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91541: On the Validity of Probabilistic (and Cost-Saving) Incentives in Dictator Games: A Systematic Test Downloads
Gari Walkowitz
91539: Устойчиво производство и потребление – ролята на стандартизацията, ИК “Ран-Р”, София, 2018 (Sustainable production and consumption - the role of standardization, Ed. "Ran-R", Sofia, 2018) (Sustainable production and consumption - the role of standardization, Ed. "Ran-R", Sofia, 2018) Downloads
Elka Vasileva
91534: No change in sight - Togo’s Political and Socio-Economic Development (2017 – 2019) Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
91533: US city size distribution and space Downloads
Rafael González-Val
91532: Technology and persistence in global software piracy Downloads
Simplice Asongu and Christelle Meniago
91531: Recent finance advances in information technology for inclusive development: a systematic review Downloads
Simplice Asongu and Jacinta Nwachukwu
91530: Governance and social media in African countries: an empirical investigation Downloads
Simplice Asongu and Nicholas Odhiambo
91529: Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Fast-Growing Economies: Evidence from the BRICS and MINT Countries Downloads
Simplice Asongu, Uduak Akpan and Salisu Isihak
91528: Spatial spillovers of the cultural employment growth in Brazilian municipalities Downloads
Luiz Carlos de Santana Ribeiro, Thiago Henrique Carneiro Rios Lopes, Amir Borges Ferreira Neto and Fernanda Rodrigues dos Santos
91526: Struggles of security and secularism in Turkey and its impact on gender issues Downloads
Ece Selma Atalay Chiu
91523: The Folk Rule for Minimum Cost Spanning Tree Problems with Multiple Sources Downloads
Gustavo Bergantiños, Youngsub Chun, Eunju Lee and Leticia Lorenzo
91522: Tax transition in developing countries: Do VAT and excises really work? Downloads
Kodjo Adandohoin
91519: Is inflation targeting compatible with economic growth ? Korean experience based on ARDL and NARDL Downloads
Diyana Najwa Affendi and Abul Masih
91517: Determinants of food price inflation: evidence from Malaysia based on linear and nonlinear ARDL Downloads
Amiratul Nadiah Hasan and Abul Masih
91516: The Effectiveness of English as Medium of Instruction in University: Case of Students and Lecturers’ Performance Evaluation in Undergraduate Program Downloads
Riatu Qibthiyyah and Sartika Djamaluddin
91515: Risk prevention of land flood: A cooperative game theory approach Downloads
Xana Álvarez, María Gómez-Rúa and Juan Vidal-Puga
91512: Income Inequality, Poverty, and the Rule of Law: Latin America vs the Rest of the World1 Downloads
Robert Sonora
91510: The Comparative Economics of ICT, Environmental Degradation and Inclusive Human Development in Sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
Simplice Asongu, Jacinta Nwachukwu and Chris Pyke
91509: Exchange rate and trade balance linkage: evidence from Malaysia based on ARDL and NARDL Downloads
Syaima Adznan and Abul Masih
91508: Is residential property the ultimate hedge against inflation ? new evidence from Malaysia based on ARDL and nonlinear ARDL Downloads
Nur Suhairah Aqsha and Abul Masih
91506: When NGOs fail: A model of advocacy and services provision in weak democracies Downloads
Joaquin Morales and Elena Serfilippi
91504: On the Psychological Foundations of Economic Development Downloads
Stephen Odedoyin
91499: Municipal infrastructure spending capacity in South Africa: a panel smooth transition regression (PSTR) approach Downloads
Vandudzai Mbanda and Lumengo Bonga-Bonga
91489: Utility 2.0: A multi-dimensional review of New York’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) and Great Britain’s RIIO utility business models Downloads
Annette Brocks, Joseph Nyangon and Job Taminiau
91488: Enhancing Climate Finance Readiness: A Review of Selected Investment Frameworks as Tools of Multilevel Governance Downloads
Lawrence Agbemabiese, Joseph Nyangon, Jae-Seung Lee and John Byrne
91487: The U.S. Shale Gas Revolution and its Implications for International Energy Policy Downloads
Joseph Nyangon
91486: Diversifying Electricity Customer Choice: REVing Up the New York Energy Vision for Polycentric Innovation Downloads
Joseph Nyangon and John Byrne
91485: أثر الاستثمار الأجنبي المباشر على نمو القطاع الصناعي بالجزائر (the impact of Foreign Direct Investment on the Industrial Sector Growth in Algeria) Downloads
Latifa Benyoub, Aouar Aicha and Khadidja Kharafi
91483: The behavioural foundations of female entrepreneurship: what can experiments teach us? Downloads
Marina Della Giusta, Sophie Clot and Giovanni Razzu
91482: Keep Calm and Carry On: Gender differences in Endurance Downloads
Marina Della Giusta, Sophie Clot and Amalia Di Girolamo
91481: Working for nothing: personality, time allocation and earnings in the UK Downloads
Marina Della Giusta and Sarah Jewell
91480: Criminalising clients: some evidence from the UK Downloads
