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106947: On the Optimality of Outsourcing when Vertical Integration can Mitigate Information Asymmetries Downloads
Patrick W. Schmitz
106944: Коллаборативные иерархии (Collaborative Hierarchies) Downloads
Victor Polterovich
106943: Sustainability transition and digital trasformation: an agent-based perspective Downloads
Marcello Nieddu, Filippo Bertani and Linda Ponta
106942: Global syndicated lending during the COVID-19 pandemic Downloads
Iftekhar Hasan, Panagiotis Politsidis and Zenu Sharma
106941: Divergent Real Economies in Europe Downloads
Theodore Pelagidis
106938: Time evolution of city distributions in Germany Downloads
Kiyohiro Ikeda, Minoru Osawa and Yuki Takayama
106937: Investigation on the role of economic, social and political globalization on environment: Evidence from CEECs Downloads
Mehmet Destek
106934: Test of Okun’s Law in Some Asian Countries Co-Integration Approach Downloads
Irfan Lal, Sulaiman D. Mohammad, Adnan Hussain and Anwar Jalil
106933: Female Labour Force Participation and Economic Growth Nexus: Evidence from Nigerian Economy Downloads
Sarah Olanrewaju Anyanwu and Babatunde Moses Adesanya
106930: Maine Employment Change in 2020: Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic Downloads
Todd Gabe and William Diodato
106924: Cost Minimization is Essential for the Sustainable Development of an Industry: A Mathematical Economic Model Approach Downloads
Dr Haradhan Mohajan
106923: Global COVID-19 Pandemic: Prevention and Protection Techniques Downloads
Dr Haradhan Mohajan
106922: Uncertainty, sentiments and time-varying risk premia Downloads
Michele Berardi
106920: Beliefs asymmetry and price stability in a cobweb model Downloads
Michele Berardi
106917: Smallholder farmers’ adaptation to climate change and its potential contribution to UN’s sustainable development goals of zero hunger and no poverty Downloads
Uttam Khanal, Clevo Wilson, Sanzidur Rahman, Boon Lee and Viet-Ngu Hoang
106916: Autonomous adaptations to climate change and rice productivity: a case study of the Tanahun district, Nepal Downloads
Uttam Khanal, Clevo Wilson, Viet-Ngu Hoang and Boon Lee
106904: Interval-Based Composite Indicators with a Triplex Representation: A Measure of the Potential Demand for the "Ristori" Decree in Italy Downloads
Carlo Drago
106900: Culture and Stages of Economic Development Downloads
Angus Chu, Zonglai Kou and Xilin Wang
106898: Trade-off analysis of cost and nutrient efficiency of coffee farms in vietnam: A more generalised approach Downloads
Thong Quoc Ho, Viet-Ngu Hoang and Clevo Wilson
106896: Government R&D Subsidies and International Competitiveness of Labor-managed Firms Downloads
Jerry Ho, Viet-Ngu Hoang and Clevo Wilson
106892: The theory of planned behavior and knowledge sharing: A systematic review and meta-analytic structural equation modelling Downloads
Tuyet-Mai Nguyen, Phong Tuan Nham and Viet-Ngu Hoang
106883: Bootstrap Rolling Window Estimation Approach to Analysis of the Environment Kuznets Curve Hypothesis: Evidence from the United States Downloads
Alper Aslan, Mehmet Destek and İlyas Okumus
106882: Analyzing the Environmental Kuznets Curve for the EU countries: The role of ecological footprint Downloads
Mehmet Destek, Recep Ulucak and Eyüp Dogan
106881: Investigation of Environmental Kuznets Curve for Ecological Footprint: The Role of Energy and Financial Development Downloads
Mehmet Destek and Samuel Asumadu Sarkodie
106878: Monetary Policy Reaction Function in Open Economy Version: Empirical Evidence in Case of Pakistan Downloads
Sulaiman D. Mohammad, Adnan Hussain, Mohammad Ahsannudin, Shazia Kazmi and Irfan Lal
106877: Exchange rate Volatility and Interest rate Risk: In the case of Pakistan Downloads
Adnan Hussain, Muhammad Mubin and Irfan Lal
106876: Childcare Support and Public Capital in an Ultra-Declining Birthrate Society Downloads
