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114508: Factors affecting waste generation and segregation behaviour. An analysis using data from the educated communities in the Western and the North-Western provinces of Sri Lanka Downloads
R.N.K. Soysa, Asankha Pallegedara, A.S. Kumara, D.M. Jayasena and M.K.S.M. Samaranayake
114507: War and Intimate Partner Violence in Africa Downloads
Kien Le and My Nguyen
114504: Evaluating the effects of short and medium-term temporary work reduction schemes: the case of Spain’s ERTEs during the COVID-19 outbreak Downloads
Javier Garcia-Clemente, Nicola Rubino and Emilio Congregado
114502: Lo spirito ribelle dei luoghi: in memoria del professor Giacomo Becattini (The rebellious spirit of places: In memory of Professor Giacomo Becattini) Downloads
Nicolo' Bellanca
114501: Improving MSMEs’ access to start-up financing in ASEAN countries Downloads
Raluca Maran
114491: The Value of Forecast Improvements: Evidence from Advisory Lead Times and Vehicle Crashes Downloads
Vaibhav Anand
114486: The Growth-Poverty-Inequality Nexus in Malawi: A recomputation Downloads
Themba Chirwa
114478: Counterfactual Reconciliation: Incorporating Aggregation Constraints For More Accurate Causal Effect Estimates Downloads
Doruk Cengiz and Hasan Tekgüç
Siméon Koffi
114471: Financial development, institutions, and economic growth nexus: A spatial econometrics analysis using geographical and institutional proximities Downloads
Mahyudin Ahmad and Siong Hook Law
114469: Bank Crashes and Micro Enterprise Loans Downloads
Marco Desogus and Beatrice Venturi
114467: A New Malmquist Index Based on a Standard Technology for Measuring Total Factor Productivity Changes Downloads
Juan Aparicio and Daniel Santín
114466: Monetary policy frameworks since Bretton Woods, across the world and its regions Downloads
David Cobham
114464: Revenue Persistence and Public Service Delivery Downloads
Traviss Cassidy
114461: أثر المنطقة الديموجرافية ومستوى الدخل على سلوك المستهلك نحو الألبان ومنتجاتها في مصر (Impact of Demographic Region and income level on consumer behavior towards Dairy products in Egypt) Downloads
Ibrahim Soliman and Lobna M.S. El-Garhy
114457: Правонарушения на студенти в сферата на висшето образование (Offences by higher education trainees) Downloads
Andriyana Andreeva and Vladimir Danev
114456: Дигиталните административни услуги, предоставяни от висшите училища на студентите – предизвикателства и добри практики на ИУ – Варна (Digital administrative services provided by higher education institutions to students – challenges and good practices of UE – Varna) Downloads
Andriyana Andreeva, Ivan Kuyumdjiev and Diana Dimitrova
114455: Роля на НАЦИД в системата на висшето образование в България (Role of NACID in the system of higher education in Bulgaria) Downloads
Diana Dimitrova
114453: Административноправната наука в Икономически университет – Варна (Administrative law science at the University of economics – Varna) Downloads
Darina Dimitrova
114452: The Impact of New Doctorate Graduates on Innovation Systems in Europe Downloads
Angelo Leogrande, Alberto Costantiello and Lucio Laureti
114451: Central Bank Policy Mix: Policy Perspectives and Modeling Issues Downloads
Solikin Juhro
114445: دالة الاستهلاك والطلب الفعال وفقا لأنصبة السوق المصري من اللحوم الحمراء المجمدة المستوردة (Consumption function and effective demand for imported frozen red meat by Egyptian market shares) Downloads
Ibrahim Soliman and لبني محمد صفوت الحارحي
114442: Metanomics: Adaptive market and volatility behaviour in Metaverse Downloads
Anand Shah and Anu Bahri
114429: The Effect of Working from Home on the Agglomeration Economies of Cities: Evidence from Advertised Wages Downloads
Sitian Liu and Yichen Su
