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16415: Learning and Corporate Strategy: The Dynamic Evolution of the North American Pulp and Paper Industry, 1860-1960 Downloads
Hannes Toivanen
16413: Berufsabsichten und Gründungspotenzial: Thüringer Studierendenbefragung 2007 an der Technischen Universität Ilmenau Downloads
Heiko Haase and Arndt Lautenschläger
16412: Endogenous income taxes in OLG economies Downloads
Yan Zhang and Yan Chen
16411: Los Barómetros de Harvard: ¿Permitían Pedecir la Depresión de 1929? (Harvard Barometers: Did they allow to predict the Great Depression of 1929?) Downloads
Ignacio Escañuela Romana
16407: Monetary Policy Activism and Price Responsiveness to Aggregate Shocks under Rational Inattention Downloads
Luigi Paciello
16401: Reversing a Balance Wheel Principle and Changing a Roller Coaster Pattern Downloads
Mariam Orkodashvili
16400: Higher Education Access Policies and Issues in Georgia before and after the Introduction of Unified National Entrance Examinations in 2005 Downloads
Mariam Orkodashvili
16398: Monitoring Profile Shifts and Differences among Work Integration Social Enterprises in Flanders Downloads
Wim Van Opstal, Eva Deraedt and Caroline Gijselinckx
16397: A Comparison among the director networks in the main listed companies in France, Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom Downloads
Paolo Santella, Carlo Drago, Andrea Polo and Enrico Gagliardi
16396: The Italian Stabilization of 1947: Domestic and International Factors Downloads
Juan Carlos Martinez Oliva
16384: Ekonomisko un vadības profesiju darba apmaksas tirgus konjuktūra Latvijā (Salary conjuncture of economic and management professions experts in Latvia) Downloads
Valerijs Skribans
16383: Is there too much certainty when measuring uncertainty Downloads
Tito Nícias da Silva Filho
16378: Modeling extreme but plausible losses for credit risk: a stress testing framework for the Argentine Financial System Downloads
Matias Gutierrez Girault
16377: Modelos de credit scoring: qué, cómo, cuándo y para qué (Credit scoring models: what, how, when and for what purposes) Downloads
Matias Gutierrez Girault
16376: The Maastricht Criteria and Optimal Monetary and Fiscal Policy Mix for the EMU Accession Countries Downloads
Anna Lipinska
16375: The Maastricht Convergence Criteria and Monetary Regimes for the EMU Accession Countries Downloads
Anna Lipinska
16373: How Decisions on Investing in Russia are made by German Firms? Downloads
Denis Kotov
16370: Latvian and Europe construction comparison: stability and reasons of crisis Downloads
Valerijs Skribans
16366: Construction demand: a model of research and forecast for Latvia from 2002 to 2025 Downloads
Valerijs Skribans
16365: Construction industry forecasting model Downloads
Valerijs Skribans
16364: Būvnozares prognozēšanas modelis un tā izstrādāšanas metodika (Construction industry forecasting model and it development method) Downloads
Valerijs Skribans
16363: Būvniecības tirgus novērtēšana jaunās ekonomikas apstākļos (Construction economy analysis in the new economic) Downloads
Valerijs Skribans
16362: Jaunā ekonomika un jaunie tirgi: pamatprincipi un veidošanās problēmas (The new economic and new markets: general principles and developing problems) Downloads
V. Skribans
16361: Distribution of Consumption, Production and Trade within the U.S Downloads
Hakan Yilmazkuday
16360: Prognozēšanas metodes uzņēmējdarbībā (Business forecasting methods) Downloads
V. Skribans
16359: Would you accept this job? An evaluation of the decision utility of workers in the for-profit and nonprofit sectors Downloads
Joseph Lanfranchi, Mathieu Narcy and Makram Larguem
16357: Būvmateriālu ražošanas un būvniecību ietekmējošie faktori Latvijā (Construction materials and construction influential factors in Latvia) Downloads
V. Skribans
16355: Latvijas būvniecības nozares attīstības prognozēšanas modelis (Latvian construction branch development forecasting model) Downloads
V. Skribans and R. Počs
16354: Jauna produkta ievešanas tirgū modelēšana, izmantojot sistēmdinamikas metodi (Modelling of the new product introduction into market, using system dynamics method) Downloads
Valerijs Skribans
16353: Modelling crediting volume by using the system dynamic method Downloads
Valerijs Skribans
16351: The Impact of Investor Protection Law on Corporate Policy: Evidence from the Blue Sky Laws Downloads
Ashwini K. Agrawal
16350: Risk Assessment – a human psychology approach Downloads
Valentin Petru Măzăreanu
16349: Pensions at a glance: public policies across OECD countries Downloads
Edward Whitehouse and Monika Queisser
16348: Supervising mandatory funded pension systems: issues and challenges Downloads
Gustavo Demarco, Rafael Rofman and Edward Whitehouse