Yusuke Miyake
106875: Arbitrage Price Theory (APT) and Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) Downloads
Sulaiman D. Mohammad, Syed Iqbal Hussain Naqvi, Irfan Lal and Saba Zehra
106870: Determinant of Inflation in Pakistan: An Econometric Analysis, Using Johansen Co Integration Approach Downloads
Farooq Ahmed, Hasan Raza, Adnan Hussain and Irfan Lal
106869: An Empirical Analysis of Higher Moment Capital Asset Pricing Model for Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) Downloads
Irfan Lal, Muhammad Mubeen, Adnan Hussain and Mohammad Zubair
106868: Can Pakistan Raise More External Debt? A Fiscal Reaction Approach Downloads
Sadia Mansoor, Mirza Baig and Irfan Lal
106867: Impact of Globalization on HDI (Human Development Index): Case Study of Pakistan Downloads
Sulaiman D. Mohammad, Sadaf Majeed, Adnan Hussain and Irfan Lal
106866: Foreign Aid and Macroeconomic Performance in Pakistan: Exploring the Role of Local Financial Sector Development Downloads
Muhammad Luqman, Mairajul Haq and Irfan Lal
106865: The Euro Dollar Exchange Rate & Pakistan Economy Downloads
Sulaiman D. Mohammad and Irfan Lal
106863: Потребност от нормативна регламентация на социалната икономика в България (Necessity of normative regulation of the social economics in Bulgaria) Downloads
Andriyana Andreeva and Galina Yolova
106861: Fund-raising and Allocation of Green Climate Fund: Taking Global Pareto Optimality and Fiscal Balance into Consideration Downloads
Ying Wang
106858: The Innovation-Sales Growth Nexus in Europe Downloads
Alberto Costantiello, Lucio Laureti, Gianluca De Cristoforo and Angelo Leogrande
106856: Does digitalisation in public services reduce tax evasion? Downloads
Cristina Strango
106855: Vérification empirique du lien finance-croissance économique: approche non linéaire appliquée aux pays de la cedeao (Empirical verification of the finance-economic growth link: non-linear approach applied to ecowas countries) Downloads
Sokhna Dioum
106848: Public capital and productive economy profits: evidence from OECD economies Downloads
Ivan Trofimov
106847: The optimum size of public education spending: panel data evidence Downloads
Ivan Trofimov
106836: Ré-appréhension de la relation Ouverture ― Croissance: le rôle du facteur travail, du facteur capital et de la position extérieure de la nation. Cas de l’économie camerounaise (Reassessment of the relation Openess - economic growth; role of labor, capital and the external position. Case of Cameroon) Downloads
Oscar Kuikeu
106832: Actividad económica en Galicia 2020. Una contracción histórica condicionada por la evolución del COVID (Economic activity in Galicia 2020. Historical contraction conditioned by the COVID evolution) Downloads
Fernando González Laxe, José Francisco Armesto Pina and Patricio Sanchez-Fernandez
106826: Impact of FDI on GDP per capita in India using Granger causality Downloads
Anand Nadar
106823: Областният управител като представител на централната изпълнителна власт (The regional governor as a representative of the central executive power) Downloads
Darina Dimitrova
106822: Ethnographic Narrative of Forest Decline in the Goderich Community: The People's Perspectives Downloads
Emerson Jackson
106821: Betting models using AI: a review on ANN, SVM, and Markov chain Downloads
Aladár Kollár
106820: Отговорността при инциденти на работното място, свързани с употреба на изкуствен интелект – съвременни предизвикателства пред законодателя (The liability in case of incidents on the workplace, connected to the use of artificial intellect – contemporary challenges in front of the legislation) Downloads
Andriyana Andreeva and Galina Yolova
106819: Tiempos de desplazamiento hogar-trabajo en Austria (Home-work commuting times in Austria) Downloads
Natalia Oliete Peirona
106814: Забраната за дискриминация и трудовоправният институт на професионалната квалификация (The prohibition of discrimination and the labour-law institute of professional qualification) Downloads