114425: أثر الضرائب على الاستثمار والنمو الاقتصادي في الدول العربية: دراسة تحليلية قياسية (The impact of taxes on investment and economic growth in the Arab countries: Analytical and Econometric Study) Downloads
Faycal Chiad
114422: Optimal growth with labour market frictions Downloads
Marco Guerrazzi
114421: Fiscal policies are more potent to redress acute foreign currency exchange shortage in Malawi Downloads
Brian Phiri Kampanje
114420: Les Prévisions des Prévisionnistes Professionnels? Perou, 2009-2017 (Professional Forecasters' Expectations? Peru, 2009-2017) Downloads
Carlos Barrera
114418: Relationship among Domestic Investment, Exports and Economic Growth: Evidence form the Case of Greece Downloads
Sayef Bakari
114415: Agricultural Exports, Agricultural Imports and Economic Growth in China Downloads
Sayef Bakari and Sofien Tiba
114413: Premature deindustrialization in post-Soviet economies Downloads
Hiroyuki Taguchi and Abdullaev Elbek
114411: Race, Gender and Poverty: Evidence from Brazilian Data Downloads
Sasha Yeutseyeva and Thibaud Deguilhem
114409: A Meta-Analysis on the Debt-Growth Relationship Downloads
Sara D'Andrea
114408: Convergence statique et dynamique dans un modèle d’équilibre général calculable dynamique récursif: proposition d’une approche simplifiée et application dans GAMS (Static and dynamic convergence in a recursive dynamic computable general equilibrium model: proposal of a simplified approach and application in GAMS) Downloads
Rodrigue Tchoffo
114407: The Chinese accounting profession in the People’s Republic: A preliminary understanding from an oral history perspective Downloads
Qingmei Xue and Luca Zan
114406: Effect of abnormal credit expansion and contraction on GDP per capita in ECOWAS countries Downloads
Peterson Ozili, Olajide Oladipo and Paul Iorember
114403: Does economic policy uncertainty affect bank profitability? Downloads
Peterson Ozili and Thankom Arun
114396: Board of Director Characteristics and Firm Performance for firms listed on Iraq Stock Exchange Downloads
Miran Star
114394: The Nexus between Domestic Investment and Economic Growth in Developed Countries: Do Exports matter? Downloads
Sayef Bakari
114392: An econometric study on the classification and effectiveness of natural resource funds Downloads
Hiroyuki Taguchi and Javkhlan Ganbayar
114390: Mathematical Analysis of SIR Model for COVID-19 Transmission Downloads
Dr Haradhan Mohajan
114384: North Korean Food Insecurity: Is Famine on the Horizon? Downloads
Marcus Noland
114382: Precautionary Saving Behaviour under Ambiguity Downloads
Richard M. H. Suen
114380: Effets non linéaires de la politique budgétaire sur la croissance économique au Cameroun (Non-linear effects of fiscal policy on economic economic growth in Cameroon) Downloads
Louis-Henri Ngah Ntiga
114377: Economic Globalisation and Inclusive Green Growth in Africa: Contingencies and Policy-Relevant Thresholds of Governance Downloads
Isaac Kwesi Ofori and Francesco Figari
114376: Do municipal mergers reduce public expenditure? Evidence from the MTE approach Downloads
Tsuyoshi Goto
114372: Digitalization Of The Corporate Reporting In Europe - Evidence From Bulgarian Wood Based Industry Downloads
Atanas Atanasov
114370: Is the relationship between lending interest rate and non-performing loans nonlinear asymmetric ? Malaysian evidence Downloads
Wan Athirah and Abul Masih
114368: Macroeconomic determinants of islamic and conventional stocks: Malaysian evidence based on ARDL and NARDL approaches Downloads
Muhammad Shahwahid and Abul Masih
114367: Understanding bank money through a quantum macroeconomic theory of credit. Some theoretical considerations on microcredit Downloads
Marco Desogus
114366: A survey on macroeconomic data and trends in the Eurozone and a control dashboard model based on the KAM and Nekhoroshev theorems and the Hénon attractor Downloads
Marco Desogus and Elisa Casu