Marina Della Giusta, Maria Laura Di Tommaso, Francesca Bettio and Sarah Jewell
91477: Repeated shocks and preferences for redistribution Downloads
Giovanni Gualtieri, Marcella Nicolini, Fabio Sabatini and Luca Zamparelli
91475: The Success of the Deferred Acceptance Algorithm under Heterogenous Preferences with Endogenous Aspirations Downloads
Ismail Saglam
91474: Do Coalitions Matter in Designing Institutions? Downloads
Ville Korpela, Michele Lombardi and Hannu Vartiainen
91473: Terms of Trade Effects of Productivity Shocks and Economic Development Downloads
Emre Özçelik and Mustafa Tuğan
91472: Measuring the External Stability of the One-to-One Matching Generated by the Deferred Acceptance Algorithm Downloads
Ismail Saglam
91471: Optimal Partial Privatization in the Presence of Foreign Competition: The Role of Efficiency Differentials and Unemployment Downloads
Yi Liu, Sajal Lahiri and Tianqi Liu
91469: North-South Uneven Development and Income Distribution under the Balance of Payments Constraint Downloads
Hiroaki Sasaki
91467: A new causality test for the analysis of the export-growth nexus Downloads
Fumitaka Furuoka
91465: The impact of FDI on economic growth in Tunisia: An estimate by the ARDL approach Downloads
Najeh Bouchoucha and Walid Ali
91463: Investment-Specific Technological Change, Taxation and Inequality in the U.S Downloads
Pedro Brinca, João Gouveia-Oliveira and João Duarte
91460: Asymmetric Information and the Property Rights Approach to the Theory of the Firm Downloads
Patrick W. Schmitz
91459: Evaluating time-varying treatment effects in latent Markov models: An application to the effect of remittances on poverty dynamics Downloads
Federico Tullio and Francesco Bartolucci
91458: The Negotiators Who Knew Too Much: Transaction Costs and Incomplete Information Downloads
Patrick W. Schmitz
91457: Optimal Ownership of Public Goods Reconsidered Downloads
Patrick W. Schmitz
91453: Time-inconsistent Output Subsidy/Tax Policies in Free-entry Mixed Markets Downloads
Jiaqi Chen, Sang-Ho Lee and Timur Muminov
91452: Timing of R&D Decisions and Output Subsidies in a Mixed Duopoly with Spillovers Downloads
Sang-Ho Lee, Timur Muminov and Jiaqi Chen
91451: Transportation Project Evaluation Methods/Approaches Downloads
Omid M. Rouhani
91450: Market Efficiency and Volatility Persistence of Cryptocurrency during Pre- and Post-Crash Periods of Bitcoin: Evidence based on Fractional Integration Downloads
Olaoluwa Yaya, Ahamuefula Ogbonna and Robert Mudida
91449: Population growth and industrialization Downloads
Haiwen Zhou
91447: The emergence of the joint-stock companies in the Dutch Republic and their democratic elements in business Downloads
Emmanouil-Marios-Lazaros Economou and Nicholas Kyriazis
91445: Обществените поръчки – законодателен механизъм за правомерно разходване на публични средства (The public procurements – legislative mechanism for lawful spending of public funds) Downloads
Diana Dimitrova
91444: Нормативни мерки срещу формите на дискриминация при провеждане на обществени поръчки (Normative Measures Against the Forms of Discrimination in the Conducting of Public Procurements) Downloads
Diana Dimitrova
91442: Boeotians, Achaeans and Europeans. Can we learn from the ancient Greek federal experience? Downloads
Emmanouil-Marios-Lazaros Economou and Nicholas Kyriazis
91441: Националната платформа за електронно възлагане – стъпка в процеса на хармонизация с европейските изисквания (The national platform for electronic awarding – a step in the process of harmonization with the european requirements) Downloads
Diana Dimitrova
91435: Land Resource Utilisation in Tea Industry: Current Problems and Future Prospects with Special Reference to Labour Downloads
Sugata Marjit and Nimai Das
91433: Quantitative Study of Tea Industry in India: Market, Pricing and Organization Downloads
Sugata Marjit, Saibal Kar and Nimai Das
91430: Economic regimes and stock market performance in Nigeria: Evidence from regime switching model Downloads
Shehu Aliyu and Abubakar Wambai Aminu
91429: Do we Experience Day-of-the-week Effects in Returns and Volatility of Cryptocurrency? Downloads
Olaoluwa Yaya and Ahamuefula Ogbonna
91428: Group size and network formation Downloads
Isabel Melguizo
91425: Fuzzy Profit Shifting: A Model for Optimal Tax-induced Transfer Pricing with Fuzzy Arm's Length Parameter Downloads
Alex A.T. Rathke
91421: Firm Complexity and Post-Earnings-Announcement Drift Downloads
Alexander Barinov, Shawn Saeyeul Park and Celim Yildizhan
91413: A treatise on socioeconomic roles of waqf Downloads
Shehu Aliyu
91410: Different Theoretical Approaches about European Studies Downloads
Mariana Buda
91408: Catalan, Basque and Galician. Regional Languages at the Borders of Spain. The Culture of Region Downloads
Mariana Buda
91407: The Valencian Linguistic Conflict: Dialect or Regional Language? Instrument or Argument for the Catalans independence? Downloads
Mariana Buda