Ивайло Стайков
106811: Measuring subjective decision confidence Downloads
Sara Arts, Qiyan Ong and Jianying Qiu
106809: A Note on Stabilizing Cooperation in the Centipede Game Downloads
Steven Brams and Marc Kilgour
106805: Convergence et optimalité de la zone ECO: une analyse par un modèle de mélange (Convergence and optimality of the ECO zone: an analysis by a mixture model) Downloads
Fo-Kossi Edem Togbenu, Vénunyé Claude Kondo Tokpovi and Benameur Sawssen
106802: Schumpeter's paradox reconsidered: The need for a theory of circular flow Downloads
Takashi Seo
106801: Determinant of Return on Assets and Return on Equity and Its Industry Wise Effects: Evidence from KSE (Karachi Stock Exchange) Downloads
Muhammad Mubin, Irfan Lal and Adnan Hussain
106800: Are profit rates of the islamic investment deposit accounts independent of the interest rates of conventional banks ? Downloads
Syahirah Zain and Abul Masih
106796: Three Pillars of Pensions: Revised and Annotated Downloads
Larry Willmore
106793: Is Gender Destiny? Gender Bias and Intergenerational Educational Mobility in India Downloads
M. Shahe Emran, Hanchen Jiang and Forhad Shilpi
106791: Macroeconomic Order from Microeconomic Chaos Downloads
Paata Leiashvily
106790: Discerning the relationship between bitcoin and islamic index Downloads
Adam Azland and Abul Masih
106789: Does the islamic bank deposit have an effect on equity market ? Malaysian case Downloads
Nadiah Abd Rahman and Abul Masih
106784: La conectividad portuaria de Galicia y del Norte de Portugal: características esenciales (The port connectivity of Galicia and the North of Portugal: main features) Downloads
Fernando Gonzalez Laxe, José Francisco Armesto Pina and Patricio Sanchez-Fernandez
106783: Gender and entrepreneurship in India: a right based perspective & ground reality Downloads
Chandan Roy and Susmita Chatterjee
106780: The Sectoral Innovation Database, 1994-2016. Methodological Notes Downloads
Mario Pianta, Andrea Coveri and Jelena Reljic
106779: Towards Greening Finance: Integration of Environmental Factors in Risk Management & Impact of Climate Risks on Asset Portfolios Downloads
Apostolos Apostolou and Michael Papaioannou
106778: Impact of islamic money market development on islamic bank liquidity management: a case study of Indonesia Downloads
Janoearto Alamsyah and Abul Masih
106777: Granger-causality between palm oil, gold and stocks (islamic and conventional): Malaysian evidence based on ARDL approach Downloads
Nurhuda Othman and Abul Masih
106776: The vulnerability of Islamic bank’s credit risk to oil price shocks: evidence from Malaysia based on ARDL approach Downloads
Syarifah Rahman and Abul Masih
106775: Two-Person Fair Division of Indivisible Items when Envy-Freeness Is Impossible Downloads
Steven Brams, D. Marc Kilgour and Christian Klamler
106774: Equilibrium with non-convex preferences: some examples Downloads
Cuong Le Van and Ngoc-Sang Pham
106771: Does Uncertainty Affect Saving Decisions of Colombian Households? Evidence on Precautionary Saving Downloads
Roberto Bande, Dolores Riveiro and Freddy Ruiz
106770: Foreign direct investment and quality upgrading in Indonesian manufacturing Downloads
Hisamitsu Saito
106769: Impact of the Financial Support Program for High School Students in Japan Downloads
Yoshimi Adachi and Tomoki Kitamura
106767: Independencia de México: hechos y pensamiento económico 1808-1821 (Independence of Mexico: Facts and Economic Thought 1808-1821) Downloads
Jose Villalobos Lopez
106766: Should public broadcasting companies be continued, scrambled, disbanded or privatized? Downloads
Kazuyoshi Ohki
106764: Economic impact of the 2016 Red Tide over the exporting sector of Chile's Tenth Region Downloads
Ray Anderson Roselló and Ricardo Villarreal Zan
106760: Характеристика на правото на отпуск (Characteristics of the right to leave) Downloads
