MPRA Paper
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- 50470: Metodi bibliometrici e revisione dei pari per la valutazione della ricerca: un confronto metodologico (Bibliometric and peer review methods for research evaluation: a methodological appraisement)

- Tindaro Cicero, Marco Malgarini, Carmela Anna Nappi and Franco Peracchi
- 50465: The Role of Islamic Banking System as the Milestone towards Indonesia Micro Economy Development

- Dian Rahajeng
- 50457: El Sistema de Contabilidad Gubernamental que mejorará la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas en México (The Government Accounting System that will improve the trasnparency and accountability in Mexico)

- Laura Sour
- 50456: Cuáles son los resultados del Presupuesto por Resultados (What the results of the Budget by Results Have Been)

- Laura Sour
- 50453: Gasto público basado en políticas públicas: ¿Hasta dónde hemos avanzado en México? (Public Expenditures Based on Public Policies: How far we have come in Mexico?)

- Laura Sour
- 50451: Un repaso de conceptos sobre capacidad y esfuerzo fiscal, y su aplicación para los gobiernos locales mexicanos (An Overview of Current Concepts of the fiscal capacity and effort, and its application to the mexican local governments)

- Laura Sour
- 50450: Democracia y transparencia en la aprobación presupuestaria mexicana (Democracy and Transparency in the Mexican public budget approval process)

- Laura Sour
- 50449: ¿Cuánto cuesta vigilar al gobierno federal? (How much it costs monitoring the federal government?)

- Laura Sour and Guillermo Cejudo
- 50448: Evaluando al gobierno electrónico: avances en la transparencia de las finanzas públicas estatales (Evaluating the electronic government: advances in the transparency of the State public finances)

- Laura Sour
- 50447: Cumplimiento fiscal y bienes públicos: ¿Son realmente compatibles? (Tax Compliance & Public Goods: Do they really get along?)

- Laura Sour
- 50446: Informal versus Formal Search: Which Yields a Better Pay?

- Semih Tumen
- 50444: El sistema de transferencias federales en México: Premio o castigo para el esfuerzo fiscal de los gobiernos locales urbanos (The system of federal transfers in Mexico: a reward or punishment for the fiscal effort of urban local governments)

- Laura Sour
- 50442: An empirical investigation into the determinants and persistence of happiness and life evaluation

- Pawel Chrostek
- 50432: A Partner in Crime: Assortative Matching and Bias in the Crime Market

- Evelina Gavrilova
- 50420: The impact of oil prices on economic activity in administrated price structure: the case of Tunisia

- Thameur Necibi and Fakhri Issaoui
- 50413: The immigrant-native pay gap in Germany

- Stephan Humpert
- 50407: Central Government's Infrastructure Investment across Chinese Regions: A Dynamic Spatial Panel Data Approach

- Xinye Zheng, Fanghua Li, Shunfeng Song and Yihua Yu
- 50404: African Development,Partnership and Rationality Challenge:An Exposition

- Godwin Nwaobi
- 50403: Rational Agency and Moral Practice: An Exploration of Dual Constraints

- Mahmood Ansari Mahmood Ansari
- 50402: Un Test sulle Ipotesi delle Proiezioni a medio-lungo termine della Spesa Sanitaria (Testing Hypotheses at the basis of medium-long term Projections of Health Care Expenditure)

- Nicola Carmine Salerno
- 50398: GDP Growth and the Interdependency of Volatility Spillovers

- Indika Karunanayake, Abbas Valadkhani and O’Brien, Martin
- 50397: Analysing Productivity Changes Using the Bootstrapped Malmquist Approach: The Case of the Iranian Banking Industry

- Amir Arjomandi, Abbas Valadkhani and Charles Harvie
- 50396: Modelling the Price of Unleaded Petrol in Australia’s Capital Cities

- Abbas Valadkhani
- 50395: Random Walk and Multiple Structural Breaks In Thai Stock Market

- Surachai Chancharat, Amin Reza Kamalian and Abbas Valadkhani
- 50394: Structural Breaks and Testing for the Random Walk Hypothesis in International Stock Prices

- Surachai Chancharat and Abbas Valadkhani
- 50393: Causes and Implications of Declining Economics Major: A Focus on Australia

- Mohammad Alauddin and Abbas Valadkhani
- 50392: The Demand for Current Public Expenditure in Fiji: Theory and Empirical Results

- Darrel Doessel and Abbas Valadkhani
- 50391: The Demand for Current Public Expenditure in Fiji: Theory and Empirical Results

- Darrel Doessel and Abbas Valadkhani
- 50390: Disciplinary Analysis of the Contribution of Academic Staff to PhD Completions in Australian Universities

- Abbas Valadkhani and Simon Ville
- 50389: Macroeconometric Modelling in an Oil-Exporting Country: The case of Iran

- Abbas Valadkhani
- 50388: Assessing the Research Performance of Australian Universities

- Abbas Valadkhani and Andrew Worthington
- 50386: An Analysis of Iran’s Third Five-Year Development Plan in the Post-Revolution Era (2000-2005)