114365: A Contribution on Relationship Banking. Economic, Anthropological and Mathematical Reasoning, Empirical Evidence from Italy Downloads
Marco Desogus and Elisa Casu
114364: Economic System Entanglement on Intra-Firm Trade Portfolios: The Impact of Counterparty Credit Ratings on Business-to-Business Credit Dynamics Downloads
Marco Desogus and Elisa Casu
114363: A diagnostic approach to corporate sustainability based on normalized net margins and extended present value Downloads
Marco Desogus and Elisa Casu
114362: On the Monetary Causes of Inequality: A Review of the Literature and an Alternate Way Forward Downloads
Marco Desogus and Elisa Casu
114361: The stochastic dynamics of business evaluations using Markov models Downloads
Marco Desogus
114359: Was it Debt Swap or Collateralised Foreign Currency Loan? Substance over Legal Form Considerations Downloads
Brian Phiri Kampanje
114358: Sustainability of external debt on Malawi’s import cover – Considerations for Malawi’s Vision 2063 Downloads
Brian Phiri Kampanje
114357: Sources and application of forex for Malawian imported services Downloads
Brian Phiri Kampanje
114356: Reviewing deficiencies in international trade and export strategies in Malawi’s developmental agendas Downloads
Brian Phiri Kampanje
114355: Repatriation of Malawian export proceeds under CD1 – who is the gatekeeper? Downloads
Brian Phiri Kampanje
114354: Randization of Malawian Economy through South African Diaspora could be the rescue of Malawian forex shortage Downloads
Brian Phiri Kampanje
114353: Malawian Parliamentary Oversight on Economy could be the sustainable solution to the acute forex shortage in the country thereby guarantee success of MIP 1 of Vision 2063 Downloads
Brian Phiri Kampanje
114352: Legalising Recreational Cannabis Sativa as forex cash cow for Malawi – Focussing on what buyer wants Downloads
Brian Phiri Kampanje
114350: Exploring Carbon Tax on the Moatize – Nkaya Nacala Rail: Sustainable means for Malawi to generate possible USD100 million annually Downloads
Brian Phiri Kampanje
114349: What Are the Impacts of Credit Crunch on the Bank-Enterprise System? An Analysis Through Dynamic Modeling and an Italian Dataset Downloads
Marco Desogus and Elisa Casu
114347: Distress Healthcare Financing among Informal-sector Workers: A Study in Purulia District, West Bengal, India Downloads
Souvik Dasgupta and Amit Kundu
114343: Could reduction of violations in forex market be a key to mitigate risks of the depreciation and devaluation of Malawi Kwacha? Downloads
Brian Phiri Kampanje
114341: Considerations for devaluation and depreciation of Malawi Kwacha against major trading currencies in National Development Agendas – Litmus Test for Malawi Vision 2063 Downloads
Brian Phiri Kampanje
114338: Decentralized finance research and developments around the World Downloads
Peterson Ozili
114337: Financial inclusion washing Downloads
Peterson Ozili
114336: Economic Performance and Institutions: Measuring Technical Efficiency Using SPF Approach Downloads
Walid Alali
114335: Igniting an Intersectional Shift in Public Policy Research (and Training): Canadian Public Policy Special Lecture Downloads
Lindsay Tedds
114333: ¿Son sesgadas las proyecciones de WEO? El caso de la proyección de crecimiento de Argentina (Are the WEO forecasts biased? The case of Argentina's growth forecast) Downloads
Luis Frank
114331: Digital marketing effects on customer repurchase intentions following the pandemic. A strategic marketing analysis of customer equity dimensions Downloads
Meletios Niros, Damian Giannakis and Angelica Niros
114328: Four Waves of Feminism: A Blessing for Global Humanity Downloads
Dr Haradhan Mohajan
114325: Asymmetry and Interdependence when Evaluating U.S. Energy Information Agency Forecasts Downloads
Anthony Garratt, Ivan Petrella and Yunyi Zhang
