MPRA Paper
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- 25301: Entrepreneurship and the Hidden Economy: An Extended Matching Model

- Maurizio Pugno and Gaetano Lisi
- 25300: Effect of Rainfall on Seasonals in Indian Manufacturing Production: Evidence from Sectoral Data

- Lokendra Kumawat
- 25299: Identity and Sex: Concurent Aspects of Gay Tourism

- J. Carlos Monterrubio
- 25298: Experience and Worker Flows

- Aspen Gorry
- 25297: Optimal Taxation over the Life Cycle

- Aspen Gorry and Ezra Oberfield
- 25296: Minimum Wages and Youth Employment

- Aspen Gorry
- 25295: Rhe Life-Cycle of Agro Tourist Enterprises

- Chaido Dritsaki
- 25294: Dramatic Changes in the Continuously evolving Tourist Destinations: The Case of Paralia in Pieria

- George Zografos and Alex Deffner
- 25293: Climate Change and Sustainable practices: A Case Study of the Resort Industry in Florida

- Harold Richins and Janice Scarinci
- 25291: Basel III and responding to the recent Financial Crisis: progress made by the Basel Committee in relation to the need for increased bank capital and increased quality of loss absorbing capital

- Marianne Ojo
- 25290: Looking for Environmental Excellence in Tourist Destinations

- Josep Boyra Amposta
- 25289: Tourism: A Tool for Crafting Peace Process in Kashmir, J&K, India

- Vinay Chauhan and Suvidha Khanna
- 25288: Low Cost Inferential Forecasting and Tourism Demand in Accommodation Industry

- Zaharias Psillakis, Alkiviadis Panagopoulos and Dimitris Kanellopoulos
- 25287: Examining the Link between Visitors' Motivations and Convention Destination Image

- Youngsun Shin
- 25286: The Tourism-led Growth Hypothesis: Empirical Evidence from Colombia

- Juan Brida, Juan Pereyra, Wiston Adrián Risso, María Jesús Such Devesa and Sandra Zapata Aguirre
- 25285: Official Economic Forecasting: the Relevance of the Canadian Experience for Transitional Economies

- Patrick Grady
- 25277: The Direct and Indirect Effect of Exchange to Build Customer Loyalty in Social Network Sites

- Dudi Anandya
- 25276: Ambiguous Information and Market Entry: An Experimental Study

- Jordi Brandts and Lan Yao
- 25274: One dollar, one vote

- Loukas Karabarbounis
- 25271: Aggregation of incomplete ordinal preferences with approximate interpersonal comparisons

- Marcus Pivato
- 25270: The chicken or the egg? A note on the dynamic interrelation between government bond spreads and credit default swaps

- Manthos Delis and Nikolaos Mylonidis
- 25268: The Effective Use of Limited Information: Do Bid Maximums Reduce Procurement Cost in Asymmetric Auctions?

- Daniel Hellerstein and Nathaniel Higgins
- 25267: Welfare Estimation Using Aggregate and Individual-Observations Models: A Comparison Using Monte Carlo Techniques

- Daniel Hellerstein
- 25265: A Theoretical Foundation for Count Data Models

- Daniel Hellerstein and Robert Mendelsohn
- 25264: Using Count Data Models in Travel Cost Analysis with Aggregate Data

- Daniel Hellerstein
- 25262: The minimum pension as an instrument of poverty protection in the defined contribution pension system – an example of Poland

- Agnieszka Chlon-Dominczak and Paweł Strzelecki
- 25261: Do roads cause deforestation? Using satellite images in econometric analysis of land use

- Gerald Nelson and Daniel Hellerstein
- 25260: Exchange Rate Asymmetry and Flexible Exchange Rates under Inflation Targeting Regimes: Evidence from Four East and Southeast Asian Countries

- Victor Pontines and Reza Siregar
- 25255: Environmental-Regulation Pricing Strategies for Green Supply Chain Management

- Yenming Chen and Jiuh-Biing Sheu
- 25252: Odstraňování legislativních bariér na trzích hypotečních a spotřebitelských úvěrů (Reduction of legislative barriers on consumer and mortgage loan markets)

- Vodová Pavla
- 25251: Measuring the integration of credit markets

- Vodová Pavla
- 25250: Markets of loans provided to household and their integration measured by price indicators

- Vodová Pavla
- 25246: We-thinking and vacillation between frames: filling a gap in Bacharach's theory

- Alessandra Smerilli
- 25245: A Study on Indonesia Regions Disparity: Post Decentralization