16347: Genuine savings with adjustment costs Downloads
Rintaro Yamaguchi, Masayuki Sato and Kazuhiro Ueta
16345: Cross-country comparisons of pensioners’ incomes Downloads
Richard Disney and Edward Whitehouse
16344: Analysis of Innovation and Energy Profiles in the Turkish Manufacturing Sector Downloads
Nesrin Okay, Alp Er S. Konukman and Uğur Akman
16342: The missing link: the finance-growth nexus and the Guyanese growth stagnation Downloads
Tarron Khemraj
16339: The Welfare Effects of Social Mobility Downloads
Justina AV Fischer
16338: The Effect of Learning Varies According to Locality: Micro Data Analysis of the Lawyer Market in Japan Downloads
Eiji Yamamura
16333: Asset Liability Management in Insurance Company Downloads
Rossano Giandomenico
16332: The Effect of Institutions, Geography, Development Assistance and Debt Crises on Public-Debt Management Downloads
Martin Melecký
16331: Le Inchieste Congiunturali dell'ISCO: aspetti metodologici; Chapter 1 of: Le inchieste dell'ISCO come strumento di analisi della congiuntura economica (The ISCO short term surveys: methodological aspects) Downloads
Bianca Maria Martelli
16327: GMM estimation of spatial panels Downloads
Francesco Moscone and Elisa Tosetti
16325: Defense R&D: Effects on Economic Growth and Social Welfare Downloads
Angus Chu and Ching-chong Lai
16324: Estimating potential output using business survey data in a SVAR framework Downloads
Tatiana Cesaroni
16319: Impact of Oil Price Shock and Exchange Rate Volatility on Economic Growth in Nigeria: An Empirical Investigation Downloads
Shehu Aliyu
16317: The U.S. Divorce Rate: The 1960s Surge Versus Its Long-Run Determinants Downloads
John Nunley and Joachim Zietz
16316: The Effect of Joint-Child-Custody Legislation on the Child-Support Receipt of Single Mothers Downloads
Brandeanna Allen, John Nunley and Richard Seals
16314: Choosing and assessing exchange rate regimes: A survey of the literature Downloads
Alexis Cruz Rodriguez
16313: Child-Custody Reform and Marriage-Specific Investment in Children Downloads
John Nunley and Richard Seals
16311: The Determinants of International Reserves in the Emerging Countries: a Non-Linear Approach Downloads
Anne-Laure Delatte and Julien Fouquau
16305: La dynamique du binôme capital financier – capital intellectuel dans la création de la valeur de l’entreprise dans une société basée sur la connaissance (The dynamics of the financial capital – intellectual capital binomial relationship regarding the value creation process of a firm in the knowledge-based society) Downloads
Mihaela Herciu, Claudia Ogrean and Lucian Belascu
16304: Time Use and Time Budgets – Improvements, Future Challenges and Recommendations Downloads
Joachim Merz
16303: The Timing of Daily Demand for Goods and Services – Multivariate Probit Estimates and Microsimulation Results for an Aged Population with German Time Use Diary Data Downloads
Joachim Merz, Dominik Hanglberger and Rafael Rucha
16302: Zeitverwendungsforschung und Mediennutzung (Time-Use Research and Media Use (German)) Downloads
Joachim Merz
16301: Reichtum in Niedersachsen und anderen Bundesländern – Ergebnisse aus der Einkommensteuer-Geschäftsstatistik 2003 für Selbständige (Freie Berufe und Unternehmer) und abhängige Beschäftigte (Richness in Lower Saxony and Other German Federal States (Bundesländer) - Results Based on the German Wage and Income Tax Statistics 2003 for Professions, Entrepeneurs and Employees) Downloads
Paul Böhm and Joachim Merz
16299: Einkommens- und Verteilungsanalyse mit dem Taxpayer-Panel – Neue Möglichkeiten und erste Ergebnisse für Selbständige als Freiberufler und Unternehmer und abhängige Beschäftigte sowie für hohe Einkommen (Income and Distribution Analysis with the Taxpayer-Panel - New Prospects and First Results for Self-Employed, as Freelancers and Entrepeneurs, and Employees as Well as for High Incomes) Downloads
Joachim Merz and Markus Zwick
16298: Freie Berufe- Europäische Entwicklungen (Liberal Professions - European Development) Downloads
Harald Herrmann
16297: Equivalence Scales Based on Revealed Preference Consumption Expenditure Microdata - The Case of West Germany Downloads
Joachim Merz and Jürgen Faik
16295: Relative Inequality and Poverty in Germany and the United States Using Alternative Equivalence Scales Downloads
Richard Burkhauser, Timothy M. Smeeding and Joachim Merz
16294: How to Reform the Italian Domestic Adoptions System Through a Centralized Market Design Downloads
Tommaso Reggiani
16293: Impact of Supply of Money on Food and General Price Indices: A Case of Pakistan Downloads
Rana Khan and Abid Rashid Gill
16292: Crowding Out Effect of Public Borrowing: A Case of Pakistan Downloads
Rana Khan and Abid Rashid Gill
