th out of 30: Poor medicine and unhealthy Americans

- Edward Fullbrook
- 17689: A New Paradigm: A Joint Test of Structural and Correlation Parameters in Instrumental Variables Regression When Perfect Exogeneity is Violated

- Mehmet Caner and Melinda Morrill
- 17687: Bubbles and contagion in English house prices

- John Fry
- 17680: Economic Implications of Intellectual Property Rights for the Biotechnology Sector: A Comparative Analysis of the European-Japanese Situations

- Bernard Gilroy, Wolfgang Brandes and Tobias Vollpert
- 17678: Managing Credit Risk with Credit Derivatives

- Bernard Gilroy and Udo Broll
- 17677: Ownership Structure and Efficiency in Large Economies

- Camelia Bejan and Florin Bidian
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