MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 9603: Efficacité technique des banques de la CEMAC (Technical efficiency of the banks of the CEMAC)

- Severin Kamgna and Leonnel Dimou
- 9602: Diversification économique en Afrique centrale: Etats des lieux et enseignements (Economic diversification in central Africa)

- Severin Kamgna
- 9601: Social Security in India: The Long Lane Treaded and the Longer Road Ahead Towards Universalization

- Kannan K P and Vijayamohanan Pillai N.
- 9600: Is State Building the Road to World Order?

- Giampaolo Garzarelli and Bjørn Thomassen
- 9599: Excès de liquidité systémique et effectivité de la politique monétaire: cas des pays de la CEMAC (Excess liquidity and monetary policy effectiveness: The case of CEMAC countries)

- Severin Kamgna and Houdou Ndambendia
- 9598: Work-Life Reconciliation Policies From Well-Being To Development: Rethinking EU Gender Mainstreaming

- M.R. Garofalo and Mita Marra
- 9597: Impact of Globalisation and Economic Reforms on Employment in India

- Albert Christopher Dhas and Mary Jacqueline Helen
- 9591: L’Unione Europea ed i rapporti con i paesi vicini: lo sviluppo della Politica europea di vicinato (The European Union and the relationship with its neighbours: the development of the European Neighbourhood Policy)

- Silvia Grandi
- 9589: Determinants of Work Animal Density in Tamil Nadu: An Econometric Analysis

- Albert Christopher Dhas
- 9588: Quality Risk Management – An Integrated Approach in the Mining Industry

- Andreea Ionica and Eduard Edelhauser
- 9587: About the Romanian Tourism Potential: The Natural Strengths of the Main Tourist Destinations

- V Baleanu, Sabina Irimie and Andreea Ionica
- 9586: Simple model of herd behaviour, a comment

- Andrea Morone
- 9584: Boundary and interior equilibria: what drives convergence in a ‘beauty contest’?

- Andrea Morone and Piergiuseppe Morone
- 9583: On the Interplay between Strategy and Management Control Systems

- Roeland Aernoudts and M.A. De Heer
- 9582: Management Accounting Change and ERP, an Assessment of Research

- Roeland Aernoudts, T. van der Boom, E.G.J. Vosselman and G.J. van der Pijl
- 9580: Evolution of the influence of geography on the location of production in Spain (1930-2005)

- Coro Chasco Yrigoyen and Ana María López
- 9579: Data Mining Decision Trees in Economy

- Laviniu-Aurelian Badulescu and Adrian Nicula
- 9577: The macroeconomic, industrial and distributional effects of removing tariffs in Bangladesh

- Serajul Hoque
- 9574: A Simple Model of Service Trade with Time Zone Differences

- Toru Kikuchi and Kazumichi Iwasa
- 9573: A Simple Model of Trade with Heterogeneous Firms and Trade Policy

- Marcelo Fukushima and Toru Kikuchi
- 9572: Remittances and the household’s expenditures on health

- Jorge Valero-Gil
- 9571: A Short Note on the Infinite Decision Puzzle

- Javier García-Fronti
- 9570: Population Pressures and Land Use Changes in Southeast Asian Countries: Recent Evidences

- Albert Christopher Dhas
- 9568: Hen or Egg? The relationship between IC-technologies and social exclusion

- Bettina Krings
- 9567: Impactos de las grandes superficies comerciales sobre el comercio tradicional y de las medidas regulatorias (Big retaling facilities´ impact on traditional retail and regulatory laws)

- Valentina Viego
- 9566: Regulacion de la competencia inter-cpaitalista. El caso de los supermercados (Regulation of inter-capitalist competente. The case of supermarkets)

- Valentina Viego
- 9564: Productivity Dispersion across Plants, Emission Abatement, and Environmental Policy

- Zhe Li
- 9563: Imposing a unilateral carbon constraint on European energy-intensive industries and its impact on their international competitiveness - data & analysis

- Manfred Bergmann, Andreas Schmitz, Mark Hayden and Katri Kosonen
- 9562: Wage Differential in an Islamic Framework

- Syed Abbas

- Domenico Sarno
- 9557: A Brief Energy Outlook for the XXI Century

- Maria Lorca-Susino
- 9556: The US dollar and the Euro: The Deus Ex-Machina

- Maria Lorca-Susino
- 9548: Impact of Trade Liberalization on External Debt Burden: Econometric Evidence from Pakistan

- Sabahat Zafar and Muhammad Sabihuddin Butt
- 9546: The impacts of technological change, industry structure and Plant entry/exit on industry efficiency growth