16289: How dark is the night: the consumers’ mood coping with the crisis.Evidences from ISAE Consumer Survey Downloads
Stefania Gabriele, Bianca Maria Martelli and Michele Raitano
16288: La Protección Del Medio Ambiente Y El Comercio Internacional: ¿Hay Que "Pensar En Verde" El Arbitraje De Inversiones? (Environmental protection and international trade: Greening the investment arbitration?) Downloads
Katia Fach Gómez
16286: Modelo de Ciclos Reales para Colombia (A real business cycle model for Colombia) Downloads
Juan Prada Sarmiento
16284: Economic Efficiency of Small-Holder Cocoyam Farmers in Anambra State, Nigeria: A Translog Stochastic Frontier Cost Function Approach Downloads
B.c Okoye, C.e Onyenweaku and G.n Asumugha
16282: Technical Efficiency of Small-Holder Cocoyam Farmers in Anambra State, Nigeria, Using a Translog Stochastic Frontier Production Function Downloads
C.e Onyenweaku and B.c Okoye
16281: Reflectarea in contabilitate a operatiunilor de leasing conform Codului Fiscal Downloads
Marin Ciumag
16280: Metode si proceduri pentru efectuarea inspectiei fiscale Downloads
Marin Ciumag
16279: Informatia contabila si controlul fiscal Downloads
Marin Ciumag
16278: Taxa pe valoarea adaugata - coordonate moderne si perspective Downloads
Marin Ciumag
16277: Contabilitatea si raportarea operatiilor privind impozitul pe profit Downloads
Marin Ciumag
16276: Adverse health effects, risk perception and pesticide use behavior Downloads
Muhammad Khan
16274: Estimating Money Demand Function in Cambodia: ARDL Approach Downloads
Sovannroeun Samreth
16270: Overborrowing and Systemic Externalities in the Business Cycle Downloads
Javier Bianchi
16265: Pay What You Like Downloads
Jose Fernandez and Babu Nahata
16264: Model of the 2000 Presidential Election: Instrumenting for Ideology Downloads
Jose Fernandez and Guido Cataiefe
16263: Foreign aid, food supply and poverty reduction in Nigeria - Examination of possible nexus Downloads
A.g Abiola and Olabode Olofin
16260: L’approccio endogeno allo sviluppo rurale: radici teoriche e sviluppi dottrinali (Endogenous approach to rural development: theoretical roots and doctrinal developments) Downloads
Antonio Sortino
16259: Macroeconomic Fluctuations and Deposit Dollarization in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from Panel Data Downloads
Olalekan Yinusa
16257: Exchange Rate Volatility and the extent of Currency Substitution in Nigeria Downloads
Olalekan Yinusa and Anthony Akinlo
16256: The Extended Atkinson Family and Changes in the Expenditure Distribution: Spain 1973/74-2003 Downloads
Francisco Goerlich Gisbert, Casilda Lasso de la Vega and Ana Marta Urrutia
16255: Exchange Rate Volatility, Currency Substitution and Monetary Policy in Nigeria Downloads
Olalekan Yinusa
16254: Determinants oF Recent Inflation in Pakistan Downloads
Abdul Aleem Khan, Masood Qazi and Kalim Hyder
16253: Determinants of Total Factor Productivity in Pakistan Downloads
Masood Qazi and Kalim Hyder
16252: Gender Inequality and Trade Liberalization: A Case Study of Pakistan Downloads
Naeem Ahmed and Kalim Hyder
16251: Why Private Investment In Pakistan Has Collapsed And How It Can Be Restored Downloads
Kalim Hyder and Masood Qazi
16249: Interim Financial Reporting in the Perspective of harmonization of the Romanian Accountancy with the International Financial Reporting Standards Downloads
Cristina Bunea-Bontas
16247: How External Shocks and Exchange Rate Depreciations Affect Pakistan? Implications for Choice of an Exchange Rate Regime Downloads
Shaghil Ahmed, Iffat Ara and Kalim Hyder
16246: The impact of tariff reduction on Bangladesh economy: a computable general equilibrium assessment Downloads
Serajul Hoque
16245: Maximin-optimal sustainable growth in a resource-based imperfect economy Downloads
Andrei Bazhanov
16242: Auctioning with Aspirations: Keep Them Low (Enough) Downloads
Nicholas Shunda
16241: On the spatial diffusion of knowledge by universities located in small and medium sized towns Downloads
Maria Rego and António Caleiro
16240: Employer of Last Resort Policy and Feminist Economics: Social Provisioning and Socialization of Investment Downloads
Zdravka Todorova
16239: The Relationship Between Higher Education and Labour Market in Greece: the Weakest Link? Downloads
Ilias Livanos
16235: Procrastination, self-imposed deadlines and other commitment devices Downloads
Alberto Bisin and Kyle Hyndman
16223: Effects of interactions among social capital, income, and learning from experiences of natural disasters: A case study from Japan Downloads
Eiji Yamamura
16220: Assessing farmer’s Pesticide Safety Knowledge in cotton growing area of Punjab, Pakistan Downloads
Muhammad Khan, Muhammad Iftikhar Ul Husnain, Naeem Akram and Ihtsham Padda
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