MPRA Paper
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- 106947: On the Optimality of Outsourcing when Vertical Integration can Mitigate Information Asymmetries

- Patrick W. Schmitz
- 106944: Коллаборативные иерархии (Collaborative Hierarchies)

- Victor Polterovich
- 106943: Sustainability transition and digital trasformation: an agent-based perspective

- Marcello Nieddu, Filippo Bertani and Linda Ponta
- 106942: Global syndicated lending during the COVID-19 pandemic

- Iftekhar Hasan, Panagiotis Politsidis and Zenu Sharma
- 106941: Divergent Real Economies in Europe

- Theodore Pelagidis
- 106938: Time evolution of city distributions in Germany

- Kiyohiro Ikeda, Minoru Osawa and Yuki Takayama
- 106937: Investigation on the role of economic, social and political globalization on environment: Evidence from CEECs

- Mehmet Destek
- 106934: Test of Okun’s Law in Some Asian Countries Co-Integration Approach

- Irfan Lal, Sulaiman D. Mohammad, Adnan Hussain and Anwar Jalil
- 106933: Female Labour Force Participation and Economic Growth Nexus: Evidence from Nigerian Economy

- Sarah Olanrewaju Anyanwu and Babatunde Moses Adesanya
- 106930: Maine Employment Change in 2020: Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic

- Todd Gabe and William Diodato
- 106924: Cost Minimization is Essential for the Sustainable Development of an Industry: A Mathematical Economic Model Approach

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 106923: Global COVID-19 Pandemic: Prevention and Protection Techniques

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 106922: Uncertainty, sentiments and time-varying risk premia

- Michele Berardi
- 106920: Beliefs asymmetry and price stability in a cobweb model

- Michele Berardi
- 106917: Smallholder farmers’ adaptation to climate change and its potential contribution to UN’s sustainable development goals of zero hunger and no poverty

- Uttam Khanal, Clevo Wilson, Sanzidur Rahman, Boon Lee and Viet-Ngu Hoang
- 106916: Autonomous adaptations to climate change and rice productivity: a case study of the Tanahun district, Nepal

- Uttam Khanal, Clevo Wilson, Viet-Ngu Hoang and Boon Lee
- 106904: Interval-Based Composite Indicators with a Triplex Representation: A Measure of the Potential Demand for the "Ristori" Decree in Italy

- Carlo Drago
- 106900: Culture and Stages of Economic Development

- Angus Chu, Zonglai Kou and Xilin Wang
- 106898: Trade-off analysis of cost and nutrient efficiency of coffee farms in vietnam: A more generalised approach

- Thong Quoc Ho, Viet-Ngu Hoang and Clevo Wilson
- 106896: Government R&D Subsidies and International Competitiveness of Labor-managed Firms

- Jerry Ho, Viet-Ngu Hoang and Clevo Wilson
- 106892: The theory of planned behavior and knowledge sharing: A systematic review and meta-analytic structural equation modelling

- Tuyet-Mai Nguyen, Phong Tuan Nham and Viet-Ngu Hoang
- 106883: Bootstrap Rolling Window Estimation Approach to Analysis of the Environment Kuznets Curve Hypothesis: Evidence from the United States

- Alper Aslan, Mehmet Destek and İlyas Okumus
- 106882: Analyzing the Environmental Kuznets Curve for the EU countries: The role of ecological footprint

- Mehmet Destek, Recep Ulucak and Eyüp Dogan
- 106881: Investigation of Environmental Kuznets Curve for Ecological Footprint: The Role of Energy and Financial Development

- Mehmet Destek and Samuel Asumadu Sarkodie
- 106878: Monetary Policy Reaction Function in Open Economy Version: Empirical Evidence in Case of Pakistan

- Sulaiman D. Mohammad, Adnan Hussain, Mohammad Ahsannudin, Shazia Kazmi and Irfan Lal
- 106877: Exchange rate Volatility and Interest rate Risk: In the case of Pakistan

- Adnan Hussain, Muhammad Mubin and Irfan Lal
- 106876: Childcare Support and Public Capital in an Ultra-Declining Birthrate Society

