MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 24718: Extreme Value Theory as a Theoretical Background for Power Law Behavior

- Simone Alfarano and Thomas Lux
- 24717: Firm Characteristics, Financial Composition and Response to Monetary Policy: Evidence from Indian Data

- Saibal Ghosh
- 24716: How did state-owned banks respond to privatization? Evidence from the Indian experiment

- Saibal Ghosh
- 24715: Credit Growth, Bank Soundness and Financial Fragility: Evidence from Indian Banking Sector

- Saibal Ghosh
- 24705: The recessive attitude of EMU policies: reflections on the italian experience, 1998–2008

- Rosaria Rita Canale and Oreste Napolitano
- 24695: Unilateral Divorce vs. Child Custody and Child Support in the U.S

- Rafael González-Val and Miriam Marcén
- 24694: Changes in REIT liquidity 1988 - 2007: Evidence from daily data

- Susanne E. Cannon and Rebel Cole
- 24693: A CAMEL rating's shelf life

- Rebel Cole and Jeffery W. Gunther
- 24692: The role of commercial real estate investments in the banking crisis of 1985-92

- Rebel Cole and George W. Fenn
- 24691: Who needs credit and who gets credit? Evidence from the Surveys of Small Business Finances

- Rebel Cole
- 24690: Déjà vu all over again: The causes of U.S. commercial bank failures this time around

- Rebel Cole and Lawrence White
- 24689: Bank credit, trade credit or no credit: Evidence from the Surveys of Small Business Finances

- Rebel Cole
- 24688: Is hazard or probit more accurate in predicting financial distress? Evidence from U.S. bank failures

- Rebel Cole and Qiongbing Wu
- 24687: The Impact of Population Ageing on Technological Progress and TFP Growth, with Application to United States: 1950-2050

- Yusuf Izmirlioglu
- 24686: Voting and Information Aggregation in Parliamentary and Semi-Presidential Democracies

- Yusuf Izmirlioglu
- 24683: The Asian Model: A Crisis Foretold?

- Ajit Singh
- 24679: Impact of supply of money on food prices in India: A causality analysis

- Aviral Tiwari
- 24668: What can we learn from privately held firms about executive compensation?

- Rebel Cole and Hamid Mehran
- 24665: Revisiting Import-Substituting Industrialisation in Post-War Brazil

- Renato Colistete
- 24663: Corporate governance, the big business groups and the G-7 reform agenda: A critical analysis

- Ajit Singh
- 24662: Corporate Governance, Evolution of Corporate Laws and Asian Economic Development into the 21st Century

- Ajit Singh
- 24660: Smoothing Transition Autoregressive (STAR) Models with Ordinary Least Squares and Genetic Algorithms Optimization

- Eleftherios Giovanis
- 24659: A Neuro-Fuzzy Approach in the Prediction of Financial Stability and Distress Periods

- Eleftherios Giovanis
- 24658: Applications of Least Mean Square (LMS) Algorithm Regression in Time-Series Analysis

- Eleftherios Giovanis
- 24657: Additional Smoothing Transition Autoregressive Models

- Eleftherios Giovanis
- 24656: Neuro-Fuzzy approach for the predictions of economic crisis

- Eleftherios Giovanis
- 24654: FDI and Local Financial Market Development:A Granger Causality Test Using Panel Data

- Ashraf Mahmoud
- 24653: Special and Differential Treatment, The Multilateral Trading System and Economic Development in the 21st Century

- Ajit Singh
- 24651: Ability Bias, Discount Rate Bias and the Return to Education

- Kevin Lang
- 24650: Asymmetries in New Keynesian Phillips Curves: Evidence from US Cities

- Robert Sonora
- 24649: Economic Governance of MFIs: Inside the Black Box

- Thankom Arun and Samuel Annim
- 24648: The impact of airport competition on technical efficiency: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis applied to Italian airports

- Paolo Malighetti, Gianmaria Martini, Davide Scotti and Nicola Volta
- 24647: Potere di mercato e distribuzione dei profitti nella filiera del trasporto aereo (Market power and profits distribution in the air transportation vertical channel)

- Gianmaria Martini and Davide Scotti
- 24642: The Greek Capacity Adequacy Mechanism: Design, Incentives, Strategic Behavior and Regulatory Remedies

- Kostis Sakellaris
- 24640: On the evolution of prize perceptions in contests

- James Boudreau and Nicholas Shunda
- 24637: A Bayesian Markov Chain Approach Using Proportions Labour Market Data for Greek Regions

