MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 36268: After 20 years of status quo: the failure of gradualism in Slovenia’s post-socialist transition

- Rok Spruk
- 36261: A detailed investigation of crash risk reduction resulting from red light cameras in small urban areas

- Mark Burkey and Kofi Obeng
- 36256: A reassessment of energy and GDP relationship: A case of Australia

- Md Shahiduzzaman and Khorshed Alam
- 36250: Changes in energy efficiency in Australia: A decomposition of aggregate energy intensity using Logarithmic Mean Divisia approach

- Md Shahiduzzaman and Khorshed Alam
- 36242: Estimates of Wage Discrimination Against Workers with Sensory Disabilities, with Controls for Job Demands

- Chung Choe and Marjorie Baldwin
- 36240: When organization encounters uncertainty in regulatory times

- Fenglong Xiao
- 36239: Two explanations to the willingness to accept and willingness to pay gap plus an alternative

- Edsel Beja
- 36233: Ranking agricultural, environmental and natural resource economics journals: A note

- George Halkos and Nickolaos Tzeremes
- 36231: Frequent flyer programs premium and the role of airport dominance

- Diego Escobari
- 36230: A brief introduction to marginal analysis for the micro-economics principles course

- Mark Burkey
- 36228: A preliminary investigation of welfare migration induced by time limits

- Hal W. Snarr and Mark Burkey
- 36227: Trading mechanism selection with budget constraints

- Cemil Selcuk
- 36226: Motivated Sellers & Predatory Buyers

- Cemil Selcuk
- 36225: Seasonal cycles in the housing market

- Cemil Selcuk
- 36224: Trading Mechanism Selection with Directed Search when Buyers are Risk Averse

- Cemil Selcuk
- 36222: Eficiencia de la migración interregional en Chile para ajustar el mercado laboral (Interregional migration efficiency in adjusting regional labour markets in Chile)

- Francisco Rowe and Patricio Aroca
- 36221: Locational choices and the costs of distance: empirical evidence for Dutch graduates

- Martin Carree and Kristin Kronenberg
- 36219: The role of management accounting in providing Information for making decision within an entity

- Dan Ioan Topor, Alina Puţan and Sorinel Capusneanu
- 36218: General implementation stages of the ABC method in the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

- Sorinel Capusneanu, Dan Topor and Letiţia Maria Rof
- 36217: A Changing Climate: Statistical Evidence of the Intellectual Property Landscape of Clean Energy Technologies

- Roya Ghafele and Benjamin Gibert
- 36215: The threshold consumption correlation-based approach to international capital mobility: evidence from advanced and developing countries

- Jun Nagayasu
- 36214: Dynamics of Foreign Currency Lending in Turkey

- Ali Kutan, Emre Ozsoz and Erick Rengifo
- 36208: Poverty reduction efforts in Nigeria 1996 – 2004: a micro level analysis of the relative importance of income growth and redistribution

- John C. Odozi and Timothy T. Awoyemi
- 36207: Labor differentiation and agglomeration in general equilibrium

- Marcus Berliant and Yves Zenou
- 36206: Time-varying conditional Johnson SU density in value-at-risk (VaR) methodology

- Peter Julian Cayton and Dennis Mapa
- 36205: Evaluating alternative estimators for optimal order quantities in the newsvendor model with skewed demand

- George Halkos and Ilias Kevork
- 36202: Exogenous and endogenous crashes as phase transitions in complex financial systems

- John Fry
- 36199: Derivatives, Fiscal Policy and Financial Stability

- Chiara Oldani and Paolo Savona
- 36198: Ranking mainstream economics journals: A note

- George Halkos and Nickolaos Tzeremes
- 36197: Souvlaki connection; reflections on the Greek crisis

- Chiara Oldani and Paolo Savona
- 36195: The Management of Greek Sovereign Risk

- Chiara Oldani
- 36191: The Impact of soft drug legalization on Romania

- Donici, Andreea Nicoleta/NA and Maha, Andreea/A
- 36186: Management and the Free Standing Company – The New Zealand and Australia Land Company c. 1866 – 1900

- Kevin D. Tennent
- 36185: Are trade costs higher for services than for manufactures? Evidence from firm-level data

- Asier Minondo
- 36184: Bernanke Was Right: Currency Manipulation Policy in Emerging Foreign Exchange Markets

- Shiu-Sheng Chen
- 36182: Reverse Globalization: Does High Oil Price Volatility Discourage International Trade?