- Yusuke Miyake
- 106875: Arbitrage Price Theory (APT) and Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE)

- Sulaiman D. Mohammad, Syed Iqbal Hussain Naqvi, Irfan Lal and Saba Zehra
- 106870: Determinant of Inflation in Pakistan: An Econometric Analysis, Using Johansen Co Integration Approach

- Farooq Ahmed, Hasan Raza, Adnan Hussain and Irfan Lal
- 106869: An Empirical Analysis of Higher Moment Capital Asset Pricing Model for Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE)

- Irfan Lal, Muhammad Mubeen, Adnan Hussain and Mohammad Zubair
- 106868: Can Pakistan Raise More External Debt? A Fiscal Reaction Approach

- Sadia Mansoor, Mirza Baig and Irfan Lal
- 106867: Impact of Globalization on HDI (Human Development Index): Case Study of Pakistan

- Sulaiman D. Mohammad, Sadaf Majeed, Adnan Hussain and Irfan Lal
- 106866: Foreign Aid and Macroeconomic Performance in Pakistan: Exploring the Role of Local Financial Sector Development

- Muhammad Luqman, Mairajul Haq and Irfan Lal
- 106865: The Euro Dollar Exchange Rate & Pakistan Economy

- Sulaiman D. Mohammad and Irfan Lal
- 106863: Потребност от нормативна регламентация на социалната икономика в България (Necessity of normative regulation of the social economics in Bulgaria)

- Andriyana Andreeva and Galina Yolova
- 106861: Fund-raising and Allocation of Green Climate Fund: Taking Global Pareto Optimality and Fiscal Balance into Consideration

- Ying Wang
- 106858: The Innovation-Sales Growth Nexus in Europe

- Alberto Costantiello, Lucio Laureti, Gianluca De Cristoforo and Angelo Leogrande
- 106856: Does digitalisation in public services reduce tax evasion?

- Cristina Strango
- 106855: Vérification empirique du lien finance-croissance économique: approche non linéaire appliquée aux pays de la cedeao (Empirical verification of the finance-economic growth link: non-linear approach applied to ecowas countries)

- Sokhna Dioum
- 106848: Public capital and productive economy profits: evidence from OECD economies

- Ivan Trofimov
- 106847: The optimum size of public education spending: panel data evidence

- Ivan Trofimov
- 106836: Ré-appréhension de la relation Ouverture ― Croissance: le rôle du facteur travail, du facteur capital et de la position extérieure de la nation. Cas de l’économie camerounaise (Reassessment of the relation Openess - economic growth; role of labor, capital and the external position. Case of Cameroon)

- Oscar Kuikeu
- 106832: Actividad económica en Galicia 2020. Una contracción histórica condicionada por la evolución del COVID (Economic activity in Galicia 2020. Historical contraction conditioned by the COVID evolution)

- Fernando González Laxe, José Francisco Armesto Pina and Patricio Sanchez-Fernandez
- 106826: Impact of FDI on GDP per capita in India using Granger causality

- Anand Nadar
- 106823: Областният управител като представител на централната изпълнителна власт (The regional governor as a representative of the central executive power)

- Darina Dimitrova
- 106822: Ethnographic Narrative of Forest Decline in the Goderich Community: The People's Perspectives

- Emerson Jackson
- 106821: Betting models using AI: a review on ANN, SVM, and Markov chain

- Aladár Kollár
- 106820: Отговорността при инциденти на работното място, свързани с употреба на изкуствен интелект – съвременни предизвикателства пред законодателя (The liability in case of incidents on the workplace, connected to the use of artificial intellect – contemporary challenges in front of the legislation)

- Andriyana Andreeva and Galina Yolova
- 106819: Tiempos de desplazamiento hogar-trabajo en Austria (Home-work commuting times in Austria)

- Natalia Oliete Peirona
- 106814: Забраната за дискриминация и трудовоправният институт на професионалната квалификация (The prohibition of discrimination and the labour-law institute of professional qualification)