- Emmanuel Mamatzakis and G Christodoulakis
- 24634: On the determinants of banking efficiency in four new European Union Member States: the impact of structural reforms

- Emmanuel Mamatzakis, Anastasia Koutsomanoli-Filippaki and Christos Staikuras
- 24632: The Money Supply Process in India: Identification, Analysis and Estimation

- Ashima Goyal and Shridhar Dash
- 24631: Assessing EU-10 Banking Sector's Resilience to Credit Losses

- Marcin Piątkowski and Juan Zalduendo
- 24630: Banking Operational Cost in the Balkan Region under a Quadratic Loss Function

- Emmanuel Mamatzakis
- 24629: Gender, social capital and empowerment in northern Ethiopia

- Fredu Nega, Erik Mathijs, Josef Deckers and Eric Tollens
- 24626: Multidimensional health modeling: Association between socioeconomic and psychosocial factors and health in Latvia

- Mozhaeva Irina
- 24625: Paving the road to export: the trade impacts of domestic transport costs and road quality

- Juan Blyde
- 24623: Contribution to the study of PPP arrangements in airport development, management and operation

- Carlos Cruz and Rc Marques
- 24620: New technology and labour Markets: Entrants, outsourcing and matching

- Ashima Goyal
- 24617: Enterprise modeling:process and REA value chain perspective

- Dominik Vymetal, Frantisek Hunka, Miroslav Hucka and Josef Kasik
- 24616: Expectations Traps and Coordination Failures: Selecting among Multiple Discretionary Equilibria

- Richard Dennis and Tatiana Kirsanova
- 24614: Theories of urban externalities

- Yoshitsugu Kanemoto
- 24612: Geography, Institutions and Human Development: A Cross-Country Investigation Using Bayesian Model Averaging

- Sadia Malik and M. Yasin Janjua
- 24611: Analyzing the Impact of Leverage and Adjustment Costs on Various Measures of Corporate Performance: Insights from Listed Firms of Pakistan

- Khalid Shah
- 24610: Measures aimed at mitigating pro cyclical effects of the Capital Requirements Framework: counter cyclical capital buffer proposals

- Marianne Ojo
- 24609: Financial Legislation: The Promise and Record of the Financial Modernization Act of 1999

- John Tatom
- 24608: Globalization and its influence on Economic Growth performance

- Joseph Baafi Antwi and Francis Oppong Kwakye
- 24604: When the theory is not enough – valuation of forest resources with “efficiency” prices in practice

- Anni Huhtala, Anne Toppinen and Mattias Boman
- 24603: User fees, equity and the benefits of public outdoor recreation services

- Anni Huhtala and Eija Pouta
- 24602: What price recreation in Finland? – A contingent valuation study of non-market benefits of public outdoor recreation areas

- Anni Huhtala
- 24595: Has China's Interregional Capital Mobility Been Low? A Spatial Econometric Estimation of the Feldstein-Horioka Equation

- Yoshihiro Hashiguchi and Kuang-hui Chen
- 24590: Managing Markets for Toxic Assets

- Christopher House and Yusufcan Masatlioglu
- 24589: Communication of companies with their surroundings - the manipulation of information and information asymmetry

- Mirosław Bojańczyk
- 24588: The necessary and sufficient condition for the transitivity of the Majority Rule in the linear domain

- Dimitrios Xefteris
- 24587: Agricultural productivity and mortality: evidence from Kagera, Tanzania

- Munenobu Ikegami
- 24581: Real Estate Securitization and the Debt Maturity Structure: Evidence from J-REIT

- Mamoru Nagano
- 24580: Some Policy Issues Regarding an Early Warning System

- Carmen Reinhart, Morris Goldstein and Graciela Kaminsky
- 24579: Early Warning System: An Assessment of Vulnerability

- Carmen Reinhart, Morris Goldstein and Graciela Kaminsky
- 24578: Rating the Rating Agencies

- Carmen Reinhart, Morris Goldstein and Graciela Kaminsky
- 24577: Early Warning System: Empirical Results from The Signals Approach

- Carmen Reinhart, Morris Goldstein and Graciela Kaminsky
- 24576: Methodology for an Early Warning System: The Signals Approach

- Carmen Reinhart, Morris Goldstein and Graciela Kaminsky
- 24570: The Wake of Crises and Devaluations

- Carmen Reinhart, Morris Goldstein and Graciela Kaminsky
- 24569: Notes on contagion

- Carmen Reinhart, Graciela Kaminsky and Morris Goldstein
- 24568: Cross-border Acquisitions in a Transition Economy: Recent Experiences of China and India