114324: Predicción anticipada de agregados macroeconómicos con indicadores no contemporáneos: el caso de EMAE (Nowcasting of macroeconomic aggregates with non-contemporary indicators: the case of EMAE) Downloads
Luis Frank
114323: The Impact of Natural resources, CO2 Emission, Energy use, Domestic Investment, Innovation, Trade and Digitalization on Economic growth: Evidence from 52 African Countries Downloads
Sayef Bakari
114316: Impacts of Corporate Social Responsibility on Employees’ Mental Fatigue: Employees’ Ethical Perspective Downloads
Linlin Zheng, Wenzhuo Li, Amsalu K. Addis, Di Di Ye and Yashi Dong
114312: An Automatic Portmanteau Test For Nonlinear Dependence Downloads
Charisios Grivas
114311: The impact of foreign direct investment on financial development in Asian countries Downloads
Viet Nhu Anh Tran and Cong Minh Huynh
114309: Average Inflation Targeting and Macroeconomic Stability Downloads
Alessandro Piergallini
114303: Углеродный рынок и климатические проекты: перспективы и возможности для Алтайского края (Carbon Market and Climate Projects: Perspectives and Opportunities for the Altai Territory) Downloads
Vitalii Pomogaev
114302: Формирование научных основ разработки и реализации адаптационных мероприятий снижения социально-экономических рисков в условиях климатических изменений (Formation of scientific foundations for the development and implementation of adaptation measures to reduce socio-economic risks in the context of climate change) Downloads
Vitalii Pomogaev
114296: La política económica neoclásica en América Latina: génesis y consecuencias de cuatro décadas perdidas en el desarrollo latinoamericano, 1980-2020 (Neoclassical Economic Policy in Latin America: Origins and Consequences of Four Lost Decades in Latin American Development, 1980-2020) Downloads
Luis Sánchez-Masi
114295: Nominal Wages, the Nairu and Wage Flexibility Downloads
David Coe
114294: Forecasting Model of Wheat Yield in Relation to Rainfall Variability in North Africa Countries Downloads
Ibrahim Soliman
114293: Feasibility of Artificial Insemination Network for Egyptian Buffalo Development Downloads
Ibrahim Soliman and Ahmed F. Mashhour
114291: استهلاك منتجات الألبان من إنتاج المزرعة والأمن الغذائي للأسرة الريفية (Home consumption of farm produced Dairy products and Food security) Downloads
Ibrahim Soliman, Heba Fawzy and Mohamed Gaber Amer
114290: The lead-lag relationship between industrial production and international trade: Malaysian evidence Downloads
Syafiq Ahmad and Abul Masih
114284: A Theoretical Analysis of Costs, Waste Treatment, Pollution in the Ganges, and Leather Production by Tanneries in Kanpur, India Downloads
Amitrajeet Batabyal and Seung Jick Yoo
114283: Generic Price Model for Commodity Derivatives Downloads
David Lee
114275: An Optimal Quantity Tax Path in a Dynamic Setting Downloads
Nasreen Nawaz
114273: k-Means Clusterization and Machine Learning Prediction of European Most Cited Scientific Publications Downloads
Angelo Leogrande, Alberto Costantiello and Lucio Laureti
114267: مؤشرات رئيسة لتطور التجارة الزراعية البينية العربية (Key indicators for the Development of Arab-intra Agricultural Trade) Downloads
Ibrahim Soliman, هبه محمد سراج الدين, عبد الحکيم محمد إسماعیل نورالدين and هالة السيد محمد بسيوني
114266: Impact of Arabic Spring on the Competitiveness of Arab States’ Agricultural Exports to EU Markets Downloads
Ibrahim Soliman and Halah Bassiony
114265: اقتصاديات قش الارز بين التلوث البيئي والتدوير (Economics of rice straw between recycling and wastes) Downloads
Ibrahim Soliman, Mohamed Gaber Amer and علياء الدق
114263: An Approach for Dairy Buffalo Development through Investment in Genetic Improvement Downloads
Ibrahim Soliman and Basher Bahgat
114262: A Model for Prediction of the Buffalo and Cattle male Calves' live Weight Downloads
Ibrahim Soliman
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