- Ивайло Стайков
- 106811: Measuring subjective decision confidence

- Sara Arts, Qiyan Ong and Jianying Qiu
- 106809: A Note on Stabilizing Cooperation in the Centipede Game

- Steven Brams and Marc Kilgour
- 106805: Convergence et optimalité de la zone ECO: une analyse par un modèle de mélange (Convergence and optimality of the ECO zone: an analysis by a mixture model)

- Fo-Kossi Edem Togbenu, Vénunyé Claude Kondo Tokpovi and Benameur Sawssen
- 106802: Schumpeter's paradox reconsidered: The need for a theory of circular flow

- Takashi Seo
- 106801: Determinant of Return on Assets and Return on Equity and Its Industry Wise Effects: Evidence from KSE (Karachi Stock Exchange)

- Muhammad Mubin, Irfan Lal and Adnan Hussain
- 106800: Are profit rates of the islamic investment deposit accounts independent of the interest rates of conventional banks ?

- Syahirah Zain and Abul Masih
- 106796: Three Pillars of Pensions: Revised and Annotated

- Larry Willmore
- 106793: Is Gender Destiny? Gender Bias and Intergenerational Educational Mobility in India

- M. Shahe Emran, Hanchen Jiang and Forhad Shilpi
- 106791: Macroeconomic Order from Microeconomic Chaos

- Paata Leiashvily
- 106790: Discerning the relationship between bitcoin and islamic index

- Adam Azland and Abul Masih
- 106789: Does the islamic bank deposit have an effect on equity market ? Malaysian case

- Nadiah Abd Rahman and Abul Masih
- 106784: La conectividad portuaria de Galicia y del Norte de Portugal: características esenciales (The port connectivity of Galicia and the North of Portugal: main features)

- Fernando Gonzalez Laxe, José Francisco Armesto Pina and Patricio Sanchez-Fernandez
- 106783: Gender and entrepreneurship in India: a right based perspective & ground reality

- Chandan Roy and Susmita Chatterjee
- 106780: The Sectoral Innovation Database, 1994-2016. Methodological Notes

- Mario Pianta, Andrea Coveri and Jelena Reljic
- 106779: Towards Greening Finance: Integration of Environmental Factors in Risk Management & Impact of Climate Risks on Asset Portfolios

- Apostolos Apostolou and Michael Papaioannou
- 106778: Impact of islamic money market development on islamic bank liquidity management: a case study of Indonesia

- Janoearto Alamsyah and Abul Masih
- 106777: Granger-causality between palm oil, gold and stocks (islamic and conventional): Malaysian evidence based on ARDL approach

- Nurhuda Othman and Abul Masih
- 106776: The vulnerability of Islamic bank’s credit risk to oil price shocks: evidence from Malaysia based on ARDL approach

- Syarifah Rahman and Abul Masih
- 106775: Two-Person Fair Division of Indivisible Items when Envy-Freeness Is Impossible

- Steven Brams, D. Marc Kilgour and Christian Klamler
- 106774: Equilibrium with non-convex preferences: some examples

- Cuong Le Van and Ngoc-Sang Pham
- 106771: Does Uncertainty Affect Saving Decisions of Colombian Households? Evidence on Precautionary Saving

- Roberto Bande, Dolores Riveiro and Freddy Ruiz
- 106770: Foreign direct investment and quality upgrading in Indonesian manufacturing

- Hisamitsu Saito
- 106769: Impact of the Financial Support Program for High School Students in Japan

- Yoshimi Adachi and Tomoki Kitamura
- 106767: Independencia de México: hechos y pensamiento económico 1808-1821 (Independence of Mexico: Facts and Economic Thought 1808-1821)

- Jose Villalobos Lopez
- 106766: Should public broadcasting companies be continued, scrambled, disbanded or privatized?