- Shiu-Sheng Chen and Kai-Wei Hsu
- 36181: Effect of social capital on income redistribution preferences: comparison of neighborhood externality between high- and low-income households

- Eiji Yamamura
- 36178: Hedonic Regressions, Matched Models and Economic Theory

- Enrico D'Elia
- 36177: Target variation in a loss avoiding pension fund problem

- Jarred Foster
- 36175: Financial determinants of consumer price inflation. What do dynamics in money, credit, efficiency and size tell us?

- Simplice Asongu
- 36174: Politics and Consumer Prices in Africa

- Simplice Asongu
- 36173: Impact of Microfinance on the Performance of an Agriculture Industry in Pakistan

- Muhammad Imtiaz Subhani
- 36172: Impact of Fiscal Policy on the Economy of Pakistan

- Muhammad Imtiaz Subhani
- 36171: The effects of real exchange rate volatility on productivity growth

- Ibrahima Diallo
- 36168: A Simple Model of the Commercial Lobbying Industry

- Thomas Groll and Christopher J. Ellis
- 36166: Ranking accounting, banking and finance journals: A note

- George Halkos and Nickolaos Tzeremes
- 36165: Adaptive voting: an empirical analysis of participation and choice

- Marco Ferdinando Martorana and Isidoro Mazza
- 36164: Harmonising Basel III and the Dodd Frank Act through greater collaboration between standard setters and national supervisors

- Marianne Ojo
- 36161: Relationship between Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Government Bonds

- Muhammad Imtiaz Subhani
- 36160: Determinants of export performance in textile industries of Pakistan

- Muhammad Imtiaz Subhani
- 36158: Bilateral trade: a study on SAARC countries

- Muhammad Imtiaz Subhani
- 36149: Harmonising Basel III and the Dodd Frank Act through international accounting standards: reasons why international accounting standards should serve as “thermostats”

- Marianne Ojo
- 36147: Evaluating point and density forecasts of DSGE models

- Maik Wolters
- 36146: Note sulla teoria del consumo (Notes on consumption theory)

- Giuseppe Travaglini
- 36145: Foreign direct investment in provinces: A spatial regression approach to FDI in Vietnam

- Bulent Esiyok and Mehmet Ugur
- 36141: Effects of groups and government size on information disclosure

- Eiji Yamamura
- 36140: Eyes on Romania: what to look when investing here?

- Cristina F. Tatomir and Oana Popovici
- 36139: Does economic convergence with the European Union mean more FDI flows to an economy? Analysis on 5 Central and Eastern Europe countries

- Ileana Alexe and Cristina F. Tatomir
- 36138: Taking two to tango: the joint prospective assessment of pension sustainability and adequacy in Belgium

- Gijs Dekkers and Raphaël Desmet
- 36137: Intergenerational redistribution of income through capital funding pension schemes: simulating the Dutch pension fund ABP

- Gijs Dekkers, Jan Nelissen and Henk A. Becker
- 36136: On the impact of indexation and demographic ageing on inequality among pensioners

- Gijs Dekkers
- 36134: Pensions at a glance: Asia/Pacific

- Edward Whitehouse
- 36131: Rendimento Acadêmico, o que prediz (e o que não prediz): o caso dos alunos de Ciências Econômicas da UnB (Academic Outcome, what predicts(and what does not): the case of Economics alumni from University of Brasilia)

- Luis C. F. Lima
- 36130: Mainstream si keynesism: -două doctrine, două metode,aceleaşi idei- (Mainstream and keynesism: - two doctrines, two methods, same ideas -)

- Radu Constantinescu
- 36128: Mainstream si keynesism: -două doctrine, două metode,aceleaşi idei- (Mainstream and keynesism: - two doctrines, two methods, same ideas -)

- Radu Constantinescu
- 36127: The vanna - volga method for derivatives pricing

- Agnieszka Janek
- 36123: Financial Globalization and Animal Spirits

- Takuma Kunieda and Akihisa Shibata
- 36122: Manufacturing firms in Africa: Some stylized facts about wages and productivity

- George Clarke
- 36120: Justification and cooperation

- Erte Xiao
- 36117: An optimization-based framework for modeling counterterrorism strategies

- H.A. Eiselt, Joy Bhadury and Mark Burkey
- 36116: Micro-finance competition: motivated micro-lenders, double-dipping and default

- Brishti Guha and Prabal Roy Chowdhury
- 36115: Where do preferences come from?