91406: European Border Regions in comparison: The cross-border cooperation in Basque Country – a good example for Bihor – Hajdú-Bihar Region? Downloads
Mariana Buda
91405: Mastering Languages, the Guarantee for a better Job? Downloads
Mariana Buda
91404: Estructura y costos financieros para MYPES. El caso peruano (Structure and Financial Costs for MYPES. The Peruvian Case) Downloads
Silvino Aliaga
91402: Can product service systems support electric vehicle adoption? Downloads
Axel Ensslen, Till Gnann, Patrick Jochem, Patrick Plötz, Elisabeth Dütschke and Wolf Fichtner
91401: Trading Motives in Asset Markets Downloads
Zijian Wang
91397: From Integrated Capitalism to Disintegrating Capitalism. Scenarios of a Third World War Downloads
Gerhard Hanappi
91396: Is Nigeria's economy progressing or backsliding? Implications from ARIMA models Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
91395: Where is Kenya being headed to? Empirical evidence from the Box-Jenkins ARIMA approach Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
91394: Modeling and forecasting population in Bangladesh: a Box-Jenkins ARIMA approach Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
91393: The Euro as an International Currency (The Euro as an International Currency) Downloads
Panayota Leandros
91386: Les externalités de la R&D et la capacité d’innovation: implications sur données camerounaises pour une politique de promotion d’innovation (The externalities of R&D and innovation effort: implications for Cameroonian data for innovation promotion) Downloads
Charles Bertin Pilag Kakeu and Miamo Clovis
91381: Banks Risk Taking and Creditors Bargaining Power Downloads
Yuval Heller, Sharon Peleg Lazar and Alon Raviv
91375: Cambodia's Oil and Gas Activities and Future Outlooks Downloads
Ponhneath Nguon
91374: Export structure and economic growth in a developping country: case of Côte d'Ivoire Downloads
Gninlgonakan Romaric Coulibaly and Sosthène Alban Akia
91370: Farsightedness in Games: Stabilizing Cooperation in International Conflict Downloads
Steven Brams and Mehmet S. Ismail
91368: Forbidden zones for the expectations of measurement data and problems of behavioral economics Downloads
Alexander Harin
91365: Transferts de fonds des migrants et croissance économique: une analyse comparative entre le Cameroun et le Sénégal (Remittances and economic growth: a comparative analysis between Cameroon and Senegal) Downloads
Cha'ngom Narcisse, Nembot Ndeffo Luc and Tamba Isaac
91364: In Search of Long Run Stability for Fiscal Transfers in Indian Federalism Downloads
Nimai Das
91363: Social Norms, Status Spending and Household Debt: Evidence from Kyrgyzstan Downloads
Alisher Aldashev
91360: Not all price endings are created equal: Price points and asymmetric price rigidity Downloads
Daniel Levy, Avichai Snir, Alex Gotler and Haipeng (Allan) Chen
91359: Whose land is it anyway? Energy futures & land use in India Downloads
Aniruddh Mohan
91357: Bayesian Structural VAR Approach to Tunisian Monetary Policy Framework Downloads
Sami Mestiri
91354: The Effect of Social Media on Employees’ Job Performance: The mediating Role of Organizational Structure Downloads
Ali Çetinkaya and Muhammad Rashid
91353: Is the United States of America (USA) really being made great again? witty insights from the Box-Jenkins ARIMA approach Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
91352: Factors affecting succession planning in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Zimbabwe: a case study of Harare Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
91351: Modeling rates of inflation in Nigeria: an application of ARMA, ARIMA and GARCH models Downloads
Thabani Nyoni and Solomon Prince Nathaniel
91348: Classifying de facto exchange rate regimes of financially open and closed economies: A statistical approach Downloads
Marek Dąbrowski, Monika Papież and Sławomir Śmiech
91347: Estimación de la Evasión en el Impuesto al Valor Agregado (IVA) (Estimates of Evasion in the VAT in Bolivia) Downloads
Fernando Cossio Munoz Reyes and Maria Felix Delgadillo
91344: El Transaporte Automotor de Pasajeros de Larga Distancia en Bolivia (Diagnostic of the Market for Long Distance Transportation Services in Bolivia) Downloads
Fernando Cossio Munoz Reyes
91343: Informe de Equidad Fiscal de Bolivia: Incidencia Distributiva de la Política Fiscal (Social Incidence of the Fiscal Policy in Bolivia) Downloads
Fernando Cossio Munoz Reyes
91342: El Ámbito Tributario en Las Relaciones Fiscales Intergubernamentales en Bolivia (Taxation and Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations in Bolivia) Downloads
Fernando Cossio Munoz Reyes and Jose Antonio Nogales Zabala
91336: The economic aftermath of the Welfare State in the last century Downloads
Andrea Vicini
91334: 媒体关注能影响上市公司现金股利支付吗? (Can media attention affect corporate cash dividend policy?) Downloads
Jing Xu
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