- Adiwan Aritenang
- 25244: ГЛОБАЛНОТО направление на общата търговска политика на ЕС в началото на новия век (Global direction of EU common commercial policy at the beginning of the new century)

- Dimitar Hadjinikolov
- 25243: The Impact of Government Budget shifts to Regional Disparities in Indonesia: Before and After Decentralisation

- Adiwan Aritenang
- 25239: ŞOMAJUL ÎN ROMÂNIA (Unemployment in Romania)

- Mimi Petrisan
- 25237: The separation of ownership and control and investment decisions in Mexican manufacturing firms

- Antonio Ruiz-Porras and Celina Lopez-Mateo
- 25234: Constraining the spending behavior of subnational governments through borrowing limitation: The case of Malaysia

- Ahmad Zafarullah Abdul Jalil and Noor Al-Huda Abdul Karim
- 25226: Pattern of Computer and Internet Use among Teachers in Higher Institutions in Nigeria

- Michael Awoleye, William Siyanbola, Abiodun Egbetokun, Thomas Yesufu and Joan Adewoyin
- 25224: Approximate interpersonal comparisons of well-being

- Marcus Pivato
- 25222: Risky social choice with approximate interpersonal comparisons of well-being

- Marcus Pivato
- 25221: Is Canadian Immigration too high? A Labour Market and Productivity Perspective

- Patrick Grady
- 25218: The production of science

- Canidio Andrea
- 25217: Fonds propres réglementaires et stabilité bancaire dans les pays émergents (Capital Requirements and Banking Stability in Emerging Countries)

- Zied Saadaoui
- 25215: Les déterminants du niveau et de l’inégalité de la pauvreté au Cameroun: Une analyse de décomposition multidimensionnelle (Determinants of the level of inequality and poverty in Cameroon: A multidimensional decomposition analysis)

- Célestin Nembua and Miamo Clovis
- 25213: Quality of Hotels' Websites: Proposal for the Development of an Assessment Methodology

- Alvaro Rocha and José Avelino Victor
- 25212: Forest-based Tourism in Bangladesh: Status, Problems and Prospects

- Mahbubul Alam, Yasushi Furukawa and Salma Akter
- 25211: The Adjusted Measure of Body Mass Index for the Chinese and its Impact on Health

- Tian Qiu
- 25204: Unit Roots, Level Shifts and Trend Breaks in Per Capita Output: A Robust Evaluation

- Mohitosh Kejriwal and Claude Lopez
- 25202: Live animal and meat export value chains for selected areas in Ethiopia: Constraints and opportunities for enhancing meat exports

- Legese Getachew, Hailemariam Teklewold, Alemu Dawit and Negassa Asfaw
- 25198: Measuring Tourism motivation: Do Scales matter?

- Huang, Songshan (Sam)
- 25197: Economic Implications of International Tourism on Turkish Economy

- Mustafa Akal
- 25195: Evaluating the Relationship between Socio-demographic Variables, Travel Experience and Probability to return to Destination

- Tarek Sayed Abdel Azim
- 25193: The Determinants of Technology Adoption by UK Farmers using Bayesian Model Averaging. The Cases of Organic Production and Computer Usage

- Kelvin Balcombe and Richard Tiffin
- 25190: Corporate strategies – the institutional approach

- Krzysztof Waśniewski
- 25189: The importance of precautionary saving motive among Indonesian households

- Ahmad Zafarullah Abdul Jalil
- 25188: Understanding Malaysian State Governments Fiscal Behavior: The Role of Intergovernmental Transfers

- Ahmad Zafarullah Abdul Jalil and Noor Al-Huda Abdul Karim
- 25187: Agro-Tourism: A Cash Crop for Farmers in Maharashtra (India)

- Vijay Kumbhar
- 25186: Patterns of technological progress and corporate innovation

- Krzysztof Waśniewski
- 25182: Instrumental Variable Estimation of Dynamic Linear Panel Data Models with Defactored Regressors under Cross-sectional Dependence

- Vasilis Sarafidis and Takashi Yamagata
- 25181: Minimum Wages and Employment: Replication of Card and Krueger (1994) Using the CIC Estimator

- Olli Ropponen
- 25179: Trends in High Technology Trade

- Sanjib Pohit
- 25178: The employment Retirement Income Security Act: An unkindly illusion

- John Ifediora
- 25176: GMM Estimation of Short Dynamic Panel Data Models With Error Cross-Sectional Dependence