- Abbas Valadkhani
- 50385: Simulation of Aggregate Demand Impacts on the Sectoral Value Added in the Iranian Economy

- Abbas Valadkhani
- 50384: Ownership, Productivity Change in the Australian Urban Water Sector: a Bootstrap Malmquist indices approach

- Jayanath Ananda, Simone Gitto and Paolo Mancuso
- 50383: Affect of financial leverage on firm performance. Empirical evidence from Karachi Stock Exchange

- Muhammad Raza
- 50382: Causality between Trade Openness and Energy Consumption: What Causes What in High, Middle and Low Income countries

- Muhammad Shahbaz, Samia Nasreen, Chong Hui Ling and Rashid Sbia
- 50380: Information Transmission and Vehicle Recalls: The Role and Regulation of Recall Notification Letters

- Yong-Kyun Bae and Hugo Benitez-Silva
- 50375: An empirical investigation of socio-economic resilience to natural disasters

- Sonia Akter and Bishawjit Mallick
- 50372: Poverty of the Ethnic Minorities in Vietnam: Situation and Challenges from the Poorest Communes

- Hung Pham Thai, Trung Le Dang and Cuong Nguyen Viet
- 50371: The New Goods Margin in Japanese-Chinese Trade

- John Dalton
- 50370: A Neo-Kaldorian Approach to Structural Economic Dynamics

- Ricardo Araujo and Andrew Trigg
- 50368: Immigration policy and birth weight: positive externalities in Italian law

- Luca Pieroni and Luca Salmasi
- 50365: Licensing and regulation of the cannabis market in England and Wales: Towards a cost-benefit analysis

- Stephen Pudney, Mark Bryan and Emilia DelBono
- 50364: Enrollment costs, university quality and higher education choices in Italy

- Claudia Pigini and Stefano Staffolani
- 50362: Fiscal Imbalances and Current Account Adjustments in the European Transition Economies

- Rajmund Mirdala
- 50361: Testing the foreign aid-led growth hypothesis in West Africa

- Yakama Jones
- 50359: Factors Affecting Sugarcane Production in Pakistan

- Adnan Nazir, Ghulam Ali Jariko and Mumtaz Ali Junejo
- 50357: Interest rate modeling under multiple discounting curves

- Luis Manuel García Muñoz
- 50355: Evaluating Structural, Territorial and Institutional Impacts of Rural Development Policies in Italy: Some Lessons for the Future Programming Period (2007-2013)

- Francesco Mantino
- 50354: Trends and Patterns in Health Care Use and Treatment Costs in India during 1986 and 2004

- Anil Gumber, Biplab Dhak and N Lalitha
- 50353: EU Enlargement and the New Goods Margin in Austrian Trade

- John Dalton
- 50351: Women Financing and Household Economics

- Vighneswara Swamy and Tulasimala B K
- 50343: EU Structural and Cohesion Funds in Spain and Portugal: Is Regional and National Inequality Increasing?

- Pedro Gomis-Porqueras and José Enrique Garcilazo
- 50337: Inequality, Trade and Development: Evidence from Developing Countries

- Muhammad Majeed
- 50335: Why, for a Class of Bribes, the Act of Giving a Bribe should be Treated as Legal

- Kaushik Basu
- 50334: An Economic Model of Tax Compliance with Individual Morality and Group Conformity

- Laura Sour
- 50332: The Relationship Between Credit and Business Cycles in Central America and the Dominican Republic

- Francisco Ramírez de León
- 50329: Innovation, financial constraints and relationship lending: evidence from Italy during the recent crises

- Emanuele Brancati
- 50325: Equity-based Financial Slack and New Venture Performance: Evidence from matched single-founder ventures

- Horatio M. Morgan
- 50324: Famine, Finance, and Adjustment to Environmental Shock: Microcredit and the Great Famine in Ireland

- Tyler Goodspeed
- 50323: On the optimality of hedge fund investment strategies: a Bayesian skew t distribution model

- John Weirstrass Muteba Mwamba
- 50321: The Wear and Tear on Health: What is the Role of Occupation?

- Bastian Ravesteijn, Hans van Kippersluis and Eddy Van Doorslaer
- 50317: “准官员”的晋升机制:来自中国央企的证据 (The Political Promotion for Quasi-Government Officers: Evidence from Central State-owned Enterprises in China)

- Ruilong Yang, Yuan Wang and Huihua Nie
- 50315: Simple Fractional Dickey Fuller test

- Ahmed Bensalma
- 50314: Self-Attribution Bias and Consumption

- Jesse Zinn
- 50313: The Impact of International Remittances on Income, Work Efforts, Poverty and Inequality: Evidence from Vietnam

- Cuong Nguyen, Marrit van den Berg and Robert Lensink
- 50312: Poverty, Inequality and Trade Facilitation in Low and Middle Income Countries

- Cuong Nguyen
- 50311: La produzione scientifica italiana e il suo impatto: un confronto internazionale relativo alle Aree CUN bibliometriche (Italian scientific production and its impact: an international comparison)