Ивайло Стайков
106754: Agri-food trade and climate change Downloads
Fabio Gaetano Santeramo, Dragan Miljkovic and Emilia Lamonaca
106752: The interaction of forward guidance in a two-country new Keynesian model Downloads
Daisuke Ida and Hirokuni Iiboshi
106750: Work of invisible hand: the gravitation between sellers and buyers on the consumption-leisure production possibility frontier Downloads
Sergey Malakhov
106749: Robustesse du modèle d’évaluation d’impact de la Covid-19 au Cameroun: une approche par la modélisation VAR (Robustness of economic impact assessment of Covid-19 in Cameroon: a Methodological VAR approach) Downloads
Oscar Kuikeu
106735: Family Ties and the Pandemic: Some Evidence from Sars-CoV-2 Downloads
Luca Digialleonardo, Mauro Mare, Antonello Motroni and Francesco Porcelli
106730: Exploring the Impact of Trading Green Products on the Environment: Introducing the Green Openness Index Downloads
Muhlis Can, Mehdi Ben Jebli and Jan Brusselaers
106729: Sukuk and bond spreads Downloads
Faruk Balli, Hassan Ghassan and Essam H. Al-Jefri
106728: A study on productivity & empowerment of women intensive sericulture sector of West Bengal Downloads
Chandan Roy and Sanchari Roy Mukherjee
106727: Энтропия технологического процесса (Technological process entropy) Downloads
Олег Пигнастый and Виктор Заруба
106718: Every Normal-Form Game Has a Pareto-Optimal Nonmyopic Equilibrium Downloads
Steven Brams and Mehmet S. Ismail
106717: По някои въпроси относно непубликуването на оповестявания за научноизследователската и развойна дейност като част от финансовите отчети на Български иновативни предприятия (On some issues regarding non-publication of research and development disclosures in the financial statements of Bulgarian innovative enterprises) Downloads
Даниела Георгиева
106716: The Tale of two Crises in the Time of Covid-19 Downloads
Kumar Aniket and Rashedur Chowdhury
106714: Technical progress and involuntary unemployment under deflation with real balance effect and fiscal policy for full-employment Downloads
Yasuhito Tanaka
106712: Why Existing Regulatory Frameworks Fail in the Short-term Rental Market: Exploring the Role of Regulatory Fractures Downloads
Lindsay Tedds, Anna Cameron, Mukesh Khanal and Daria Crisan
106710: Rising Stocks during Lockdown Economic Recessions: Explaining the Phenomenon Downloads
André Vasconcelos Costa
106705: Health Care Spending and Economic Growth: Armey-Rahn Curve in a Panel of European Economies Downloads
Ivan Trofimov
106704: Is There a J-Curve Effect in the Services Trade in Canada? A Panel Data Analysis Downloads
Ivan Trofimov
106703: Real Exchange Rate and the Dynamics of Services Trade Balance in the UK: A Linear and Non-linear ARDL Analysis Downloads
Ivan Trofimov
106701: The J-curve Effect in Agricultural Commodity Trade: An Empirical Study of South East Asian Economies Downloads
Ivan Trofimov
106699: Employment Agglomerations and Spatial Mismatch in the Metropolitan Area of Bogota Downloads
Jose Linares Sanchez
106698: Efectos de las prestaciones por desempleo del Mecanismo de Protección al Cesante sobre la probabilidad de ocuparse en la formalidad y sobre la calidad de los emparejamientos (Effects of unemployment benefits from the Unemployment Protection Scheme on the likelihood of getting a formal employment and improving the matching quality) Downloads
Jose Linares Sánchez
106697: Impacto de la migración sobre el empleo y la distribución salarial en Colombia (Impact of migration on employment and wage distribution in Colombia) Downloads
Cristian Castillo Robayo, William Prieto-Bustos and Jacobo Campo-Robledo
106694: Repenser le modèle à correction d’erreurs dans l’analyse macroéconométrique: Une revue (Rethinking the Error Correction Model in Macroeconometric Analysis: A Review) Downloads
Christian Pinshi
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