- Vasilis Sarafidis
- 25174: Universal jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court and the US national interest: An issue of incompatibility

- John Ifediora
- 25169: Two Kinds of Adaptation, Two Kinds of Relativity

- Krzysztof Kontek
- 25168: Role of Public Parks/Gardens in attracting Domestic Tourists: An Example from City Beautiful from India

- Pradeep Chaudhry and Vindhya P. Tewari
- 25166: The use of Ethnography to explore Tourist Satisfaction Antecedents

- Prokopis Christou and Alexis Saveriades
- 25164: Determining Factors that Affect Satisfaction of Students in Undergraduate Tourism Education

- Lütfi Atay and Hacı Mehmet Yildirim
- 25163: Food Safety training: A Model HACCP Instructional Technique

- Vassilis Georgakopoulos
- 25162: Barriers to implementing Sustainable Tourism Policy in Mass Tourism Destinations

- Rachel Dodds and Richard Butler
- 25161: Statistical evaluation of spatial concentration of unemployment by gender

- Elisabeta Jaba, Christiana Balan, Mihai Roman and Monica Roman
- 25160: Improving the Dependability of Destination Recommendations using Information on Social Aspects

- Olawande J. Daramola, Mathew O. Adigun, Charles K. Ayo and Oludayo O. Olugbara
- 25152: Common Denominators in White Collar Crime: I'm Special, You're Special, Let's Fleece them in Style

- C. S. Herrman
- 25148: The impact of immigration on Canada’s labour market

- Patrick Grady
- 25146: Measuring Social carrying Capacity: An Exploratory Study

- Jesús Manuel López-Bonilla and Luis Miguel López-Bonilla
- 25144: Entrepreneurship and Team Participation: An Experimental Study

- David Cooper and Krista Jabs Saral
- 25143: An Analysis of Market-Based and Statutory Limited Liability in Second Price Auctions

- Krista Jabs Saral
- 25139: Speculation and Demand Reduction in English Clock Auctions with Resale

- Krista Jabs Saral
- 25137: The determinants of long-run inequality

- Canidio Andrea
- 25134: The social responsibility influence of corporations on sustainable development

- Adriana Grigorescu and Andreea Saseanu
- 25133: Romanian public marketing in terms of necessity, collaboration and mix

- Adriana Grigorescu
- 25132: Serviciile publice între nevoia cetăţeanului şi posibilităţile administraţiei (Public services between the citizen need and administration potential)

- Adriana Grigorescu
- 25131: Răspunsul administraţiei publice la cerinţele cetăţenilor în contextul crizei economice (The public administration answer to the citizen expectation under the crisis contest)

- Adriana Grigorescu
- 25130: The involvement of the European Union in funding the member states during the economic crisis period

- Adriana Grigorescu and Alina Elena Balalia
- 25128: Renewal marketing management in public and business organizations

- Adriana Grigorescu
- 25126: Modeling Overstock

- Rui Fernandes, Borges Gouveia and Carlos Pinho
- 25118: Does Weather Actually Affect Tipping? An Empirical Analysis of Time Series Data

- Sean Flynn and Adam Greenberg
- 25115: Free Trade and Investment in the Fisheries Sector of the Asia-Pacific Region: An Economic Analysis of Tariffs

- Patrick Grady, Gordon Munro, Paul MacNeil, Alex Fekete and Gong Xue
- 25113: Real Business Cycles in The Model with Two-Person Household and Home Production

- Kateryna Bornukova
- 25111: Knowledge management in proiectele de parteneriat public-privat (Knowledge management in public-private partnership)

- Adriana Grigorescu and Constantin Bob
- 25110: Industry structure analysis. A case of Romania

- Constantin Bob and Adriana Grigorescu
- 25107: Tourism companies performances and managerial skills

- Constantin Bob and Adriana Grigorescu
- 25106: From Periphery to Core: Economic Adjustments to High Speed Rail

- Gabriel Ahlfeldt and Arne Feddersen
- 25105: Effects of schooling levels on economic growth: time-series evidence from Guatemala

- Josef Loening, B. Rao and Rup Singh
- 25104: Strategic concerns about technological research of the Romanian baking and flour products industry

- Constantin Bob, Adriana Grigorescu and Andreea Saseanu
- 25103: The Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) and the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) Region- The Case for South Africa

- Mphumuzi A Sukati
- 25102: Process of the European integration effects on the marketing activity

- Adriana Grigorescu
- 25101: Public administration role in infrastructure development

- Adriana Grigorescu