- Kazuyoshi Ohki
- 106764: Economic impact of the 2016 Red Tide over the exporting sector of Chile's Tenth Region

- Ray Anderson Roselló and Ricardo Villarreal Zan
- 106760: Характеристика на правото на отпуск (Characteristics of the right to leave)

- Ивайло Стайков
- 106754: Agri-food trade and climate change

- Fabio Gaetano Santeramo, Dragan Miljkovic and Emilia Lamonaca
- 106752: The interaction of forward guidance in a two-country new Keynesian model

- Daisuke Ida and Hirokuni Iiboshi
- 106750: Work of invisible hand: the gravitation between sellers and buyers on the consumption-leisure production possibility frontier

- Sergey Malakhov
- 106749: Robustesse du modèle d’évaluation d’impact de la Covid-19 au Cameroun: une approche par la modélisation VAR (Robustness of economic impact assessment of Covid-19 in Cameroon: a Methodological VAR approach)

- Oscar Kuikeu
- 106735: Family Ties and the Pandemic: Some Evidence from Sars-CoV-2

- Luca Digialleonardo, Mauro Mare, Antonello Motroni and Francesco Porcelli
- 106730: Exploring the Impact of Trading Green Products on the Environment: Introducing the Green Openness Index

- Muhlis Can, Mehdi Ben Jebli and Jan Brusselaers
- 106729: Sukuk and bond spreads

- Faruk Balli, Hassan Ghassan and Essam H. Al-Jefri
- 106728: A study on productivity & empowerment of women intensive sericulture sector of West Bengal

- Chandan Roy and Sanchari Roy Mukherjee
- 106727: Энтропия технологического процесса (Technological process entropy)

- Олег Пигнастый and Виктор Заруба
- 106718: Every Normal-Form Game Has a Pareto-Optimal Nonmyopic Equilibrium

- Steven Brams and Mehmet S. Ismail
- 106717: По някои въпроси относно непубликуването на оповестявания за научноизследователската и развойна дейност като част от финансовите отчети на Български иновативни предприятия (On some issues regarding non-publication of research and development disclosures in the financial statements of Bulgarian innovative enterprises)

- Даниела Георгиева
- 106716: The Tale of two Crises in the Time of Covid-19

- Kumar Aniket and Rashedur Chowdhury
- 106714: Technical progress and involuntary unemployment under deflation with real balance effect and fiscal policy for full-employment

- Yasuhito Tanaka
- 106712: Why Existing Regulatory Frameworks Fail in the Short-term Rental Market: Exploring the Role of Regulatory Fractures

- Lindsay Tedds, Anna Cameron, Mukesh Khanal and Daria Crisan
- 106710: Rising Stocks during Lockdown Economic Recessions: Explaining the Phenomenon

- André Vasconcelos Costa
- 106705: Health Care Spending and Economic Growth: Armey-Rahn Curve in a Panel of European Economies

- Ivan Trofimov
- 106704: Is There a J-Curve Effect in the Services Trade in Canada? A Panel Data Analysis

- Ivan Trofimov
- 106703: Real Exchange Rate and the Dynamics of Services Trade Balance in the UK: A Linear and Non-linear ARDL Analysis

- Ivan Trofimov
- 106701: The J-curve Effect in Agricultural Commodity Trade: An Empirical Study of South East Asian Economies

- Ivan Trofimov
- 106699: Employment Agglomerations and Spatial Mismatch in the Metropolitan Area of Bogota

- Jose Linares Sanchez
- 106698: Efectos de las prestaciones por desempleo del Mecanismo de Protección al Cesante sobre la probabilidad de ocuparse en la formalidad y sobre la calidad de los emparejamientos (Effects of unemployment benefits from the Unemployment Protection Scheme on the likelihood of getting a formal employment and improving the matching quality)

- Jose Linares Sánchez
- 106697: Impacto de la migración sobre el empleo y la distribución salarial en Colombia (Impact of migration on employment and wage distribution in Colombia)

- Cristian Castillo Robayo, William Prieto-Bustos and Jacobo Campo-Robledo
- 106694: Repenser le modèle à correction d’erreurs dans l’analyse macroéconométrique: Une revue (Rethinking the Error Correction Model in Macroeconometric Analysis: A Review)

- Christian Pinshi
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