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10595: What impacts more on innovation: Organizational context or individual competences ? Downloads
Sébastien Brion, Caroline Mothe and Mareva Sabatier
10594: Testing Gibrat’s law: empirical evidence from panel unit root tests of turkish firms Downloads
Alper Aslan
10592: Convergence of per capita health care expenditures in OECD Countries Downloads
Alper Aslan
10585: Technology, investment and trade: empirical evidence for five Asia-Pacific countries Downloads
Gary Madden, Scott J Savage and Su Yin Thong
10583: Explaining the Joint Behavior of Employment, Unemployment and Nonparticipation Downloads
Weh-Sol Moon
Ravinder Rena
10581: State of Elementary Education in Public Schools of Gujarat: A Study of Schools Run by the Bharuch Municipality Downloads
Madhusudan Raj
Ravinder Rena
10578: Poverty in Mexico's Southern States Downloads
Quentin Wodon, Gladys Lopez-Acevedo and Corinne Siaens
10577: Development Targets and Efficiency in Improving Education and Health Outcomes in Mexico’s Southern States Downloads
Ruwan Jayasuriya and Quentin Wodon
10574: Migration and Poverty in Mexico’s Southern States Downloads
Quentin Wodon, Diego Angel-Urdinola, Gabriel Gonzalez-Konig, Diana Ojeda Revah and Corinne Siaens
Ravinder Rena
10572: Descentralización y Federalismo Fiscal en México (Decentralization and Fiscal Federalism in Mexico) Downloads
Luis Cabrera-Castellanos and René Lozano-Cortés
10570: Tintirea directa a inflatiei in Romania – provocari si perspective (Inflation targeting in Romania - challenges and perspectives) Downloads
Ionut Dumitru
10569: Stabilizing Inflation under Heterogeneity: a welfare-based measure on what to target Downloads
Daniel Sinigaglia
10568: Testing the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy in Malaysia Using Alternative Monetary Aggregation Downloads
Choi Meng Leong, Chin-Hong Puah, Shazali Abu Mansor and Evan Lau
10565: A new theorem for optimizing the advertising budget Downloads
Malcolm Wright
10559: Market Power in Interactive Environmental and Energy Markets: The case of Green Certificates Downloads
Eirik S. Amundsen and Gjermund Nese
10558: Provision of renewable energy using green certificates: market power and price limits Downloads
Eirik S. Amundsen and Gjermund Nese
10556: What makes you work while you are sick? Evidence from a survey of union members Downloads
Petri Böckerman and Erkki Laukkanen
Ravinder Rena
10546: Judgement aggregation functions and ultraproducts Downloads
Frederik S. Herzberg
10545: Inflation Target Transparency and the Macroeconomy Downloads
Martin Melecký, Diego Rodrıguez Palenzuela and Ulf Soderstrom
10542: Testing for spatial autocorrelation: the regressors that make the power disappear Downloads
Federico Martellosio
10541: Contractual flexibility or rigidity for public private partnerships? Theory and evidence from infrastructure concession contracts Downloads
Laure Athias and Stéphane Saussier
10539: The more the merrier? Number of bidders, information dispersion, renegotiation and winner’s curse in toll road concessions Downloads
Laure Athias and Antonio Nunez
10538: Political accountability, incentives, and Contractual design of public private partnerships Downloads
Laure Athias
10535: Decentralisation and Political Business Cycle: Fund Utilization of the MP-LADS in India Downloads
Rupayan Pal and Aparajita Das
10534: Structural changes in economics during the last fifty years Downloads
Sudhanshu Mishra
10533: Labor supply response in macroeconomic models: Assessing the empirical validity of the intertemporal labor supply response from a stochastic overlapping generations model with incomplete markets Downloads
Juan Contreras and Sven Sinclair
10532: On Meritocratic Inequality Indices Downloads
Martyna Kobus and Piotr Miloś
10530: Do we need time series econometrics Downloads
B. Rao, Rup Singh and Saten Kumar
10529: Ausgrenzung und Entfremdung statt Integration: Afrikas Neuer Nationalismus in Zeiten der Globalisierung (Exclusion and alienation instead of inclusion: Africa's new Nationalism in times of globalization) Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
10513: The Italian Art Market and the importance of communication strategies: from fairs to auction houses’ best practices Downloads
Angela Besana
10512: Allais-anonymity as an alternative to the discounted-sum criterion in the calculus of optimal growth I: Consensual optimality Downloads
Mohamed Mabrouk
10511: Ways of Thinking and Looking at the Mediterranean City Downloads
Giuseppe Pace