- Franz Dietrich and Christian List
- 36112: A reason-based theory of rational choice

- Franz Dietrich and Christian List
- 36111: Reasons for (prior) belief in bayesian epistemology

- Franz Dietrich and Christian List
- 36110: Monte Carlo experiment on the pooled ols estimator in large mixed panels

- Malvina Marchese
- 36107: Etica, economia e principi di giustizia (Ethics, economics and principles of justice)

- Daniele Schiliro'
- 36103: Do financial systems converge? A Comprehensive panel data approach and new evidence from a dataset for 102 countries

- Alexander Veysov and Mikhail Stolbov
- 36101: Linkages among the non-genetically modified soybean, conventional soybean, and corn futures markets in the Tokyo Grain Exchange

- Kentaka Aruga
- 36100: In search of a preferred preference elicitation method: A test of the internal consistency of choice and matching tasks

- Arthur Attema and Werner Brouwer
- 36099: Games 2.0 jako próba konstrukcji społeczno-kulturowego perpetuum mobile (Games 2.0 as a Test of Socio-Cultural Perpetuum Mobile Construction)

- Andrzej Klimczuk
- 36098: Rozrywkowe skrzywienie - kiedy dokuczliwość społeczna gier komputerowych przekroczy dopuszczalny poziom? (Entertainment Curvature - When Social Bothersome of Computer Games Will Cross Acceptable Level?)

- Andrzej Klimczuk
- 36097: Kapitał społeczny Polaków a rozwój społeczno-ekonomiczny (Poles Social Capital and Socio-Economic Development)

- Andrzej Klimczuk
- 36096: Zastosowanie koncepcji kapitału społecznego w badaniach ludologicznych. Przykład branży gier komputerowych (Application of the Social Capital Concept in Ludology Research: An Example of the Games Industry)

- Andrzej Klimczuk
- 36095: Drugie Życie, czyli problemy z przedłużaniem rzeczywistości (Second Life - problems with the prolongation of reality)

- Andrzej Klimczuk
- 36094: Intellectual property rights, innovation and technology transfer: a survey

- Breitwieser Anja and Foster Neil
- 36093: Exploring the sources of earnings transmission in Spain

- María Cervini-Plá
- 36092: Transferencias condicionadas de ingreso en Argentina: la Asignación Universal por Hijo para Protección Social (Conditional cash transfers in Argentina: Universal Allocation per Child for Social Protection)

- Alejandro Calabria, Analía Calero, Vanesa D´Elia, Julio Gaiada and Sergio Rottenschweiler
- 36091: The economics and philosophy of globalization

- Naveed Yazdani and Dawood Mamoon
- 36089: Price Linkages in the Copper Futures, Primary, and Scrap Markets

- Kentaka Aruga and Shunsuke Managi
- 36088: An Intervention Analysis on the Tokyo Grain Exchange Non- Genetically Modified and Conventional Soybean Futures Market

- Kentaka Aruga
- 36087: Competing risks analysis and deposit insurance governance convergence

- Christopher Gandrud
- 36086: Linkage among the U.S. Energy Futures Markets

- Kentaka Aruga and Shunsuke Managi
- 36085: Common Factors and Specific Factors

- Pu Chen
- 36073: Endogenous labour market imperfection and the HOS model: some counterintuitive trade-theoretic results

- Sarbajit Chaudhuri
- 36072: Bureaucratic reform, informal sector and welfare

- Sarbajit Chaudhuri and Biswajit Mandal
- 36070: Predictions vs preliminary sample estimates

- Enrico D'Elia
- 36069: Racial biases and market outcomes: "White men can't jump," but would you bet on it?

- Deniz Igan, Marcelo Pinheiro and John Smith
- 36065: Análisis de la cobertura previsional del Sistema Integrado Previsional Argentino (SIPA): protección, inclusión e igualdad (Pension coverage analysis of the Integrated Argentine Pension System (SIPA): protection, inclusion and equality)

- Alejandro Calabria, Analía Calero, Vanesa D´Elia, Julio Gaiada and Sergio Rottenschweiler
- 36064: Does bullying reduce educational achievement? An evaluation using matching estimators

- Michela Ponzo
- 36063: The constitution of economic growth: Testing the prosperity effects of a Madisonian model on a panel of countries 1980‐2000

- Mogens K. Justesen and Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard
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