- Raies Asma
- 9543: The effect of opening up ANWR to drilling on the current price of oil

- R. Morris Coats and Gary M. Pecquet
- 9540: El Riesgo País y el Tipo de Cambio Nominal entre el Perú y Estados Unidos. Una aproximación a través de un Modelo de Mercado de Activos de determinación del Tipo de Cambio. (1998:12 – 2007:12) (The Country Risk and the nominal exchange rate between Peru and the United States. An approach through a model of asset markets for determining the exchange rate. (1998:12 - 2007:12))

- Eduardo Salazar
- 9534: Commitment policy and optimal positive long-run inflation

- Dario Pontiggia
- 9533: Changes in return to higher education in Poland 1998-2005

- Pawel Strawinski
- 9532: Analysis of HF data on the WSE in the context of EMH

- Pawel Strawinski and Robert Ślepaczuk
- 9531: Competition-through-innovation: The third industrial stage

- James D Smith
- 9529: Technical change in Developing Countries: A dynamic model of adoption, learning and industry evolution

- Raies Asma
- 9528: A simple model of decision making: How to avoid large outliers?

- Zoltan Varsanyi
- 9527: Curva de Phillips y la Tasa Natural de Desempleo. Una aproximación simple para el Perú. (1993 - 2006) (Phillips Curve and the natural rate of unemployment. A simple approach to Peru. (1993 - 2006))

- Eduardo Salazar
- 9525: Estimating Recovery Rates on Bank’s Historical Loan Loss Data

- Arindam Bandyopadhyay and Pratima Singh
- 9523: Bond risk premia, macroeconomic fundamentals and the exchange rate

- Marco Taboga and Marcello Pericoli
- 9522: La introducción de la microfinanciación islámica en África: el caso nigeriano (La introducción de la microfinanciación islámica en África: el caso nigeriano)

- Zubair Hasan
- 9520: Why The Green Revolution Was Short Run Phenomena In The Development Process Of Pakistan: A Lesson For Future

- Imtiaz Ahmad, Syed Akhter Hussain Shah and Muhammad Sarwar Zahid
- 9519: Earthquake 2005: Some Implications for Environment and Human Capital

- Nisar Hussain Hamdani and Syed Akhter Hussain Shah
- 9518: Trends in Health Status and Infrastructural Support in Tamil Nadu

- Albert Christopher Dhas and Mary Jacqueline Helen
- 9514: The dynamics of knowledge diversity and economic growth

- Marcus Berliant and Masahisa Fujita
- 9513: Herd Behavior, Bank Runs and Information Disclosure

- Tanju Yorulmazer
- 9510: Maximin-optimal sustainable growth with nonrenewable resource and externalities

- Andrei Bazhanov
- 9506: Una rassegna su alcuni modelli di crescita economica tipo Solow con dinamica caotica

- Cesare Palmisani
- 9504: Development of international investment position in the selected new European Union member countries

- Rajmund Mirdala
- 9502: Energy sector in Gujarat: Performance and prospects

- venu Menon Sudha
- 9500: The internationalization Strategies of French Companies in Romania

- Laura Brancu and Nicolae Bibu
- 9499: Rapid urbanization, employment crisis and poverty in African LDCs:A new development strategy and aid policy

- Michael Herrmann and Haider Khan
- 9497: Evidencia empirica sobre deuda externa, inversion, y crecimiento en Mexico, 1980-2003 (Empirical evidence on foreign debt, investment, and growth in Mexico, 1980-2003)

- Pedro Flores Prieto, Thomas Fullerton and Cesar Andrade Olivas
- 9494: Dynamic Multi-Sector CGE Modeling -- Reply to Assmann and Hogrefe

- Ron Wendner and Karl Farmer
- 9493: Private and public consumption and counter-cyclical fiscal policy

- Luigi Marattin
- 9489: Charles Feinstein (1932–2005), and British historical national accounts

- Avner Offer
- 9482: A Global Vision over Benchmarking Process: Benchmarking Based Enterprises

- Catalina Sitnikov and Laura Giurca Vasilescu
- 9481: Social Entrepreneurship in the Context of Romania’s European Integration

- Nicolae Bibu and Loredana Orhei
- 9480: Keynesian Beauty Contest, Accounting Disclosure, and Market Efficiency

- Pingyang Gao
- 9479: Considerations about the Influence Factors on the Competitiveness of SME’s from Western Region of Romania