10510: International trade and economic development: Can foreign direct investment be predicted? Downloads
Bruce A. Seaman and Robert Moore
10508: International trade in Georgia: Review of state programs, policies, and recent trends Downloads
Robert Moore
10506: Splitting Up Value: A Critical Review of Residual Income Theories Downloads
Carlo Alberto Magni
10504: Les restaurants du coeur: pour qui et pourquoi ? (Food Aid for the Poor or Social Support? Case Study on a Belgian Social Restaurant) Downloads
Marie-Eve Mulquin, Corinne Siaens and Quentin Wodon
10503: Controlling-Konzeptionen revisited: Definition von Anforderungskriterien an Controlling-Konzeptionen und Thesen für die konzeptionelle Controlling-Forschung ("Controlling conceptions" in management accounting and control research in German speaking countries revisited: Definition of citeria for Controlling conceptions and theses on conceptional management accounting and control research) Downloads
Peter Winter
10500: STRATEGIES D'INSERTION ET DUREE D'ACCES AU PREMIER EMPLOI (Job search strategies and unemployment duration before the first job) Downloads
Mareva Sabatier
Sandra Cavaco, Jean-Yves Lesueur and Mareva Sabatier
10498: The Role of Active Labour Market Programmes in Employment Policy Downloads
John Hill and Brendan Halpin
10496: Modes de recherche d’emploi et durée de chômage des jeunes: applications microéconométriques au Panel Téléphonique du CEREQ (Job search methods and youth unemployed duration) Downloads
Mareva Sabatier
10495: Задачи развития и затраты (Development targets and costs) Downloads
Luc Christiaensen, Christopher Scott and Quentin Wodon
10494: Cibles du développement et coûts (Development targets and costs) Downloads
Luc Christiaensen, Christopher Scott and Quentin Wodon
10493: Metas y costos del desarrollo (Development Targets and Costs) Downloads
Luc Christiaensen, Christopher Scott and Quentin Wodon
10492: Измерение и анализ бедности (Poverty Measurement and Analysis) Downloads
Aline Coudouel, Jesko Hentschel and Quentin Wodon
10491: Medición y análisis de la pobreza (Poverty Measurement and Analysis) Downloads
Aline Coudouel, Jesko Hentschel and Quentin Wodon
10490: Mesure et analyse de la pauvreté (Poverty Measurement and Analysis) Downloads
Aline Coudouel, Jesko Hentschel and Quentin Wodon
10489: Неравенство и общественное благосостояние (Inequality and Social Welfare) Downloads
Quentin Wodon and Shlomo Yitzhaki
10488: Inégalité et bien-être social (Inequality and Social Welfare) Downloads
Quentin Wodon and Shlomo Yitzhaki
10487: Desigualdad y bienestar social (Inequality and Social Welfare) Downloads
Quentin Wodon and Shlomo Yitzhaki
10486: Is there a divergence between objective measures and subjective perceptions of poverty trends? Evidence from West and Central Africa Downloads
Quentin Wodon
10485: Measuring trends in access to modern infrastructure in Sub-Saharan Africa: Results from Demographic and Health Surveys Downloads
Sudeshna Banerjee, Amadou Diallo and Quentin Wodon
10484: Poverty among Cotton Producers: Evidence from West and Central Africa Downloads
Clarence Tsimpo and Quentin Wodon
10483: Combining census and household survey data for better targeting: The West and Central Africa Poverty Mapping Initiative Downloads
Harold Coulombe and Quentin Wodon
10482: Using Simple Cross-country Comparisons to Guide Measurement: Poverty in the CFA Franc Zone Downloads
Quentin Wodon
10479: Does better information about hospital quality affect patients’ choice? Empirical findings from Germany Downloads
Ansgar Wübker, Dirk Sauerland and Achim Wübker
10478: Pensions policy in the UK: An economic analysis Downloads
Andrew Dilnot, Richard Disney, Paul Johnson and Edward Whitehouse
10477: On Improving Social Science Education in Pakistan Downloads
Asad Zaman
10476: The personal pensions stampede Downloads
Richard Disney and Edward Whitehouse
10474: Croissance et Emploi en Afrique Subsaharienne:Evidence théorique et Faits Empiriques (Growth and Employment In Subsaharan Africa: Theoretical Evidence and Empirical Facts) Downloads
Thierry Yogo
10472: Capitalism and Economic Growth: A Game-Theoretic Perspective Downloads
Chee Kian Leong
10470: Hierarchical Bayes prediction for the 2008 US Presidential election Downloads
Pankaj Sinha and Ashok Bansal
Dracea Raluca, Mirela Cristea, Costel Ionascu and Meltem Irtes
10465: A macroeconomic structural model for the Portuguese economy Downloads
Ricardo Félix
10460: La protección arancelaria al comercio agrícola mundial diez años después de la firma del acuerdo sobre agricultura de la Ronda Uruguay (Agricultural Trade Barriers 10 years later Uruguay Round Trade Agreement Signature) Downloads