- Mamoru Nagano
- 24567: Islamic Finance and the Theory of Capital Structure

- Mamoru Nagano
- 24563: Institutions and initial conditions in transition: reconciling neo-institutional and neo-classical conceptions

- Andrew Vonnegut
- 24562: Nonparametric estimation of the volatility under microstructure noise: wavelet adaptation

- Marc Hoffmann, Axel Munk and Johannes Schmidt-Hieber
- 24553: Subsistenz: Geschichte, Bedeutung und Rekonstruktion des Subsistenzbegriffes (Subsistence: History, Meaning and Reconstruction of the Subsistence Term)

- Sebastian Thieme
- 24549: The Common Component in the Forward Premium: Evidence from the Asia-Pacific Region

- Jun Nagayasu
- 24548: OLG fife cycle model transition paths: alternate model forecast method

- Richard Evans and Kerk L. Phillips
- 24541: Forecast variance in simultaneous equation models: analytic and Monte Carlo methods

- Carlo Bianchi, Jean-Louis Brillet, Giorgio Calzolari and Lorenzo Panattoni
- 24539: Interactive management of time series

- Carlo Bianchi, Giorgio Calzolari and Paolo Corsi
- 24538: Monte Carlo methods in econometrics: a package for the stochastic simulation

- Carlo Bianchi, Giorgio Calzolari and Paolo Corsi
- 24537: The asymptotic distribution of impact multipliers for a non-linear structural econometric model

- Carlo Bianchi, Giorgio Calzolari and Paolo Corsi
- 24536: Sistemi Bankar ne Kosove dhe Roli i tij ne Zhvillimin Ekonomik (The Banking System in Kosovo and its Role in Economic Development)

- Florije Govori
- 24535: Agricultural water management in Bulgaria

- Hrabrin Bachev
- 24534: Trade Openness and Growth: An Analysis of Transmission Mechanism in Pakistan

- Aamir Hussain Siddiqui and Javed Iqbal
- 24533: Determinantes da Eficiência dos Gastos Públicos em Educação e Saúde: O caso do Ceará (Measuring and Explaining the Local Government Efficiency in Ceara: Evidence from Education and Health)

- Daniel Feitosa Lopes, Nicolino Trompieri Neto, Macelo Ponte Barbosa and Marcos Costa Holanda
- 24530: The Dynamics of Spending and Absorption of Aid: Panel Data Analysis

- Abu Shonchoy
- 24527: Neoliberalism’s relationship with economic growth in the developing world: Was it the power of the market or the resolution of financial crisis?

- Joseph N Cohen
- 24524: Les Effets Non Lineaires Des Deficits Budgetaires Sur L´Activite Economique En Cemac (Threshold Effects of Budgetary Policy on Economic Growth in Cemac)

- Jacques Landry Bikai
- 24523: Globalizarea Economica si Institutiile Financiare Internationale (The Globalization and the International Financial Institutions)

- Catalin Popa
- 24520: Banca Centrala Europeana si Politicile Monetare in Zona Euro (European Central Bank and the Monetary Policies in Euro Zone)

- Catalin Popa
- 24519: Sistemul Monetar-Financiar International. Structura Functionala si Institutionala (International Monetary-Financial System. Functional and Institutional Structure)

- Catalin Popa
- 24516: Bugs in the proofs of revelation principle

- Haoyang Wu
- 24515: Banking Performance and Speculative Attacks Under Asymmetric Information

- Mahmoud Nabi
- 24514: The Effect of Financial Liberalization on the Economic Development Process in case of Inefficient Banking

- Mahmoud Nabi and Taoufik Rajhi
- 24511: Smoke and Mirrors: Evidence of Microfinance Impact from an Evaluation of SEWA Bank in India

- Maren Duvendack
- 24509: DSGE Model Validation in a Bayesian Framework: an Assessment

- Alessia Paccagnini
- 24508: Government interventions in banking crises: Assessing alternative schemes in a banking model of debt overhang

- Diemo Dietrich and Achim Hauck
- 24496: Banking Efficiency and the Economic Transition Process

- Mahmoud Nabi and Taoufik Rajhi
- 24495: Banking, Credit Market Imperfection and Growth

- Mahmoud Nabi and Taoufik Rajhi
- 24494: Education Performance: Was It All Determined 100 Years Ago? Evidence From São Paulo, Brazil

- Irineu de Carvalho Filho and Renato Colistete
- 24491: Logical, mechanical and historical time in economics

- Valeria Termini
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