- Nicolae Bibu, Diana Sala, Marius Pantea and Gabriel Bizoi
- 9478: Disclosure Quality, Cost of Capital, and Investors’ Welfare

- Pingyang Gao
- 9477: Moral Behavior in Stock Markets: Islamic finance and socially responsible investment

- Aaron Z. Pitluck
- 9476: Convergences of the Romanian societal culture with European culture clusters in the process of European integration. The role of intercultural teams management in increasing European cohesion

- Nicolae Bibu and Laura Brancu
- 9475: Evidence of slowing yield growth – the example of Swiss cereal yields

- Robert Finger
- 9473: Relationship-Specific Sunk Costs and Exporter Decisions

- Cong Pham
- 9472: Asymptotic Distribution Theory for Break Point Estimators in Models Estimated via 2SLS

- Alastair R. Hall, Sanggohn Han and Otilia Boldea
- 9467: Polity qualities: how governance affects poverty

- Mick Moore, Jennifer Leavy, Peter Houtzager and Howard White
- 9463: The Economics of Financial Derivative Instruments

- Godwin Nwaobi
- 9462: Efficacité technique des banques dans la CEMAC: Approche Data Envelopment Analysis (Technical Efficiency of Banks in CEMAC Zone: Data Envelopment Analysis Approach)

- T. H. Jackson Ngwa Edielle and Dodzi Hevi Kodzo
- 9461: Evidence from the Patent Record on the Development of Cash Dispensing Technology

- Bernardo Batiz-Lazo and Robert J. K. Reid
- 9457: Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment and Its Impact on Economic Growth in Developing Countries

- Khondoker Mottaleb
- 9456: Speculation, Futures Prices, and the U.S. Real Price of Crude Oil

- Lonnie Stevans and David Sessions
- 9454: Abuse of Dominance and Licensing of Intellectual Property

- Patrick Rey and David Salant
- 9452: Sulla domanda di economia irrazionale: Naomi Klein vs. Milton Friedman (On the Demand of Irrational Economics: Naomi Klein vs. Milton Friedman)

- Valerio Filoso
- 9446: Duration Models: Specification, Identification, and Multiple Durations

- Gerard van den Berg
- 9445: A new method of robust linear regression analysis: some monte carlo experiments

- Sudhanshu Mishra
- 9442: The growth of consumer credit in Asia

- Dong He, Effie Yao and Kim-hung Li
- 9441: Financial sector output and employment in Hong Kong and New York City

- Dong He, Ivy Yong and Peter Lim

- Hans Genberg, Dong He and Frank Leung
- 9438: Measuring the Value of a Moscow Apartment: a Spatial Approach to the Hedonic Pricing of Attributes

- Alexandre Repkine
- 9437: Determinacy of equilibria of smooth infinite economies

- Enrique Covarrubias
- 9434: EU-African Economic Relations: Continuing Dominance, Traded for Aid?

- Dirk Kohnert
- 9432: The Allocation of Economic Capital in Opaque Financial Conglomerates

- Fernando Mierzejewski
- 9430: Schumpeterian Foundations of Real Business Cycles

- Galo Nuno Barrau
- 9427: Science in the Third Dimension of R&D

- M. Aykut Attar
- 9425: On the amplification role of collateral constraints

- Caterina Mendicino
- 9424: Persistence in work-related training: evidence from the BHPS, 1991-1998

- Panos Sousounis and Robin Bladen-Hovell
- 9423: La Responsabilité Sociale et L'éthique Environnementale – Éléments de la Culture Écologique dans les Entreprises du XXIe Siècle: L’etude sur les entreprises roumaines (Social Responsibility and Environmental Ethics - Elements of the Ecological Culture in 21st Century Organizations: A study on Romanian companies)

- Marilena Mironiuc
- 9420: Evaluating EU policies on public services: a citizens´ perspective

- Judith Clifton and Daniel Díaz-Fuentes
- 9418: Social wealth and optimal care

- Giuseppe Darri-Mattiacci and Eric Langlais
- 9417: Money and Nominal Bonds

- Alessandro Marchesiani and Pietro Senesi
- 9415: Performance budgeting: Its rise and fall

- Hoang-Phuong Nguyen
- 9413: How to Overcome the Digital Divide? The Determinants of Internet Diffusion

- Oleg Shchetinin and Massenot Baptiste
- 9412: An Estimated New Keynesian Model for Israel

- Eyal Argov and David Elkayam
- 9397: Impact of Child Labour on School Attendance and School Attainment: Evidence from Bangladesh

- Rasheda Khanam and Russell Ross
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