R. Mahia, Rafael de Arce and Gonzalo Escribano
10458: La metodología de rating “through the cycle”: aplicación para la estimación de ratings soberanos Downloads
Alejandro Pena and Analía Rodríguez
10457: Estimación Analítica de los efectos de la creación de un área de libre comercio agrícola entre la UE y Marruecos (Analytical estimation of EU - Morocco potential free agricultural trade area) Downloads
Rafael de Arce and Mahia Ramon
10456: Exclusion and Discrimination as Sources of Inter-Ethnic Inequality in Peru Downloads
Manuel Barron
10455: Un Modèle d’Equilibre pour la Determination des Effets Nationaux de la Creation d’une Zone de Libre Echange Agricole Euro-Mediterraneenne (An equilibrium model for Free Trade Area creation economic impacts estimation) Downloads
Rafael de Arce and Mahia Ramon
10453: Panel Cointegration and the Monetary Exchange Rate Model Downloads
Syed A. Basher and Joakim Westerlund
10448: Pensions in the Middle East and North Africa: time for change Downloads
David Robalino, Edward Whitehouse, Anca Mataoanu, Alberto Musalem, Elisabeth Sherwood and Oleksiy Sluchynsky
10445: What happens when the migration barriers for 10 new EU member states already fall in 2009? First estimates Downloads
Arno Tausch
10443: Credit Risks in Banking of the Countries in Transitional Phase and possible Ways of Their Reduction in Croatian Banking System Downloads
Stjepan Stjepanek and Branko Matić
10441: An Analysis of Employment and Growth in Java after the Economic Crisis 1997/1998: Examining the Role of Farm Activities in West Java Downloads
Fajar Bambang Hirawan
10438: The Effect of Childhood Economic Deprivation on Physical and Psychological health Status Downloads
Stavros Drakopoulos, E Lakioti and Ioannis Theodossiou
10436: Escolaridad y trabajo infantil: patrones y determinantes de la asignación del tiempo de niños y adolescentes en Lima Metropolitana (School and work: time allocation determinants among young cohorts in Lima Metropolitana) Downloads
Jose Rodriguez and Silvana Vargas
10433: How Does Democracy fare with Economic Welfare for a Trading Nation? Downloads
Dawood Mamoon
10432: India and Pakistan: Trading for Peace Downloads
Dawood Mamoon and Mansoob S. Murshed
10431: On the Conflict Mitigating Effects of Trade: The India-Pakistan Case Downloads
Dawood Mamoon and Murshed S. Mansoob
10429: The consequences of Not Loving thy neigbor as Thyself: Trade, democracy and military explainations behind India Pakistan rivalry Downloads
Mansoob Murshed and Dawood Mamoon
10428: Forecasting spot electricity prices: A comparison of parametric and semiparametric time series models Downloads
Rafał Weron and Adam Misiorek
10427: Gondolatok az aprópénzrõl (Discussion about token money) Downloads
Branko Matić
10426: A papirpenz konvertibilitasa es rendszere (Convertibility and system of paper money) Downloads
Branko Matić
10424: Heavy-tails and regime-switching in electricity prices Downloads
Rafał Weron
10423: Modelling catastrophe claims with left-truncated severity distributions (extended version) Downloads
Anna Chernobai, Krzysztof Burnecki, Svetlozar Rachev, Stefan Trueck and Rafał Weron
10422: Outflow Dynamics in Modeling Oligopoly Markets: The Case of the Mobile Telecommunications Market in Poland Downloads
Katarzyna Sznajd-Weron, Rafał Weron and Maja Wloszczowska
10421: A semiparametric factor model for electricity forward curve dynamics Downloads
Szymon Borak and Rafał Weron
10420: Status, endogenous reference standards, and the growth-inequality relation: A note Downloads
Frederic Tournemaine and Christopher Tsoukis
10415: Footloose Capital and Locational Advantage of a Hub Downloads
Toru Kikuchi
10412: Comparative Analysis of Transport and Communications Korea and Australia Downloads
Boon Lee and William Shepherd
10411: New Evidence on Gibrat’s Law for Cities Downloads
Rafael González-Val, Luis Lanaspa and Fernando Sanz
10410: The Influence of Affect on Beliefs, Preferences and Financial Decisions Downloads
Camelia Kuhnen and Brian Knutson
10407: Testing the CAPM: Evidences from Italian Equity Markets Downloads
Emanuele Canegrati
10405: On the care and feeding of a gift horse: The recurrent cost problem and optimal reduction of recurrent inputs Downloads
A. Over
10404: Doğrudan Yabancı Sermaye Yatırımları ve Türkiye (Foreign Direct Investments and Turkey) Downloads
Ferda Halicioglu
10399: Information system in function of development of the public finance Downloads
Branko Matić
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