- Marco Malgarini
- 50310: Modelling Biased Judgement with Weighted Updating

- Jesse Zinn
- 50307: Генезис синергетического подхода в исследованиях слияний и поглощений: развенчание главного мифа о синергии (Genesis of synergetic approach in researches of M&A: dethronement of the main myth about the synergy)

- Alexey Ivanov
- 50306: Reviewing electricity production cost assessments

- Simon Larsson, Dean Fantazzini, Simon Davidsson, Sven Kullander and Mikael Hook
- 50305: China's energy statistics in a global context: A methodology to develop regional energy balances for East, Central and West China

- Peggy Mischke
- 50304: В поисках синергетического эффекта: российский рынок слияний и поглощений в 2005-2012 гг (In search of synergy effects: Russian M&A market in 2005-2012)

- Alexey Ivanov
- 50303: Assessing the number of components in a normal mixture: an alternative approach

- Katarzyna Maciejowska
- 50301: Trade Liberalization, Division of Labor, and Firm Productivity

- Keita Kamei
- 50300: Macro Models: An App for Macroeconomic Models. User Manual 2.1

- Gianluigi Coppola
- 50296: Inequality, Financial Development and Government: Evidence from Low-Income Developing Countries

- Muhammad Majeed
- 50294: A theory of markets with return-seeking firms

- Cameron Murray
- 50293: Unions’ Coordination and the Central Banker’s behavior in a Monetary Union

- Patrice Borda, Damien Gaumont and Olivier Manioc
- 50292: Biases and Implicit Knowledge

- Thomas Cunningham
- 50291: Equity-based Financial Slack and New Venture Performance: Evidence from matched single-founder ventures

- Horatio M. Morgan
- 50290: Review of Rural Development Instruments: DG Agri project 2006-G4-10. Final Report

- Janet Dwyer, Mike Clark, James Kirwan, Carol Kambites, Nick Lewis, Anna Molnarova, Ken Thompson, Francesco Mantino, Serena Tarangioli, Alessandro Monteleone, Martina Bolli, Patrizia Fagiani, Daniela Storti, Simone Shiller, Karlheinz Knickel, Martin Farmer, David Baldock, Justin Bartley, Kaley Hart, Clunie Keenleyside, Marie Trantinova, Jaroslav Prazan and Dylan Bradley
- 50286: Microinsurance: The Choice among Delivery and Regulatory Mechanisms

- Syed Ahsan and Minhaj Mahmud
- 50280: Znaczenie innowacji w gospodarce i na rynku taśm przenośnikowych (The role of innovation in economy and the conveyor belt market)

- Leszek Jurdziak
- 50277: Analiza polskiego rynku taśm przenośnikowych (Analysis of Polish conveyor belts' market)

- Leszek Jurdziak and Łukasz Szlichcinski
- 50273: Capital Flight and Transfer from Resource-Rich Developing Countries

- Kazue Demachi
- 50271: Rynek taśm przenośnikowych w Polsce – analiza i ocena (Conveyor belts' market in Poland - analysis and evaluation)

- Leszek Jurdziak and Łukasz Szlichciński
- 50270: Irrigation System in Indian Punjab

- Inderjeet Singh and Kesar Singh Bhangoo
- 50267: Likelihood approach to dynamic panel models with interactive effects

- Jushan Bai
- 50265: Same aspects regarding production management in small and medium industries under European Community integration conditions

- Constantin Dan Dumitrescu, Ionut Dacian Tent, Georgica Cornu, Nicoleta Trandafir and Sabin Ioan Irimie
- 50263: The status of Framework Programmes Funding of the sustainable development of the Romanian energy sector

- Sabin Ioan Irimie and Ionel Vasile Timisan
- 50261: Provocările politicii monetare (Monetary policy challenges)

- Ramona Dumitriu and Razvan Stefanescu
- 50257: Energy demand in Pakistan and the possibility of inter fuel substitution

- Ather Maqsood Ahmed and M. Ali Kemal
- 50254: A Romanian approach of the program "Employee of the month"

- Bianca Armean, Virginia Baleanu and Sabin Ioan Irimie
- 50252: Adapting through personal development

- Sabin Ioan Irimie, Virginia Baleanu and Sabina Irimie
- 50251: Sustainable development of Romania through the structural funds

- Sabin Ioan Irimie and Rares Munteanu
- 50249: Calculation method for the energy loss in the pneumatic mining networks

- Dan Codrut Petrilean, Sabin Ioan Irimie and Rares Munteanu
- 50240: An alternative to portfolio selection problem beyond Markowitz’s: Log Optimal Growth Portfolio

- John Weirstrass Muteba Mwamba and Mwambi Suteni
- 50239: Does Banque de France control inflation and unemployment?

- Ivan Kitov and Oleg Kitov
- 50238: A Note on Federal Budget Deficits and the Term Structure of Real Interest Rates in the United States

- Richard Cebula
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